#1132 rue royal
vampyrles · 1 year
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1132 Rue Royal
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the kind lady at the desk brought me out to the courtyard, she was a big fan as well, and we chatted about the sets they used in the Gallier House and sets they built
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that iconic alley scene we all love to hate
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Claudia’s “room” is actually a bathroom lol
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samstatsupremacy · 2 years
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sofipitch · 1 year
Louis really finished the book interview with "And I sure hope nothing bad happens to Lestat who lives on 1132 Rue Royale the house with the overgrown garden, rusting balconies, and rotting roof. Smells like dead animals you can't miss it"
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nicodelenfent · 1 year
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1132 Rue Royale + artwork
AMC's Interview With the Vampire, set design by Mara LePere-Schloop, set decor by Selina van den Brink.
Robert Henri, Mildred-O Hat (Undated)
Edvard Munch, Starry Night (1893)
Edvard Munch, Weeping Nude (1913)
Edvard Munch, Self Portrait (1881)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Bouquet in a Theater Box (1871)
George Bellows, Stag at Sharkey's (1909)
George Bellows, New York (1911)
George Bellows, Forty-two Kids (1907)
George Bellows, The Cliff Dwellers (1913)
George Bellows, Paddy Flannigan (1908)
George Bellows, The Lone Tenement (1909)
Edgar Degas, Dancers (1899)
Edgar Degas, After the Bath: Woman Drying her Hair (1898)
Jean Beraud, Backstage at the Opera (1889)
Vasily Alexandrovich Kotarbiński, Roman Bacchanal (1898)
Édouard Manet, Berthe Morisot with a Fan (1872)
Egon Schiele, The Artist's Sister Melanie (1908)
Egon Schiele, Portrait of Erich Lederer (1912)
Egon Schiele, Krumau on the Molde (1912)
Egon Schiele, Self Portrait in a Jerkin (1914)
Egon Schiele, Kneeling Girl with Spanish Skirt (1911)
Egon Schiele, Church in Stein on the Danube (1913)
(Dubai penthouse edition)
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sheisraging · 1 year
I recently came back from a trip to New Orleans, where I visited many important historic sites*, such as:
That alley where Lestat killed that guy that time
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1132 Rue Royale (aka. Lestat's house)
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The courtyard at 1132 Rue Royale (aka. that spot where Lestat lost his shit that one time... probably many times, actually)
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The courtyard of The Azalea Club
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This romantic (and sometimes tragic) spot in Jackson Square
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The spot where Louis experienced mortal death and, incidentally, also the funeral of his brother Paul, and later saw his own funerary monument (rough times for Louis!)
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The spot where Claudia went on a little shopping trip (I don't have any relevant photos from here, but they had this super relevant love potion so have that instead)
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The spot where Lestat ate some king baby (cake)
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*Hopefully everyone realized I'm joking, but just in case: I know that these sites are actually all historic or historic-ish sites. I visited and/or toured all of them and loved every bit of this city that I got to explore. If you can visit New Orleans, you absolutely should. It's an incredible city.
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idontwikeit · 3 months
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For @iwtvfanevents a meal 2 remember
House by baberainbow, @dlsintegration, @diasdelfuego ,@kittyldpdl, @nlbv , @knifeeater, @weather-mood
'Strange house we must keep and fill. / House that eats and pleads and kills.’ The House at 1132 Rue Royale.
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showmey0urfangs · 2 years
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cuntylestat · 2 years
it gets scary for these hoes at 1132 rue royale 
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squirrellypoo · 1 year
Mapping the Rue Royale Townhouse
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Photos from Alfonso Bresciani for AMC
Around episode 2 or 3 I started to struggle in mapping the layout of the townhouse’s rooms in my head - how many pianos do they have? What orientation is the bed to the coffin room? Where are the fireplaces located? I like to build maps in my head to orient myself (no surprise that the 3D render is my favourite part of any Grand Designs episode) so my first port of call was to look at the floorplan of the original 1132 Rue Royale, the historic Gallier House.
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This is a real life historic house that you can visit, and Anne Rice has said it was the inspiration for Lestat’s townhouse in the book, as well as being used for all the exterior shots in the tv show.
But then I was watching a presentation on YouTube by the show’s production designer, Mara LePere-Schloop, and she actually shared the floorplan used to build the townhouse set! I excitedly took a screenshot (again, apologies for the quality, which was limited by the video quality) to compare against the original Gallier House. Even though the actual house is on two levels with a central staircase, the set is built with both levels side by side, with a partial staircase in between for ease of production. Even with this key difference, they were surprisingly faithful to the layout of the original house, even where they didn’t need to be.
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Case in point - there’s a door leading from the coffin room to the landing, which makes sense in Gallier House as the coffin room is a sitting room. But seeing as how the coffin room is meant to be secret in the show (concealed behind a hidden door in the bedroom panelling), there’s no real need to have a door there, especially when it’s barely concealed by tapestries and furniture on the show (and burst through during the episode 5 fight). I’m not even going to mention the failings of the New Orleans police department in not noticing it during their search in episode 5!
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Another feature from the original house that was replicated on set are the steps leading down into Claudia’s room from the landing. The placement of Claudia’s room is where the bath and slave quarters were in the original house, and appear to be an extension, where the difference in levels necessitating a few steps would make sense. But there’s no real need for these when you’re building a set from scratch, and I kinda love that they kept them in even though there was no real need for them there (if nothing else, it meant we got to see Lestat prance down them to throw open her coffin lid in episode 5!)
And the final original detail that they didn’t really have to replicate (but I’m very glad they did!) was the incredible aperture skylight on the landing above the piano. Apparently Mara was so taken with the one in Gallier House on an early visit that Rolin Jones (showrunner) found a way to incorporate it into the script, meaning we not only got to see Lestat closing it in episode 2, but Claudia using it to self-harm in episode 4.
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I absolutely love the detail and thought that went into the Rue Royale townhouse, from the design to the furnishings to the artwork but also that they built a near-realistic townhouse on set - it brings a level of realism to the show that wouldn’t be present if it was filmed in a series of disconnected, 3-walled set rooms.
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vampyrles · 1 year
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Inside the Gallier House. There really is a skylight, the first in the quarter at the time by Gallier Jr. It was installed as extra ventilation during the summer, but the crank to open it is up in the attic and quite a hassle to get to. So it was assumed to be opened in the spring and kept open until fall.
It’s at the top of the stairs, exactly where Lestat would have his piano, and right next to the room that leads to the window (where they have the “I heard your hearts dancing” conversation).
With how the house is laid out all the rooms are connected by doors, which was common at the time to keep the house as cool as possible, but now the scenes make a bit more sense, plus with how they have so many doors in the coffin room, one main one covered with a tapestry to hide it, and the others locked from the inside so the rooms on either side cannot enter.
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apocoeurlypse · 2 months
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"High windows, through which enameled bits of civilization glitter." (IWTV, 1.07) + 1132 Rue Royale
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vampirefest · 7 months
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Dear companions in darkness, the wait is finally over! We'd like to thank everyone who participated in our little guessing game, we got a lot of interesting answers.
For the month of November, we bring you a fun low-pressure bingo inspired by Lestat, that you can fill up at your leisure throughout the month.
You can use the prompts on the bingo card to write fanfics, make fanart, amvs, edits or any other creative outlet to show your appreciation for our beloved Brat Prince.
You can find the rules and guidelines for the event here. The link to the collection can be found here.
Don't forget to tag with #vflestatbirthdaybingo and/or tag us at @vampirefest so that we can find your posts.
Here is the complete bingo card for our birthday boy!
You can find the full detailed prompts below the cut.
Happy Lestat Month!
1. "My lord, the Wolfkiller": The killing of the wolves, a moment that comes to define Lestat for all eternity. You can explore this fundamental event in Lestat's life, the way it altered the course of his life and his family dynamics, and the symbolism it came to represent in Lestat's later life.
2. First love I The witches' place: For Nickistat lovers out there, this is your time to shine! It's also a chance to explore another formative moment of Lestat's life—his experience at the witches' place—when Lestat came to the fundamental understanding that there is no meaning in the end - not to the cruelty, not to the laws of men - all that exists is the one life he's living and the aesthetic of it all.
3. The performer: Actor | Rockstar: Performing is Lestat's second nature, either to present an image of himself to others to earn their love, or to hide this true self. From the time he is a young man, Lestat is awed by actors and artists, they create worlds and life out of nothingness. Some of Lestat's best and happiest moments are on the stage, acting or singing for his adoring public.
4. Rue Royale era: For decades, 1132 Rue Royale was the home of our favourite little vampire family. A family that, according to Lestat, shouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Here you can explore the dynamics between the unholy family, between Lestat and Louis, and the highs and lows of this period in Lestat's life. As Lestat said, he has never been as happy as in that little house on Rue Royale.
5. Free Space: This is your chance to explore any themes or moments in our brat prince's life outside of the prompts proposed. Let your creativity run wild!
6. "I don't like myself, you know.! love myself, of course. I'm devoted to myself till my dying day. But I don't like myself.": Use this prompt to explore Lestat's insecurities and his complicated relationship with himself, from his abandonment issues to his reflections on his body, his monstrosity and so much more.
7. Lust for life: Here you can explore Lestat the dreamer, Lestat the hedonist, Lestat the embodiment of hunger. He has a lust for blood, love, adventure, for a better life filled with more excitement and lived to the fullest. Lestat takes what he wants and follows his every whim.
8. Resilience: Lestat is the metaphorical cockroach of the Vampire Chronicles universe. Whatever life throws at him, he rolls with the punches and finds a way to survive and make the best of every situation. He always finds a way to reinvent himself and to keep moving forward. With this prompt, you can explore Lestat's defiance in the face of obstacles and his resilience even under the worst circumstances.
9. The Brat Prince | Prince Lestat era: Set your creations in the Prince Lestat era or simply explore Lestat's bratty nature that earned him the moniker "The Brat Prince".
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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erandraws · 8 months
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1930, 1939 and 1940: love and hate side by side in 1132 Rue Royale.
For the @iwtvbigbang I had the pleasure to work with @aryastark-valarmorghulis on The haunting of Rue Royale. Go read it now on Ao3!
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rosengris · 3 months
Loustat rec: glimpses through the cold war years
The summary reads '1930, 1939 and 1940: love and hate side by side in 1132 Rue Royale' and that's exactly the flavour: brewing resentment, intentional neglect, and yet, there's tenderness and care still, which makes the bitterness all the more complicated. They cannot stay close to each other and they cannot be apart. I won't spoil it, the last line is particularly poignant, especially when you think about the upcoming season.
More fic recs here, bear in mind I'm not particularly consistent or diligent ;P Slowly leafing through some of the IWTV fics I've enjoyed.
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captaintiny · 5 months
no little german boy, don't go into 1132 rue royale!
oh mein gott zis vampire den is full of kuntenserven
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murfpersonalblog · 1 month
IWTV Ep4 - Rewind the Tape
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"How does Claudia joining Lestat and Louis’ family affect or change them, separately and also as a couple?"
IMO, Lestat saved Louis' life, but Claudia gave Louis a reason to go on living. Cuz unfortunately for Lou, he thinks his value came strictly from external sources; the value other people put on him & judged him by--his career & socio-economic status; his worth as a Black man (a product of slavery and the literal value/prices put on Black bodies; how his role/actions affected "my people"); his orientation ("identifying as a homosexual," "embracing my sexuality"); and his place/dynamic within the nuclear family unit (at the DPDL estate, and at 1132 Rue Royale).
By Ep3, Louis had lost everything--out of business when Storyville was shut down; thoroughly disrespected by white racists at every turn, from Ordinance 4118's segregation bill & Finn O'Shea "a white man who used to work for me" burning down the Azalea after stealing his money to open his own "No Coloreds Allowed" competitor, to Tom & the Alderman screwing him over ("a dumb pimp who got robbed blind years ago"); his white husband cheating on him with a white woman that used to work for him & laughing in his face about it; and Lou dumping Les during the race riots on the night Lestat wanted to make "our anniversary."
But ironically, Les had a point about making that night their "anniversary:" a night of change, evolution, transformation & rebirth for ALL of them--most obviously for Claudia, the baby phoenix vampire rising from Storyville's ashes, but for Loustat too.
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IWTV focuses on how Louis was affected & changed by gaining Claudia, first as a daughter & then as a "sister." She became his central axis--everything revolved around her. Louis had discovered what unconditional love truly meant.
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That was something Lou'd NEVER experienced before. Everyone's love for him came with conditions, clauses, terms of service--from Grace's conservative judgementalism, to Paul's dogmatic religiosity, to his p.o.s. mother's resentment, hate & homophobia. The affection b/t Lou & Lily was a transaction bought & paid for. And where to even start with Monsieur "Without Apology" de Lioncourt. 😒 And in turn, Louis' love was tainted--he lost touch with Grace, he was blamed for Paul's suicide (and likely blamed himself sometimes), his relationship with his mother had been ruined LONG before he became a vampire, and Lestat...jfc.
But in Claudia, Louis could finally pour all of his love & attention & affection on someone who could love him back, tabula rasa, a newborn vamp who just wanted food, home, comfort, safety & love from him, with all a child's demanding.
Sadly, Claudia did NOT love Louis unconditionally. By the end, she genuinely hated him (and ofc Lestat), for all the ways he'd "dragged his family into this mess" (especially in Paris), and hopelessly "failed" her, and chose other men over her (regardless of whether or not he really DID, that was how SHE FELT). Lou'd learn the hard way in Merrick that NOTHING he'd given her had been enough.
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As horrific as it was, Merrick was the best thing for Lou; forcing himself to face Claudia's ghost, her diaries, and her true feelings about him. In the end, he had to learn that loving people (and being loved) couldn't be a crutch, or his reason to keep living or not.
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Lou'd HATED himself his entire life, deeply depressed & full of "self-loathing;" and after losing Claudia he couldn't pretend to be happy anymore (even w/ Armand, despite how long they stayed together).
Same goes for Lestat. For all his vain cocksure braggadocio, Lestat hated himself too. (Despite claiming he didn't in ToTBT.)
Lestat thought his value came from what he could provide/give/do for others--the gentle son who stayed by his mother Gabrielle when the Marquis & his horrid brothers abused them; the Wolfkiller who saved the town & hunted food for his family; the gallant hero/lover who rescued the damsel in distress & whisked them away on a whirlwind adventure/romance (Gabrielle, Nicki, Louis, etc). Whatever people wanted, he'd give them, lovebomber supreme.
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This ultimately culminated in his role as the vampire Maker, the god of his own Savage Garden, creating the world through his image of what he felt the world was/should be like (a la the Chateau Era).
Cuz he suffered from chronic abandonment issues--everyone he'd loved most had betrayed him & left him--first & foremost God.
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So it all snowballed from Lestat's own traumatic childhood, trying to find God (freedom, food, home, comfort, safety & love) but being dragged back into Hell over & over (LITERALLY in Memnoch).
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And trying to connect with his fledglings & being abandoned over & over, as vampirism had turned Lestat into a monster/the Devil.
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Claudia effed up Les' God Complex, but he needed that humbling. He needed to take accountability for all the things he'd done wrong, and the ways he'd failed as her Maker/Creator/Father. Cuz we know Les loved her deeply in the books--he just didn't know HOW to love.
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Together, I think Loustat was most affected/changed by having Claudia in the way they were able to come back together and rekindle their love for e/o through loving Claudia--she really was an effective bandaid gluing them together, when Lou would've left Les in Ep3.
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Claudia was an outlet for Loustat: she gave Louis someone he felt he could "do right" by (after he'd failed Grace & the kids), and she gave Lestat someone he could bond with as a sadistic vampire killer.
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So yeah, Loustat (mostly Louis) did the best he could by Claudia, but we see where the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Ultimately, in the books, Loustat is only able to come together to "do right" by another daughter when they take in Rose; making up for the mistakes they made with Claudia. (But even there, we see the ways Rose still suffered from loneliness/abandonment, especially when Lestat over-corrected by giving her more freedom & autonomy by being more hands-off & distant, instead of overbearing & controlling.)
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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