#(there will always be a vengefully angry little 13 year old girl inside of me. that’s so mad about being forced to spend any time reading
waugh-bao · 1 year
I’m with Charlie on this. Wodehouse’s books are great, especially the Jeeves ones! I know I’ve seen him mention Graham Greene too, who I also love. As with everything else, Charlie had good taste in books! (To be fair I don’t really think it’s possible to have bad taste in books. Just read what you like.)
Charlie definitely had interesting taste in literature. Wodehouse (I knew I misspelled that when I was transcribing and I was too lazy to check) and Graham Greene, like you mention, but he was also really into poetry. Off the top of my head I can recall him mentioning Dylan Thomas and Auden, I know there were some others as well. He was hugely fond of mid-century/old school noir detective thrillers, too.
The most surprising one is definitely still this (from the same interview/article):
“He is an expert on Georgian silver, the American Civil War, Nelson memorabilia, rare books, antique firearms, 18th-century erotic literature and jazz photographs.”
I mean, I know Keith loves 18th century and Napoleonic era naval literature (bless a man who doesn’t fall asleep at the endless descriptions of ship rigging in a Patrick O’Brian novel), but that one is leagues more out of left field. Especially because the first thing that comes to mind in that genre is the Marquis de Sade.
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