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Fearless year of Shadow
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 2 months
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2005 and 2006
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thelvadams · 2 months
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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (2006) • dev. Sonic Team
It's futile. The world will betray you. Why fight at all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?
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shadow-von-vamp · 3 months
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besties and guy that tried to kill me earlier save me
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iasminomarata · 2 years
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they are pals
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Le epic 5th anniversary special
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quarzy · 24 days
a collection of sonic 06's leaked script cuz they're funny to me
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bumblekastclips · 1 month
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, we got one last question. It’s from JediPony. [chuckles] Love that name, I don’t know why. It makes me laugh. [reading question] “How would you write an 06 adaptation in Sonic X?” Here’s the question, would you write the 06 adaptation in Sonic X the show, or Sonic X the comic?
IAN FLYNN: [laughs] KYLE: It’s very— two very different things. IAN:Very different things. I don’t know, if we’re gonna be true to the source material, then Elise doesn’t really have a role, and Chris is the one who has the Flames of Disaster sealed inside him. KYLE: [laughing] Oh no! Oh! IAN: “Chris, whatever you do, you can’t cry!” [as Chris, weepily] “But why?!” [Iblis roar] KYLE: It’s all he does! [laughs] No! IAN: Oh, man, now I’m imagining Mephiles with, like, that really bad early 2000s CG effect. All these awful filters flyin’ around. KYLE: Oh, God, no! [laughing] This would be awful. IAN: You’d have, like, the budget episodes where Soleanna and New City are just, like, these flat, grey urban textures that have like, no depth, but then you get to the final episode where they’re doing the Super fight against Solaris, and the animation bump goes through the roof, and it’s glorious. And you forgive the last 26 episodes of your life that you’ve wasted watching it so far. KYLE: Mhm. IAN: [choking the words out through high pitched, wheezing laughter] This means Chris is the one that kisses Sonic back to life! [fit of maniacal laughter] KYLE: [frantic, horrified laughter] No! No! No! No! Ian, no! Ian! No! IAN: [prolonged cackling laughter] KYLE: The worst timeline! Oh, no! IAN: Oh, and Eggman has to be as close as they can get him to photorealistic Eggman in the Sonic X style. KYLE: No! IAN: Which does not work at all! KYLE: No, no, no! No! This is not going on the thumbnail! No! IAN: [wheezing laugh] KYLE: No, do not put this on the thumbnail! [laughing] IAN: Oh, my goodness, just imagine the art errors for Silver’s head alone… KYLE: Oh… no… oh, no… at least Dan Green could still be the voice of Mephiles. IAN: Oh, yeah, that’d be fantastic. [microphone glitches] That’s the only reason to do this. KYLE: That would be— yeah. Oh… IAN: Oh, would they try to hand-animate Omega? Or would he be like, early 2000s CG? KYLE: Just crappy CG, no! IAN: That you just composite into each shot… oh, man, it’d be awful! KYLE: [pained sound not unlike he is receiving a fully conscious appendectomy] Oh! IAN: Wait! [microphone glitches again] They did the weird thing with Sonic and Shadow’s spines when they would turn their heads. What would Silver look like?! KYLE: [resigned groan] IAN: Would it just be like, one giant spine, depending on the angle? [bursts into laughter] KYLE: [groans as if he is dying] Ian… what are you doing… why are you— IAN: [microphone glitches again as if resisting] The Iblis monsters would have the terrible CG effects, too! KYLE: Why am— why am I the reasonable one!
IAN: [laughs] KYLE: Why am I the one who’s being… [gives up on finishing this sentence] IAN: Forget the comic, the comic can’t hold a candle to this idea! KYLE: Oh, no… IAN: [in awe] What a glorious trainwreck! KYLE: What’s even funnier is that your mic is trying to stop you. IAN: [cackles] KYLE: It’s not working. [laughs] So cursed! IAN: The whole thing would be so awful… KYLE: Yeah? IAN: But then there would be, like, this incredibly well-written and poignant subplot about Elise dealing with her emotional trauma, and how Soleanna as a country even works. And it’s like, maybe an episode, maybe two that really gets into it and fleshes out this world in a meaningful and robust manner. KYLE: [chuckles] Yeah. IAN: And that’s it. That’s like— that and Dan Green are the only redeeming things out of this season. KYLE: [sigh, reading chat] Ian, in the chat… IAN: Yeah. KYLE: In the Bumblekast Discord server, open it up. There’s a little piece of art there. Someone has, uh, sketched Silver. [chuckles] IAN: [seeing it, delighted, evil] Yes! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: Cursed Toucan Sam! KYLE: [cackles] Oh no! Why do you…? No! Awful! Toucan— IAN: [as Silver] “Just follow my nose, wherever it goes!” KYLE: [horrified, amused] Toucan Silver! No! [emits the world’s most drawn-out, pained cry of defeat] IAN: Psycho-beak-nesis! KYLE: [laughing] Bumblekast was a mistake! IAN: [laughs] It was, but at least we’re over with it for today. KYLE: [laughing] Oh… I guess so.[outro music fades in]
EPISODE THUMBNAIL by the incredible @nintendoni-art
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—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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trashcreatyre · 10 months
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overdone joke but I just wanted to draw my 06 designs more
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corffee · 1 year
God they’re so awkward (affectionate)
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lostplanetvoltia · 4 months
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Day 6: Together
Still together 200+ years in the future...
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underestimated-shadow · 4 months
All Hail Shadow!
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Heroes rise again
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Obliterating everything that's not your friend!
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Nothing can stop you now
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No ghost to bring you down!
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When there's nothing left to lose…
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You win!
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“All Hail Shadow” by Crush 40, original version performed by Magna-Fi
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thesarcasticism · 3 months
Dear SEGA please give me back Team Dark thank you
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maplethedarkshine · 5 months
Random sonic headcanons
Sonic does have a house, but he only uses it to store his things and basically never spends time in it
Mighty and Ray haven't appear in modern sonic because mighty is somehow still missing and ray is searching for him
In the future, since there's no longer equidnas, silver is now the guardian of angel/onix island
Also, every time he goes back to the past is because the master emerald shows him a vision of it and he goes to check if everything if ok
The chaotix only have 2 rooms in the house and espio sleeps in the sofa
Mighty is the one who gave the cowboy/ treasure hunter hat to knuckles
Metal sonic actually died/was destroyed in back in rivals 2. The one that appears in team sonic racing is a prototype of eggman to try to rebuild him, but he's not complete and has no AI programed yet
Speaking of. Eggman nega died (left to die by espio-) in the ifrit dimension in the same game
The early concept of sonic in a band actually happened early in the timeline. So, vector and sonic know each other, but since they're really not longer friends they pretend like they don't recognize each other
The only ones who remember sonic 06 are sonic, Elise (partially) and blaze (partially/regained her memory in generations)
Mephiles/solaris didn't died when Elise blew up the flame, he just lost his corporeal form and now he's exclusively an omnipresent being
Charmy bee is literally god /j
Classic sonic isn't mute, he simply refused to talk in generations-forces because he was annoyed and hated almost everyone (look at the rescue friends cutscenes from classic POV, he looks pissed)
Omega is still pretty much alive by silver's future, shadow not so much
Sonic is terrible at videogames, he ragequits every single time after 3 minutes of picking the control
Surprisingly, the only one good with handling Money on team chaotix is Charmy. Espio wastes it all in gambling and Vector gets scammed 24/7
Idk, that's all, bye
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etaleah · 1 year
Purposely not including “I’ve come to make an announcement” since that one already gets a lot of attention.
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