#(just like phoebus is taller than esmeralda)
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Do you remember before? We stood facing each other on opposite sides of that door. Now we stand side-by-side. Let's go home together this time.
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quasiimodo · 1 year
for the fic asks, if i'm not too late: ❤️🎁💭!!
fanfic writer ask game
❤️ what is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
i answered this one already, and it was hard enough the first time. let me see what else i can pull together
they’re young, and foolish. or perhaps she’s young, and he is foolish. 
🎁 have a piece of a wip you want to share?
just for you i'll dust off this hond fic that i haven't touched since *checks notes* 2020
“You know, it wasn’t your fault.”
Phoebus’ deep baritone startles him and he whips away from Esmeralda’s grave to face the soldier. He’s nearly a foot taller than Quasi, although if he were capable of fully straightening his warped spine they might stand eye to eye.
“Don’t you have some place to be.” There’s malice in his voice, even if he wishes there weren’t. Hey may have forgiven Phoebus for the events that transpired, but that doesn’t mean he has to like the man.
“No, I… I took the day off duty.” He takes a careful step forward, the armour seeming to clang with even the most subtle of movements. “I figured Esmeralda deserved that much.”
Quasimodo remains silent, glancing away from Phoebus. He won’t dare to meet his eye, can’t bare to gaze upon the man that Esmeralda had loved, even if only for the briefest amount of time. It still hurts, like a fist closing around his heart.
💭 what inspires you and your writing?
lots of things! i can be inspired by things that occur in my real life, or my friend's lives. i can be inspired by canon, or by a tumblr post i see about a potential AU! I think sometimes the best inspiration is the one where you have no idea where it came from, but it lives with you rent free lol
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clopinthejester · 6 years
MEET THE MUSE (repost, don’t reblog)
► Name ➔ Clopin Trouillefou  Chad Autraeyu ► Are you single ➔ “As FUCK!” ► Are you happy ➔  "Course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?” ► Are you angry? ➔ “Whaat? No! What’s there to be angry about? ... I’m a very happy person.” ► Are your parents still married ➔ “In heaven, they are.”
► Birth Place ➔  Paris ► Hair Color ➔ As black as my soul ► Eye Color ➔ Green ► Birthday ➔ December 16 ► Mood ➔ Drunk  ► Gender ➔ Male ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer!” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “More of an afternoon person. Gotta get through that morning hangover!”
► Are you in love ➔ “Yes I am! I see the most beautiful man in the world every time I look in a mirror.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Oh yes, of course! ...Oh, did you say love? No, not really.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Oh, you know how the saying goes. Man meets someone. Someone finds another someone in their bed. Man has no explanation, or remorse. We go our separate ways. Whatever.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Yes, I leave many people devastated and it’s a curse I just have to bare with.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Whaaaat? That’s ridiculous!” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “ Yes! ... Oh, did you say hugged? Uum, I think so?” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Not that I know of.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Whaaat? I have a heart of steel! Nope, not at all!”
► Love or lust ➔ “Is that an actual question?” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “With vodka.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Ugh, neither. I can barely tolerate the stupid goat.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Oh yeah, too many to count really! ... Oh, did you say friends? Let me think...” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “It’s time to get BuckWILD!!” ► Day or night ➔ "Night!”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yes. Esmeralda is more an adult that I am, that’s for sure.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “No, never, and certainly not when drunk!” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Yes. Many times. Jeans became insanely painful at that point.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “....Maybe.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smile.” ► Fat or skinny ➔ “….I am uncomfortable with this question.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “I am not a picky man. Women, men, tall, short, no skin off my bones.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “....I want to say intelligence.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ *hysterical laughter*
► Do you and your family get along  ➔ “Esmeralda means more to me than I do to myself, so I should say we do.” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Like... good Lord, how much time do you have?” ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “I mean... I would have to have a home first?” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ ”Oh yeah. Usually, because I was in the wrong house, but still counts.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Well... as far as Esmeralda is concerned, like she wanted, I am ‘friends’ with Phoebus... so yes.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yes, of course! Except the one, of course.” ► Who is your best friend ➔ ”Esmeralda is my everything. And Emma. Hook is my best drinking buddy. And Archie. And Ren. He’s kinda like, my rock, but the kind of rock that was thrown at me without asking. It hurts but I needed it, ya know?” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Esmeralda, of course! ...And, by court order and through various medical mumbo jumbo, so does Ren.”
Tagged by: @knightofduality  Tagging: @stringsofdiscord @streetwisetemptress @vampire-virtuoso @a-scottish-historian  
and whoever wants to!
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