#10 struggled with containing his anger and being merciful - 11 struggles too but he succeeds more often
kitkatt0430 · 2 years
I really like the idea that when the Doctor regenerates there is, on a sort of subconscious level, a choice to correct things in their new self that they didn't like about their current self.
Like, 9 struggled with being affectionate in a way 10 doesn't. And 11 is better at... not forgetting, but at compartmentalizing and masking his feelings than 10 was. 12 is better about speaking his mind and establishing boundaries than 11. 13 is better at listening to other people's points of view than 12 was.
But at the same time, they're all always the same person at their core. There are some things about themself that the Doctor never changes, because they can't. And, perhaps, even at the worst of their moments of self loathing, they don't want to lose who they are.
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