#(the only issue is how thoroughly widespread cell phone use makes the book plot nonfunctional)
regallibellbright · 2 years
It probably does affect my fondness for Henry V a bit that, on top of all other factors (including ‘once more into the breach’ being our first wifi password when the house got wifi, years and years ago,) I was introduced to it as a symbol of one man’s resistance against an alien brain slug controlling his body, because the brain slug couldn’t control his thoughts so he could at least run Henry V’s monologues at the brain slug on loop. This continued until the brain slug was so sick of hearing it that, when he got the ability to travel back in time to make a more Yeerk-friendly present day, one of his stops was the Battle of Agincourt specifically to make Henry V lose the battle so that Shakespeare wouldn’t write a play about it, just to spite his host.
The book ends with the man preventing his parents from meeting so that he will never be born and the alien brain slug that parasitized him can’t time travel. So you know, a typical Animorphs special.
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