#-10000/10 for sm entertainment
kia-likethecar · 7 years
Yixing having a sheep in his I need you photoshoot emanates the same power as Luhan having a manly deer furry in his Lu MV
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
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what do you think 'bout this? the one who said that D(ispatch) word following kai everywhere since march claiming herself as an insider. i'm lil bit frustation about this, not kai anymore
I don't know if we're talking about same girl or not but the only rumored Gf I know Ji has since late 2020 is his supposed current gf so it was even before March and still til know those sasaengs online talk about her and him since December 2020! So if in March he changed his rumored GF then we're not talking abt same girl which I doubt coz I've seen only her that was claimed to be his GF since late 2020 so maybe it's the same girl ..
Anyways.. I asked for her information and I was told to buy it but OFC since I'm rich 🤑 I didn't pay a cent. Coz duh?? Rich ppl get everything for free!
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So I had her pic and account 😪 they claim she is his GF she is a model and they say he takes her all the time to his schedules! How they know?? Well their evidence is : coz she always takes pics in places he is in! Such as in Udo Inn she took pics there and posted them on her IG and in The devil wears Jun/gnam Show she took pics there and posted them when Ji was there and in every schedule she takes pics there where Ji is. Which is stoopid?? Why would he take his GF to his own schedule?🤦🏻‍♀️isn't he supposed to be hiding her and protecting her?? Shouldn't they stay low-key?? So what I concluded is : She is an attention $eeker .
I didn't want to shared these info when I got them coz I found they're stoopid I would just create a fuss omg the fandom during the time we should be happy with the new Kadi moments we're having. I didn't want to ruin it all after a 2 years drought.
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So after checking her posts and acc I analysed that she is maybe a stalker an obsessed Fan or even a sasaeng who follows him around and claims herself his GF for clout! Coz she literally told everyone she is dating him! Like the whole world knows . And to gain attention and cash from his fans and sasaengs when she gives them their fake relationship info.
Oh please who would take his GF to his schedule where cameras are everywhere?? Also Ji is always surrounded with female staff around in every schedule female staff of SM and of the other company that holds the show whom he doesn't know 💁🏻‍♀️so her taking pics in every schedule he has in the same time he is there and when he shares his pics on his IG.. is very suspicious to me! She may be one crazy part-time staff whom is obsessed with him. That's a weak supposition but anyway the thing is :She wants attention! Like "HEEEEY HELLO IT'S ME I'M HERE WHERE JI IS! SO I MUST BE HIS GF"💁🏻‍♀️
And since January 2021 all those stoopid Sasaeng pages kept posting this phrase " Ji must be careful he is followed by dispatch and he is not very careful! Dispatch may catch him easily he is so stupid and careless"!
Oh and what I was told when I got her info is pure pics of her BUT NEVER AN INTERACTION WITH JI! NO PIC WITH HIM NOR THEM BEING ON A DATE NOR ANYTHING?? So how are they so sure they're dating??
He is building his new Variety Entertainer Image and With Jongdae's marriage and Chanyeol's 10 gfs scandal he knows how that affected all the Exos and their reputation HE CAN'T RISK TO HAVE ANOTHER DATING SCANDAL while he is WELL AWARE OF THE PLAYBOY IMAGE HE HAS COZ OF HIS 2 PREVIOUS DATING SCANDALS. So especially in this period when he is building his Variety Show Entertainer Image I don't think (even if it was true and he had a gf) he would be careless and go out with her let alone take her to his own schedules 💁🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Normally when Idols are in the epitome of a new career (wether actor or singer or Entertainer or fashion designer or models or going Solo after being in a band etc..) they tend to not date and be clean of any other possible things that may cause them a scandal such us smoking doing drugs, dating etc.. they tend to clean their image even before signing contracts and be extremely careful in their behavior around others to avoid any offensive behavior scandals or dating scandals or smoking scandals etc... Coz the companies they sign with have it in their contracts that the celebrities who sign with them shouldn't have any kind of scandals that may affect the show's stocks and ratings and views etc... They may get punished if they break these rules and go in a scandal.
So what I think is Ji with his new Variety Entertainer Image he won't risk himself to date (that if he wasn't already married to Ksoo but anyways) and even if he was dating he would be extremely careful coz not only his fucked up playboy image in on the edge of worsening but also all the shows he would be in would be affected by the dating and with Chan's previous dating scandal and Chen's marriage he saw how fans recently don't take well the dating issue so he won't risk his own image to have a third dating scandal, it would ruin him and his Entertainer career and would also affect the shows he is in. So he knows for a FACT that if he dates now! After the Chen and Chanyeol scandals and how fans didn't take it well and hated on them a lot and the hate they received and how all the Exos were affected by that from stocks to sales to views etc...Ji is a 10000% sure if he dates now and his dating comes out to light he won't get the support he had with Kais/tal and Jen/kai ! Instead He would be seen as a playboy and fuck boy and would be hated and he would get a loooot of bad comments and hate and the shows he is in would get negative comments and bad ratings and I don't think Ji would want that with his extremely vulnerable and fragile personality. He just started recovering from his depression coz of Bad comments and haters and he said how he went to the psychiatrist back in Radio Star show in 2019. So I'm sure he wouldn't be able to take the attention and hate again.
And I don't think in his case, a dating scandal would be beneficial to increase his popularity and attract eyes to him in order to boost his new Variety Entertainer Image, I mean that startegy is very efficient sometimes but for idols who never had dating scandals before which is not his case coz he already had 2 dating scandals with THE IT DIVA GIRLS of THE ERAS back then!
So for me it's a No No.
And what y'all think 🤔???
Do enlighten me with ur opinions and other things you searched and found??
Can y'all share the page and comments on that post in the pic above?? Coz I'm clearly now following that acc so I want to see more, i want to see their comments and what ppl are saying!
So can y'all share this with me in Dms??
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kalakilo · 3 years
the empty text box answer hall of fame
over 400 of y’all took my stupid uquiz. why.
an anon ask requested me to show my favourite answers to the little text box at the end so i spent like two and a half hours going through every single answer AGAIN since i hadn’t screenshotted any while looking through them the first time. you idiots are so funny and lovely people and here is a big post going through some iconic answers. i hope this can be entertaining but also it is mostly just for me lol
first of all, in one of the questions i mention that i often leave “i fucked ur mom” in the empty text boxes at the end of most uquizes. this then resulted into 43 of you leaving “i fucked ur mom” in the textbox in some way or another and one person asking: “i wonder how many people wrote “i fucked ur mom” after what you said earlier”. some favourite variations of this include:
as a wise uquiz maker once said “I fucked ur mom”
to quote u, i fucked ur mom <3
i fucked your mom but i thought it was you anyways the pussy was bomb
as I was fucking your mom, I realised that I truly am the sexiest bitch alive
i didn’t fuck your mom, but i did make sure she got home safely <3
and a bonus i also enjoyed: Can you ask your mom if she’s single
no, my mother is not single, and i really hope none of you actually fucked her. that being said i laughed at these every time thank you so much
these next ones i just want to talk about even though the original sender will most likely not even see them. or they just need some context. i just need peace of mind
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the first question of the quiz was my favourite one to do because kpop songs are sometimes absolutely fucking bonkers and i wanted to showcase that it was hilarious!!!! i can confirm that not all kpop is like that. i specifically chose the funky ones because i think it does add to character and that is something that i can simultaneously enjoy and also laugh at. but kpop also has amazing lyrics!! it’s not all one thing and kpop is super diverse. i didn’t personally know some of the songs i put in there, i just knew their funky lyrics so i cannot speak for fm but also what the fuck was that song
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as you should. carry on. i was very threatening with “do not leave it empty you bitch”
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this one was just cute!! idk if you’re going to see this person who sent it but my native language is finnish. chuu is an icon.
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one of my questions was if you were a wizard what would you say when you cast a spell and one of those answers was fuck you. this person took it to the next level and i loved it so much i couldn’t stop smiling at this one
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listen i’m fuckin trying
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this person just completed the assignment. left me a wonderful love letter
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and last but not least, this person did everything i told them to do in the actual question. a+ incredible performance!!!
if i could i’d put in all the screenshots i took but since there is a photo limit i believe, i will just write them out exactly as they are. moving on, here are just some random ones that i really enjoyed:
i’m your father, luke
i am so sad, i dont have enough white beads to make a little 3d seed beed chicken sitting down ): i even arranged all the beads i stole from my mom by color, it took me 3 days, and now i cant even make a little chicken ): a little seed beed chicken )’:
you’ll meet the king of fungi in 34 days
today i managed tp find the nether fortress and collect 10 blazerods. im about to beat minecraft for the forst time in my life
Dude every question of this was a riot I love you
Bro I’m just here for the vibe
I think dogs should be able to vote
i killed a man lol
jack sparrow pirates of the caribbean was confirmed some flavor of homo way back when which means HE was disney’s first gay character yet they refuse to give pirates of the caribbean the credit it deserves and they refuse to my calls where I try and tell them they simply must have jack sparrow pirates of the caribbean kiss a man directly on the lips in the next movie
ehhhhhh I’m evil penis boy im gonna steal your penis
I love you, no homo. The homo costs extra
Yo check this out *<|:) he’s in a party hat
theres way too many kpop references in this quiz
\_/____ it’s a slug
that was the weirdest quiz i’ve taken in a while and i truly enjoyed it
My cat is meowing at me i thin i’m going to die today
FUCK (are you pleased)
I wish I was a nac Mac feegle but more than that I wish I could enjoy being a nac Mac feegle
I forgot what this quiz is about already
I hated these questions and have lost 10000 years of my life answering them (no but thanks for the quiz!!!)
on god I was gonna choose the ‘cuddling stray kittens’ option for the how do u sleep question but then I remembered that I actually did sleep in a refrigerator box on my bedroom floor for months when I was like 9 :/ throwback!!!
when i was 7 i put my hand in a food processor while it was running to “see what would happen” and somehow im 28 and still have all my fingers and toes
this last one deserves its own moment. it’s the best message i got:
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congrats on the phd doctor bitch!!!
along with all of these messages, i got a lot of song recs (thank you sm!!) and i got so many lovely messages from people saying they liked the quiz or just other generally nice things and i can’t explain how much serotonin these answers have given me. just wanna thank everyone who took the time to write something in there i loved it!!!!!!!
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glenmenlow · 7 years
Secure your Primary Number Privacy
The article Secure your Primary Number Privacy was originally published to: http://ift.tt/2tfm7s8
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First seen on: http://ift.tt/2uz0ipk
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from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/07/18/secure-your-primary-number-privacy/ via IFTTT
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