heavenknowsffs · 11 months
Cannot understand photographers that stopped posting their own work to start putting in AI generated shit and then even think they did something incredible. You did nothing, you're making this worse for all of us
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manwithout-a · 7 years
RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same. (Tropes Wiki)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG.
Tagged by: @rosewit THE LOVE OF MY LYFE Tagging: @exvdova @highnis @volchista @viduamor @vredolent @bowstruck @archrs @vasilyevna @investigatings @astralord @cicatrite @anyone who wants to ! 
A character — good or evil, male or female, young or old — who never gives up. Ever. No matter what. There is no stopping the Determinator. They do not understand tact. They do not Know When to Fold 'Em, and it's a waste of time to tell them the odds. No one can reason with them. They'll do whatever they have to without question. No price is too great to pay for success, up to and including their own life. Do not expect them to realize they might be better off letting it go, even if they can barely stand. If you're ever kidnapped or lost with no hope of rescue, they'll be the one who will find you. Their adversaries will shout, in exasperated rage, "Why Won't You Die?!". For them, there is no line between "perseverance" and "insanity."
An Archetypal Character who is almost as common in modern fiction as the Ideal Hero, an antihero is a protagonist who has the opposite of most of the traditional attributes of a hero. They may be bewildered, ineffectual, deluded, or merely apathetic. More often an antihero is just an amoral misfit. While heroes are typically conventional, anti-heroes, depending on the circumstances, may be preconventional (in a "good" society), postconventional (if the government is "evil") or even unconventional. Not to be confused with the Villain or the Big Bad, who is the opponent of Heroes (and Anti-Heroes, for that matter).
In the land of fiction, training can literally give you superhuman powers! Intense exercise can let you split boulders, jump three stories straight up, "see" while wearing a blindfold, and make your skin bulletproof... somehow.A lot of characters have out-and-out superhuman abilities, and the explanation for such powers is just "They trained really hard for several years. Train, and you, too, can bash mountains open with your head." Western comic book superheroes, often stated to "lack superpowers", nevertheless are clearly able to hold their own and defeat villains with superhuman strength many times their own simply by knowing how to perform martial arts.
In the dead of night, an innocent's scream pierces through the darkness. The laughter of the wicked echoes through the streets, and with the click of a gun being cocked it seems that evil will take the life of yet another. But, all of a sudden, there is movement in the shadows. The alleys fill with smoke as the silhouette of a mysterious interloper rushes towards the would-be murderer. In a moment, the tides turn, as swift and severe punishment is meted out to the unjust. Suddenly finding their life saved, the grateful citizen looks to find their savior, only to find merely a passing shadow, gone just as quick as it appeared.Yet another tale of the night, a tale that leaves criminals looking over their shoulder in search of the shadowy phantom whose swift justice is as mysterious as it is indomitable. A hero who is always ahead of his quarry, and who never fails to arrive when help is needed, coming from the shadows, turning the monsters' own fears against them.
What distinguishes this trope from Church Militant and Badass Preacher is the emphasis. A Religious Bruiser may or may not kick ass, but if he does, it's his primary occupation. For the Badass Preacher, ass-kicking is secondary to his vocation (or if Church Militant is at play, ass-kicking is his vocation). This is also partially an audience or character reaction trope. With the Badass Preacher, characters will be surprised to learn that the man in the white collar can kick ass. With the Religious Bruiser, the characters will be surprised that the man who kicks ass wears the white collar from time to time.
Some lawyers are in it for the money. At best, they don't care who you are or what they are represent at court as long as the bill gets paid. At worst, they are amoral attorneys who will do anything to win, regardless of the broader impact and with no concern for what's "right."And then there is the other kind of lawyer: the Crusading Lawyer. This one is sympathetic to your problems and will help you, though they may need some prodding or screentime before taking your case. Whether suing a Mega Corp. because they poisoned the water supply or defending a client's innocence in a murder trial, that's the lawyer you want. Money will be a decidedly secondary worry for this type, and if you can't afford a crusader's services, there is always pro bono work* In some cases, a Crusading Lawyer becomes a prosecutor who takes on the most hopeless cases so that justice can be served and will never forget that they serve the people, the law, and the victim.
Ending a life is usually a permanent thing. There's no way to say "I'm sorry", or to make up for it later. And for some people, killing is a line they will not cross, no matter how much the death might serve the greater good (or, in some cases, the greater evil). "He needed killing" is not in these people's vocabulary. 
They hold their staff (or other Weapon of Choice) like they know what they're doing, but since they're completely without sight surely they aren't that dangerous, right? Wrong. The Blind Weaponmaster is one of the most deadly adversaries a character can face. In possession of supernatural senses born from blindness or just Badass Normal enough to compensate for their loss with other natural senses, the Blind Weaponmaster will surprise any overconfident character and make a hero push their skill to its limits. A Blind Weaponmastermay invoke Your Eyes Can Deceive You by fighting in a visibly challenging location such as fog or total darkness which would even out the drawback or even reverse it on their opponent instead.
This trope is what happens when you put Brains and Brawn as one character, brawn dominant. It's a possible benefit when you carry a heavy Doorstopper or two (or a whole shelf of them) while using it as weight-lifts and studying calculus at the same time.
A villain or Anti-Hero whose primary characteristic is the fear the other side has of them.To be the Dreaded, a character has to be far and away the most feared person in the story. These are people who make you quail not because of anything they are doing at that moment, but simply because you know who they are and what they're capable of... and sometimes the latter part is optional.
Sometimes, trying to Break the Cutie has consequences. Sometimes, the nicest person in the story gets pushed to the limit of what they can take... and the results are not pretty.The sweeter, gentler, more polite, more peaceful, and overall nicer a character is, the worse it will be for whomever is in the vicinity when they're subject to one round too many of Break the Cutie, or Dude, Where's My Respect?, a Rant-Inducing Slight, or hitting their Berserk Button or Rage Breaking Point. What was once a sweet and nice individual suddenly snapsand becomes something far worse than the Big Bad could have expected.Think it's called Unstoppable Rage for nothing?
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
Oftentimes I find that acting has many similarities to writing good characters, so I decided to create a characterization guide modeled after one used in my theater class. Fill this out with your character’s information. COPY, PASTE, AND REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
Original template found here:
( Cutting this post because it turned out SUPER long, so the whole thing is below the cut for those interested! )
Character name: Ego the Living Planet
Character age: Unknown even to Ego himself, but he’s been around for several millions of years. He typically takes on the physical appearance of a man in his early 30s or his 60s, depending on the timeline.
My character’s objective is: Ultimately, Ego’s goal is to find whatever meaning in his life that he’s constantly searching for. Everything that he finds never quite seems to live up with what he builds it up in his mind to be, so he’s always left with that empty feeling again and has to turn back to square one, back to finding his purpose again. At first, he believed it was to simply find life beyond his own, but when it turned out that life is imperfect and unpredictable, he grew disenchanted with the idea and created a new goal for himself: to interconnect all forms of life with himself. In his mind, only then could everything be truly as he wished it to be. His meaning, his objective, is to become one with the universe.
My character’s motivation is: Much as he hates to admit it, the thing that motivates Ego the most ( other than pure selfishness ) is how completely and utterly alone he feels in the universe. His first memories are of loneliness, floating in the vacuum of space without anyone to explain who he is or what he’s meant to do with the life that had been granted to him. He flaunts his power and thinks of himself as greater than those around him, and yet the idea of wielding that power all by himself intimidates him on some level. He’s always searching, always trying to convince himself that the companionship he’s denied himself for so long is nothing more than a distraction from his greater purpose. As long as he believes there’s a higher call in store for him, he doesn’t have to accept that loneliness.
My character’s obstacles are: Ego has come to view love as his greatest obstacle. His own growing feelings for the Earthen girl, Meredith Quill, as well as the familial connections he’s established by giving her a son, Peter, are emotional hindrances to him. As long as he continues to love her, he knows that he’ll never be able to go through with what he views as his greatest work; he’s given several chances to choose love over ruling alone, but in the end, he unfailingly chooses to serve his own selfish needs every time.
Their strategies are: First and foremost, emotional manipulation of the highest degree. Although Ego possesses incredible physical strength, he’s the sort that prefers to remain relatively neutral until someone strikes a nerve and makes him particularly angry. Rather than get his hands dirty, he knows how to dig deep to a person’s insecurities and use them against them. He makes a point of coming across as charming and friendly to build trust, and then when it suits him, abandons all pretense of kindness and acts in his own interest. 
The stakes are: For him, the biggest stake is losing his immortality and being “just like everybody else.” Throughout the years of his existence, he’s convinced himself that he’s special, above everyone else, and to lose that part of him would, in his mind, be the worst fate imaginable. Additionally, in order to achieve his goals, Ego was willing to sacrifice the only woman he ever truly loved, as well as her son; instead of seeing this as the selfish act that it truly was, he views it as the highest honor for both of them, a way for everything to come full-circle, in a way.
The outcome is: In the end, Ego dies for his own arrogance and self-centered choices. The plot he’d been trying to drive forward crumbled right before him, and just as he always feared, he became mortal, susceptible to harm just like everyone else.Not only this, but he loses whatever chance of being remembered by his son as a good or benevolent figure in his life that he ever might have had.
My character moves this way: Ego takes big, confident strides, walking heavily and taking up space. It’s not always an outright show of bravado so much as it is the fact that he’s lived alone all his life, with the exception of Mantis, and is generally more accustomed to using up as much room as he needs, rather than having to shrink for anyone else’s comfort.
My character’s voice sounds like: He speaks in a tenor-baritone range, with a tone that generally remains fairly even. His voice is naturally rough and a bit gravelly with age -- much smoother when he takes his younger form -- and carries with it the slightest southern twang, a leftover remnant from the time that he spent with Meredith Quill on Earth. The southern accent comes out more when he’s angry, as his voice naturally pitches itself slightly higher when he becomes indignant.
PERSONALITY: Mental and emotional characteristics: On the outside, he comes across as very friendly and quick-witted, if not the slightest bit introspective. Guarded, enigmatic, and often hesitant when it comes to approach the subject of emotions, Ego’s biggest shortcomings are that he simply doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. In his mind, those things are typical of mortals, but for Celestials, they’re only weaknesses, nothing worthy of being trifled with. Why bother with love, especially, when in millions of years, none of it will matter? In spite of all this, he has a magnetic, larger-than-life personality, and tends to dominate most conversations.
Spiritual Belief: As a Celestial, Ego considers himself all-knowing, and believes in achieving true balance with the rest of the universe that expands around him. The truth is, though, he doesn’t know quite as much as he thinks, and there is much out there that he’s yet to discover. But he doesn’t adhere to any particular religious belief, other than perhaps a vain worship of himself.
Deepest Secret: Perhaps his deepest, darkest secret is that he actually did, at some point, fall in love with the girl from Earth -- and in the end, he did something terrible to her. The girl who taught him all the songs on the radio and looked at him like he hung the moon, who continued to love him even long after he’d afflicted her with a terrible illness and left her behind to suffer alone. Throughout the years, he learned to live with the guilt and convinced himself that he did what was right, removed himself of an obstacle that stood in the way, but as a younger man, it did haunt him.
Social Status: Material belongings and social status mean little to him, as he lives alone on a planet of his own creation. Very few know of Ego’s existence, and those who have met him generally regard him as a complete and utter asshole. This has earned him a reputation as something of a “vengeful god” figure among those who do know of him.
Level of Education: N/A
Family Upbringing: N/A
Hobbies: Though he doesn’t allow himself much free time, he enjoys anything that stimulates or challenges the mind, such as reading or chess. Tending to the floral life that grows on his planet is a relaxing pastime, as well, though he sometimes tends to get distracted and ends up creating new things entirely while he’s taking care of the old ones. His mind is constantly turning, so anything creative, especially art mediums, he loves.
Manner of Dress: As much as he likes to consider himself a godlike entity, he dresses a bit more humbly than his title might suggest. He’s a fan of golds, greens, and browns, and tends to be seen in leathers tough enough to act as protective clothing. Usually, he wears a sweeping dark green cape slung over his shoulder.
Any Other Details: You’ll never get him to admit it, but he still jams out to the music Meredith showed him once, despite his insistence that those are frivolous human things.
Tags, if you would like: Thanks to @worldoftheskeptic for tagging me! I’d like to tag @patient02, @ofst4rs, @ofeterniiity and whomever else would like to do this!
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Theatre Class Character Analysis
Oftentimes I find that acting has many similarities to writing good characters, so I decided to create a characterization guide modeled after one used in my theater class. Fill this out with your character’s information. COPY, PASTE, AND REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
Original template found here.
TAGGING: most of the people I follow have been tagged already, I think...
Character name: Galacta Knight
Character age: 2000+ years before being sealed away
My character’s objective is: Exploring the universe and eventually finding a safe place to settle down and live in peace.
My character’s motivation is: Just wanting a chance to live a peaceful life after facing war, persecution, and imprisonment for thousands of years, and properly explore where he was not able to before.
My character’s obstacles are: His paranoia and other issues believing a place is safe; being scared of the unknown universe; his own rash behavior that can/has gotten him into trouble; certain people who don’t intend on leaving him be.
Their strategies are: Staying hidden until he learns more about the current ongoing of the era, and slowly working with people to learn about/study, adjust to, and meld in with current times/cultures.
The stakes are: Being ostracized or imprisoned again (a worst case scenario that is actually unlikely); never having a chance to properly live and suffering because of it; being taken advantage of and mislead due to lack of knowledge.
The outcome is: A lot of unnecessary misunderstandings but also meeting a slew of different characters that aren’t usually as dangerous as others he used to encounter, and learning about a lot of new things.
My character moves this way: He prefers flight above all else, and is known to move from place to place quickly (although recently has switched to spending more time studying different places).
My character’s voice sounds like: His voice claim is David Rossi from Criminal Minds (although I sorta imagine his voice being a bit deeper...).
Mental and emotional characteristics: He isn’t super stable mentally or emotionally (suffering mainly from PTSD), and can have bouts of panic and aggression (mostly panic nowadays); he also is not great at openly expressing most emotions, having grown used to keeping them to himself; that being said, his emotions still can get the better of him, leading him to push aside concerns in order to try and help someone if it plays at his heartstrings the right way.
Spiritual Belief: Not very spiritual or religious, although the concept of an afterlife is extremely important and sacred to him.
Deepest Secret: He has actually tried to murder a few people who were not deserving of his wrath (and succeeded in some cases) - to this day he harbors both guilt for his actions, and hatred towards those he attacked, because he feels they wrong him and others in one or another.
Social Status: He still claims he has the title of a Knight, but that status was retracted before he was sealed away - in reality, he holds no status higher than a common citizen.
Level of Education: Had basic schooling on Ripple Star, and went through intensive schooling/training to become a Knight afterwards.
Family Upbringing: Raised by his mom and dad on Ripple Star - it was peaceful for the most part.
Hobbies: flying, studying history, gardening, eating/sleeping, studying (but not practicing) magic, sparring, reading.
Manner of Dress: He wears his armor constantly, sometimes removing his mask if he feels it unnecessary, and removing his armor generally only to sleep in a safe environment. On rare occasions, he will adorn his cape, usually only when his wings cause problems for him.
Any Other Details: His lance and shield were specially designed to help him use magic, and he actually has a connection to them because of this; so he can always find them should they be lost/stolen/etc. He gets very upset if someone tries to take them though (so much so that they allowed him to have the weapons sealed away with him).
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