#(just like everyone else)
softiedingo · 6 months
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just Pedro Pascal and some of the things that he can't live without
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I get so sad when I think about how it's alluded to that almost every other demigod that has gone to the attic to visit the Oracle has gone insane. And that's after one visit.
Luke had to live with that and go through the same thing every single day of his life for about 9 years. As a little kid no less. To the point that when he was sent to the oracle before his quest, he probably wasn't even phased. He was used to seeing his own mother emit green smoke while her eyes glowed green and she shook him while telling him how he would suffer a terrible fate. Some random old mummy telling him the same and sending him on a quest wasn't anything special.
However, I feel like the main way that visiting the oracle did effect him was because he had to hear the actual oracle confirm what his mother had been telling him all his life. That he had not managed to run from that fate no matter how hard he had tried. But that probably fueled him to fight even harder until it finally set in that helping the gods in anyway wasn't worth it and would lead no where. Until he realized that the only way to change anything was to change sides.
But yeah, people are so quick to judge Luke for what he did when he literally grew up going through things that would make anyone else lose their sanity.
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Jimin's mail
I would like to take this opportunity to address the Jimin's "stolen" mail incident and perhaps dispel some misinformation circulating about it in this day and age of shouting sabotage for everything.
This whole topic might be boring to everyone, but my brain won't let go of it so here it is:
This incident occurred early 2022.
For reference: Jimin purchased his apartment at Nine One Hannam in May 2021. It was a brand new building and he is the first owner of his unit. He paid in cash approx. $4.5 million USD.
In January 2022 this apartment unit was seized temporarily by the South Korea National Health Insurance agency (NHI) due to unpaid insurance premiums.
Boring but important: South Korea provides universal healthcare which is funded several ways including citizens paying a percentage of their monthly income. These premiums also fund the Medical Aid program for those who cannot pay.
The controversy: According to the NHI, Jimin was sent four notices by registered mail of his unpaid insurance premiums. But somehow, this correspondence from the NHI never made it to Jimin. BigHit took full responsibility for this "mishandling of the mail". A portion of the BigHit statement reads:
"Regarding this matter, the company is the first to receive all mail that arrives at the artists’ dorms, and in the process of relaying it to the artist, a portion of the mail was omitted by mistake. Due to Jimin’s activities abroad starting at the end of last year, his extended period of rest, and his scheduled activities abroad after that, he was unaware of matters such as [his premiums] being overdue. As soon as he found out, he paid the arrears in full, and at present, the situation has been resolved. We apologize for the fact that we have given the artist and fans cause for concern due to our company’s negligence."
Another source stated that some mail does go directly to members' homes and is retrieved by company staff where it is included with mail sent in care of the company which is then distributed to the respective member if necessary. This corroborates with the above statement by Bighit.
In an artist/agency relationship, one of the things the agency (company) provides are staff/managers who MANAGE their day-to-day business. Managers make it so artists can lead the crazy lives they live. Makes sense as the members are too busy to take care of mundane things like paying bills.
Was REGISTERED mail taken/intercepted/stolen four times from the mail room at BigHit/HYBE? I don't have clarification on that. But seems like taking someone's registered mail would be a punishable crime.
What was going on during this time: The group was on a winter break that began early December 2021 after their activities in Los Angeles concluded. Jin, Jimin and Jungkook returned to Korea almost immediately and entered self-quarantine for ten days before they were free to do what they wanted within the scope of Covid restrictions.
Refreshing everyone's memory about Bangtan and Covid: Dec. 24: Yoongi tests positive for Covid. Dec. 25: Jin and Namjoon test positive. Jan. 30: Jimin's Covid happens simultaneously with appendicitis. Feb. 15: Tae tests positive. Mar. 24: Hobi goes down for the count. Mar. 27: last but definitely not least, JK AFTER arriving in Vegas.
The members, including Jimin, were starting to post on their individual Instagrams in December. Between Dec. 21 to Jan. 9, Jimin posted photos of himself on both Instagram and Weverse at various places from his visit to Jeju Island. We don't know about the timing of the photos, whether they were posted immediately after he snapped them or posted them days/weeks later.
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He posted Jan. 7 on Instagram and then his next post, this time on Weverse, wasn't until Feb. 2, immediately following his emergency appendectomy. He was in the hospital between Jan. 30 and Feb. 5 so he posted a message from his hospital bed (sweet baby).
If he did not get his apartment back until April, then he did not know about his apartment situation while he was in the hospital.
But the NHI sent four notices. So backing up further chronologically, if they seized his apartment on January 25, that means the first overdue payment notice was possibly sent in September 2021?
Sept. 13: receiving diplomat passports.
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Sept. 20: UN visit and speech in New York
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Oct. 24: online PTD concert
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Preparations were then focused on PTD LA. They departed Seoul for Los Angeles on November 16, 2021.
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They were busy. They depended on their staff to take care of their personal business.
All that time, Jimin was not aware that there was a lapse in his insurance payments. When he was made aware of the situation, he paid it all immediately.
I have no source that states exactly when this payment was received by the NHI or when it was processed.
They left March 28, 2022 for Las Vegas and returned to Seoul on April 18. There are conflicting media stories about exactly when the apartment seizure was resolved. Some say April 22.
When he was still in Seoul and not traveling to the States, where was Jimin sleeping between January 25 and April 22? Where did he recuperate when he was released from the hospital? Where was he watching "The Notebook" for the nth time? Whose sofa was he laid up on? Hmmmmmm? Did he still have access to his apartment even though it was seized? What's the point of seizing it if he still had access to it? Did he even live there? Maybe that's why he didn't know anything about the seizure because he didn't even live there to begin with? But if he did live there and couldn't access his apartment to sleep there because it was seized, why didn't it get resolved sooner than April 22?
I have so many questions.
We also need to remember that it is said during their time in Las Vegas is when Jimin confided in the members about his challenges. And he's said that these feelings ended up being expressed in the songs on his Face album. Maybe he didn't learn about the apartment mess until he was in Las Vegas and that was the catalyst that made him spill his guts to the members. Still doesn't answer a lot of the above questions....
Media broke with the news about the apartment seizure on the day that "With You," an OST for the TV drama "Our Blues," was released, April 24. Despite all this, "With You" became the fastest song in history to reach #1 on iTunes in 100 total countries, breaking the record held by "Dynamite". It is well known that even negative publicity is publicity. Personally, I don't think it had much effect on the success of the song. But Jimin's character did take a hit. Also in my opinion, he has since recovered well from all that crap. Just me talking about this is probably reminding people that this even happened. Sorry. Just forget I said anything. Ha ha. What apartment? Ha.
Whether the timing of the media breaking the story was on purpose or coincidental... we don't know. Stating purposeful sabotage of Jimin's song is speculation. A news outlet will break a story if its titillating enough regardless of timing. Jimin losing his apartment due to unpaid bills is intriguing and high drama involving a member of BTS, of course they were going to push that story out ASAP.
If the apartment seizure was resolved 2 days before the story broke, we don't know how this information got to the media. THAT is the big question. Is there some sort of process that allows this information to be released somewhere accessible to the public (and therefore the media). If so, what is the timing of that? Or did a news media outlet learn about the incident on April 22 and hold on to the information until April 24? We don't know.
Saying the media sabotaged Jimin's OST "With You" is not the full truth. It is misinformation at this point.
With the information I know of, I do not believe there was a break-in at Jimin's apartment. I can't find a reliable source to confirm anything about a break-in, suspicions of a break-in or any mention of one. Nine One is very locked down and secure so a break-in is unlikely. You cannot waltz into the apartment complex and snoop around. Unlike Hannam The Hill, Nine One is surrounded by a high wall with security stations at the entrances. However, someone who had access to his apartment such as a personal assistant or housekeeping could very well have entered without his permission. But we don't know.
If someone was determined to intercept his mail, they may not have needed access to his apartment but only to his mailbox. Where ever that is. We are told all mail is collected by staff or it is sent directly to the company... it is possible it was a mistake but what kind of idiot was handling the mail and "misplaced" registered mail four times? I do not have a reliable source confirming anyone was formally accused of stealing the mail at BigHit. They most likely dealt with it internally. At the time of the incident, I blogged that people were fired and security protocols were reviewed. I stand by that declaration. Since then, Jimin has been unyielding in maintaining his privacy. Only very recently have we seen him relaxing enough to show us glimpses of his matching gaming chairs, ceiling and edges of his television. We even got a quick view of some decor above the tv.
I am still unclear about the doxxing but I myself disturbingly did see an image online of some documents that seemed to have Jimin's personal information on them. I think this information is included in the NHI documents that never made it to Jimin. If those images were really his information and still exist on the internet, I cannot find them. These documents would have his resident registration number on them. I am assuming it's a total pain in the ass to be issued a new one.
I do not have a reliable source confirming that a news media entity is responsible for stealing the mail and also revealing Jimin's personal information. Saying news media broke into the HYBE building during this incident is misinformation.
All of these things that can't be confirmed can only be called hearsay and speculation.
Everything I have stated here is my opinion from information I witnessed as it unfolded in real time, as well as information available if you search for it.
If you lean toward conspiracy theories regarding sabotaging of everything Jimin does you will come to certain conclusions. And if you just take things at face value without speculating beyond that then you will come to a different conclusion. We won't all agree as to what exactly went down. If I come across information that is new to me regarding what happened, I may modify my opinion depending on what the new information is.
What I've stated is all I have to go on. I have questions. But I won't say someone broke into his apartment. I won't say someone stole his mail but I am still skeptical because I have too many other collateral questions about the whole incident.
If anyone else has any confirmed information about the incident and you want to talk about it, my DMs are open, asks are open, or you can discuss in the comments of this post as long as everyone stays respectful. I would love to learn about anything else if you have links to sources with new information.
And apologies for the long ramble because my brain is constantly including details that might not be pertinent but who knows...
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brjeauregard · 10 months
I've decided that I'm not over the "Orym is a manipulator and turning into a villain" takes yet so I'm going to apply that same logic to all of the Bell's Hells
Chetney: Losing control and attacking the party then turning around and being their friend and expecting that friendship in return is manipulative and abusive. Plus the trial he went through to harness the wolf was all about attacking them, how can they possible trust him after that. Not to mention attacking that one shop keeper for no reason and putting the party in further danger because she sent a bounty hunter after him. Very selfish behavior.
FCG: By continuously pushing his view on religion and the Changebringer on the party after they've made it clear they have no interest, FCG makes it clear that he's only thinking of himself. If they really cared about the party then they would respect their view on the gods. It's also very manipulative to try and convince the party that everything is a sign from the Changebringer, especially after they've disagreed multiple times.
Imogen: Defending the Ruby Vanguard and Liliana in front of Laudna, Fearne, and Orym was pretty fucked up. She clearly doesn't care about their trauma and is only thinking about how the red moon situation can benefit her.
Fearne: Stealing from both the party and NPCs puts everyone in danger, but she only thinks about the momentary happiness she gets from it. Ignoring the party when they tell her to not rush in to a situation or lie to someone for no reason shows her clear disregard for their wellbeing.
Ashton: They used party resources to upgrade their weapon without telling the rest of the group. What if someone else wanted to use the immovable rod? Plus the crystals on the end of the hammer could actually backfire and harm the party. It was selfish of him to do so and shows that they only care about what he can get from the group.
Laudna: When the party reunited all Laudna did was complain about her experience in Issylra and made the other group feel guilty about not suffering as much. FCG especially found new joy and a reason to live, but they felt like they couldn't talk about it in front of Laudna. Sure her feelings are valid but she should have thought about the other's feelings before trauma dumping.
See how ridiculous these all sound? It's so easy to twist any character choice in a way that fits your narrative. Orym has been open with the party since the beginning that he's been looking for the people for killed his husband and father for 6 years. Now that he finally has a lead and a way to bring them to justice, he asked the rest of the party to help and they all agreed. He's not manipulating them, he's been clear about his goals since the beginning and the party are all adults who are capable of disagreeing and not helping him.
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dokutah-exe · 2 years
all of these endless, hostile forces employing complex guerilla tactics honed by both adaptive survival methods and advanced supernatural abilities adding several layers of complexity into the battlefield
thank god everyones agreed to fight on the same 7 by 20 tiles tbh
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rurus-kadoo · 11 months
Let's go rain down terror No more Mister Nice Scar (No more Mister Good Times!) Death penalty for betrayal I got the drop on them so far (No one gets the drop on me) Chasey, chasey monsters Might get Yellow Life Pearl This is the last life of Scar On my last life!
Told by the accuser My first friend, my enemy A dead one burned my house down Told by the betrayer Still dark green My "friend" had blown it up instead Told by the one with wings of red The one with no remorse The one who killed his friend I was the savior they'd been looking for Little did we know Soon I'd be nevermore
Let's start a reign of terror No more Mister Nice Scar (No more Mister Good Times!) Afraid they've got the drop on me But they won't get far (No one gets the drop on me) Arrows raining down Caught in the midst of crossfire
They took the last life of Scar
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woibbelywobbegong · 4 months
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servospawn · 1 year
Where is Cas??? If you see him please let him know I have a warm meal and warm thighs waiting for him.
lol.. he's alive &healthy as ever. though i haven't seen him myself in a couple of years.
i have been thinking of him though &his multi-faceted ways. as usual.. i'll get around to remaking his ts4 file once i have some motivation to touch him.
i will let him know your inquires 🖤
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main-clown · 1 year
Another day
*reapplies clown makeup*
Another nintendo direct
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bronzebluemind · 2 years
sven is just the biggest kamil fan
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wolfanddragon98 · 1 year
*after Adrian escapes*
Alicent: Aegon, do you miss Adrian?
Aegon: Psh. No. 😎
Alicent: Aegon.
Aegon: 😎
Alicent: Take off the sunglasses. 
Aegon: 🕶️🥺
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amor-bycandlelight · 1 year
As someone who wasn’t even ON amrev tumblr until last year, yet still came to the same conclusions as my fellow lams enjoyers on here because of my years of independent research… I find this situation pretty weird.
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catboyrome · 1 year
do i need to take that post abt ‘ur my savior’ to twt
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sharkylad · 2 years
You know what builds character? No its not fucking trauma, it's the things that you love. It's the things you've found throughout your life that have stuck with you.
I've recently been revisiting old media I was into and old art that I've made. And what I noticed is- Neither of them is good.
The content was a product of its time, for a very specific audience and the art is unrefined and definitely has the mark of a child all over it.
But they reflect eachother.
I noticed that the (I'm sorry to use this word but,) cringy aspects of what I was creating were altered aspects from the original content or the fandom surrounding it. Everything I scoff at today was something I clearly remember adoring with all my might. Maybe even something I was proud of.
The art and the media weren't great, but it was the starting point of my journey that was fun and that I loved.
It that fun and mentality I took into everything following, even if I didn't realize it. With each new thing I got into, snipits of my previous fixations would slip in. My ideas would unintentionally mesh with new ones. Old and new inspiration mixing to creating something unequivocally me.
And with time those ideas got more refined. I got better the more I drew, the more I wrote, the more I kept loving media. With each new thing I got into, I got better.
Now I can call myself an artist. A writer. I can do that, with more confidence then ever before, simply because I was passionate and I kept doing what I loved despite all the bumps in my road.
So no, it's not the bad things in your life that define you. As long as you keep doing what you love, big or small, dumb or not, it pushes you forward into something you want to be.
And dammit that's a beautiful thought.
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wasabi-gumdrop · 1 month
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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mausolealdrift · 7 months
its baffling seeing people on here being all shocked about how other ppl didnt have sex or do drugs or drink or go to parties etc etc in high schools like. sorry i was too busy getting bullied to do all of that stuff i guess. why are you surprised that there’s losers on the cringe loser website
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