#(all this assuming that is the leading option you dislike. dunno what was in the lead when you sent me this)
vickyvicarious · 1 year
I always try to give my polls all ten options, and I try to make them increasingly less hinged as you go down. I had to really work to tie in the paprika though. Option 9 is time loop but I ran out of characters. I'm glad you enjoy it! I'm less glad that an option I actively dislike is winning :/
I was definitely picking up on that trend as I went down the list, ahahaha. Alas, that is the downside of the polls if you actually have your own opinion on the results. It's still early in though, plenty of time for the lead to change!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Who’s worse and why: Futaba or Makoto?
I mean if you’ve read this blog you probably know who I’m gonna choose, but as for why….welp under the cut
I’d have to say Makoto, both as a person and as a character. I know my bf ranks Futaba as the worse solely because of her BS hacking. And listen, for me Makoto and Futaba are both freaking close, and me saying “Futaba’s hacking isn’t as bad as Makoto” is more an opinion than fact, and shouldn’t boost any positive feelings/pride for Futaba fans because I chose her hacking over Makoto. Her hacking is HORRIBLE I was to make that clear, I still hate it. I’d probably hate Futaba more if it wasn’t for the fact that Makoto gets a single amount of criticism that we all have to come and explain ourselves (that’s the only good thing about Futaba is that her fanbase doesn’t come for my throat, but it also doesn’t mean I think about how crappy she is/think as critically about her as much as Makoto). 
With that out of the way I’ll give reasons for disliking both of them:
She never gets dragged. So you might know that I hate the P5MC, I think he’s an asshole and never gets called out on it (and not just he has asshole options, but he does asshole things we can’t not do). One thing I hate is that he drags like Anne, Ryuji, and Yusuke a lot like you wouldn’t believe (like people who are very dedicated to him). But I don’t recall really ever getting a single drag options for Makoto, WHEN SHE WASN’T ON THE TEAM AND SHE WAS AT HER WORSE (even when she drove off our only lead). It was mostly neutral stuff, defiant (not the same as asshole), or begging her not to tell on us. It’s just weird that a lot of other characters will get dragged for not really doing anything wrong, but she DOES screw us over and we don’t get to drag her at least once?
Gets away with A LOT of shit. Like she victim blames Anne, and Anne apologizes? And then has the audacity to say Anne and her are the SAME?! No boo, Anne didn’t know about the abuse, but YOU DID. Anne didn’t report the abuse because she didn’t know, you admit you didn’t report it because YOU DIDN’T CARE ENOUGH. You stalk us, take photos and video recordings without our permission (btw illegal in Japan and would be thrown out in court), but then get surprised when we (mostly Anne/Ryu/Yusuke since they can talk obvie) get mad at you? Complain about how people don’t know your struggles when they yell at you, but you are literally the one causing their grief (so of course they’d yell). Was literally an asshole from the get-go from introduction(she literally insulted Anne from her first words, no wonder Anne didn’t like her) , and pretty much the reason why every scene started to go to shit (only time she didn’t come in like an ass was the scene they called her useless in, and 1) considering her track record they probs assumed, and rightfully so, she was coming to put more pressure on them, which they didn’t need, and seque into 2))
Number 2, she was being useless to the PT! She didn’t do shit while investigating, instead just hovering over us being like “did you get the info? You know will happen if you don’t do this. SO you better do this!” And it’s like???? Bitch, you didn’t even bother to help. You’re useless in the one thing you can do (cause we know you won’t help in the Metaverse). Hell she wasn’t even the person who broke the news about Kaneshiro! We heard a rumor about it on the train as the MC/Mona before Makoto did! But the game made us freaking wait cause we needed the illusion of her doing like…ANYTHING. She also drove away our one gd lead, like WHAT THE FUDGE?! We’re all out here busting our asses and you are just sitting on yours, you really are useless. And she also withheld vital info…..
Withholding info. She does this twice, once during the Kaneshiro arc where we have to waste time investigating this one kid (and we know she knows cause he goes to her after we talk to him, upset cause she might’ve blabbed, oh if only, but like she could’ve asked him questions and she could’ve relayed the same info but NO!). She also doesn’t tell us about Sae’s Palace, and like….that would’ve been FANTASTIC considering we were all like “oh man wish we had a Palace we could go into” the entire gd game.
Her actions and words about her don’t line up (wow awkward sentence XP). People keep describing her as “scary” and “oh man you better not make her mad” and like acting like I should be scared of her. But like???? She’s really such a pushover, she needs to be saved countless times, she showcases no hidden fire-y side (in fact Anne shows that off more, but no the game is too busy dragging her through the mud for some reason). Hell even in the dance games, her and Anne’s reaction of Futaba trying to grope them is different. Makoto is shy and tries to run away iirc, Anne looks like she has the face of murder (Futaba better sleep with one eye open, like jesus what was that game thinking, 1) poor taste to do that to Anne, 2) doesn’t seem like she was having fun and…..that’s so out of place). Just….it’s just really annoying to hear it over and over, and then she needs help over and over. Like she puts up barely any resistence to the guys hitting on them at the beach, all while Anne is ready to throw down and raising a shit fit (understandable, but why isn’t Makoto????) and then if you say “you guys did well” MAKOTO is the one that responds and is like “Oh thanks but it was getting dicey” like bitch you just stood there, Anne was ready to cut a bitch, why are you responding you didn’t do anything????
She takes up too much screen time doing nothing. Her big job is to connect the player with Sae…..and she does a shit job at it. We learn pretty much nothing about Sae or her relationship, except it’s strained (but not TOO strained). She explains easy to understand stuff, but like we already had Mona for that so no need for her. She’s shit at her role as a strategist, 1) she doesn’t do a whole lot of it, 2) the few plans she’s come up with, the majority have failed, 3) her role is useless in a game where we already have a leader and choices are supposed to “matter” so why sin’t the MC just a double duty strategist? 4) Her CoOp ability should’ve already been a part of Futaba’s/Mona’s skill set (like with past Navis). She adds nothing, instead takes screen time away from other characters, as well as removing choice from the players (and possibly coming up with their own plans as well as ideas to utilize everyone). 
Her hacking is unrealistic and OP. Just….it’s just bad in and of itself.
Her hacking removes choice and other means to get around a problem. So many times it’s just “*points at something* Futaba hack it” and it’s done. Like Sae’s dungeon, a lot of people say it showcased Goro’s abilities, but all I remember is him saying “Futaba I choose you! Use hack” and that’s how it mostly went down. So like Makoto, her role screws the player out of a more enriching gameplay experience. 
Also takes up too much screen time. I mean it’s mostly for her stupid hacking too, but if it wasn’t for that and her it could’ve been utilized for other characters. It’s also weird cause she takes up a lot because of her mom, but we don’t get a whole lot about her mom…..it’s mostly just a plot device rather than a character. It just leaves you unfulfilled. 
Her mental illness is horribly written, pandering (in a sense of people thinking it’s cute and you should date her cause of it, not them having a character with mental illness in and of itself is pandering just the……fetishization of it is), and inconsistent (her gameplay and story segregation, aka CoOp and main story segregation, is just so appalling). I think I did one rank of her CoOp and she was all like “MC only you helped me. You’re the reason I started to get better! I can only go outside if you are with me MC! MC MC MC! PT who? Only MC!” and then literally the next f****ing day the main story progresses, she’s waiting outside with Yusuke and everyone is like “You went outside by yourself?!” and Yusuke’s like “nah I picked her up” HMMMM YOU SEEM FINE WITH THE PT WHAT’S THIS ABOUT MC ONLY?! It’s also…..I hate her crush, it’s soooooo unhealthy. She starts to become SO DEPENDENT on you, and is saying some very worrying things like “I don’t think I can do this on my own without you” like all the time. And apparently if you romance her she suddenly becomes more independent, which I don’t think would happen….romancing her route sounded more like I’d encourage her behavior rather than her deciding to just suddenly not do that. The friendship route was the only time it felt like it was realistic, we turn her down and we help her make one more step by herself and let her walk around Akihabara alone within a safe distance and then she gets used to it so it’s possible for her to leave all by herself later. Only time it was semi realistic, because any other time they just bring the freaking mental illness up whenever they freaking please. That’s also doesn’t take in the fact how they “cured” her so they could have a beach episode. A crash course and friendship isn’t gonna cure you suddenly (and it’s not like they actually stole her heart, which I hate she keep saying they did), and that’s an unhealthy mindset and unfair to a friend who wants to help but isn’t fair to put the burden on them to cure you. 
She’s kind of an asshole, like Makoto is an asshole before she joins, but Futaba…..I just dunno how most people even get along in the PT. It’s not social awkwardness, she’s just a straight up douche sometimes and I don’t like it (esp when you can’t call her out). It’s not just her, Yusuke is too and so is Mona (and Ryu is to Mona but he’s not an asshole, but he’s not 100% a good boi, but MC is also an asshole too, but sometimes he can be good). 
I also just don’t like her dungeon. Like how it’s written. But I could say that for most of P5′s dungeons. It tries to imitate P4 but…..doesn’t do what P4 did right. Her’s just steps on my toes even more cause it’s more closer to P4 than any other dungeon, and it’s a gd shame they didn’t expand on P4′s way of doing it (aka you don’t get the info basically handed to before going into the dungeon, there’s actually a revelation as you go through XP)
(Not points against either, but I find it weird that it feels like Futaba is closer to Makoto rather than Anne…..like nothing is special between Futaba and Makoto for them to be kinda like that, but like Anne was the one to technically appealed to Futaba to get her out of the closet…..You’d think she’d cling to Anne more….Sorry more of a confusing writing issue but since we were talking about these two and my mind wandered 8U)
Edit: I think I answered all my points (albeit it’s the abridged version), but god forbid I missed a couple.
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radramblog · 3 years
Pokemon Singles Meme Draft
Among certain parts of my friend group, plans get made and end up falling through more often than you’d expect. I’m sure it happens to a lot of people, but it always kinda sucks when it does, and you come up with all these ideas and they just don’t get to come to fruition. Especially when people are getting hammered with university and work and the grim reality of living in 2021.
An example of this is a friendly Pokemon Draft League conducted by myself and some friends, with the express purpose of memes and dreams only. What that meant was only using the bottom few tiers of mons, and encouraging extremely silly sets with them all the time.
We got through the actual draft, and I built some sets, so that’s what I’m going to discuss today. I have no fear of my secrets being spilled, because at this point I don’t really think it matters.
While I could probably go back and get all the pick orders from several months ago, I frankly cannot be arsed whatsoever. Instead I’m going to go by tiers, where we got 3 tier 3s, 4 tier 4s, and 4 tier 5s. Tiers 1 and 2 were banned entirely, to make sure we weren’t going to see any actually good Pokemon. Memes only, after all.
Tier 3:
Lapras: I’m 90% certain this was my first pick anyway, as Lapras being available at all felt like a steal- it’s Gigantamax form wasn’t banned because we aren’t cowards, and Lapras can take absurd advantage of such. It’s got a great typing and dummy thick defenses, along with solid enough offenses, not to mention the nonsense movepool it has access to.
I ended up building 3 different Lapras sets as tests.
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The first was the Perish-Trap set, taking advantage of all those juicy support moves along with Perish Song to actually secure the KO. I…don’t know what I was thinking not putting Leftovers on this set, especially since I already had Protect and didn’t have access to a good recovery move (Rest or Life Dew aren’t going to cut it). But this set would likely just be incredibly rude. It has also just occurred to me that this is a Lapras-Gmax that can’t actually use G-Max Resonance, and that’s a bit of an oopsie.
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Set 2 was a pretty vanilla Dragon Dance set, because people apparently forget two things- Lapras gets Dragon Dance, and Lapras’s Physical and Special Attack are the same, at 85 base apiece. As beefy as Lapras is, 85 often not enough to secure KOs, so DDance is a good way to mitigate this. The coverage it gets is also surprisingly decent, and I could adapt this depending on what my opponent’s options are looking like.
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The final Lapras set I made is what I called “Blindpras”, or, the Lapras with a bunch of very inaccurate moves. I’ll get into it later, but I did have the ability to use Baton Pass to give some Accuracy boosts to it, but unsupported, this set would be a meme at best. Hella status though, between Sing and Zap Cannon. If it hit them. Frustratingly, Wide Lens is a 1.1x accuracy boost rather than the flat 10% I thought it was, so it’s actually only adding 5% to, say, Zap Cannon.
 Mienshao: I don’t know that much about Singles, but I do know two things are good: Regnerator and U-Turn effects. And this bad boy gets both, so I took it. It also added a Fighting type to my list, which I felt was needed.
I only made two Mienshao sets, but one of them was just Life Orb, so who cares.
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This one is the real sauce. It’s not clear there, but this Mienshao has 0IVs in HP, Defense, and Special Defense- the intent being to get near-OHKO’d to pop the sash, and then shred things with Acrobatics. Alternatively, it can Baton Pass off a 2x Attack or 2x Speed, or both if they assume it’s an offensive threat and switch out. This is probably one of the sillier sets, but I would have loved to see it go off- Acrobatics hasn’t been as good ever since Flying Gem went away.
Guzzlord: I wish I had a copy of the rant I went off on for the Guzzlord pick, because it is truly the edgiest, vilest shit I’ve ever written. I was thinking about it at work, so. Guzzlord was the Dragon for the Dragon/Steel/Fairy core I was working on, and it’s also a giant idiot who I really like, so.
Much like Mienshao, I made two sets, but one’s just boring Assault Vest, so.
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Spice only. The thing with Guzzlord is that it’s HP is huge, but it’s actual defenses are a meagre 53, so if you want to do builk you put them all in those stats. But it’s still an Attack boosting nature, because that still gives the most raw stats. This set is basically here to take a hit and crack back, with a monstrous Gyro Ball due to the rather sad Speed on this thing, a disruptive Knock Off or Dragon Tail, or just a 130 base power Fling. It could also Dynamax for even more bulk off of Max Steelspike. It’s just a beefy boi.
Tier 4:
Unfezant: After enjoying it in a Nuzlocke, the Love Dove was back in action. It has access to Super Luck, which is probably all it needs, right? Well, not quite, because it doesn’t get any STAB high crit rate moves save the mediocre Air Cutter and Razor Wind, and those both also come off it’s rather shite Special Attack. But we make do around here.
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Crit Bird still gets Night Slash as useful coverage, and Dual Wingbeat doesn’t have a high crit ratio, but it does hit twice, and that’s still twice the chance to crit. Feather Dance is also here because everyone underrates it, and U-Turn is just nutty as always. Velocity is good, and that’s what the Love Dove has in spades. At least in this mediocre environment.
 Magneton: A former powerhouse, Magneton was the Steel in the Steel/Dragon/Fairy core and either a tank with Eviolite or a hard-hitter with something else
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Or both, as it happens, because Analytic is a cool and good ability. This was definitely an unfinished set, I think, because it feels kind of confused. Like, why Rain Dance? I’m not really abusing that anywhere? Very confused. Anyway.
 Shiinotic: One of the fairies for that core, and the Grass for the Fire/Water/Grass core. Shiinotic was the only thing in Gen VIII that got Spore until the DLCs came out, but that didn’t necessarily make it great. It’s still slow as fuck and not super bulky. And it doesn’t hit super hard.
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But, it can be the ULTRASUCC. Big Root works for Shiinotic either on an offensive set via Giga Drain and Draining Kiss, or defensively via Leech Seed or Strength Sap. And Spore is still here because, you know, it’s bonkers nutso if you can take a hit to set it up. And then Big Root helps you get that HP back afterwards. It’s decent enough, I think. If you don’t invest in HP, you can can get relatively more back!
 Mr. Mime: Here as an alternate Fairy and also because I wanted a Psychic type. I didn’t realise how awkward this creepy fuck was until after I actually drafted it. It gets Technician but barely anything to use it with, it gets much less useful support options than I had assumed, and it’s best defensive ability, Soundproof, makes it also immune to my own Lapras’s Heal Bell.
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This was some of the best I could come up with. Trick in case Mime needs to neuter a support thing, otherwise just spam Psychic or Charge Beam. Or Magical Leaf, I guess. If you’re into that. I dunno, we were kind of getting to the dregs at this point. Shoulda taken Claydol.
 Tier 5:
Oricorio: I have a penchant for Versatility in my drafts, and since I couldn’t get Silvally, Oricorio had to do. Except…it kind of sucks ass, as it turns out. This was a National Dex league, meaning that we could use Pokemon that didn’t make the Dexit cut into Galar, which unfortunately means they don’t get the expanded movesets that came with the addition of TRs and the Isle of Armor tutor moves. And Oricorio is no exception, having been mercilessly slashed, leaving it very lacking for moves. At least it can be 4 types…?
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I actually came up with 4 sets for Oricorio, because it has 4 types, and it is once again a thing that gets Baton Pass, so it has some decent enough options. This one is the Hateful set- the type basically doesn’t matter, but I put it as Pa’u and it would probably actually be best as Sensu for the immunities. Either way, this one is the troll fucker that passes Double Teams, in case I want someone to dislike me. Or it’ll just die, like this things stats are Not Good.
Aerodactyl: On the other hand, my 3rd flying type has actually very fucking good stats. Aerodactyl was OU for a few generations, and I don’t actually know why it wasn’t a higher tier. No complaints, though!
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This set is literally one I lifted from Gen 4 Overused, updated with Unnerve because it’s less useless than Pressure here. Apparently OU back then was fucking wild, like, Power Herb Sky Attack on a support lead? I guess it’s fast enough that Sash isn’t something you really need, and if they pick wrong you do just nuke something. It’s a dedicated lead, from an era when that was still a relevant concept.
Camerupt: Another dex-cut species, which is a shame, because I love this idiot. It also lost its Mega, and as a result, is just kind of mediocre. But it was what I thought was the best option left for a Fire type, so.
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An alternative lead for Stealth Rock, or just to Burn’n’Boom, Camerupt is here and ready to party. The camel that burns twice as bright burns half as long, except we don’t have a damaging Fire move, so………
Huntail: I considered this one kind of my masterstroke. I was so chuffed when I realised what this fucker could do, and that no-one could stop me- if they picked Huntail, I could just take Gorebyss! Easy money baby!
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Huntail’s main purpose was as an opener for Baton Pass. Even though it didn’t make Gen VIII, it’s moveset was just good enough to make this work, with the ability to pass Shell Smash, Coil, or just Iron Defense and Double Team. And with Sucker Punch, it can surprise things or just sweep instead off Shell Smash. No one was going to look at this mans, nobody was going to see it coming.
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Which is what set 2 was for. After I’d played my slippery, snakelike hand, I needed an alternative to catch people expecting the pass off-guard. Thus, the rudest set I could think of. Bulky, Toxic in more ways than one, Sticky and impolite.
 At the end of the day, I think I came up with more troll sets than I did actual meme sets. But that’s how it be sometimes, baby, can’t help what I’m made of.
I don’t know how to make actually good sets anyway.
0 notes
murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Danganronpa V3 Liveblog Part 11 [Chapter 3 - Trial]
I probably should have left this for tomorrow but oh well, here we are.
Thoughts under the cut.
First of all, I basically failed this trial at least three times because I kept running out of health, but APPARENTLY the ‘retry’ option just takes you back to the start of the section you were stuck on and gives you most of your health back. That sure would have been nice to know back in chapter two. I could have avoided replaying half of that case’s trial if I knew that. I thought that the retry option reset the entire trial, especially since I’m pretty sure the ‘prepare and retry’ option takes you back to the start of it. At least, it takes you back to the screen you’re at right before the trial starts. Maybe I was wrong, since in chapter two I just backed out and reloaded my save instead of making sure whether or not I really was being reset to the start of the trial, but still. Oh well. It’s not a major complaint.
Anyway, that aside, this sure was a trial. I don’t know if it’s because I decided to do it at 1am again instead of just waiting until tomorrow, but in terms of logic difficult, this was probably the hardest trial thus far. I’m not kidding when I said that I ran out of health several times, even with the skill that gives me the max amount of health.
The weird part about it is that I was more or less spoiled on this chapter in advance. Or, well . . . it’s not that I knew Kiyo was this chapter’s culprit, but I knew that he was going to be a culprit at some point, since before I even played the game, youtube decided to recommend me one of those ‘all murders and execution’ videos that had his face on the thumbnail. Well, I guess it was his sister’s face, but you get what I mean. Same difference. So I knew that he was going to be a killer eventually, I just didn’t know when. I had to awkwardly keep it a secret this whole time just in case anyone was reading these posts without having played the entire game.
Just to get it out in the open, there’s one other character who I know dies at some point [not sure if they’re a victim or a killer for sure, though], and I think I may have gotten more or less spoiled by what was labeled as a ‘spoiler-free review’ of the game, but I’ll keep quiet about that one until it comes up. I’ll continue to dance around those two spoilers I’m aware of in these posts, but I’m pretty sure that those are the only two spoilers I’ve read in reference to deaths in this game. Every other death should hopefully be a surprise to me.
But back onto my main point, I knew that Kiyo was going to be a culprit eventually, and it was a major reason why I suspected him immediately [though he was pretty suspicious anyway], but somehow this entire trial was still genuinely difficult for me to get through. I ran into so many points where I was completely unsure what the answer was, or what the game expected from me. And since I didn’t know which exact chapter Kiyo was a culprit in, I had the lingering doubt in my mind that maybe he wasn’t the killer yet. This is why I also got thrown off by the possibility of there being two killers involved, since it kinda partially invalidated by spoiler, or at least it seemed to at the time. I guess in the end there wasn’t a second killer, and my initial instincts were right, but this trial really put me through the motions of doubting those instincts to the very end.
It may have been because I held back on thinking too hard about the mechanics of the case since I didn’t want to work it all out in advance, especially since I probably knew who the killer was, but basically every aspect of the actual mechanics of how these murders happened was a real surprise to me.
I guess my main issue was that since Kiyo was so immediately obvious in every way, with the katana being from his room and the seance being his idea, and him being one of the first suspects pointed at, I just kinda assumed that he was being set up as an innocent scapegoat. So basically I got stuck in a loop of metagame-y logic, yet again, and it made me spend the entire time agonizing over whether or not my instincts were right. The game sure picked the perfect time to deviate from the pattern of the true culprit only being suspected in the second half of the trial. I got so used to that set-up that I started immediately ignoring any character who gets suspected early in the trial. But it makes sense that at least one chapter would involve a killer who’s obvious enough to be guessed at the start.
It also lead to me inaccurately doubting Kaito for a second time, but at least this time I was never super confident in suspecting him, since absolutely nothing in this entire case directly pointed at him, aside from him being kinda shady and reclusive lately. So I don’t feel TOO bad about suspecting him a bit.
Even though it’s always sad to feel like this sort of thing got spoiled in advance, I’m happy that Kiyo was the culprit. Now I don’t have that spoiler hanging over my head for the rest of the game. I would have been horrible if he ended up, say, being the chapter five killer, in which case there would have been no doubt about him being the killer then, since chances are there won’t be any murder mystery cases after chapter five. So it’s better that it happened when there was still a chance of my instincts being incorrect. Which worked out for the best, since in spite of me being sort of spoiled about it, this chapter ended up being incredibly difficult for me because of that possibility of being wrong.
Of course there’s still that one aforementioned spoiler that may or may not be pretty directly spelling out one of the final killers, buuuut let’s not talk about that one for now.
I really did get put through the motions of genuinely suspecting a wide variety of people, especially in the context of if there had been two separate killers. I suspected Keebo until they spelled out why his flashlight wouldn’t have worked, which was a concept that I hadn’t really considered, I even suspected Miu for a fair bit, I almost got caught up in the idea that Tenko killed herself, which made me wonder if maybe she’d killed Angie, and I even seriously wondered whether or not Himiko really was the one to kill Tenko, though I feel pretty bad about that one now. And obviously I always suspected Kaito in the back of my mind. Kiyo just felt way too obvious for most of the trial.
I’m not really sure how I didn’t guess the whole trick with the identical rooms, and the purpose of the missing support beam. I think that if I’d given myself more time to think about it, I maybe would have figured it out, but I didn’t.
I still feel a bit . . . iffy about the seesaw trick, since I find it hard to believe that Kiyo wouldn’t have, for example, tripped over and messed up the magic circle, or broken the floorboard. And unless my memory is wrong of how it was laid out, it’s surprising that having the entire floorboard move didn’t displace any of the salt. So that part of it still feels weird to me, but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief on that one. The crimes can’t all be perfect. And at least to balance it out, I’m totally on board with the logic behind everything surrounding Angie’s death. That was all surprisingly easy. I dunno how I didn’t figure out the really simple way Kiyo set up the sword to push the lock. Maybe it just seemed too . . . simple? I dunno.
So the actual mechanics of how the case worked were a bit of a surprise to me, and that lead to the logic part of the trial being really difficult. It’s hard to remember all of it, but a lot of the different sections gave me a lot of trouble. For example, both of the hangman’s gambit games were weirdly difficult [at least the seesaw effect one was], I fucked up twice on the psyche taxi part, the rebuttal showdown parts were all kinda difficult in general, and I lost once at the scrum debate part. Though really, from what I remember, the most difficult part was when you have to lie about Tenko’s final moments. The idea of lying in trials is still so . . . weird to me, I basically never even consider it. I tried literally every single possible usage of every truth bullet they gave me, and lost all my health once, before realizing that the game expected me to lie, after I’d done every other option available to me. I kinda thought I was going nuts. But it worked out in the end, I guess.
Also I still suck so much at the Argument Armament, even with two skills dedicated to making it easier. Rhythm games are my worst enemy. Oh, and on the subject of skills, I also managed to squeeze in the one about making truth bullets faster, since I managed to get enough levels right before heading into the trial. That was good.
Oh, and before I forget, Keebo’s image recording function felt a little bit asspull-y, but oh well, it’s not a huge deal. And also I’m not even gonna comment on the reason why Miu designed it for him.
Before I talk about Kiyo, I just wanna say that I’m happy Himiko’s getting some actual development out of this. That’s good. Hopefully she doesn’t get killed off immediately after this. I’m starting to like her.
Anyway, onto the whole elephant in the room known as Kiyo. I was definitely expecting to get a killer soon who would be unanimously ‘evil’ in motive, to balance out the more sympathetic first two killers, but man was I not expecting how nuts he ended up being. His whole motive reminds me a fair bit of Tsumiki’s from DR2. It also helps that they were both the chapter three killers of their respective games.
I still kinda dislike it when murderers in games like this are ‘just crazy’, but I guess I can’t expect all of them to be sympathetic.
It was still a surprise to hear that he had no real desire to leave, and mostly just wanted to kill. That certainly was disturbing.
And on that note, jesus christ I wasn’t expecting this game to get into incest territory, and Kiyo’s delusional murder spree. Wow. I did not see that one coming at all. I don’t even know what to say about it. They really did everything in their power to make him unsympathetic and evil, huh?
In terms of that little post-credits scene of sort, I really hope that isn’t blatant foreshadowing for Kaito becoming a killer in a desperate attempt to escape from the school before he dies from whatever illness he seems to have. I was suspicious of his illness this entire time, since it obviously wasn’t just him being spooked out by ghost stories. It’d be lame if they signaled the idea of him being a killer so far in advance though, and in such a blunt way. We’ll see, I guess. Maybe it’s intentional on the game’s part, that it’s so obvious. If he does end up being a killer, maybe it’s not meant to be a surprise. Who knows.
In general, I have no real idea what to expect from here. Technically we still have nearly half of the game to go, which is weird to consider. And then there’s bonus stuff. I think I’ll probably continue liveblogging through all of whatever bonus post-game stuff we get. Depending on how it goes, I’ll try and avoid using any spoiler-y post titles.
Overall, this was a really bizarre chapter. I kinda sorta knew who it was in advance, and their motive [plus a few details of the crimes] felt a little weak, but at the same time this was undeniably the most difficult trial in terms of how much I fucked it up. It’s a weird situation. I’m not sure how to feel about it.
0 notes