#A high stakes chess match between the sea Urchin and papa kitty!!! โ™Ÿ๏ธโšซ ๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿˆ โ™Ÿ๏ธ
justiisms ยท 9 months
"Do not give him any hints! He must learn on his own!" *taka is incredibly serious as he says this, the boy sitting in front of a chessboard while papa eve is loafing opposite of him! the kitty then extends a fluffy paw to... move one of his own pawns off of the board! taka frowns while the kitty looks pleased with his action!*
"Ah. Then I will stay silent." He chuckles, as P watches in amusement the 'match' between Kiyotaka and Papa Eve! Then when the big kitty knocks his pawn off the board, that, along with Taka's reaction, makes him laugh even more!!
"Ahaha! Well that was certainly an unexpected move. What high IQ strategy did our papa kitty have in mind when doing this, I wonder... You'd best be careful, Taka: he may be a more formidable opponent that you may suspect..."
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