#(miccy comes back from her time in enbarr like what up im a fan of ike now)
frauleindermorgen · 2 years
"Micaiah, huh? You have quite a reputation, as many royals do." Priam cocked his head, Ragnell hanging at his side. "I'd prefer to test your mettle myself with a spar, but a regular greeting will have to do. Don't get to thinking you can order me around, but I'll help out anyone in our band if they need it."
Micaiah had not been lying when she said that she had taken to the merits of strategy if not  taken to enjoying it, so for most of the introductions she had simply been slotting each person and skillset firmly into her memory. Priam had been a swordsman, confident, frontlines, and then she had moved on.
She had not expected him to come up to her in this way and she feels rather at a loss.
“I am she,” Micaiah responds for lack of anything better. She’s learned to put up with the royal title but a reputation ? - unless he’s from Tellius and Micaiah cannot imagine she could have missed him she cannot imagine what that is about.
She takes in his form and the sword at his side and wishes Sothe were here. Not the first time she’s made that wish but certainly a first for the express purpose of having Sothe assure her this is a real, actual man in front of her. Alas.
Letters will have to do (letters will not do Priam justice).
“I’m afraid any sparring we would do would have to be magical, but I look forward to seeing your talents on the battlefield. And while I do not tend to make a habit of it, please be assured, Priam, that any requests I make of you in the heat of battle will be for the sake of your own and everyone’s continued safety.”
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