#* dynamics: alleria windrunner & arator windrunner / ALL THINGS SOFT AND BEAUTIFUL AND BRIGHT WOULD BE BURIED WITH HIM. [ REDEEMINGSUN ]
warwaged-archive · 3 years
I have no doubt by the time this letter reaches your hands, I will be long gone. It is not within my right to ask that you forgive me for it, but I must begin asking for forgiveness all the same, my little ray of sunshine. There will be no peace for those who fell to orcish blades, or indeed, for Azeroth as a whole, until the threat is dealt with — and so, there was no choice for me but to join the Expedition. I have to do it for those I lost, and for you, as well.
Nothing wounds me more than having to leave you, but the hands I entrust you to are the best and most capable there are. In regards to this, there is no doubt within my heart that when you finally read those words, you will indeed agree that your aunts have cared for you as well as one can be cared for. If it hurts me to leave, I have no doubt they will be better for you than I could ever hope to be.
There is much I will not be able to give you myself. Much we won’t ever get the chance of speak of, or do together. Much I won’t be able to tell you. But my intent is not only to apologize for what we won’t share. Most of all, this letter is to be a reminder of my love for you, my son. There is nothing I have ever, or ever will, treasure as much as you. In the darkest times of my life, you brought to me light and hope I had forgotten existed. I hope this does not change, no matter how you grow, and that you continue to shine brightly and comfort others with your warmth, sunshine. Never forget I loved you more than the world or life itself.
I’m sorry I couldn’t stay.
From your mother, who loves you so,
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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@redeeming-sun said: draw! /  SEND ME “DRAW!” AND I’LL DRAW YOUR MUSE
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
A thousand years away from your son is a long time. During it, what memories of Arator are most precious to Alleria? Which memories did she think of when she missed him?
It is. And she had way too little time with him before disappearing, so there wasn’t much she could hold on to. I think her memories would be less of one specific event, and more of things like, or how he laughed when tickled, or just, his smile, his laughter, how it felt to hold him close to her chest when he was still tiny, his first steps, carrying him to bed when he was exhausted, first words and blabbering nonsense; because she had so little, I think Alleria would try to remember all of it as much as she could, but specially the little things. 
It’s always less about events and more about remembering him. For example, baby milestones like his first actual word, while of course significant, aren’t as important as remembering what he looked like, how he smiled or how it felt to hug him. Because well, if she was there those things might be routine, but she isn’t, and she knew she likely wouldn’t be for many years still, so it is remembering him and looking back on all the good moments they had and how happy he made her, and how happy he seemed to be. 
I think she would probably look back even to the less pleasant parts, and that she’d do it fondly too because like I said, it is about remembering him, not specific events. So something about Arator making a mess of something and looking like an absolute baby angel even though he was caught, sleepless nights when she was just fretting over not knowing what to do to soothe him, I think she’d try to remember everything. This ones, though, I feel like she would be less likely to reflect on by herself; she would try to remember everything, but those are the ones I can really see her being sure to share with Turalyon too, because they’re about Arator, and they are some of which would make things feel more real, in a way, or at least bring him as close to the child he never got to meet as possible. 
And after Xe’Ra allowed her that one vision of him as a child, that was definitely one of the memories that stuck with her, even if she wasn’t really there. It was the first time she saw him in years, and the last she would see before going back to Azeroth, so it was definitely something that stuck with her and that she would have tried to remember too.
Every memory she had of him is important to her. Each and every one, no matter what they’re about. So when she tried to think of him, when she missed him and tried to remember, she would have tried to remember him, much more so than specific happenings. It wasn’t always the same; sometimes memories would be not just about Arator alone, but about him and her sisters, for example (Sylvanas holding baby Arator with a gentleness she rarely displayed so openly, Vereesa playing games with two year old Arator, things both routine and very specific), or about him and other people who were important to her (uncle Halduron? yes uncle Halduron). 
But when she missed him the most, she would remember when it was just the two of them, or that not really had other people involved in it, like, how he would always reach out to grab her hair when he was a baby, or how he smiled when she sung to him, how it felt to hold him, or smol Arator going to her bed because he wanted to sleep with his mama. When it was particularly hard for her, she would probably spend so much time remembering that she would eventually reach memories that are not as nice because of how she was at the time; those tend to be more specific, like the one time she received one of Turalyon’s letters and baby Arator reached for it as if he knew what it was and who it was from, or two year old Arator accidentally catching her crying but not really understanding what’s going on because he was too young to. Even those are memories she wouldn’t really push aside because it really is what I said before: she tries to remember him, as completely as she is able to.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Alleria finds out her son is having nightmares about Nzoths creepy fanfiction au. How does she feel?
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Freaking terrible that’s how she’d feel akjfnajsdnf
The thing with N’zoth’s visions is that they are terrible to her in the worst of ways, but also in a very personal way. It’s seeing her constant fear of being corrupted take a very vivid, very real shape; and making her not only lose Turalyon and Arator, but be responsible for their deaths. It is the worst possible future, the future where everything she fears is real, not only about the state of the world, but about herself too. So it would be bad enough if she was the only one plagued by it; as is, literally everyone else can see that happening and it sucks on many levels, but Alleria is used to finding opposition against the path she chose, she always knew she’d have to defend her choice constantly. The regular person looking at her with suspicion sucks, but it’s not something that has much weight. 
Her son though, is a whole different matter.
Arator is the person she loves the most. This hasn’t changed in the thousand years she was away, and it hasn’t changed when she finally returned and now gets to know him better, in a more concrete way. She loves him, wholeheartedly, unconditionally, and there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for him. She’s still as certain as she’s always been that while her falling to the Void is possible, the one impossible thing, no matter in which version of reality, is her harming Arator. The thing is she knows she’s the only one that can feel that certainty. Even if she puts it into words, no one will ever understand it like she does. No one can feel that same certainty that she would never ever harm him --- Arator included. 
What he can, is see the nightmare N’Zoth crafted, with the worst version of herself, in what for all everyone knows could be a possible future (Alleria herself doesn’t believe she’s immune and wouldn’t ever be corrupted), and to see his mother, who may one day just end up like that, sacrifice him for an Old God. I mean, there’s no amount of therapy to solve that aksndfkajsfnjdn 
Of course, logically she understands that there’s no way he’d witness that and not fear --- like I said in the comment reply to that other post, I think ultimately it would indeed be easier for Turalyon for example to disregard that (to an extent) than Arator, because Turalyon has known her for ages, and he’s seen all of it, the best and the worst. Arator hasn’t. They’re getting to know each other properly and to establish their bond as a family. Surely there’s love there, that’s made clear, but they have a huge gap to bridge with his parents being absent as they were for most of his life. And something like that happening, well, it’s impossible it won’t push them apart a bit, because of course Arator will fear. Of course he won’t have that much certainty on her control. And she understands that he would, but even then (or because of that) knowing Arator has seen that would undoubtedly be a hard hit for her to take. He’s the most important person to her, and he’s afraid of her and what she might become, and to an extent rightfully so because she can be corrupted, even if she wouldn’t hurt him; he doesn’t trust her, and getting over that, if possible, would be very very hard. They were still learning to be a family, and something like that might just make her lose hope they’d ever really sincerely and completely feel like one.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
But Alleria would approve of Anduin, wouldn't she? How would Tiffin feel towards Arator?
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Alleria would 100% approve of Anduin. Tbh I have a hard time thinking of anyone she'd approve more iahdiahdishd 
Alleria isn’t one to respect authority for the sake of it. She confronted a king thousands years her senior when she thought he was being stupid, and a human who is still much of a child in her eyes when it comes to age, well, Alleria wouldn’t accept him as a leader if she didn’t respect Anduin, but she does. She respects him as a leader, and she is very grateful for him embracing the ren’dorei when their own homeland shunned them, and the way I personally see it, she has a degree of motherly affection for him too. Sure, they don’t see everything eye to eye, and Anduin is way more pro-peace and willing to work with people she would never see as allies, but even the fact Alleria continues following his leadership after he works with the Horde and Saurfang speaks in favor of how positively she sees Anduin. So she loves Anduin and she loves Arator and she thinks they'd be great for each other, actually. And Alleria wants Arator to be with someone who will make him happy and treat him well, and she knows Anduin would as much as she knows Arator would do the same. 
As for how Tiffin would feel about Arator, like I said in the previous answer about how she’d feel about someone romancing her son, she'd be receptive towards anyone Anduin had a relationship with. She wants to see him happy and she's very supportive regardless of who he chooses. Arator is good, he is much like Anduin on certain aspects, and if they were together, he would be nothing of not devout to Anduin. Tiffin would be happy to see Anduin happy. And I think she'd like Arator a lot, regardless of him having a relationship with Anduin tbh.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Maybe one little angsty question but Arator is dying, how far does Alleria go to save him?
She would go really far, and definitely farther than Arator would be okay with her going. If she has to choose between his life and someone else’s, she will choose him, no matter who the other person is (even if, depending on who they were, she would never forgive herself for it). Alleria would gladly sell her soul if it meant Arator would be well — which means that she would risk Azeroth itself as long as she could save him (in a way that made sense, ofc, bc it wouldn’t make sense to save him and destroy the world andfkajdfn). If, for example, Arator was dying and a void entity offered to save him in exchange of her being bound to them? She would, if she thought they did have the means to save him. This might impact Azeroth on the long run, but it is an exchange she definitely would make. If she has to die, or let herself be corrupted, or become a slave, she’d be willing to do anything to save him, it isn’t even a choice. 
The single hard limit I could think of is anything that results in direct world doom, because saving him seems kinda pointless if the world would be destroyed, maybe more due to how it’d feel for him than her being unwilling to make the sacrifice. Actually, this is the limit, and not a certain action: Alleria would stop at anything that would seriously hurt Arator, and that isn’t a personal sacrifice she’d be making. For example: if she had to sacrifice Turalyon to save him? Alleria would have, were the choice up to her alone; but considering how it would impact Arator well beyond how her son would feel about her, Alleria wouldn’t do it. At the same time, if she had to sacrifice herself to save him, she would do it even if she knows Arator wouldn’t be okay with it, because it is her life and her choice, and his life is worth more. It is the sort of thing she believes he can overcome, and it is a choice that impacts her alone. Arator will just have to deal with it. 
Basically, she would easily be willing to do anything, but because of how it would impact him, there are some things she wouldn’t actually do, except this rule doesn’t apply when it comes to herself. 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Alleria comes home one day to find out half a dozen dragon whelpings have now adopted Arator as their father. How does she feel about this? Also congratulations on the scaly grandchildren.
 She has questions??? So many questions. Where did they come from? Where are their actual parents? Why do they think Arator is their dad? Shouldn’t they be brought back to their flights? Arator. Arator our house has no space for half a dozen dragons, Arator no. They’re dragons. They burn things and maybe the babies are fine but they’ll grow up and grown dragons are dangerous.
Alleria is Not a Fan of having dragons close most of the time; she can deal with them just fine when they’re in their mortal guises, but actual dragons looking like actual dragons are unsettling. Her past experiences weren’t good and she doesn’t really like them (Alleria… has many issues where letting go is concerned, and she often doesn’t care to try and give people another chance; but her problems are more so towards the red flight than the others tbh). Anyways. They wouldn’t scare her or make her super tense or anything like that, but she wouldn’t be super comfortable around them either. 
Of course, given Arator adopted them, she’ll have to deal with it because she won’t make him upset. Maybe the scaly fire breathing babies can grow on her with time.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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