#A lot of these people never played the game or read the lore pearls but when it turns out they have its even more sad
mewniemoon · 7 months
I can never trust people who generally hate Five Pebbles because nine times outa ten it's for some of the most ableist and hateful bullshit ever. It always starts with "he's evil because he killed Lttm" and devolves into "he's evil because he tried to kill himself", like dude just say you hate mentally ill people and leave.
Don't get me wrong, you can dislike him all you want! He's a complex and a divisive character and he's not for everyone, and If you don't like him for killing lttm or being an asshole thats completely fair. But the second you try and argue that he's evil you better choose your next words carefully. 🔪
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nyuuronfly · 7 months
On Rain World lore and it's implementation within the game.
This is kindof a random ramble I went on in a Discord chat and just feel like sharing elsewhere. (also note this is all primarily in reference to the original game, Survivor's story.)
I honestly think too many miss the forest for the trees a bit with RW, in terms of how important the lore is, if that makes sense. I talked with somebody about first-time experiences with the game and they said they'd watched a number of lore explanation videos on YT before starting, because of some reason along the lines of "I didn't trust the game to deliver its own story properly." To me this is almost saddening to hear because I really feel that misses the point of why the game has it's lore to begin with.
To me, while playing, any tidbits i learned about history or other information contributed to a feeling like the world I was navigating had a very real history that saturated it, yet one that I would be unable to grasp fully. It is an illusory feeling of realness, given how it is experienced. The game is mechanically not designed to incentivize collecting many information pearls, especially when in the original game you can literally just drop them off a cliff and lose them forever. You get the feeling often like you are bound to never be able to get everything, nor would you even probably want to put in the effort, so the illusion actually stays stronger because of that. Your mind wanders speculating about every little detail, whether intention truly existed behind it or not, because it feels like it did. You learned that it might have. Maintaining that illusion while playing I think is the primary reason they were included, not actually the experience of "knowing" the history. Rain World in general seems to have a thematic fixation on the simple idea that individuals have limited perspectives. Joar Jakobsson has said that one of the core ideas behind Rain World was to recreate the life of a "rat in Manhattan." That is to say, a creature that understands how to find food, hide, and live in a complex man-made structure, that cannot understand it's structuring purpose or why it was built. The very core issue of the iterators, is that the solution to the "great problem" intrinsically has to lie with knowledge that could only be obtained from "the other side." They are corporeal beings trying to know something that pertains to something outside corporeal reality. Yet pursuit of knowledge is very important to creatures like ourselves. Collecting any individual pearl is mostly an exercise in doing a lot just for little bits of knowledge. There is a lot of understanding of just how significant wanting to know more is, even something unimportant, when you are left in the dark the way you are in the game. Most information pearls you deliver are literally completely useless to know about, but they feel personally important, especially in how finding them relates to your connection to the iterators. My primary motivation to find pearls in my first play was to spend more time with Moon. On a very real emotional level, Moon felt like my only friend in the world while I played. On a mechanical level, she does literally nothing. But Rain World manages to operate on a very emotional, even instinctual level with how it's designed. I wanted to be in her company and have something to give her. Because I am alone, and lost. So something along those lines is why I felt saddened to hear the sentiment like Rain World somehow "fails" to deliver it's "story." The purpose of the game is not to find pearls and hear about some grand narrative. At it's core, Rain World is a game that's design was inspired by nature, and it's use of history within the world relates to us as a player the way history relates to us as people. It is relayed through people reading from records created by parties with their own perspectives, and connects us abstractly to a sensation that there is more out there than our own lives. That is a feeling you have as a player, and ultimately the true story that Rain World tells is the memories you have playing it. What you did, saw, and felt. The same as how our story is that of our own lives. That is the purpose of the game.
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flightlesskaz · 6 months
PLEASE, I want a 3L winner Grian that learns about the next series like a book you'd remember reading a few weeks ago. It's not fully clear but you remember how it left you feeling and the important parts.
I need SL Scar that remembers the previous seasons as he lived through them. Sure to be suprisesed just like the rest of the winners when the next season starts and he's just watching himself from a distance. Scar that is now tormented by loneliness, he thought he had no friends before but now... now there's nobody.
The winners meet in some distant place similar to how the ghost do, but they watch every next season for the next winner.
SL Scar overcome by something when he realizes that Grian, his Grian, never fully recovered from winning the first time. Suddenly he's acutely aware of how it's probably dictated Grian through the rest of the games. He's not an idiot, something is wrong with him now. His hands shake too hard at just the sight of a button for there to NOT be something wrong with him. This Grian didn't go on to keep playing, he sat and watched and welcomed every winner after himself. A part of Scar mourns this poor version of his friend, the one that didn't come back but watched a version of himself keep going. (Especially in DL, when they were once again tied together but that Grian only got the stress and a haunted echo of yearning from the winning Grian.) Softly and quietly, like he'd understand that finally having people could hurt if not handled right, he approaches this Scar and apologizes. They sit on the ground with a few feet between them as 3L Grian confesses that he'd always love Scar even if he struggled in the next seasons to be around Scar, that the instinct to care and comfort wouldn't go away but he watched himself distance himself and try to quiet it. 3L Grian always taking the time to check on Scar in each season, laugh at his jokes even when Scar thinks he's alone.
Scar just listens to this Grian babble as he readjust to having someone akin to living with him again. He could have sworn he was minutes, days, away from completely losing it and maybe he has. Could his imagination be playing tricks on him and giving him everything he's wanted? Then he stops that train of thought. This feels familiar, kind of like when they died during sessions and spectate as ghost. He chooses that moment to tune back into to catch Grian talking about how it took longer from him to get there, kinda like Martin. They both didn't die right after winning, doomed to wander until the change between them being players to something the group has just dubbed winners. Grian smiles sadly as he briefly mentions that his and Pearl's were quick and painless thanks to death. Finally Scar can move easier and he buries himself into Grians chest. The flowers embroidered on his shawl remind Scar that he gifted it to Grian after staying up all night to suprise his dear partner in 3L. After being alone season after season, even when he had the clockers, he remembers why it was so hard to make that connection. It was cause the first will always be the strongest. Grian whispers soft anecdotes to make him chuckle as they just bask in each other. Grian apologizes in advance if he treats Scar like 3L cause he never properly experienced the seasons after. Pearl is apparently always a bit weary of Scott. Martin talks about it being a death game and needing no one but he's never too far from Scott and is a little too protective of him. Scar laughs a little and shakes his head before taking any courage (and a little desperation) and tells Grian about his 'backwards' day. That he jumped on the chance without thinking and forgot himself as he screamed, "yes, always, forever." Only to realize what he'd condemned himself to. He locked eyes with his Eurydice and could only swallow his heart in his throat as he ran.
... I could keep going but...
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toxictoxicities · 11 months
thank you for answering me. It was really cool seeing your response. Also I love the comment about Suns not crying to Pebbs. It's funny. Though I know I'm more of a sunstone shipper-- but again, I got to be the weirdest little fandom person ever and think about how tiny Pebbs is portrayed in the fandom, looming over, or straddling Suns and how they're portrayed in the fandom. I can't just be normal. Also I am still new to fandom, and haven't played the game, so I am still learning lore and stuff. I remember it saying that Pebbles in the beginning was difficult to respect authority, so I liked that angle; because he didn't bow to authority, because he questioned, and challenged Suns, suns felt like he wasn't just some means of worship. but ANYWAY, I KNOW YOU LOVE SIGNAL LIGHTS, AND I DO LOVE How Sig and Suns can be with each other! They are very much on Stable Even Ground. And hearing Suns say they learned from the best (aka Sig). That's so cute! Little gay robots making little cats together. Especially disabled cats (looks at spearmaster and hunter). Anyway, it's so amazing that you replied to my little comment. And again I just--- Suns. Suns is good, and they deserve to be given love and taken care of sometimes. And especially the baking bread. Even if they can't eat it. The idea of Suns baking bread is the cutest thing ever and Suns-- if they had more human hobbies, would absolutely bake.
I'm too lazy to draw a reply so- I might as well also warn with spoilers bc I've played all campaigns, read broadcasts and pearls- the lot- I'm a fucken nerd XDD you can ask @revolvius and he'll tell you I'm god with the Rainworld geoguesser (too bad it's down rn tho :(
Yeah throughout Spearmasters campaign we get a shit ton of broadcasts between Sigs and Suns, Suns coming over to Sigs searching for support and all that jazz. Being defiant and such is mentioned to be a common trait for new iterators, it being referred to as a phase. Pebbles just happens to be quite more driven to be independent not wanting to be told what to do.
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This trait is why Pebbles works with Suns in the first place because Suns - in sliverist groups- is the one asking the big questions no one wants to talk about such as "is it truly wrong to break the self destruction taboo" which probably was appealing to Pebbles to follow behind the footsteps of an older iterator who had similar ideals and researching into something Pebbles would want to sink his teeth into to be independent from what every other sliverist was thinking. Hell even his local group dissed on him because once again- sliverist despite wanting to follow SOS still held the taboo higher than actually trying to figure out SOS solution
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(EP being Pebbles, Erratic Pulse)
Anyways yeah with this in mind I reckon Pebbles would heavily look up to Suns, worship not being the word I'd use but certainly I don't think Pebbles would go against Suns- he only does when confronted about his mistakes which he admits later on he only did it out of shame.
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Sooo I won't lie there is some sort of tone with Suns being held so highly- despite there not being much evidence I would love to see Suns city and see if it is bigger than other iterators ect
can only infer Suns status with what's around him.
I mean there's also this- Pebbles always coming to Suns for guidance but never vise versa. It shows that Suns had a higher status or rep to Pebbles- portrayed as wise when they are only intelligent.
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Also in Emergence, they can in fact eat bread ^^ , upgrades people upgrades
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stingrayloveblog · 3 months
More side order criticism and complaining that you are under no obligation to read
I get that side order was a roguelike which apparently tend to be short? Idk ive never played one before but anyway that still doesnt justify the initial hype, the blatant change in aesthetics and plot (remember the first trailer? And the second trailer i think with the lobby doors looking VERY different and matching what we saw in the concept art trailer) almost last second fnaf security breach style, and the amount of stupid shit that happened throughout most of splatoon 3s lifespan since SUPPOSEDLY the games only gonna be getting updates for like, what, 2 more seasons? And its like wow we waited all this time and went through so much shit for a story thats hardly even a story. Once you unlock everything its just. Prlz grinding for gear to get.
It was fun! It was enjoyable! But it sucked and it wasnt worth all of that. Unfortunately i care a lot about splatoons lore and they didnt really go anywhere with what little lore they did have. They also contradicted themselves multiple times for a net zero lore gain anyway. This is about the whole memories """subplot""", if you can even call it that. It really was just "pearl and marina and also this other random irrelevant character talk to each other while you stand there and stare at them from the background" simulator and its like. Thats it? Thats the story? Thats what i waited through all the bullshit for? And then they make you think that there is more, actually, because they keep leading up to something, and then nothing happens. Like okay what was that for.
The gameplay was quick and easy because thats just my skill level. I didnt find it difficult. If youre good at salmon run then chances are youre good at side order. Theres nothing else to be done about that. Im not gonna play bad on purpose for a chance at a challenge. That isnt fun. I just wish the game was rewarding and to me the lore is the reward but... when you think about it literally at all nothing that marina did all this for shows any proof of having worked. She still has to hack her own vr world to do anything with it. Order, now smollusk, is still very much in control. They dont show you anything memory-related actually changing or being affected. They just say it happened and act like thats all there should be to it. And if they were gonna focus on memories, why did they make this whole thing about how bystanders can accidentally be sucked in and then do literally nothing with that? Why not show an actual change in the actual inkopolis square? Why murch of all characters to get a pallet. Why not involve iso padre, whos in inkopolis square now (im very happy about that), who had also lost his memories and was an established character that we could actually interact with in the previous game? It just doesnt add up. Like sorry that i expected good storytelling, its just this is the same people who made octo expansion and they keep trying to one-up octo expansion and they keep falling flat on their face because they keep thinking the gameplay is what made octo expansion so good when it was also the plot and the lore and the worldbuilding that added so much to it so i thought "this time for sure" especially with everything they showed us in the first trailer.
Again, i know it was all concept art, but surely it wouldnt be fair to show off so much only for the final product to be almost nothing like it? Surely if they werent set on the story then they wouldve waited longer to be realeasing trailers and announcing dlc in the first place? Surely it makes sense to expect what was shown. I dont get why theres some people who think everyone had too high expectations. Like its literally just a matter of if you think about any of it literally at all and actually care about it any way more than barebones surface level stuff literally at all then its natural to expect more.
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my-ace-life · 7 months
Interests Intro
I know I’m making a big assumption that anyone cares about what content I’m consuming, but when I hyperfixate on something, oh boy will I never shut up about it. So, to spare my friends and family from my extensive rants, I will be posting here about it. Feel free to not read any of this and get to the juicy stories on other parts of this blog, but to get a comprehensive view of my life as an asexual person, read ahead to see what content catches my interest!
Disclaimer: there will be a lot of discussions of old emo and pop punk bands in this section, and no I will not apologize for it.
That being said, here is a list, current to Nov 2023, of a bunch of stuff that I'm into:
Music - format: Artist {favorite album and/or “song”}
Fall Out Boy {Folie à Deux - “(Coffee’s For Closers)” and American Beauty/American Psycho - “The Kids Aren’t Alright” and Save Rock & Roll - “Miss Missing You”}
Sleep Token {Take Me Back To Eden - “Euclid” and “Chokehold”} Who gave them permission to include the lyric “So if your wings won’t find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone” in “Euclid” ??? Gives me goosebumps every time I listen
The Vaccines {“I Always Knew”}
Troye Sivan {There pretty much isn’t a song of his I don’t like, so I will just say that my favorite from his new album is “Still Got It” and I will always listen to “10/10” from In A Dream}
Wasia Project {“Remember When”}
I listen to a smattering of Kpop and Jpop bands: Official Hige Dandism, Gen Hoshino, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, BTS, and Red Velvet
Hell’s Kitchen (Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I love watching Gordon Ramsey yell at people at the end of a long day)
Heartstopper (because I am basic)
New Girl (a classic)
Red, White, & Royal Blue (also because I am basic)
Young Royals (because sometimes you need to witness a love story that will shake you to your very core)
DreamWorks’ Voltron: Legendary Defenders & She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (they are a set and no I will not be taking criticism on that)
Video Games
Five Nights at Freddy’s (I know way too much about the lore of this series. It's borderline a problem.)
Oxenfree (I haven’t played the second one yet but the first one has a very special place in my heart)
Pokémon (I’m a Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl stan but I understand that is probably an unpopular opinion. I just really love Luxray, okay?)
Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse: The original Shadow & Bone trilogy and the Six of Crows duology. The magic system is really unique and I love how Bardugo writes her characters.
Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
The Simon Snow Trilogy by Rainbow Rowell
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. This book (and the sequel) always destroys me emotionally, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Rook by Daniel O’Malley: The only adult science fiction book series I enjoy reading
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: It’s like Pacific Rim combined with Chinese folk stories. It’s so cool.
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epicspheal · 2 years
hello! I'm coming from twitter after reading your thoughts after deactivating both of your accounts, and I've thought to say that I've deeply enjoyed your thoughts and inputs regarding Pokémon and your OC lore although I've never personally reached you besides some rts and such. Your health comes first, so I wish you real good on your path to healing, it was nice to have you in the fandom! :)
Hi Anon, Thank you I appreciate your kind words! Like I said in the tweet I haven't quite decided how I want to handle everything (like completely deactivating this blog or just leaving it up but defunct). I'm just really overwhelmed with this Tumblr. I am immensely honored and flattered by all the people who have liked/reblogged/asked questions. It warms my heart to know people find me approachable enough to want to have these discussions and that people like my OCs (especially since I grew up in a time where everyone was witch-hunting OCs ready to call them Mary sues at the drop of a hat I was really anxious about talking about them). But at the end of the day, I am an introvert and at times it's a struggle to keep up with the asks and DMs I get and try to post my own original posts (be it thoughts on the franchise, or just OC posts or fanfic). I love this blog but it's become way too hard to keep up with it and I don't want people thinking I'm ignoring their asks or DMs when I'm really just too drained to even talk. It's the same with my twitter, I enjoy talking to people but I'm also just rapidly getting drained with the constant engagement.
And if I'm being frank, I'm just really burnt out on Pokemon. I came into Pokemon as a kid through the anime but I have long since stopped watching the anime religiously. And the manga well to be honest has never really grabbed my attention outside of the SwSh arc (I've never finished a single manga arc because I was get bored/annoyed with the plot). So all I had left was the games.
Pokemon SwSh reignited my love for the franchise in a way I hadn't felt since gen 5. But as I've come to realize recently, it was an outlier when it comes to Switch titles. I haven't finished Shining Pearl or Let's Go Pikachu and I quite frankly have no desire to finish them. Even Legends Arceus which I was super hyped for I am struggling to play and not because I find it difficult, but because the playstyle just doesn't appeal to me. As a Pokemon fan since 1999 I am of course happy to see the franchise innovate and take risks like it is with Legends. It needs to be done. And I am happy so many people are enjoying it. But I also realize that this direction is not what I truly desire from the franchise and that's fine. Everything isn't for everybody. So with all of this plus the fact that IRL my mental health has taken a huge nosedive I just need to step away. Again I'm still debating between completely wiping everything or just leaving somethings up but keeping a low profile from now on. I want to thank everyone again for reading and interacting with my blog. It means a lot to know how this little thing I made at the spur of the moment grew and I've met a lot of wonderful people through it. I have some asks I need to finish answering and after I'll figure out how I want to handle things.
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eternal-fractal · 5 years
So I just had a thought.
So, Dusknoir, right?
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This guy. I was re-reading their Pokedex entries again, and it gave me a thought.
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They all talk about some kind of “spirit world” or “worlds unknown” which isn’t too outstandish for Pokedex entries, but I think I may be onto something here.
How would people know it’s the spirit world? What’s sending them signals? Their purpose? And they don’t 100% know for sure, because it’s been said it sends them to “home” or “worlds unknown” and that the spirit world isn’t much of a concept, or talked about in the series, 
My guess, is that they’re just talking about a ghost type killing people for souls, which is normal.
But in the most recent dex entry from sword, along with the diamond pearl one there, it heavily establishes that it:
That Dusknoir receives transmissions/commands via it’s antenna, which it then follows.
That it’s completely unknown who, or what Dusknoir carries orders out for.
And finally, that no one knows why it does this, follows these commands, it’s purpose, or if it even has a will of it’s own.
But wait, WHERE, and WHO do we see Dusknoir carrying out orders for?
For this question, we have to leave the main series and go to a spin-off.
That’s right, I’m talking about pokemon mystery dungeon, more specifically the explorers instalment. 
If you never played, please stop reading now, and play the game, emulator if you need, or just a no commentary let’s play if you don’t want to play the games.
Back on topic, who I believe that the unknown being from an unknown realm Dusknoir obeys, and carries out the wishes of, is Dialga/Primal Dialga.
I’ll refresh you on Primal Dialga.
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This is Primal Dialga. They’re basically a feral, mindless, and crazed version of Dialga who went insane because time stopped, and can’t be fixed. They serve as the antagonist of the game, who, (suprise suprise!) sends a Dusknoir agent who’s goal is to capture you, bring you into the future, and then, with no exaggeration in the slightest, execute you.
The reason Primal Dialga wants you dead, is because you pose a threat to Primal Dialga, as you plan to change the past in order to stop the end of time. It’s been said several times in dialogue that Primal Dialga is “incapable of logical reasoning or showing mercy, only seeking self-preservation and preventing time from flowing properly.”
But why did Dusknoir side with Primal Dialga, and become their henchman?
It’s never actually said, which brings me to my hypothesis.
I believe that Dusknoirs were created/are controlled by Normal Dialga as a way to hunt down people/pokemon that posed a threat to the flow of time, cause paradoxes, and plan to disrupt time, even because of butterfly effects.
I could just end there, but I have two big reasons to support this.
1.) Dusknoir was introduced in gen 4, the generation featuring Dialga, and the pokemon mystery dungeon Explorers instalment.
This speaks for itself mostly, but it’s still worth mentioning, it’s very first Pokedex entry, in diamond/pearl, is quote on quote: “The antenna on its head captures radio waves from the world of spirits that command it to take people there.“
To add onto this, to show what the writers might have been thinking when making this, pokemon diamond/pearl and PMD time/darkness was released only a year apart.
2.) You can only evolve a dusknoir with a reaper cloth via trading, and dusknoir aren’t found in the wild.
I really don’t know what to say about this, but I’d say that if Dusknoir can only be obtained with a very specific, and mysterious item, thats only described as cloth with horrifyingly strong spiritual energy because there is literally no lore behind it, AND that it has to be TRADED WITH THE ITEM to evolve, AND that somehow, Dusknoir have been found in the wild, known in the wild, and the Pokedex has been saying what they’ve been recorded doing in the wild, that the only known way to evolve Dusknoir is so, artificial, and odd that it’s a bit puzzling how they evolve in the wild, and that they can’t be found on purpose. And what about the Dusknoir’s you evolved/own? Are they also temporal agents with no mind of their own who serve Dialga? Of course not. Why would Dialga care if a lot of trainers have evolved Dusclops into Dusknoirs for themselves? It’s like if you used a lifehack you thought of, someone saw, and everyone started using that lifehack. Not exactly like it’s gonna impact you using it. And even if your Dusknoir is mindless, (which it isn’t they’re shown to be like any other pokemon,) it’s not like a mindless pokemon is unheard of in the series. I mean, Parasect is literally a zombie fungus controlling a dead crab. 
And while I don’t have any concrete evidence since Dusknoirs past in PMD 2 isn’t talked about, I’d say that Dialgas Dusknoirs WERE all mindless agents, but when time collapsed, so did Dalgas control over them. Most Dusknoir were likely frozen in time, and most of the survivors in hiding, leaving one Dusknoir, who just wants to live, and not disappear, to serve as primal Dialgas loyal servant. 
My point with that is that it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that Dialga had looked at pokemon to use as temporal stabilization agents, that Duskull/Dusclops had great potential, but even that:
Dialga has most likely invented as perfect henchmen based on Dusclops that can: 
Always recieve it’s orders, in any period of time due to it’s antenna,
Who have the ability to transport to the temporal tower, via dimensional holes, which Dusknoir travels through in mystery dungeon,
Are unable to disobey orders, and not have a mind of their own if created by Dialga, heavily backed up by Dusclops dex entry of how “Its body is entirely hollow”
And that Dusknoir are able to store multiple souls, and take them to “the spirit world” which I think basically means “wait, we fucked up, you’re the soul of the chosen one you weren’t meant to be a random Corphish” Or that they might also use their souls to create a new ghost pokemon, (happens a lot, Phantump, Yamask, Spiritomb, etc)
It’s earliest evolution is able to “pass through any wall no matter how thick it may be.“
Able to “make itself invisible, and silently sneak up to prey.”
And that Some of Dusknoirs abilities seem to be more useful upgrades of Dusclops abilities, such as:
Dusclops can “absorb anything, however large the object may be.”
Dusclops is able to hypnotise others, who are “made to do Dusclop’s bidding.”
AND FINALLY, that Dusknoir is incredibly strong, and would easily be able to take care of any potential threat to time way before it happens, whether it be people or pokemon.
All in all, I strongly believe that Dusknoir was created as Dialgas perfect agents, who ensure time, and the future of the world will go smoothly, whether it be causing/preventing butterfly effects, moving misplaced souls, taking care of unstoppable, world ending villains before they do anything, etc.
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titusmoody · 3 years
2021 Q2 stuff
Return of the Obra Dinn -- Very different. A great experience to play, it doesn’t use any typical “gamer” skills or knowledge. It also hit on a lot of my personally prefered sensibilities (stories self-contained to ships, non-linear storytelling, mysteries, and meticulous attention to detail)
Kentucky Route Zero -- Even more different. I’m glad I played it for the atmosphere, though it didn’t click with me the way Obra Dinn did. Extremely atmospheric and cool, but also has a strong academic curiosity to it.
DOOM (2016)-- Okay, we’re back to regular video games. Everything about this one seems very carefully crafted. I had a good, mindless time with this one.
Spider-Man -- Not as well-crafted as DOOM, but also less juvenile. I also had a good, mindless time with this one.
Metroid: Samus Returns -- Feels like Metroid. The moment-to-moment combat is different than Super Metriod and Fusion, which is a nice way to keep things from getting stale.
Shadow and Bone -- Sometimes tropes exist because they make for good stories. This show was a good example of that.
Pani Poni Dash -- WTF Japan, in a good way
Princess Tutu -- Much like I felt about Cowboy Bebop, this show was very well-made and I had an easy time appreciating what it was doing, though in the end it’s not the kind of thing that’s really for me
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid -- Pleasant to watch, mostly lighthearted but could definitely have emotional moments here and there to keep you interested.
Kakegurui -- Shows like this are the reason anime fans are so self-depricating. It was thoroughly trashy, but I’d be lying if I said that the trashiness didn’t lead to a lot of fun.
Love, Chunibyo, and other Delusions -- An excellent comfort-watch. About a high-schooler trying to run away from his cringe-y middle school phase. I definitely have criticisms of it, but I’m also definitely going to watch it again.
Devilman Crybaby -- I swear, Masaaki Uasa takes the most overdone premises and portrays them in such bonkers ways that they become pretty cool. This isn’t one of the best examples of that, but it still works.
Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket -- Part of Gundam’s brand is that it shows the effect of wars on individuals. This is a great small-scale example of that. 
She-Ra -- It’s good. The plot kinda meanders and the backstory lore is presented confusingly/unclearly at times. But the central characters are good enough to carry at least a few seasons, and the secondary characters really elevate the whole thing. I was personally very fond of Scorpia as well as the way the writers used Entrapta both in the plot and as a character foil.
Chernobyl -- Second time watching this, it’s definitely a favorite. 
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again -- You already know what this is like and whether or not you enjoy the sort of thing it is. 
Moulin Rouge -- It’s hard to watch Mamma Mia without thinking of this one, so I watched it soon after.
Minari -- My personal reward for being fully vaccinated was to go to the movies by myself. This was a good movie, though overshadowed by the circumstances in which I saw it. I would’ve been very happy to be seeing anything.
My Fair Lady -- An iconic pop-culture touchstone. Not my favorite musical, for sure.
Interstellar -- This movie is in the odd position of currently being my favorite Christopher Nolan movie despite the fact that I don’t like it nearly as much as I liked either The Dark Knight or Memento when I saw those for the first time.
The Perfect Storm -- George Clooney, big wave.
Legally Blonde -- I didn’t hear the term “sitcom” until oddly late in life, and when I heard it, I assumed it meant movies like this where there aren’t a ton of jokes, but the characters are constantly in inherently funny situations. I don’t like this type of humor that much.
Jurassic Park -- A big “moral” of the movie was “don’t trust computers to do anything important” but today it’s hard not to get the message as “never underpay your system administrator” instead.
Apollo 13 -- Pretty good
ET -- I really didn’t like this movie and I don’t quite know what it doesn’t do that Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones do. Imminent danger seem to be part of it, but I don’t think that’s the whole picture.
The Day After Tomorrow -- *shrug* I had fun watching it
Pearl Harbor -- expected it to be bad, it was bad. It was definitely bad in interesting ways, and was almost good a lot of the time.
Die Hard -- I was looking for suspenseful movies with clear character motivation and this fit the description. It was good, though I didn’t like it quite as much as I hoped to.
Star Trek V -- Star Trek is often silly and I just can’t get on board with some of the silliness, like the last part of this movie.
Terminator 2 -- Yeah, I do like suspense. I don’t think I’ll look back on this as a favorite, but I was pretty into it. Moreso than Die Hard.
Cast Away -- Pretty good
Predator -- Somewhere between Die Hard and Terminator 2. I was a bit bored by the end, which ironically was the part that most closely resembled what I was looking for.
Braveheart -- I think romanticising medieval Europe is fun and cool. Unfortunately this movie has some creepy sexual hang-ups as well as rampant “no step on snek” energy that ruin the whole thing.
Redline -- Just a cool looking movie
State of Play -- I forgot the whole plot of this already, but I enjoyed it
Troy -- It’s not as bad as its reputation suggests, though the end does get really over-the-top cheesy
Demon Slayer -- I liked going to the movies by myself so much the first time that I did it again. This time it was in a much more full theater and I was one of very few people over 17. Fun action anime movie, though.
Gladiator -- I’m so disappointed that I didn’t connect to this movie, since over and over I felt like I was very close to loving it. I think the revenge motivation was what ultimately prevented me from really getting into it.
K-19: The Widowmaker -- Hell yeah, extremely tense submarine scenes, that’s exactly what I wanted.
The Manchurian Candidate (2004) -- The movie felt like it wanted its premise to feel plausible, but it really didn’t. Still pretty good, though
The Big Lebowski -- Still not a big fan of this one. 
The Naked Gun -- This confirms that my sense of humor has not gotten more refined since age 17 or so. I still thought this was pretty funny.
Dances With Wolves -- Mostly just boring. 
Angels and Demons -- Even at age 15 the book’s riddles and clues premise felt a bit too contrived. The movie has the additional disadvantage that verbal explanations are the most boring way to resolve questions, unlike books where words are all you have.
Chinatown -- Meh, a fine detective story but nothing really clicked with me. The director’s life is wild, though. He escaped the holocaust, had his pregnant wife murdered by the Manson family, and is currently a fugitive from justice for raping a 13 year old.
The Core -- Like The Perfect Storm, appealing in the “so bad it’s good” way.
Porco Rosso -- Think the type of character study of Kiki’s Delivery Service, but about a middle-aged man, so it doesn’t resonate with Miyazaki’s audience enough for many people to talk about it.
Uncut Gems -- My second time watching it, it’s definitely a favorite. Between this and A Serious Man, I seem to love extremely stressful movies about mediocre jewish men.
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) -- Interesting to compare/contrast with the other version. I like both
Galaxy Quest -- another movie that fits my personal definition of what “sitcom” should mean. Again, not my favorite type of humor
Fantastic Planet -- Looks like something between the animated sketches in Monty Python and Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Very weird, it personally really worked for me.
Scarface -- I think romanticising organized crime is fun and cool. 
In the Heights -- colorful, catchy, happy and fun. 
The House in the Cerulean Sea -- a good comfort-read. very simplistic and a little clunky and amateur-ish, but ultimately pretty cute.
There There -- not a comfort-read at all. A super raw look at the modern life of a variety of Native American situations. Very harsh but also interesting.
Six of Crows -- Fine YA fantasy fluff.
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clownkiwi · 4 years
hehe, so since im in a video game mood rn and thinking a lot about old video games/video games i love, if you were to ask me “hey ruby!!! what games/sequels/trilogies would you like to see remade???” well, here’s which ones i think should get remade: (this’ll be a pretty long post, so you can just click the link down below if ya want to read the whole thing)
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out of any old final fantasy game that should get a remake like the final fantasy 7 remake, if i had to choose one, it would have to be final fantasy 6. that’s just one of my favorite final fantasy games (right up there with final fantasy 7, that is), and like. final fantasy 6 is kind of the perfect bridging gateway game between the fantasy/medieval/middle earth early final fantasy games (from 1-5) to the futuristic/modern/grounded to earth final fantasy games (7, 8, 10, 13 & 15), so like. realistically??? final fantasy 6 is probably one of the only few games i think should get a final fantasy 7 remake-esque remake, and it is one that i think can work in that realistic style compared to something like. final fantasy 9 or final fantasy 4, ngl
super mario rpg, obviously, id love to see that game get a remake. maybe with like, a lot more characters (luigi & wario would work perfectly in there), any content they had to cut out, maybe add more to the game that we didn’t even think of that could work (like, not just story padding, maybe stuff like the koopalings, daisy, wart from mario 2). idk, id just like a super mario rpg remake done in a similar style to the link’s awakening switch remake
despite how important these games are to mario’s history as they are the first original handheld mario platformers, as well as introducing wario, another important mario character, it’s kinda weird how nintendo hasn’t really paid much attention to the super mario land trilogy, or even the wario land series. and while i think a new wario land game will certainly get everybody (myself included) very excited, id also get excited if the original mario land series got an all stars-esque remake. heck, id get excited if all the wario land games got remade too in their own package (like, the mario land trilogy will just have mario land 1, 2 & 3, while the wario land remakes can either start out with mario land 3, or virtual boy wario land, or even wario land 2)
i think the original paper mario trilogy of the 2000s should get their own remake/upscaled ports to the switch as well. stuff like paper mario 64 should obviously get remade from the ground up, while stuff like the thousand year door & super paper mario should get like. upscaled graphics, or even new content (like in the thousand year door, there should be a whole sidequest or extra campaign dedicated to luigi’s own journeys that he goes on at the same time as mario’s, i think thatd b pretty neat & funny)
if any megaman game were to get a remake, i think they should be like. the original zero storyline megaman x games. like, ya know, megaman x1-5. and while ik games like megaman x1-3 already get a lot of love, and megaman x5 doesnt really get as much hatred (i think??? i never finished that game), i think megaman x4 should get a lot more love. not only is it my favorite megaman x game, but like. it has a pretty good storyline, each character gets their own unique story, and like. i just like a lot about megaman x4, i really do, and im sad it commonly gets referred to as the worst megaman x game just because of its voice acting. it gets a lot of flack for its voice acting, and honestly, if the voice acting was just mediocre or average, then i really think a lot more people will appreciate this game. like, in my eyes, if megaman x1-5 got remakes in the cel-shaded rendered style of megaman 11 or dragon ball fighterz, then thatd b cool. id also b down to a new megaman x game too aoisdjfiaos
ok, so, kirby games!!!! ik stuff like kirbys adventure & kirby’s super star got remakes, and while they’re great, id love to see more kirby games get remakes!!! and i got two seperate candidates that’d work. and that first one will be a remake of the “dark matter” trilogy of kirby games. games like kirby’s dream land 2, kirby’s dream land 3, & kirby 64. i think these games are pretty important in the kirby series as not only are these the first instance of the deep lore seen in later kirby games (stuff like return to dream land, planet robobot, and star allies), but like. dream land 2 was the first game to introduce kirbys animal allies, which have become staples for a lot of the kirby games (dream land 3, wow, thats all i could really think of oasidjfio). so like, yea!!! thatd b pretty epic
another kirby “trilogy” id love to see get remade or even get remasters of onto switch would have to be the “return to dream land” games. games like kirby’s return to dream land and even the 3ds games that were built off of that: kirby’s triple deluxe & kirby’s planet robobot. i mean, these games are fairly recent, and stuff like return to dream land isn’t even 10 years old yet. but like, i think if these games got upscaled graphics/models & resolution, as well as a bunch of new/cut content, it can also work
oooooooooooooooooo boy, there are a lot of sonic games id love to see get remade considering i think about sonic alot. stuff like sonic 3 & knuckles getting the sonic 1, 2 & cd treatment (get upgraded ports to ios & android, a bunch of new content from sonic mania, etc), as well as said sonic 1 & 2 mobile ports get released to steam or other consoles. itd be cool to see shadow the hedgehog get an upgraded port to the switch for a low price. maybe even see sonic x-treme get completed. but if theres any sonic game id love to see get a full on, worked from the ground up remake, it’d have to be the sonic dreamcast trilogy. and by that, i mean sonic games that were worked off of the same dreamcast technology/engine. games like sonic adventure 1, 2 & sonic heroes. and like, not just stuff like the gamecube or steam ports. i mean, full on remakes with updated models, updated animations & cutscenes, updated rendering, updated voice acting, updated everything!!! with that, id love to see the chao garden get a full blown overhaul, with more deeper chao breeding, more games to play with your chao, more special, unique chaos & even stuff like chao bonuses to the main campaigns. and even somethign that’d be cooler would be like. either free updates or DLC that would add more campaigns to these games with new characters (like the babylon rogues, the classic characters, silver & blaze, etc), and like. i KNOW thats a lot to work on, but like, i think a lot of people would appreciate that. plus, i consider the sonic adventure games would be a perfect introduction to the sonic series, i think these games could get a lot more people hooked onto the series!!! new & old fans alike!!! but, thats just my thots, and this would be impossible realistically. id still want it 2 happen tho 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
while ik everyone wants that gen iv remake, may i recommend a??? gen v remake??? pokemon black & white are still one of my favorite pokemon games, they were very close to me growing up, and i. just have so much goddamn appreciation and love for this game!!!! i think its one of game freaks more underappreciated games, and ik there a ton of people that can agree with me on that!!! it was just such a different and unique experience, with such a deep story, really good and underappreciated and underloved pokemon designs, and just. i’d love it if we really got a gen 5 remake, especially seeing how much game freak has been putting a lot more gen 5 nostalgia in all of their recent products (from a ton of gen 5 pokemon appearing in detective pikachu, to gen v pokemon getting galarian forms in pokemon sword & shield, and even gen v pokemon appearing in a lot more spin offs lately). like. trust me, pokemon black and white isn’t really as bad as people made it off to be in 2011. it really is a modern masterpiece in video games, i really recommend checking it out and begging game freak to give it a remake about as much as yinz have been begging game freak to remake diamond & pearl
obviously mario 64, sunshine, & galaxy 1 & 2 should get full on remakes. yinz know i wanted one this whole year, and im very disappointed we got these barely upgraded ports to switch instead. thats it on that, i dont need to go into further detail
ummmmmmmmmm, yea, thats kinda it. i cant think of any other games id love to see get remade. ummmmmmmm let me know what u think about this list, and tell me whatever type of other games you’d love to see get remade!!!
thats it ruby out
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mrnerdteacher · 6 years
Game Devs, Take Note: These are the 12 Reasons the “Octo Expansion” for Splatoon 2 Features My Favorite End-Game of All Time
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Splatoon has never been a series that people buy for the single player experience; the campaigns of 1 and 2 are not overly challenging, the rewards for completing them are underwhelming, and the levels are rarely interesting.
All this changed with the Octo Expansion. While first making a poor first impression with frustrating levels and a dreaded “pay to play” model (don’t worry, you use in-game currency only), the story mode ends up vastly outshining anything else the series has put forth, especially in the game’s final moments. Here are the 12 reasons why I loved the end of the Octo Expansion way more than I expected.
NOTE: Major spoilers for everything that follows your collection of the final “thang.”
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The Climax is Challenging but Not Overly Frustrating- I died, a lot, but always inched closer to victory. Plus, the game wisely stops requiring you to pay for continues in this final gauntlet of challenges.
The Story’s Resolution is Ominous- A sense of dread hangs over the game’s final levels. After nearly getting blendered to death (shudder), you begin your escape up to Inkopolis, but slowly realize that each level you are playing refers to internal organs, hinting that you are actually inside some massive creature
It Changes Things Up without Taking the Game off the Rails- Too many AAA titles decide to totally change the gameplay of the final battle, presumably to keep the player on their toes. However, this doesn’t ever feel all that satisfying. Octo Expansion’s final missions are thankfully no longer confined to isolated test chambers, but you are still using the skills and techniques you’ve mastered in the previous 80 levels.
Every Character Gets a Moment to Shine- (Except Captain Cuttlefish, which is honestly hilarious)
It Gradually Makes You Feel More and More Powerful- First you are weaponless. Then, you find grenades. Then a rifle. Soon you are zipping around with Jetpacks. It’s a wonderful slow build.
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The Lore is Expanded in Fascinating Ways- Revealing the final villain to be a human (of sorts) literally made me gasp, and it was really nice to see Agent 2 from the first Splatoon back in action (even if he/she is an adversary)
It’s Not a Quick Time Event- These were really overdone for final battles a few years ago, in a lazy attempt to make everything more cinematic. Some games are still guilty of taking the easy way out.
It Puts Your Actual Splatoon Skills to the Test- The battle with a brainwashed Agent 2 made me feel like I was actually facing off against a super-powered online opponent. All my tricks I had mastered playing years of Turf War and Ranked Matches were finally put to good use. And the final battle being a bombastic version of Turf War (all the way down to the 3 minute timer) made the multiplayer and single player modes feel a little less disjointed.
It’s SO Anime- The giant human-statue about to annihilate all of Inkopolis while you zip around on rails and detonate super bombs all over its body is epic while still keeping the player in the driver’s seat
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The Music is Just Perfect- An amazing remix of Ebb & Flow pumps you up for the showdown, and if you read all the chat logs you know how important this song is to Pearl and Marina’s friendship, adding one more layer of oomph to an already great track.
There are a ton of little details to appreciate- The way that the “Splatted Agent 2” icon pops up like it does in regular multiplayer matches. The realization that the doomsday weapon is a bunch of blenders fused together. The triumphant return of Killer Wail, and the way Pearl absolutely shatters the “GOOD GUYS v. BAD GUYS” meter. This game really rewards fans who are paying close attention.
It Feels Ultra Rewarding- When you are done watching the sunset with your brothers (and sisters) in arms, you are treated to a unique title screen: Inkopolis from the perspective of the subway entrance. Agent 8 has earned her freedom, and you the player have earned a new character race to play, and depending on how much of a completionist you are, up to 10 unique clothing items to take into online battles.
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If every game had finales that accomplished these 12 achievements, I think we’d all be way more likely to finish what we start. Bravo, Hisashi Nogami. You and your team done good.
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justicewinged · 6 years
Character-Driven Worlds and the Noxus Update: a “meta”/rant
// On the topic of the Discourse Regarding Noxus. I’m gonna be blathering about novels, GRR Martin, the IoW retcon, and a lot else, but despite the fact that @bendingfrost said it so eloquently people still don’t seem to understand what we, as writers, have to gain with this lore update, and every lore update before it.
More under the cut.
A lot of you guys know that I write outside of this blog quite a bit. My series thus far is a character-driven story based universe that covers many, many perspectives, not just the heroes. And in this, I see what Riot is doing very closely mirrors what I’m doing. They’re playing with and studying the concepts and ideas of grey morality, the fact that everyone has a different story to tell and a different idea of what’s going on. In my writing, I have chapters from the perspectives of at least twelve characters for any given book. Some of the stories aren’t written out in the text, and readers are left to understand what they gather from conversations between characters. Between books three and four, there’s a 16-year gap. And no, I didn’t cover hardly any of it in a prologue, or hash it out in such a way that gave the word of god narrative to everything that happened in the world in the meantime. I took it from the characters’ perspectives. 
Example of this, in the meantime, Zaqarai and Celine married in that 16-year gap. I tell the readers by having them be parents. They’re leaders. He’s a lord now, and she’s a lady, and the lot of them have reforged a clan seemingly lost for decades. Zaqarai finds his close friend Kendor working a forge in a faraway arena in the middle of a wasteland. I don’t tell the readers this at face value. I imply it through the fact that in the previous book, a character named Daria had a blade that was Black Fire make, Kendor is a Black Fire clansman, and she got it from an arena. He recounts knowing her. You have to read deep, in order to see where they met up again, but it’s there, it’s so truly there. In that gap, my character Felici takes on apprentices. By knowing her history, you know where these three children came from. You just have to read deep and see what the writer (in this case, me) is implying. GRRM does this too -- when you read about his court drama, you're expected to put two and two together and figure out who YOU think is the good guy or the bad guy. He doesn’t need to tell you whether Tyrion is morally ambiguous at times. You need to tell others what you think Tyrion is. Writers are being told more and more that readers are smarter than you expect in your first draft. I’m standing by that Riot expects you to read deeper now. 
We can blather all day about whether or not Rito is doing good by their lore updates, but all I’m seeing are things that tie this universe together. With the Vastaya update, we get an entirely new race to play with. We get explanation behind why Nidalee can transform, why there are upright cat people, why there are people like Ahri wandering around. And while we had alright lore for Ahri before, a kitsune is just a legend. What they’re doing, what I think they’re doing, is more or less giving personal truth and definition to these characters that were otherwise flat and nearly meaningless. We only had our imaginations before, and what wound up happening with a good lot of us is that we took that flat character and breathed life into them. Gave them personality and goals and ambitions and stories amongst themselves. That’s exactly what Rito is doing! Why complain about it, when you did it yourself? What updates the lore gets don’t diminish your efforts in character building, but they should give you further definition to define your character with.
Varus got people all up in a huff because his lore wasn’t necessarily flat. But if you look deeper, you can see that his lore held true. Before he was a defender of the being known as Pallas. Pallas is now a place, but one of him was still a keeper there. We had Nami’s story, that everyone loved, where she was on a quest for the Moon Pearl or whatever, and she’s still hunting for it there. The lore people at Riot aren’t attempting to kill your characters for you. They’re trying to add definition and meaning to the otherwise meaningless. Like the IoW plot.
What story did we have with the Institute of War? We had some quirky happenings, some fights, some individuals only existing in the game because they were forced to be there... but what makes them that legendary? This is what they’re giving us here. Reasons why each of the characters might see the legendary aspect of others. Now, without the IoW being canon, we have an entire world awaiting us. I know there are some folks out here in the community still clinging to IoW as if it’s the gospel, but look at this. They’re trying to open doors and throw things out the window that really weren’t good choices from a writer standpoint. Like, okay. Institute of War is a cool concept, but what story motion did it really have? Does it have the power behind it that a Noxian empire commands? Does it have the motion that Demacia has, a nation that’s on the verge of a pivotal change or collapse, thanks to its hatred of magic? Does it have the intrigue of Bilgewater falling to pieces because of a near-death of its leader?
And this brings me to my point again, because lord knows I love to ramble on this sorta thing. Noxus update, right? The land of the “gentle conquerers.” That’s soooo fucked, right? Totally oxymoronic and impossible, never would happen, right?
Except, that’s exactly how Rome saw themselves. Like good writers, Riot is parsing bits and pieces of the real world into something fictional and understandable by writing parts in. I might not have read all of the Noxus rework, but what I have seen has made me excited. It invites me to see the power they present, the sort of propaganda they offer their people. Noxus no longer requires everyone to be a soldier. They have their farmers, their business people. They’ve got technology and strength in numbers. They are no longer the representative of the ideal “strength of unity.” That’s Demacia, now. Noxus is now the strength of the many and the strength of the diverse. They’ve offered up grey morality on a silver platter. 
Historically, most of us will say Romans were the good guys, right? That’s what our history books preach? Well, Noxus is doing the same. Rome wiped out population after population, expanded their empire, and fizzled out by virtue of weak democracy. Noxus is taking it into their own hands, and Swain is forcing the world around them to bend knee to Noxus’s might so they all do not perish.
All of this, between Noxus, the Targonian aspects, the Harrowings, and Ionia so far, we have the landscape for something much greater than these characters can ever dream. Which makes me curious... when will we see more that is just, straight-up, more plot for the whole world? What forces are driving Runeterra to its current place? Does Swain know of the greater purpose of the world, by virtue of Beatrice? Is he trying to save the world itself, not just Noxus?
Only time will tell. 
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h3llthing · 7 years
oc questions
tagged by @jaysie-mccree !
1. What OC do you wish you gave more attention to currently?
Hm.... probably the Witch’s Shop crew!! So Tekka, Liam, Chryssa, Felix, Daisy, and Hantu (plus all the minor and side characters). I used to draw and write for them all the time in high school, and I even had a timeline for the story written out somewhere? But I’ve ended up focusing on other characters recently.
2. What are some of your favourite OC relationships that you have developed for your characters? (Does not include relations with characters by other people.)
Ooooh..... definitely Chryssa and Hantu’s marriage, or Daisy’s relationship with Tekka and Chryssa, purely because it’s so contradictory.
3. What are some of your favourite OC interactions with OCs by other people? They can be whimsical and funny, or they can have a lot of meaning and growth – or both!
Oh my gosh! Defos all the rp @paintdoesart and I used to do with Liam and Mortimer, lol. We did some silly and serious stuff. 
Also, a lot of the early interaction between Akantha and Li (whose player isn’t on tumblr). A lot of it was really lighthearted bickering and occasional actual teamwork, and I kinda miss that dynamic a lot.
4. What inspired your favourite OCs and their creation?
Right now, all my rpg characters are my babies. So they were inspired by the various games I am/was in, lol.
5. What are some of your OCs’ more interesting quirks?
Akantha has a stutter, which I continually forget about. Jaeri doesn’t really understand wrestling, but when it happens she gets really into cheering. Roman always has a rose on him. Always. Where is it from? How’d he get that in the middle of a burning building? Who knows, but he sure does have one.
6. Do you have any favourite depictions of your OCs by other people?
Hm... besides art that Arthur drew of some of my oc’s, not really? Also, the doodles that one of my DnD group has done of Jaeri, haha.
7. What was something you were surprised to learn when pouring research and development into any of your OCs?
Reading up on the lore from various systems is always fun! Also, when I was doing research for Q, reading into the different kinds and causes of muteness was interesting.
8. Do you put a lot of thought into trivial OC information? Like their favourite colour, food, drink, if they prefer Mac over PC? :p Just as examples. If you can think of trivial things for your OCs that you put thought into, please write them in for this question.
Sometimes!!! It depends for each character, and some of it emerges in development or rp. For example, I know Akantha’s favorite sandwich meat is ham, and that Q’s favorite color is green. I don’t really have a place to collect all this info, so it just depends what I can remember.
9. Who is/are currently your favourite OC/s and why?
Honestly, my Exalted characters, who are currently Akantha, Pearl, an unnamed DragonBlooded, and Bells (who I haven’t gotten to play or make a character sheet for. Since abyssals/exigents are not out yet).
10. What character(s) do you have that started of as a joke, but then became more serious as time went on?
Pearl as a character wasn’t a joke, but the fact he gets seasick was a joke that evolved to actually be a part of his character.
Roman the Magnificent is entirely a joke character. He is ridiculous, over the top, and was originally named Ramen. I still love playing him though, and would like to play him in a more serious campaign someday.
And that’s it! Imma tag @blueblurry, @paintdoesart, @docthunderthrills, @jalapenocupcake, aaaand @moonlitseer, if y’all wanna do it !!
Questions under the cut :D
1) Which character would get a part time job at Starbucks both to learn how to make all the drinks and to get free coffee, then bail as soon as they got what they wanted?
2) Which character would stay up all night purely to see the sunrise?
3)  Which oc would read this website and not only believe it, but immediately go tell everyone they know about the plight of the tree octopus?
4) Which oc would do something extremely stupid just to spite someone?
5) What oc has the weirdest/most out there aesthetic?
6) Which ocs read creepypastas thinking they won’t be scared, and then get very, very scared?
7) What do you tend to do with your ocs? Do you primarily focus on rp, writing, art, etc? Do you keep a tidy list of them, or do you just kind of wing it and hope you don’t forget anyone?
8) Which of your ocs would be classified as chaotic neutral?
9) Which ocs cry over cute animal videos?
10) Which oc is the absolute worst roommate? And what makes them the absolute worst roommate? For example, do they play music loudly? Never do their dishes? Leave clothes lying around?
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...Actually, there were a lot of aspects of Teen Titans I’ve dropped because it rubbed me the wrong way. (Despite, you know. Being enamored in this life-long obsession with a TV show, comic franchise, and Raven being the singular force in genuinely saving my life.)
Comics and full franchises are easy because different writers, artists, and literal reincarnations mean a lot of different things. It’s an easy solution when you don’t like a thing: Don’t spend time, money, or energy on it!
- I was hard-line boycotting the New52 run by like, Issue 7 or 8. Got them from the library, never intend to buy or read any more of that, ever. (Picked it back up when it rebooted, found I liked it, and that’s all you need to do. ??? )
- The comics by Judd Winnick. Just, anything he touched regarding them was dead to me immediately, and I was genuinely more offended that I put more effort into a fan character than he put into addressing a very complicated, lore-heavy event of deep canonical relevance. And then DC promptly deciding to ignore it forever.
I can see why, though. Because I sure decided to ignore it, too.
- Geoff Johns’ run. It’s complicated. Liked some things, hated others. I won’t reread it. Because there are runs I enjoyed much more deeply, and would much rather spend my time on.
- Sean McKeever’s run, too? What even was Teen Titansv3 around issues 45-70? What a weird mess of writing, editing, and characterization. Again: I simply won’t reread it.
- New Teen Titans, after about 1992. (New Titans, I guess.) It got grimdark and unnecessarily complicated. Badly convoluted writing. Didn’t enjoy that, everyone I loved most in the series died, and I won’t ever be rereading THAT mess. Enjoyed the previous things. So, so SO much! But that doesn’t mean I have to put myself through hating on the rest of the run. It changed, I didn’t like it, I stopped spending time and money on reading/obtaining the backissues.
- Teen Titans Go. The current show. Just, everything about it. I don’t like anything about it, not one thing (I actively despise it, in fact). I don’t like seeing anything about it.  I don’t like Cartoon Network for treating it like it’s the best thing to happen to them since 2003. 
But I’m not going to watch the show, no matter how immensely polarizing it is within the fandom, just to complain about it???
I just blacklisted “ttg” and “teen titans go”, unfollowed people that primarily posted about it, and went about my life, spending time on the things I DO Genuinely Enjoy.
- Loved the console game. Like, legitimately reserved little RHS here belting out FULL LAUGHTER at the end of that game when she first saw it. I still play it on the Wii when I get a chance. (...you know. in the rare, rare RARE moments when one of my other family members aren’t monolpolizing the TV....) --> But the GBA games? I played them a little. I didn’t enjoy being limited on who you can play, when. I wanted to see the storyline. But I didn’t enjoy the gameplay very much. So when I learned how to find the story online, I stopped.
- Let’s add Pokemon, for the helluvit. Level grinding in Unova. I like to play my Pokemon games ahead of the curve. I don’t like constantly visiting Pokemon centers and spending more money than I can win on potions. I like to breed just the right natures, and EV Train for gym leaders, for levels, and for maximized stats almost as soon as I have just the right combination to fit my needs. But in Unova? Levelling up above the playing field was a righteous pain. So I stopped playing. I watched the climax over my girlfriend’s shoulders, I read the walkthroughs on Marriland to get my answers on the N storyline, and that was that. I’ve never picked White up again.
--> And yet I spent hours in Pearl for contests, poffins, the underground, growing berries, trying to get my Mismagius to level 100, and generally doing the things I enjoyed. Because I ENJOYED them.
~~~~~~> And then I didn’t play Y until there was a Ghost-specific competition, and I played Moon because the storyline, species, and customize-ability genuinely interested me.
Maybe it’s because I have the attachment capacity of an Elmer’s glue stick (short time frame to get attached, limited range of functionality, and if it doesn’t stick at first, it’s just not gonna stick).
Or maybe it’s because I have the emotional discipline of a pre-programmed robot. (If I don’t want to be attached, generally I can de-attach myself with a few “built-in” exercises.) 
But no, if I don’t enjoy something, I’m out of there.
And I’m not going to waste my time, or anyone else’s, on reveling in my disgust and publicly complaining about it. ?????
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