#(satan in particular will give in BEFORE ik has even started begging)
journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
My guess would be that, at least part of, the reason IK throws the stuff is to see how well it would do against a predator. Since throwing solid objects is the main method of defense for a slugcat.
Also, Ik would show up with the rat and the others would probably have to stop her from eating it because of slugcat instincts for survival say "smells like food, is probably food."
And what's that? Levi feels bad about playing Rain World because he dies a bunch?
Sure would be a shame... if he were to find out the lore that makes every single one of those deaths technically canon :)
on her first morning in the devildom ik discovers a carton of eggs in the kitchen, and also discovers that while they are not particularly harmful ammunition, it does make the large loud creatures go "ARGH WHAT THE HELL" when she pelts them with them. even once she trusts them it amuses her so much that she keeps doing it as long as there are eggs in the house
there's a grace period between ik first arriving with the rat and barbatos just withering wherein he just stands there horrified and ik just looks at him innocently like o w o? then BANG he is out cold. while everyone else is panicking about that ik just sloooowly shuffles away (still clutching the rat) and lucifer has another dog-trying-to-eat-something-it-shouldn't moment "NO. PUT THAT DOWN. IT ISN'T FOR YOU"
i feel like he'd have a lot of pet dad moments in general. he'll be making dinner and he has to keep gently shoving ik away like "no. not for you. not good for you." while ik just gives him the biggest saddest pleadingest eyes ever
also oo lore?? (insert that eyes emoji) i can't find a good concise explanation of it but it conjures the image of levi with his head on the table just in tears "your story's so saaad" meanwhile ik is idly pawing at his headphone wire, hoping that this time he will let her eat the aquarium gravel
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