teastarfall · 6 months
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sometimes i forget TSON is canon LN media and isn’t just a thing we as a fandom collectively made up overnight 💀💀 anyway TSON am i right haha
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Just read through your masterlist and goodness gracious! the feels!! Awesome writing 👏🏻 Sooo how about an imagine, where RFA+V & Saeran come across MC somewhere without recognizing her? And maybe developing a lil crush on her? (Let's assume her avatar is a pony lol and she's can go out of the flat to live her life) Hope it's possible to do. Thank you so so much :)
This was so cute! We changed it up a little for Saeran, just because of the whole Mint Eye thing, but hope you like them!
General Scenario: The RFA party is planned much later than one week after MC joins. MC knows who the RFA are because of their profile pics, etc. But overthinks security reasons so doesn’t say anything.
You got a side job in a grocery store since you were tired of being cooped up in the apartment
Also, you thought you could use the extra bucks since RFA wasn’t paying
Only you didn’t realize it was the store near Zen’s house
He’s buying a pack of cigs and you’re his cashier
“Aww, you wouldn’t want to smoke too much and ruin that voice of yours,” you say casually
He chuckles at the comment thinking you’re just a concerned fan and goes on his way
But for some reason your words stick with him…no, maybe it was your voice? Your face?
He bumps into you several times at the store
He even finds himself trying to get you as a cashier
You notice too…but you’re kind of enjoying it
A  few weeks later, he buys a candy bar just because he was having a rough day
And he realized it was an excuse because he just wanted to see you
He kind of accidentally admits in the process that you’re one of the only people who can make him shy
Lowkey realizes his crush on you then
Then the party rolls around
He sees you he thinks you’re one of the guests until you reveal yourself
He gets a little more bold in his advances after that
You’re in the coffee club with him
You’re partnered up one week and you him to taste your coffee before the professor found the final batch
He really likes it but more than that you got really up in his face when you gave the mug to him
His heart does a little thing
He denies that he likes you at first when some of his friends ask why he keeps requesting to be partnered with you for group activities
He does come to terms with it after awhile
The admission makes him both bold and flustered
He tries to be more forward with you but he keeps messing up
He even texts you in the chatroom (but he doesn’t realize it’s you) and asks for advice
You’re blushing but you try your best to give him “advice” to woo you
You have to keep yourself from laughing because he always subtly messes it up oh no this is only making you like him more
Then all of a sudden, he stops coming to the club
Worried, you ask him subtly what happened with his crush
He says that he gave up because he didn’t think she was interested because he kept goofing up
You feel so horrible
When it gets to the party and he finally realizes who you are, saying that you like him is the first thing that flies out of your mouth
She had been stressed with all the new projects at work
So she visits a coffee shop in town
You happen to be the new barista there at the same time she visits daily
It’s not a very busy time, so you two always end up talking a little
After some time, she just kind of blurts out her struggles and insecurities
You set some time aside from your shift to listen and give your advice
You already know her job situation, but you try to give some vague advice about her passions and following her dreams
In that moment, she knows she really admires you
She finds she’s stopping by more frequently and staying longer
One day, the cafe is about to close early but there’s no customers but her
You invite her behind the counter and ask if she wants to learn some things
She realizes she’s never had this much fun in her life…nor met someone like you
She starts crying right then and there, both from being touched and realizing her own unhappiness in her situation
You almost revealed yourself in this moment, because you just felt so bad and knew everything going on behind the scenes and wanted to give her a hug
Still you manage to comfort her without saying too much
When the party comes, she sees you there and she’s in shock
Uncharacteristically, she nearly tackles you in a hug
She didn’t expect that the two most supportive people in her life were the same person
Work had been stressful again, so what does he do? 
He goes to the newest pet store in town to hand pick some new toys for Elizabeth the 3rd
It also happens to be the pet store you work at
When you saw him enter the store, there was no mistaking it was none other than Han Jumin
So, you ask politely if he needs help
Jumin is kind of stunned at first when he sees you…and he doesn’t know why
He ignores the feeling and continues shopping with some of your suggestions
You’re actually pick out the best things for Elizabeth…also, he enjoys even the small talk
After a few more weeks, he finds that this attraction doesn’t go away
He keeps on visiting, trying to figure out his own feelings
His time is limited because how many cat toys can he buy
Meanwhile, you’re dying to let him know who you are, especially when things with his father get a bit rough in the background
You drop subtle hints of who you might be
It works, and he puts the pieces together
He stops by one day, not to buy anything, but to ask if you two can talk when your shift is over
You think it’s just casual, but next thing you know he’s confessing his feelings and asking if he can personally escort you to the next RFA party
Of course, you say some confessions of your own and agree
He’s on another undercover mission which requires him to “work” at a restaurant as a server
You work there too, as it happens
You were so excited to see him there, so you just go up to him and start chatting him up
As it so happened, the background check he did on you was weeks ago…and with everything that happened at work, he sort of had forgotten what you looked like and where you worked
So, he just thinks you’re just a random co-worker who happens to be extra bold
But he finds you get his jokes, and even will play along when he does some stupid prank on the other serves
He realizes he’s forgetting this is a mission and he’s actually enjoying working with you
He catches himself glancing at you too often, staring too long, and wanting to be with you when work is over
When he realizes he might actually like you, he panics and finishes up his work as quickly as possible tsundere mode activated
One day, you’re told he quit, but you still talked to him in the chatroom so it was okay
But you couldn’t help but notice he was more mellow and seemed to beat himself up a lot
Turns out he was guilty, because being so open with you on the last mission could’ve put you in danger
The party drew closer and the security system gets hacked, etc.
When he runs over to protect you, he finally realizes who you are when he sees your face
This only makes the next few days at the apartment even worse
But of course, everything works out in the end, and you two even joke about it
“I can never forget a face like yours!”
“As I remember, Saeyoung, you did…”
“….It was one time.”
Just because he’s plotting the demise of the RFA doesn’t mean he doesn’t stop for some froyo
It was also your favorite ice cream place, so you visited often when things got stressful in the RFA
He recognized you immediately, but you still had never met him
He was really curious about how you acted on normal days, since he only ever knew by how much Seven seemed to hack more or less
He stayed in the back and watched as you did whatever you were doing
As time passed, he found your presence calming
He didn’t seem frazzled or worried or angry
Your presence became an addiction
He stopped by day and after day, getting a little disgruntled if you didn’t show
There were some points he even felt guilty for using someone like you for his plan
Then one day, he finds you plop yourself right in front of him
You had noticed he also seemed to visit every day, so you thought you two could get acquainted
For the first time in his life, he was stumbling over his words and what was this heat in his face?
He thought it was a one time thing, but you started doing it every day
You were actually talking to him, and he was finding out parts of you he couldn’t just see from a distance
He both loved it and hated it
The part of you he found so peacable was now tearing at his conscience, making him more aware of his deeds and his own brokenness
Finally, he just felt too guilty to face you again
So, he satisfied himself to just watching you from a distance once more from the CCTV
You were the secretary for one of his new clients
He arrives at the place for a photoshoot one day, but your boss is running late
He dismisses it politely and just waits
He seems familiar to you, but you’re unsure of he’s the same V from the RFA so you say nothing
He takes the time to talk to you a little
He’s surprised at some of the statements you make which are sometimes very deep or introspective
He’s actually glad when the client asks for a long term contract
He arrives to work earlier, and he even brings you a coffee
Whenever he talks to you, he can’t stop smiling for the next few hours
He knows exactly what’s happening when his heart flutters after you call his name one morning
He’s very hesitant in proceeding, because he’s still recovering from the last relationship
But then he recognizes your voice at the party, and you explain who you are
He smiles and believes it’s a sign from God or something
So he asks you on a date after the party 
Check out our other headcanons~ Masterlist
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saintkimora · 7 years
ok so i have lots of things to say so im just gonna put it all in one post. its how school has been going, how my relationship w caleb is going, my rpdr pre season rankings, my thoughts on bbcan5 even though i havent watched a single episode, and my progress in botw
so first its school. so i literally failed my orgo test yesterday. i gave up on the last 2 synthesis questions bc i just didnt know what to do so thats like 30 points off right there. i most likely got this other synthesis and a mechanism question wrong so honestly i prob got like a 50. he drops the lowest test grade so i just need to step it up after this but like...rip. i studied but i got all the reactions and reagents and stuff mixed up in my head bc theres so many different things yet theyre all super similar so i just couldnt keep the information straight. so rip to my gpa this semester i guess
today sociology was cancelled so i just had psych and anatomy. i fell asleep in psych and anatomy was boring 
so today i had a date w caleb and it was v nice. BUT he asked if we could bring leeann along again!!! like wtf its been not even a week since that disaster of a date and you already want to bring her again??? like he really just does not get it smh but i said yes bc i didnt want him to think i was being difficult. luckily she was busy so she couldnt come anyways
we had lots of fun in the park! he like undid my jeans and started playing w my dick while we were sitting on some concrete block and it felt like i was in one of those porn videos that take place in the woods or something. there was like no one else there obv
he did say one thing that really got me pissed though. and i didnt think too much of it at the time like i was kinda :/ but then when i got home and thought about it some more i got a little upset about it. he called me on the phone to talk as usual and i told him about it and he felt really bad about it. he didnt think much of it in the moment but after i told him it bothered me i could tell he felt really bad and honestly? good! i hope he did feel bad about it bc he was being a dick for absolutely no reason
also i found out the stuff with alex! and like its so weird bc caleb has previous interactions with like 4/6 of the other guys ive been with. so ya apparently they both worked at mpowerment together and caleb just didnt like him lol. so today alex sent me a friend request on fb and followed me on insta bc he found both bc hes friends with/follows caleb on both things. and caleb posted a pic of me on insta w a bf goal type quote but once again it was NOT a good picture of me!!! i looked sooooooo pale bc of the lighting and my facial expression idek 
so i saw alex liked the pic and THEN tonight during our phone call caleb told me that alex messaged him on fb asking if him and i were together and caleb was like yeah and alex didnt respond so caleb asked why he was asking and alex just replied with “...” like he really is cracked! idk if hes like offended or something but like idk why he would think he has any chance with me after ive literally ignored like at least 10 total texts/messages/etc from him! like smh every time i think hes finally given up he tries to come back into my life like it was a one night thing stay away! *naomi campbell/naomi smalls voice* check your asshole before you come and talk to me
so yeah. that all w that. caleb wants to take me to the movies on saturday for our next date. but also another issue im starting to have is that caleb is starting to talk a LOT about eating my ass and fucking which is getting on my nerves bc i told him that it will be a while before we get to fucking and he keeps bringing it up its like being w freddy all over again
anyways. heres my final rpdr s9 pre season rankings
KIMORA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aja > shea >>>>> valentina > eureka > peppermint > alexis > nina > jaymes > trinity > sasha = farrah > charlie
literally the only 3 i actually like and am interested in are the first 3. valentina i dont like that much but i feel like im gonna end up ironically liking her. the middle ones idc and sasha farrah and charlie get on my nerves. alexis was in my top 3 when the cast was first revealed but after seeing some other stuff on her idk i dont think i like her. aja moved up to second bc shes funny on twitter. kimora is my fave obv. shea i like but im kinda worried shes gonna get a boring edit
and now for bbcan5! the only bbcan season ive seen is 3 but i am officially team ika and gary! idk which one i like more but those are my top 2. sindy is 3rd karen is 4th and i guess cass is 5th. i didnt like her on s4 but from what ive seen this season i think i like her. idc about the rest. tbh i dont plan to watch a single episode i just want ika gary or sindy to win 
now for zelda botw. i just finished the vah medoh quest. so i have 2/4 divine beasts done and im going for the gerudo one next. im just hoping to finally find some cute armor in the gerudo town bc i am sick of only finding ugly clothes! for the map i think i just need 1 more tower to finish it. i also killed my first guardian today which was satisfying but not really bc i didnt even know what i was doing bc it all happened to fast lol. ive also been kinda reckless w my horses bc i wanna see what happens in one dies but they are resilient! my horse accidentally got hit w the blast from a bomb arrow when i was trying to hunt and it caught on fire and still survived! i dont wanna straight up kill it bc thats weird but i want one of these horses to die already! i feel like it would add some drama. so ya my main focus rn is just exploring while slowly doing the divine beast quests
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