#2023 was supposed to be better than 2022 but instead it somehow became worse
xxlelaxx · 1 year
We got heaters and we still have water. There is no way of knowing when exactly everything will be over.
0 notes
dailycass-cain · 1 year
My Top 10 LEAST Favorite Cass Stories
So you know my current revised list of favorite Cass stories. Balance must be preserved, so now it’s time for the worst. So now I unleash upon this world the Top 10 Cass Worst Stories (per 2023. Here’s 2022 ironically and 2020).  
Now, these are my personal taste.  There's a chance you might enjoy some of these stories. You have a right to enjoy these stories. Me? 🥴
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Due to this ALSO being tweeted out but just but a year ago the list has been updated. OH YES! You might even be surprised to see some stories now missing. 
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Are the ones removed still hated? No, but upon age and looking at the history involved. Even with the many flaws, the story was trying to do good. Unlike this list. Which mostly leaves me all...
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Dishonorable Mention #1:   Future State Batgirls (Future State: The Next Batman #2, The Next Batman #4)
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-  Disappointment about sums this two-issue arc quite perfectly. How do you take the concept of Batgirls, and make it devoid of any soul? This two-issue story finds a way.
I think the most infuriating and vexing thing I find with this arc is how subtextual it all is with Cass/Steph in this. It's obvious in this "future world" the two became a couple and-- things happened.
That's a fascinating story in itself. 
Was it because of Cass's commitment? Steph wanting a life beyond vigilanting for both (but getting dragged in)? Instead, we get this. A story where Dick is a dick to Steph.
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Sticking her deep undercover not being able to tell Cass or anyone. Then as his plan with Cass works, decides to leave Steph behind. Real smooth there Dick. 
That's not even to say how horrible a job the story feels like #25 and not #1. There are other better ways to do future stories. Heck, we got one months later involving Cass. However, it’s not the WORST entry from this era (AND WE’LL GET TO THAT). 
This story is just a disappointment. SPEAKING OF WHICH--
Dishonorable Mention #2: Detective Comics #956
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- The final issue to “League of Shadows arc” (Tec #950-956). A summation basically of this issue:
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How can a story appear on both the good and the bad? Here’s how. This was Cass’s first central story since her “return” in 2016. It was her first “big” story in a main Batman title since oh-- 2004 (unless we count Batman Inc Vol. 1 then 2011) ironically in Tec itself (#790). 
The frustrating thing about this arc (even now with the revelation of where this story was going with the missing subplots). The ending to League of Shadows just feels-- empty.
Batgirl Vol. 1 #25 & #73 showcases Cass beating Shiva decisively. Here? It just moves too fast. This is where it happens on a huge page and because of it the moment feels- less.
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There isn't any satisfaction in Cass defeating Shiva. Unlike other past Cass/Shiva stories. There's always a "moment" that just feels right. 
Not so much and worse, before the two can be at any sort of crossroad Ra's snatches it away.  That hollowness just brings a hollowness with any lack of finality to it. 
We’re just onto the next arc with no real closure. 
There lies the truest crime of the arc. We have Kate dapper as HELL and we don't see her/Bruce/Cass at the ballet to watch Christine? LAME!!
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The ending is SOOO bad, two OTHER comics (Batman: Wayne Family Adventures and Black Label: Harley Quinn & the Birds of Prey) somehow deliver on the goods (minus Kate in this damn dapper suit).
This issue should've been a clue how even when an arc is SUPPOSED to center on Cass. But it is clear how much certain folk at DC higher up than the writer had to deal with in restrictions.  Which is why the end result just feels-- empty. But there’s a REASON for its emptiness at least. It also has two real good issues before it. Why it’s here and not say in this actual list. 
So what is on my actual list? Let’s get on to it:
10.)  Batman & Robin Eternal #25
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-  This issue aged like milk. It only gets worse with each passing year. With the prior entries, you can say at least, "Whelp at least the art was good." or SOMETHING that makes me change my mind about it.
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Here you get NONE OF THAT (until the end).  The art is trash (at the most important parts at least). The writing is trash. None of this works. Instead, it feels rather rushed. 
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Nothing even feels vindicated.  Cass defeats Mother. David Cain pulling a Darth Vader redemption at the last second (with BARELY ANY SETUP). None of this works. Least of all the way the story flows thru these panels. It's just... 🤢
I get that the last issues of the Eternal series had a rotating line-up of artists. But could we have gotten a better artist to handle this moment? This is supposed to be THE BIG moment in the series and an artist who can draw fluid motions. This wasn't good. Not good at all.
Yet somehow the Mother (Shiva becoming Mother) vs. Cass fight in this issue gets adapted in Young Justice Season 4.This is not the story that really needed to be adapted and it showed with the lack of soul the story had.
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But the "added" bonus of the issue is Cass taking the name Orphan. Now, the idea is to redeem the name David Cain created. I'll give Young Justice at least better credit in making the codename make more sense than here.
It just feels bleh here.  Cass doesn't really get a new costume. It's just the same one she's worn for the last twenty-six issues and the only addition is her mask later on. 
No bat symbol. 
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We later found out that the higher-ups didn't want to give Cass this symbol (per writer James Tynion IV). So yeah, once again the higher-ups at DC ruin whatever positive the story could've given as well.
9.) Batgirl Vol. 1 #39
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-  Oh boy... Let's see where to begin? 
The inaugural issue of Dylan Horrock's Batgirl run begins with Cass dealing with teenage hormones in herself and the boys around her. Again, the story hasn't aged well and man could've been handled better.
Just the plot itself of Babs giving Cass a tiny stringy bikini and not even realizing, "Oh dear, she can read ALL THE BOYS THOUGHTS when looking at her."
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Because of that there's an unnatural amount of cheesecake in the story. That makes the story rather unnerving looking in the lenses of today. 
The idea of Cass getting feelings (or seeing others respond to her) is a fascinating one. One that's talked about amongst fans to this day of her sexuality. But the way the topic is brought in the issue-- yeah. 
Not good. Not good at all.
Even Superboy showing up doesn't do the issue any favors compared to their first meeting in Superboy #81. At the very least that's somewhat handled better a few issues later. But here? Again screwy. 
But it does give us this page. 
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The little positives I’ll take for sure.
8.)  Detective Comics #1030-1032
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- 2008-2020  Pete Tomasi has written A TON of Batman/Bat-Family comics. But there's been a notable lack of someone ever appearing in them. This arc is the only time Tomasi has ever written Cass fully (the prior two times were one-panel cameos).
To say the least these appearances aren't good at all. Oh, #1030-1031 got Bilquis Evely drawing and MAN does it make you not realize how meh the story is.
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If there's a positive is Tomasi rehabbing Damian's characterization in this (which is to be expected). But Cass's appearance? It feels like Tomasi really doesn't want the character in this arc and it shows.
We've got OOC moments with Cass throughout the arc (someone she can't read body language enabling her TWICE to get tricked). It's everything counter to what Batgirls #5 gave us with the character.
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Why that moment was:
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What we get here on the other hand is...
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One of the best fighters in the Bat-Family, not being able to see someone hidden in the crowd subduing other members. You know... THE ONE WHO CAN READ BODY LANGUAGE.
It isn't the worst case of jobbing that Cass did in 2020 (oh WE'LL GET TO THAT). But this story is just so meh when it comes to the Bat-Family. They're a device, not actual characters in this arc.
But this is how you treat the Bat-Family? Really? As mere plot devices so Bruce/Damian can have a happy moment? That's it?
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7.) Batgirls #7-8
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- I get that every series has its “growing” pains, and not all series just go right out of the gate guns a blazing. Batgirls was no exception. Probably the greatest negative one can have with the series is how confined the early issues are to the aftermath of “Fear State” event and the lack of care many fans had for the villain introduced in that with Seer.
This brief two issue arc was “supposed” to answer the questions that lingered from the event. Who was Seer? What’s her motivation? Why does she hate the Batgirls (literally all three of them)?
We get some answers but not the full load and because of that. The issues suffer and instead make Seer into just another “Evil Oracle” (aka the fourth at this point DC has introduced since 2011). They suffer more because Nightwing shows up for the bulk of these two issues and takes away from two of the leads from this comic (Cass/Steph). Nightwing, the guy who has his own ongoing.   
Instead, Cass/Steph are relegated to a B plot (taking out one Saint) and the reason why? So these two issues can tie into an issue of Catwoman for three pages. 
There’s just too much going on in these two issues and the fact that Nightwing takes up most (and beats most of the bad guys in these two issues), and Barbara Gordon acts like an idiot the entire time. 
Just ugh.
These two issues do no favors to anyone. 
It doesn’t help that we have the narration boxes in FULL force these two issues as well. Besides that it has a rather out-of-character- Cass “joking” how they should let Seer die. Add that and a Penguin appearance (but it’s not really him but Clayface in disguise) that could’ve meant more. 
Yeah, this two-issue arc is garbage.
Save for Lulu.
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The fight she has with Cass/Steph in #8 are the only positives I can say about this arc. Okay, that and Cass fantasying her wearing a dapper suit while undercover with Steph. That’s it. 
Such a disappointing two issues. Thankfully, the series has rebounded after #9. 
6.) Teen Titans #43-46 "Titans East"
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-  And our first EVIL Cass story pops up, which "sort of" concludes the arc of EVILDOM. We get the retcon here were really  IT WAS SLADE who was behind Cass's EVIL phase (pumped full of Slade juice (ew).
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You know a story is bad when two creative team that started the arc (Geoff Johns and Tony Daniels) book it halfway in. Instead of ending their run on TT, they just pack their bags and "NOPE" off to other ventures.
Adam Beechen is brought halfway into the arc for the first of a rehabilitating process (but thankfully he'll get better at this process).
The big problem with the story is it just never lets the characters breathe for a moment. It's one action set piece after another. And after being cured, Cass is still, "KILL! KILL! KIIIIILLLLL!!" With Tim/Dick instead of having a moment to help her decide to knock her out. .....
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Way to go there Bat bros. Add to that some rather bad art after Daniels checks out. Yeah, this story is just empty. With ideas that don't fully jell. Probably because not soon after this the book would be burdened by crossovers (Amazons Attack and Bart dying).
For the supposed "retcon" it makes ZERO sense. So you're telling me that because of Slade juice, caused Cass to go off the deep end? Even Rose was more rational in Devin Greyson's Nightwing run when Dick rationalized to her how kooky her pop was.
5.)  Convergence Batgirl #1-2
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-  Oh hey Cass/Tim/Steph together in a comic. Rich Leonardi back at DC and drawing Cass?! This should be utterly amazing right? Well, there are two good things about this comic. #1 Cass/Steph live together, doing things together, and oh this panel.
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That is one reason why it went positively up a marker as well. Compared to the next three. This is just disappointment. The series just doesn’t do a good job juggling all three characters.
The second reason oddthesungod drawing me a better ending to this comic than what we actually got. Like literally it should have ended with all three together and happy. 
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Instead... We got Catman stealing the spotlight from all three involved (more so in #2). We have Tim/Steph romance because-- WHY NOT?! #3 this feels like such a slap in the face to fans of all three characters. Which given it was DC and this period should that even be surprising?
This entire comic felt like an afterthought after Convergence was approved. Leonardi's art throughout is unpolished and rushed. You can tell he was churning out these pages at a rapid pace. To add the coloring is-- just off in a lot of pages from Steph's own Batgirl costume..
To other coloring mistakes. While Superman/Lois, Oracle/Nightwing, and Question/Batwoman/Huntress all had amazing sendoffs. Cass/Tim/Steph got the lesser awful story. Which was a damn shame for fans who suffered cause of DC's lameness.
Still, this comic led me to get that art above commissioned. For that alone maybe it was worth it?  Yeah, we'll go with odd's picture for me being the actual end to this story. Along with why this slipped down a spot. 4.)  Batman: City of Light #1-8
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This series is utterly forgotten and probably you don't even remember it existing. But not me. Not me... I want to forget, but this awful comic won't allow me to forget it.
So why is this on my list? Because the entire point of Cassandra in this is having a horrible subplot involving Male Love Interest #1 who is so utterly forgettable I-- what was I talking about again?
Anyway, from the tacky romance going into Cass having flashbacks of David Cain teaching her leading her to have trauma. And spending eight issues making you ask yourself repeatedly, "WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HER BEING IN HERE?!"
Oh right! 💡The highly sexualized art with Cass with a talkative Cass too boot! 😫
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Yet somehow, this story isn't the worst Cass story of all time. Nope, three more are WORST THEN THIS.
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3.)  Batman #81 "City of Bane Part 7"
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- You know why I enjoyed James Tynion IV's run on Batman? At the very least, he understood the Bat-Family and crafted a story around them all TWICE (Joker War and Fear State). 
Along with treating the characters with respect. 
With care. 
The plot makes "sense".
Batman #81 makes 0 sense. Instead of a, "oh you're screwed now moment." With the entire Bat-Family (with Cass) you think this is the turning point of the story. That Thomas Wayne E2 Batman is gonna get his comeuppance HARD.
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Instead, what follows is quite possibly one of the greatest BS moments ever. You know the writing is absolute trash when it's never fully explained how somehow. SOMEHOW an elderly man somehow takes out three highly skilled vigilantes (Cass, Kate, and Helena) and a meta (Duke).
I know there's the "theory" he used Skeets, but we get zero answers. We get nothing but dialogue showcasing the fight "outside" and we have to "visualize" Thomas Wayne beating up everyone AND CASS.
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You know? The same Cass who handed him his ass, and somehow wasn't able to read that this elderly man was playing possum?
I absolutely HATE this story. It's garbage. It's a dumpster fire and one of the worst modern Batman stories of all time. I get it was "messed" with by the higher-ups. But dear lord. Tom King somehow on his way out decided to piss off everyone.
Well save Stephanie Brown, she was the one character who was genre-savvy enough to say, "I know a bad story when I see one. I'm out." much earlier in this run.
For all the pomp writer Tom King once said regarding Cass, saying she was "the best" of the fighters in the Family, we see 0 of that here. Again, the Bat-Family are mere objects to showcase "how much a threat" Thomas Wayne is.
But this is all we get on HOW Thomas did the deed.
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Even the rehab writer Joshua Williamson did with Thomas after. This issue stings. It's a sore wound anytime it is brought up.
There's nothing redeemable about the arc AT ALL. Nothing. Save we got a MUCH better run in James Tynion IV who treated these characters with WAAAAAAY more respect.
This still isn’t the worst jobbing Cass hasn’t done and at the very least there was a “reason” to King to put her in this issue. To give us a “moment” of her smacking Thomas. 
That can’t be said for what has now OVERTAKEN this issue for me...
2.) Future State: Gotham #14-17
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-  I just... I just...
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Some folk have a natural way to close out a series. The people behind Future State: Gotham? No, they decide to throw the CRAZIEST. THE MOST BATSHIT INSANE way to end a series. 
And it’s awful.
It’s putrid. 
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The “core” of this series was Jason Todd and Jace Fox being the leads. THE LEADS. But guess who usurps one of those leads? 
Yeah, you think anything Dick did in Batgirl Vol. 2 #1-6 was out of character? Or Future State Batgirls mentioned already? The creative here turn that up to AN ELEVEN. 
I simply can’t even explain the issue other than how furious it makes me. It literally is the dumbest stupidest thing possible. The fact that the series introduces Harper Row and then throws in Cass and Kate Kane into the series-- JUST FOR THEM TO JOB!!
That’s the entire point to their appearances. They job. No celebration of the characters. No character arc. They show up to prevent Nightwing from crossing a line. 
He crosses it. 
He beats them.
And somehow he’s celebrated as a goddamn hero by the end of the series.
That’s not even talking about the ACTUAL goddamn villains of this arc. 
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This arc is a mess. An unholy mess. The only saving grace is that barely ANYONE knows of its existence. Which no one should. For their sanity this story should be locked up and forgotten.
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The arc is PURE EVIL. 
Just so it can prop up Dick as this savior. This arc is rage to a fan and IS UNCLEAN. 
Thank goodness it is forgotten save for a few of us who read the CURSED text. That we now must bare the burden to warn any who DARE read it. 
Sadly, this is not the worst story though... 
1.)  Robin #148-152 "Robin One Year Later"
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-  Even, with Batman #81 or the Future State Gotham arc you have a bunch of the Bat-Family taking the fall besides Cass. Here? All the awful choices just pertain ONLY to Cass in this story.  It was as if the higher-ups at DC looked at Batgirl Vol. 1 and thought this...
"Hey let's write her as a shameful stereotypical evil dragon lady. and toss out the chemistry between Tim/Cass. Oh, and let's just chuck out seventy-three issues and eight years of character work down the drain."
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I can't fully fault the creative team on this. The writer and artist were given a job. A crappy edict to write a crappy story. We got just that.
It's almost amusing now seventeen years later. To see how even more poorly this story has gotten. But at the very least we've got a happy ending to Cass at least. That the damage that began in this story is slowly chipped away.
But man oh man. Even the aftermath is rage-inducing if you're a Cass fan. I fully admit I can read the entire OYL arc, but the following issue (#152)? I still can't fully read the pages without going into a rage.
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There was truly vile and calculated intent here by those above the creative team here towards the character of Cassandra. Intent that lasted until early 2020.
Like you just have to read this story and just ask yourself. "Why? What was the point of this? Who thought this would be a good idea?"
Thankfully, as I said earlier the character of Cass is in a better place now.
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But this story was frustratingly bad. It still is. You just can't overlook all the mistakes DC did with Cassandra in the tale.
So these are my top ten worst Cassandra Cain stories. Again, these are my own personal choice.  You may have others listed here. Heck, this list changed AGAIN out of the two.
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But like I said earlier. Years have made my views on these stories that were taken off softer. They are fluff compared to the others on this list. With that, I bid you goodnight.
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