#2 idk sw is for kids imo and i just think there’s something fucked up about little girls seeing that shit
indiemovies · 1 year
when i say rian johnson is the root cause of r/eylo i know that is hyperbolic and not the whole truth BUT i feel ok saying it anyway bc in tfa their dynamic is played SO differently and just purely antagonistic (jj calling the torture scene akin to SA) and yes people shipped them no it was not a small ship but i truly believe there was no intention of them becoming canon pre tlj (+ i genuinely believe they did not map out the sequel trilogy well enough or they just changed their plans with every new movie/based on reactions) and tlj definitely stoked those flames to hell and back!!! and caused it to become a really really huge thing. which all led to the mess that was tros. and it would be wrong to pretend that any director that isn’t lucas has creative control over a sw movie but tlj just really does feel like a rian johnson movie (derogatory)
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babydarkstar · 6 years
thanks @leofgyth!
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
3. Post 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people.
Here are @leofgyth‘s questions:
1. Who is your favorite new character in the current trilogy? ....kyle......but rey.....is reylo an acceptable answer? i love both of them and they go together like flowers and honeybees, y’know?
2. Who is your favorite character from the “original” trilogy? obi wan. i love that guy.
3. Do you have any favorite Star Wars crack ships? *chanting* HOE HOE HOE HOE HOE
4. Hux: Big Bad or Big Sad? big baby both. poor man needs a cigarette and a bullet.
5. What is your favorite line from TLJ? “you’re not alone” “neither are you” or the line that rose says about saving what we love
6. What is your favorite Star Wars movie, and why? idk man. i really like tlj. mostly bc it gave me violent war, violent space battles, violent fighting, but the softest reylo i could ever ask for and it really just,, was a nice contrast within the film especially bc those two characters (imo) had faced such violence in the previous film
7. Favorite Reylo headcanon? personally? that rey calls kylo ‘tooka’. i also like the headcannon that the kor are a varied bunch of young kids aged ten and under.
8. Do you write fan fiction or draw art or make fan vids? ye. i dabble in the words. 
9. Your personal sexual awakening: Luke, Han, or Leia? (Or someone else?) kylo, because kylo
10. Do you think of him as “Ben” or as “Kylo”? I think he is who he is. his identity has been so scattered and decided by others that ultimately it’s up to him who he choses to be. i personally have a headcannon that he refers to himself as kylo and expects others to, but that only rey calls him “ben” because it’s a special thing that only they share, since she’s really the only one who he has shown his truest self to. 
11. How do you want the next film to end? if they kill kylo/ben off, i hope that it is done tastefully, not wastefully. i’d obviously like to see rey and kylo happily together without fear of hiding their love, but tbh it’d also b p cool if they just said ‘fuck it’ and ran away together. idk, that’s just my thing though. maybe they go around searching for force-sensitive kids/people and teach them through their own story about how it’s important to maintain equal parts light and dark within you or else there is no balance within the force. that’d b cool too
My questions:
1. Favorite new trilogy character besides rey n ren?
2. if you write/make fanart, what’s your favorite thing to do for reylo? if you don’t, what’s your favorite thing to read/see for reylo?
3. any burning reylo headcannons?
4. what’s one thing you would say to luke skywalker?
5. c3po or bb8?
6. something you wish you would have gotten from tlj?
7. do you have a favorite sw pairing besides reylo?
8. do you own any sw merch? what’s your favorite thing you own?
9. jakku or tattooine? 
10. ideal ending for padme?
11. what is your favorite outfit/costume design from sw?
tagging: @ohthatbunnygirl @dvrksister @a1army @awsaya @reylojohnson @youknowicantakewhateveriwant @littlemanicmonday @alicethealias @lilithsaur @lilithenaltum @avas-poltergeist ♡♡♡
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toothplug · 6 years
ok official spoilery list of what i liked and didn’t like abt tlj........
before i get going i know there will be way more dislikes but i still enjoyed the movie as in I Had Fun but it was an extremely flawed movie. i give it like a 5/10 (tfa for me was like 8.5 even 9 but i’m biased maybe)
i enjoyed learning the back story of kylo/luke esp from both their perspectives, neat enough
good acting all around
That Scene Where Laura Derne Esploded In Space And It Got Real Quiet
some funny moments*
the scene where kylo turns on snoke (some ppl hate that he died, i don’t care as much in fact i kinda liked it but i’m adding a ** here)
Poe had a good arc i guess......
the kylux sex scene i made up in my head
i liked the casino
cute and well designed creatures altho i’m really picky with CGI so sometimes the porgs and crystal dogs or w/e looked a little weird to me but that’s just.....my own issue
When Kylo Ren Stances Up The Gay Icon
When Luke Brushes The Non Dirt Off His Shoulder The Gay Icon
that fucking titty milk luke drinks str8 from the teet that part rocked my world
fucky things with the force that made no sense to me:
snoke connecting rey and kylo, then somehow it still happening after he’s dead
flying leia????????????? wtf??????????? wtf wtf that scene wtf
the following characters got royally fucked in this film: leia (went to sleep, did virtually nothing), rey (everything she does relates to kylo, other than that one thing with her parents and it felt like an afterthought to me, we’re told she grows over the film, but i didn’t see how or when), finn (he does nothing. point blank. does nothing and only interacts with his wittle girlfwiend), rose (also did nothing. the only woc in the main cast and all she does is some stupid ass pointless mission then kisses finn. lame. the dead sister plot had potential but kinda went nowhere), hux (literally a punching bag who lost any sinister qualities he ever had, why was he even here if this was the point), PHASMA???? (she shows up finally for 2 seconds, has the most boring anticlimactic fight in fucking film history, and falls in a fucking hole without us ever SEEING HER FACE?!?!?? i’m so furious about this one. i’m fucking mad bye)
kylo got literally all of the character development/arc other than maybe poe and luke. but poe’s was kinda blah idk it was fine but it fell a little flat for me and luke like had more conflict than others but he basically stagnated the entire time until the very end where he saved the day and then like. died.)
obviously the kiss
*too much humor. detracted from a lot of emotional moments or sinister atmosphere, v marvel film of them to do. 
**i liked snoke’s death BUT it ends up kind of fucking up the movie because he’s not replaced with anyone nearly as menacing or scary. neither kylo nor hux/the first order come even remotely close to how legit scary they were in the first film. i mean hux is literally one of the 3 stooges basically. so we’re left with no proper villain which sucks
these characters were literally unecessary: 
the DJ or any code breaker at all. why did this even happen. this entire thread with him, finn, and rose was fucking ridiculous. worst aspect of the whole movie. i could like go on abt this forever so i’m gonna stop now
ok wait one more thing: the whole gray morality thing via the weapons dealing is sooooo funny hahahha it was stupid af. the first order has slave soldiers but they don’t have their weapons made exclusively? ok
this pains me to say bc i love her but laura derne. other than her sacrifice, everything she did could have been leia, and we could have avoided literally throwing leia’s character away. i mean she got FUCKED and i’m really mad about it. i dont know why johnson set up this atmosphere with the rebels where apparently leia is god and no one on board would ever defy her or even argue something but i think it’s fucking stupid and bad writing. the idea that poe couldn’t have learned the exact same fucking lesson from her is idiotic. laura derne could have just like been around a few times, established that she’s close with leia, then her sacrifice still means something without detracting from other characters’ screen time. because that’s what she did sorry lmfao
listen it’s so cute and sweet that billie lourd was in it but she was in it too much. i’m sorry like. u only have so much time to develop a shit ton of characters so :( sorry billie.
that stupid fucking white boy with the force or whatever at the end. fuck that. sorry but why him ? if ur gonna do some like Kids In The Galaxy Paralleling The Audience Nostalgia fuck you for making a white boy. just reestablishes that this franchise originally was never meant for me like, this was all just a huge i love star wars wank fest for rian johnson and he clearly sees himself as that little boy which i think is literally dumb. not sure why it couldn’t have been one of the other kids or all three. stupid
this ties in with leia getting shafted but she and luke get to interact for like literally 3 seconds
this movie should just be retitled “Kylo Ren Is Valid And Here’s Why”
i want to point out i’m not one of Those People who hates the idea of a kylo redemption arc or thinks it’s impossible. like i said earlier, i liked getting his and luke’s sides of things and i’m fine with past kylo being painted somewhat sympathetically. but this movie fucking WACKS YOU OVER THE HEAD with it literally NONSTOP. 
the rey and kylo stuff was fine in theory but again it happened way too much. i think it could have been condensed into one scene where they connected once
as soon as rey and poe introduced themselves to each other i knew there was a big problem. i had like a revelatory moment in the theater because that was at the End of the film and two of the three MAIN protagonists (imo) JUST NOW MET?? at the end of the second movie. there’s only one more and their relationship is only starting now???? k.
in general splitting the main trio up for the entirety of the film was a shit ass idea
rey had too much makeup on lmfao there i said it
other than the one fight scene with rey and kylo, the fighting fell really flat as did the other action
didn’t like luke’s death. it took me a second to even realize what happened. probably fans of the OG trilogy loved it or at least liked it more but i didn’t grow up with SW and i didn’t care about it until TFA. i had this fleeting thought of like “oh wait were there two suns just then? that’s like....where he grew up or something right oh wait now they’re gone so it was symboli-oh wait he’s dead. oh.” idk it felt really anticlimactic to me. i mean compared to han’s death it doesn’t hold up at all imo
FUCK YODA THE STINKY OLD MAN!!!! that part was dumb as hell and so fanservicey it like hurt my body
overall, the movie did mostly nothing. felt like filler !
all in all i had fun like i said, the movie was p blah, and if the final one rocks which obviously i hope it does, then i’ll be more forgiving. every trilogy has a stinker even if it’s a good stinker, and the 2nd is always the best one to be the stinker imo so. hopefully this one is it.
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