#(uhhhhh repost shhhh)
jessenitrogen · 8 months
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and so I spilled the universe
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ivonoris · 6 years
Was tagged by @calliopestablet tysm bb <333
The Rules - Repost and answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better. Here goes!
Nicknames: Fin has been the only proper nickname ive ever had. Other contenders include puns like Sharkfin from friends back in year 9 omg im old. finbonbin was another one that i think my dad started
Height: 5′5 ur girl is a shortass
Fave fruit: strawberries 100%
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
'Cause you may hate me but it ain't no lie
baby bi bi bi bI BI
Fave season: unpopular opinion but summer lol
Fave flower: uhhhhh can i be candid? if so then these babies
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Fave scent: the sea, or freshly cut grass
Fave colour: i love a good blue
Fave animal: dogs are my ult but pandas are so good!!
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: mmmm hot chocolate but im picky with hot drinks
Average hours of sleep: depends. could be seven could be two ya never know
Cat or dog person: i love cats but dogs all the way
Fave fictional character: ya’ll want my past life as a weeb to come out? it’s eren jaeger but shhhh you didnt hear that from me
Number of blankets you sleep with: one duvet 
Dream trip: eVeRYwHerE but tbh ive always dreamed of going to Disneyworld. any disney park tbh i feel like ive missed out on a huge part of my childhood by never having gone lol
Blog created: about a month ago i think
Number of followers: 1,082 absolutely amazing people that i want to hug <333
Random fact: i missed my very first day of school because i got a padlock stuck on my little finger after thinking it made a pretty accessory. it swelled up so bad a+e had to deal with it (-‸ლ) the school receptionists called it the best excuse they’ve ever heard and never let me live it down so 
i’m tagging @lefttowritee  @lavenderas @nerocael @kowlazovdi and anyone else who wants to. also feel free to ignore <333
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