#--makes it obv how airtight the themes are. Himiko actually dying would be a permanent stain on those themes.
super-paper · 10 months
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Hmmm. So, Keigo "dealt with all traces of Jin's body/blood " and personally cleaned up the crime scene at Gunga....
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During Hawks vs Jin, Jin talks at length about Himiko's hankie, what it means to him, and how it both represents her kindness and why he simply can't abandon the League of Villains-- which Hawks completely brushes aside, at the time......
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Jin's final clone desperately attempts to return a cloned!hankie to Himiko, but it tragically melts away as he dies....
The real hankie..... just so happens to fall right next to Jin's body, and right next to a big ass blood stain, seemingly forgotten.
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