#(I have never willingly watched or listened to espn)
I thing AFTG and check please should take place in the same universe send tweet
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ghosthorse · 7 years
Jack punches homophobes
Tonight I found a file in my drafts folder called “Jack punches homophobes.” I wrote this 5 months ago (there were a lot of posts about would Jack punch homophobes in the NHL going around at the time, and the consensus was yes), and I’m like 85% sure I was drunk at the time. The result (after a little editing, again, drunkenness, lots of typos) is the mess masterpiece you see before you. 
Trigger warning: there are a fair amount of homophobic slurs in here, as you might have guessed.
The first time it happens, Jack is too shocked to react.
“Cocksucker,” the d-man sneers at him when they collide.
Jack had expected backlash after coming out, he’d known it wouldn’t be easy or painless, but so far it had all been from internet commenters. Nothing had prepared him for the face-to-face experience of it, in the middle of a game no less. The d-man skates away before he can pull himself together. He doesn’t play well for the rest of the game, and it’s a close loss, but it’s a loss nonetheless.
He can’t tell anyone else what happened, but Bitty pulls it out of him without even meaning to. The next weekend Bitty visits him in Providence, and Jack tries to put it behind him and just enjoy his time with his boyfriend, but he knows he must seem distracted and quiet. Bitty can tell something’s bothering him and it’s only a matter of time. They’re rolling out pie dough together, something that usually calms Jack down. It reminds him of those first times he’d cooked with Bitty at Samwell, barely able to recognize the feeling blooming in his chest and certainly not ready to put a name to it, and makes him think about the future, in a kitchen that’s not just his, but theirs. Today, though, he just can’t focus. Even when he’s not hearing the word rattling around inside his head or reliving the sneer, he still feels jittery and unsettled.
“Jack? Honey?” Bitty asks tentatively. Jack glances down and realizes he’s rolled the dough out to paper-thin consistency without meaning to. He looks up at Bitty, who’s biting his lip. “Sweetheart, if there’s anything you need to talk about—” he starts, but he doesn’t get any further before a sob rips out of Jack’s throat.
In an instant, Bitty is in his arms, and although Jack’s bigger he feels like Bitty’s the one enveloping him in a hug. He sobs, huge ugly gasping sobs, while Bitty strokes his hair and murmurs soothing nonsense into his ear. When he finally calms down, Bitty to lead him to the couch, and he explains. Bitty understands, and it’s clear to Jack, as it sometimes is when Bitty talks about his family, that he didn’t used to have that same understanding. Jack’s come out but they haven’t publicly announced their relationship, and Bitty hasn’t told them yet. Jack’s coming out to his parents was basically a non-event, overshadowed by so many other things going on in their lives, and certainly not formal, and his sexuality, whether in his own mind or in the minds of others, has always taken a backseat to a million other faults and criticisms. It turns out an intellectual understanding of homophobia isn’t at all the same as experiencing it himself. He feels fundamentally shaken by it, as unmoored as he had in the days after his overdose. But with his boyfriend holding his hand and telling him it’s going to be ok, and that they’re in this together, that feeling starts to dissipate.
 Maybe it should feel odd to him, to have to look to Bitty for guidance, and advice, but it doesn’t.
He might have expected to feel out of control and scared, but it’s not like that at all. After a cup of hot cocoa, drunk while he watches Bitty finish the pie they’d been making, he realizes this rhythm they’ve settled into, this give and take, isn’t about anyone leading or following, but about them making their way together, hand in hand. He tries to tell Bitty as much with the soft touch of his hand on Bitty’s face while they’re cleaning up after dinner, with heated kisses at night and gentle ones in the morning, with the smiles that used to be so rare, but now he has to fight to hide sometimes. And he thinks Bitty understands. No, he knows he does, or they wouldn’t be doing this together.
The second time, he’s flat on his back before he has time to understand. He hears the words seconds before he’s viciously checked, and when he fights his way upright he’s so woozy he can’t stay on his feet by himself and has to be taken off the ice for the remainder of the game. But the word “queer” is stewing under his collarbone in a way Jack never knew a word he’d willingly use to describe himself could, and he bounces back and forth between righteous indignation, wishing he’d shouted back “fuck right I am!’ and wishing he was invisible.
This time he doesn’t wait for his feelings to force their way out. He calls Shitty. When the phone’s ringing he realizes he hasn’t planned out a way to bring this up, but Shitty brings up the check almost immediately.
“Fuck brah, that hit was brutal, are you ok?”
“Yeah,” Jack says, and sucks a deep breath in. “Houlihan called me a queer.”
There’s a half second of silence, and then Shitty lets out the most colorful string of swearing he’s ever heard. And he plays professional sports.
“—and FUCK that guy!” Shitty finishes breathlessly. At least, Jack assumes he’s finished and takes advantage of the pause.
“I was on my back before I even realized, which is pretty good, or else I don’t know what I would’ve done.”
“I can tell you what I would’ve done.” Shitty replies hotly. “I would’ve punched that sumbitch in the teeth. It’s the 21st century, mothafucka, catch up!”
“Yeah,” Jack says regretfully. “But I can’t punch every asshole in the teeth. I’d never get out of the penalty box.”
“I guess,” Shitty agrees. “But wouldn’t it be worth it?”
Jack’s still thinking about the answer to that question when the third time rolls around. But when the big forward calls him a fag before the puck drops, his mind is made up, and he’s launching himself at the forward instead of the puck. Every stupid insult he’s ever had to hear about his dad, his anxiety, his addiction, and now his sexuality, are behind his fist. He lands one good punch before they both drop their gloves and go to town. It’s no contest. The other forward is lying on the ground when Tater finally wraps arms around his waist and pulls him off just like he once lifted Kent, like it takes no effort. It takes Jack a few minutes to stop swinging, but when he does, reality hits him like a blast of cold water.
As soon as he can, he calls his parents. The story, the whole story, makes ESPN, and he wants to tell them himself if by chance they haven’t seen it yet.
“Allo?” his father answers, speaking faster and sounding more worried than Jack’s ever heard him sound on a phone call.
“Sorry, Papa.” Jack says instantly.
“Non, non, Jacques, ça va.” Bob says. Jack hears rustling on the other end of the line, presumably his father trying to get his mother’s attention. “What happened?” he asks.
“It’s just—”It’s not just anything, but he doesn’t know how to say it. The words catch in Jack’s throat like a sob.
“Jack,” his father says, sounding even more worried. “Please, talk to me, what’s wrong?”
And so Jack tries to tell him. He forces out “He called me a—a—” but he can’t make the words come out before he’s breaking down. “I’ve just never felt like people hated me before, not like this, I can’t do this.” he says. Tears are streaming down his face, and he can’t tell if his father can understand him through all of this. “I’m so sorry, Papa.”
“Jack, Jack, no,” Bob says. “Listen to me, you have nothing to be sorry for. Do you hear me? Nothing. They should be sorry. You should never have to be ashamed of who you are, and there is nothing to be ashamed of in loving Eric.”
Jack sucks in his breath. “But I shouldn’t have hit him, I should’ve taken the high road.”
“Fuck the high road.” Bob says with a venom Jack’s never heard, not even for the Bruins. “Tell your coach what’s happening, and the GM, Georgia, she’s been supportive, eh? But don’t you ever compromise who you are for this game, Jack. Nothing is worth that. You have just as much right as they do to be there, no, screw that, you have more right, you’ve worked harder than anyone, and you can shove their stupidity right back down their throats if you want to.” Jack sits stunned for a moment, then Bob adds, “Oh, you mother wants to talk to you, she probably wants to disagree with everything I said and tell you not to punch people in the teeth.” He sounds guilty, and Jack laughs through his tears.
“Fuck that!” he hears his mother say. “Bob, give me that—Jack? Jack?”
“Yes, Maman.” he says.
“Jack, baby, you punch all those no-good homophobic douchebags all you want, you hear me? People have thrown their gloves for less, including your father.” Jack can hear his father spluttering in the background. “Baby, I know I told you to take the high road when you were little but now? You give them summer teeth, you hear me?”
Jack stays on the phone with his parents for a long time, talking about hockey and Eric and lots of other things. When he hangs up he has supportive messages from Bitty, the rest of the SMH, every Falconer who has his number, and even, surprisingly, Kent. He reads them all, responds to some, and finds he can fall asleep without anxiety clawing its way up his throat for the first time since coming out. Tomorrow’s gonna come, but he’s gonna punch the teeth out of it if he has to.
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showingthroughtome · 7 years
spit fire - chapter nineteen
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i saw you in the party, soft lips, soft spoken
“Normally, and you know this, I'm not on Farrah's side.” Molly shudders, laughing. “But you haven't been out once this semester and we're almost halfway through it. Even if Harry is the dick of the century, you shouldn't let him keep you in.”
“I don't.” From Noa’s perspective, that isn't the case. Not one bit.
“You do.” Farrah argues, picking up the dress Noa has since put on the chair by her desk, holding it back up towards her friend and adding, “It's kind of sad, really.”
Molly takes what Farrah says and tacks on a pout. “Do you want to make us sad, Noa?”
read below - catch up here - ask me things here
Though, of course, Harry apologizes to her. He sends her text after text that following day. All of them are about how he's sorry for going behind her back without making sure it was okay with her first. Then, the following day at cheer practice, he surprises her in the supply closet and tries his hardest to have her truly hear his apology.
Though, of course, she doesn't. And that night, he sends her one more text saying he will never regret doing anything to make her less anxious - never, he emphasizes.
That was weeks ago now, and they haven't spoken at all since. His waves are ignored and his texts go unopened before she deletes them. Until eventually, those stop and they grow completely apart. February goes without any interaction. She cheers at his games and watches him score point after point, but she doesn't even acknowledge his existence.
It's not like it's easy for her or anything. She has spent more nights than she'll ever admit with tears in her eyes as she listens to the most emotional Drake songs there are. Once or twice, she's stays up until 2am looking at his dumb Instagram and wondering what the hell is going on in his everyday life.
Noa stops going to Sigma Kappa parties because she knows she'll see him there. There would be a possibility of hearing his laugh or catching his dimples or worst of all, seeing either of those being directed at someone that isn't her. So, on weekends she sits in and watches TV shows on Netflix. She's even cracked open textbooks a time or two.
During one weekend, she spent every waking hour planning a protest for the science labs to stop using frogs as play things. That following week, she spent three days sat outside the building with eleven other environmentally conscious students. She got shit for missing practice from all the members on the squad and the university head of the team but luckily, there weren't any games she missed and she rose awareness about the unnecessary frog deaths.
March Madness has begun quickly and in a whirlwind, the Springfield Wolves are in it to win it. They blaze through the first round with Harry as the star. Suddenly, national attention is on this British player and Noa almost shudders every time she happens to see his name on ESPN - she flips the channel as fast as she can but they play it on nearly every TV around campus.
After the second round, and a win by 27 points, every student is buzzing with the talks of “the party of the century” at SK. Noa on the other hand, cannot bring herself to care any less. She is sitting in her room after she got back to her room and took a long shower when a knock is heard at the door.
“Noa, get the fuck up.” Molly says after popping her head in and seeing Noa with wet hair and still wrapped in a towel. Farrah pushes Molly forward, through the door, and slowly begins shaking her head.
“I'm not going.” Noa declares sternly, adamantly.
Farrah doesn't stop shaking her head until she comes back just as certain with, “Yes. Yes, you are.”
“How many times do we have to talk you into having fun?” Molly closes the door behind them, shutting out the girls on the opposite side who are celebrating with a floor party. Walking to Noa’s wardrobe, Molly’s heels clack against the tile floor. “That’s all we do anymore.”
Noa watches her begin to swipe through all her clothes with the assistance of Farrah. She completely forgets the question until Molly stops mid swipe and raises her eyebrows at her.
“Um, well I don't think it will be fun.” Noa shrugs as a matter of fact, wringing her hands through her hair and onto the towel.
“You'd think it was fun if a certain meddling boy wasn't going to be there.” Farrah said, completely sure of herself with no hesitance to go there.
There was no use in denying it so Noa replies, “Maybe.”
Molly pulls out a black, strappy dress - simple but a tiny bit shiny so it isn't boring. It's one of Noa's favorites even though she hasn't had a chance to wear it out yet.
“Dude, get over that shit.” Molly looks over the dress one more time before nodding with Farrah and then throwing it at Noa.
She catches it just barely, questioning incredulously, “What?”
“So what, man? He went and made sure your mom wasn't dead. Boohoo. He loves you and wants you to be happy.” Shrugs the brunette with the brash attitude who rarely throws it that bluntly at Noa, checking herself out in the mirror.
Farrah, who is usually the one leading the train, agrees, “Yeah, Noa. Damn.”
Many times over the last couple weeks have the girls shown this same attitude - damn Noa, love you but he was just looking out. Yeah, it was actually really sweet if you could see it. If you could just get over the fact that you didn't ask him too.
Noa is kind of tired of always hearing the same things from her friends. If it were them in her situation, she'd surely have their backs in whatever they needed to be happy.
She rolls her eyes and exasperates, “It's not really any of your business either.”
“Bitch, calm down.” Molly snaps her head away from the mirror at Noa’s annoyed tone, still smiling. “It's just, you're always so down because what exactly?”
“He went to my mom.”
“Must be rough to be cared about.” Farrah moans dramatically, fixing her lip gloss in the mirror.
Molly throws her arm around Farrah's neck and confers, “It's probably because she's not used to it, huh?”
“All that love has got her feeling angry inside, I suppose.”
Ever since the two of them got their happy little ending - because yeah, Molly calls Zayn her boyfriend now - they've been nearly insufferable to Noa. She guesses it's because they just want her to be happy so bad that they can't tell how pushy they can be. Every time she tells them to chill, either one of them will explain it away as just being “fucking honest” with her about the truth of the situation.
“Can you guys just shut up?” Noa says in a sweet voice so her friends aren't really offended, though she can't lose all edge to it so they do know she's being serious.
Farrah counters, “Then come to the party.”
“I don't want to.” She walks over to the drawer where her underwear is and pulls out a black bra and black panties - nothing special at all.
“You'll be so bummed if you miss it.”
“Normally, and you know this, I'm not on Farrah's side.” Molly shudders, laughing. “But you haven't been out once this semester and we're almost halfway through it. Even if Harry is the dick of the century, you shouldn't let him keep you in.”
“I don't.” From Noa’s perspective, that isn't the case. Not one bit.
“You do.” Farrah argues, picking up the dress Noa has since put on the chair by her desk, holding it back up towards her friend and adding, “It's kind of sad, really.”
Molly takes what Farrah says and tacks on a pout. “Do you want to make us sad, Noa?”
Noa throws her head back, realizing she will be leaving the dorm that night no matter how much she wants to stay in.
“I hate you guys, you know that?” She grunts and drops her towel, putting the bra back into the drawer since the dress they picked didn't call for it.
The two girls take one more look at each other, both fully polished for a night out and looking fabulous in their very different but revealing dresses, and somehow say at the same time, “For sure.”
By the time they do arrive, all in some variation of black and a red lip, the party is in full swing. It's one of the more crowded ones Noa has ever been to at the frat house - and she was there for the anti-Trump party the day after he got elected. Every room was brimming then and somehow tonight still feels like more.
Molly has to basically pull the others through the front door, ignoring the come on’s from randoms who have no clue who they are. Bass is thumping through the room though, so it's easy for the girls to pretend like they just can't hear the guys. One of them almost touches Farrah but she's swatting them away before they have the chance.
When they finally get to people they know, they're all ready for a drink. The good thing is that the person they find is Louis and Louis always always mans the keg.
“Hey babe!” He greets Farrah as soon as he sees her, bursting with excitement, clearly drunk, kissing her cheek. “You guys made it!”
“Not without a little pushing on our part.” Farrah gestures between her and Molly and nodding her head in Noa’s direction.
Noa shakes her head and restrains from saying something sassy. She instead goes for one of the red cups on the top of a plastic tower of them and holds it out to Louis, “Fill me up, Lou?”
“Anything for my favorite grouch!” He brings the tap to the lip of her cup and begins filling it.
“Hey! I am not a grouch.”
“I'd beg to differ.” Molly follows suit and holds up a cup.
“And that's coming from the girl who is willingly dating Zayn Malik - moodiest dude ever.” Louis snorts.
“We can't all be as happy as you are all the time.” Molly says sharply, like she's actually defending her boyfriend. Noa hasn't seen Molly go that far yet, but low and behold, Molly is damn near snarling at someone for Zayn.
She's touched, really. And working on her drink as she listens to the two go back and forth. Louis may be happy all the time but he sure does have a few smart remarks up his sleeve that makes Noa glad she came out. Farrah watches too, trying not to root on either side but ultimately laughing a bit more at Louis’ quips.
Zayn shows up soon to defend himself with Niall close on his heels. As soon as Niall sees Noa, he bounds for the spot right next to her and embraces her in the biggest bear hug imaginable.
“Where have ya been, my cheerleading beauty?” He asks as he loosens his grip. Placing a kiss on her forehead quickly, he urges, “Huh?”
All the affection is a bit much for Noa - she feels submerged in his gruff and beer breath and loud voice - but, she knows that's just who Niall is when so she tries to act okay with it, shrugging, “Oh you know, around.”
“Avoiding us?”
“No. Never.” She shakes her head with certainty so the blonde will believe her.
Niall nods sheepishly and with a slightly disbelieving eye. “Avoiding him?”
At that, the worry in her stomach reappears, the ominous him of it all looming over her head. Noa gives a snort, “No. Never.” She brushes him further back so she can give Niall a look that makes him think he is crazy to even assume.
But just like he didn't believe her a second ago, he doesn't believe her now. Niall emits another chuckle and nudges her shoulder, “Yeah, well, I've missed you. There haven’t been enough environmental rants in my life recently.”
“I am so sorry. I'll get on that in a drink or two.” Noa smiles wide, raising her cup to her lips and taking a larger than usual drink to show her conviction for Niall.
Shaking his head, he says, “I heard something about you and frogs.”
“Don't get me started.” She throws her hand in the air to stop him, then changes her mind. “Actually, it was a beautiful experience. Transcendental really.”
“You’ll be there next time.” Noa assures, to which Niall enthusiastically agrees. He is smiling so pure, cheeks getting redder the closer he gets to intoxicated, his eyes radiating good times. It reminds Noa of how he looks when he talks animatedly about girls he has crushes on, leading her to ask right in that moment, “How are you and that girl?”
“Huh?” Niall squints at her, trying to figure out what she is talking about.
“That girl? The basketball player.”
“Oh. That fizzled out in weeks. Too extreme, I found.” He is shaking his head, “Man, she had practice like, all the time and didn't ever make time for dates.”
Noa feels her eyes go big with shock that he said that, immediately reacquainted with the feeling of when boys said the same things about her in high school. She flares her nostrils and playfully says, “Wow. What a bitch? It's like she has her own life or something.”
“You know what I mean though. She was just too busy.” Defending himself, he raises his voice. “We weren't ever anything serious though so it's not like either of us were too bent up about it.”
Noa decides then that it isn’t her business - not after the way Niall started laughing halfway through his defense. She smiles and without thinking says, “Nice. Always good to split up amicably.”
“How would you know?” Niall drops his jaw and lifts his eyebrows accusingly the moment the words are out of Noa’s lips.
She smacks her hand to her forehead - regret regret regret - as she pleads, “Not you too! You're supposed to be a good one.”
“Come on, Noa. Can you blame me? I've spent the last couple months listening to Harry whine.” Niall admits without any bit of wavering on the subject.
Noa doesn’t want to have the conversation and she doesn’t want to care that Harry has been whining. But she does. “Whine?”
“Well… yeah.” Niall only notices then that maybe he shouldn’t be talking about it with her. “But I'm his lad so I'm saying no more on the subject.”
“You brought it up.”
“Fuck! I did, didn't I?”
“You're drunk, my friend.” Noa grips his shoulder closest to her and brings their bodies closer for emphasis, laughing in his face, “Absolutely pissed.”
“Look who's bringing him up now!” Niall’s eyes light up even more, pointing a finger in her face, following the sentence with the final drink from his cup.
“That wasn't me bringing him up.” Noa swats his hand away, nearly annoyed with the fact that he was technically correct.
“Nah, just using his British-y terms.” Niall puts on a bad accent and grins, “Gonna go take a kip soon?”
“Shut up.” She rolls her eyes but finds herself smiling at the word and how she always thought it was kind of cute coming out of Harry's mouth - the way he only ever uses it when he is completely worn out and a little slurry in his pronunciation. It sends an instant wave of missing him washing over her, raising the normal level she's gotten used to.
Her eyes are scanning the room for him uncontrollably now. She would try to stop them but she feels a sudden need to find him. Maybe just to see him or maybe just to talk. Maybe even to really talk to him - about what went wrong and how, for far too long, she hasn't gotten to pretend to dislike cuddling him.
She can't find him after a few peers and peeks around the tops of everyone's head so she turns to Niall who is getting his cup refilled and asks, “Is he here?”
“Uh, I don't think so.” Niall drops the tap and gestures in the direction across the room. “Go ask Zayn, though. As you said, I'm pissed.” He laughs once again as Noa follows his advice and makes her way to the guy surrounded by clouds.
“Zayn.” She addresses him with a smile and some hope that he’ll know where Harry is.
“Hey, Noa. How ya doin’?”
“Good. You?” Noa is making her way through casualties patiently, not fully understanding the incessant urge to see Harry but letting her true emotions engulf her actions.
Zayn, on the other hand, is genuinely into the conversation, smiling from ear to ear as he runs a hand through his hair. “Pretty fucking toked out.”
Noa laughs because how can she not and then doesn't even think to segway into her question before she's asking, “Do you know where Harry is?”
“Not here.” Zayn eyes her suspiciously, high but still aware that Noa asking for Harry is something out of the ordinary. He carries on quickly though, “He doesn't really show up to the parties anymore.”
“Why not?” Noa is confused. Harry always loved to celebrate with the guys, she knows he always came here after a win unless he was with her - usually they'd come together. “How can he not be celebrating his big night?”
“Like you don't know.” Zayn hits his pipe after shaking his head at her, almost disapproving. Because Noa does know. She knows it is her fault that Harry isn't there. She doesn't need the look from Zayn to add to that. She bows her head to look into her half-filled cup just so she can avoid the brown eyes of Harry's close friend. Yet, he continues, “He's missing you, babe. He puts up a good front, I think, when he's around you anyway.”
“So he just doesn't show anymore?” She bites her lip, ignoring the Harry missing her part and what that does to her brain.
“Hasn't in weeks.” Zayn shrugs and then exhales, resolute in something before he gets a smirk and explains, “I shouldn't tell you this but last time we smoked he went on this like, 20-minute rant type thing on how he like, went on a hike with you once or some shit and fucking had the best time of his life and how he was like terrified it wouldn't happen again. I don't know. It was a trip, man.”
“When was this?” Noa can’t believe Harry even registers that hike as something special - as she remembers, he complained the whole time and pretended to die on multiple occasions. Though, to her it is one of those moments she thinks about when she shouldn't be thinking about anything at all. It's one of those memories she replays while listening to Drake and contemplating how much fun it was to just be with him.
High Zayn scratches his chin. “Like the day before the day before yesterday.”
So Noa puts her drink on one of the side tables and begins to stress about her next move. Because now she knows she wants to talk to him, she wants to figure out a few things - she's tired of pretending like she has a clear idea of everything they both did right and wrong. It's all jumbling together, causing her to think none of it should've gone to where it went.
She pulls her phone out of her pocket and stares at it, and then she looks back over to Zayn who is kind of just watching for her next move too. She looks down at her phone again and decides, “I'm gonna - fuck it - I'm gonna call him.”
The line rings and rings and Noa is fighting her way back out of the house to find some quiet. It goes to voicemail before she can even get close to the door. She's thinking of leaving a message for him but then she's thinking maybe he just ignored her on purpose. Maybe he has had enough of her shit. After all, he was just trying to help and she threw the biggest fit. Her thumb presses the end call button as soon as that thought makes its way to her heart - the only organ she's letting her actions function off of at the moment.
She's finally getting out of that house and away from the party she didn't want to go to in the first place. But now she's by herself and questioning everything. She's feeling so deeply that she wants to go to Harry and apologize for everything that's gone on - even though it wasn't all her fault. No matter what happened, she just wants to start over. She wants to talk to him and say, listen, we fucked up but I care for you so much. Let's try again… please, let's try again.
It all happens so fast but she feels her mind made up...
But then never mind. Her brain is saying, hold up. You had your reasons. Calm down. It's only 10:30. He's not asleep, you know that. He ignored you on purpose. Go home.
Staring down at her phone on the chilly spring night, she's truly and completely torn. And when moments like this occur, she can usually think of only one way to resolve it - smoking by herself and thinking on it.
So, that's what she does. She goes home and finds her stash, then walks to her favorite park and smokes for hours. Her brain and heart are still having the debate when the sky starts to shift from black to purple to orange. And then, by then, she ignores them both and follows what her eyes need - a good, long bit of rest.
 authors note: wow okay!!!!! so one chapter left now!!! i have just started writing it last night so give me a week or two and we will wrap up ol’ noa and harry. i am actually very sad about it being over. i think as a writer you get so attached to the characters and the world theyre in and everything but about halfway through, you wanna make a new world with new characters (at least i did) so you kind of wanna hurry up and finish this current story... but now that its almost over, i wish i still had so much more left to write and explore. like, noa’s dad. he’d be fun to dive into but he just isnt a part of her life at the moment so that would have to be a whole other fic. and i am going to wrap up noa and sarah cherry but not in intense detail because again, that’d just be a different fic. sarah was a part of this story but really, obviously, its all about noa. and noa isnt about her mom at this point. she is kind of over the worry. and wow this note is getting long. sorry. 
what do you think is going to happen next? what do you want to happen? what do you think of noa and her friends? and what about that boy harry? he wasnt in this chapter but soooooon!!!!
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tophatal · 5 years
Walk It Like You Talk It ….
In the aftermath of the momentous joint victory for Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid , there are now looming doubts about whether or not Roger Goodell as the NFL Commissioner can continue to be granted so much latitude with regard to his wide-ranging powers , as well as how the league hierarchy and team owners can now deal with such issues of player grievances in the future. This was an extremely costly loss the NFL , albeit, with an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) being signed , we will never know the full extent of the compensatory figure paid out to both Kaepernick and Reid as part of their collusion grievance.
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While I believe this might provide some closure to the events surrounding the stance taken by Colin Kaepernick , there still leaves the fact that the former San Francisco Forty Niners’ starting quarterback is still unable to find a role on a team within the NFL. There are now rumors circulating that the Carolina Panthers and New England Patriots are showing interest in signing the player whose last game in the NFL took place during the 2016 NFL season . I don’t believe the Patriots are a legitimate option , especially in light of both Tom Brady and the team owner Robert Kraft , being staunch supporters of Donald Trump , a President who was often critical of the NFL’s players and pointedly so towards Colin Kaepernick . It’s clear however, that could all change, in light of the judgment ruling against the league.
With the other alternative for Kaepernick being to sign with the Carolina Panthers, I am not so sure he would be welcomed with open arms by the coaching staff and front office of the organization . As to the current roster of Panthers’ players themselves , unless Cam Newton himself , steps up to the plate and were to make Colin Kaepernick feel welcomed. There again. I am not so sure he would be seen as an ideal fit for the team. The fans being what they are , and the fact that attendance within the NFL has ebbed and flowed since 2015 , and their being a marked decline with regard to an engaged television audience for regular season games . The NFL must now address this chapter once and for all , and bring it to a close. There were idiots, who believed that the NFL would suffer financially , but nothing could be further from the truth and among the league’s biggest corporate sponsors, Nike profited greatly from the exposure gained ,with Kaepernick being a client endorser .
The NBA’s mid-season showcase event was all the talk over the past weekend with the All Star Game taking place. This history of the event might well be the most fan-friendly of the four major professional sports’ events which take place. The NFL has it’s Pro-Bowl Game , but with each passing game, especially over the last decade , the game itself has become less and less popular for the fans and as a television spectacle. Major League Baseball places way too much emphasis on the players and the rather asinine way it has players nominated for an appearance in the MLB All Star Game , has the event seem something of a non-plus along with the Home Run Derby. Granted , the league that wins the All Star , their representative in the World Series is granted home-field advantage throughout the series. Yet, when it’s all said and done in spite of those incentives , the event itself remains something of a chore to watch. For the NHL , well let’s just say their All Star Game , ranks up there alongside watching paint dry or a Congressional Hearing in either the US House of Representatives or the US Senate .
Kevin Durant , already a two-time Finals’ MVP with the Golden State Warriors , might well have begun to ignite the debate as to whether he is now the best player in the NBA and what is with all due respect to four-time League MVP , LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers . James was an active participant in the All Star Game which was played on Monday Night . A high-scoring event where defense was not at an optimum , Durant put on a display of offensive prowess for the winning team and along the way he picked up his second All Star MVP Award.
The second-half of the season within the NBA will pick-up , with the teams looking to jockey themselves into position for the final games of the regular season . With things being what they are , the pressure is now on the Los Angeles Lakers to end their regular season run with a big bang. They’re not capable of winning their division and within the Western Conference , their remains a right race for the seeding’s, five , through eight . LeBron James and his teammates will be on the court for their next game , when they face the Houston Rockets and James Harden at the Staples Center in Los Angeles , California , on Thursday, 21st February , 2019. That is the day, when the league resumes its regular season schedule . Meanwhile, Kevin Durant and the Golden State Warriors will resume their regular season schedule with a contest against the Sacramento Kings .
In the Eastern Conference of the NBA , the Milwaukee Bucks led by Giannis Antetokounmpou , are looking to solidify their position as the best team in the conference. Antetokounmpou is proving to be one of the best offensive players in the entire NBA , in spite of his experience . All season long the Bucks have been extremely impressive , on the road or at home . Next up for this well-rounded team will be a game against the Boston Celtics , in a contest , which will provide the fans with a great deal more than just competitiveness and excitement .
If the rumors are to be believed , then James L Dolan might well be willing to listen to serious offers as he seeks to unload the New York Knicks . Dolan is not likely to sell the franchise at a bargain basement price , knowing that a $3,5 billion price tag is not out of the realms of possibility . The Knicks are no longer a viable competitive concern within the NBA , but they remain the most valuable franchise , because of their geographical and demo-graphical location. It’s hard to envisage who might willingly show interest in purchasing the New York Knicks and the possible price that’s likely to be above $4 billion , an exorbitant price to say the very least. The team’s season is in complete shambles and it’s my own belief , their coaching staff would like to ‘tank’ their season , which would provide them with a healthy chance of a Draft Lottery Pick in the first round of 2019 NBA Draft .
Courtesy of USA Today
Knicks shoot down report of James Dolan ‘courting offers’ to sell team
By Chris Iseman , USA Today , NBA Writer
Rumors that James Dolan is potentially interested in selling the New York Knicks have been circulating, and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons has now added more fuel to that fire. Citing people “who know things,” Simmons on his podcast said that he was told Dolan is courting offers. “It’s happening,” Simmons said. “It’s on. It’s go-time. He’s courting offers for the Knicks. That’s what I heard at All-Star weekend from people I trust.” Simmons believes Dolan is more interested in running the company’s entertainment division. But a statement released Monday by The Madison Square Garden Company, of which Dolan is chairman and CEO, denied all accounts of the report. “The story is 100% false,” the statement reads. “There has been nothing. No discussions. No plans to have discussions – nothing.” In an interview with ESPN’s Ian O’Connor in December, Dolan said he wouldn’t rule out selling the Knicks, mainly because he has a responsibility to his shareholders of the publicly traded company. “They’re not there because they’re fans,” Dolan said in the interview. “You don’t invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a stock because you’re a fan. You do it because you think that the business is going to increase in value, that the stock price is going to go up. You have a responsibility as the guy who runs the place to deliver on that for them, that’s being open and transparent. And so in that position, I could never say that I wouldn’t consider selling the Knicks.”
Click on link to read in full.
David Fizdale , current Head Coach of the New York Knicks presides over a team that is among the worst in all of the league’s vital statistical categories this season.. Over their last fifteen games the Knicks are a bewildering a 1-14 , which  is  among the  worst  in the  league . Next up  for  the  New  York  Knicks  will  be  a  game  against  the the Minnesota Timberwolves at home , where the Knicks are an abysmal 4-23 . It’s hard to envisage where the interest will come from concerning someone willing to buy the New York Knicks outright , but I am sure that the NBA hierarchy will find a way to make this franchise seem all the more alluring to a potential buyer.
So one of the two lynch-pins are down with GM AJ Preller having pulled off perhaps the biggest coup in San Diego Padres’ history with the team having agreed in principle to sign free agent Manny Machado to a ten-year , $300 million deal . It is by far the biggest free agent acquisition made in the Padres’ history and immediately makes Machado the highest paid player on the team’s roster . Machado who spent much of last season with the Los Angeles Dodgers , was by far in a way their best offensive player throughout the postseason , but somehow the Dodgers’ front office didn’t feel he would be a good fit for the team moving forward. I’m beginning to think that several of the front office executives within the Dodgers’ organization are not fully equipped to carry out their various duties along with the managerial staff of Dave Roberts . Where this now leaves Bryce Harper as a free agent and whether or not he’s in the driver’s seat to demand a similar type deal remains to be seen , but it is becoming abundantly clear , the player’s agent Scott Boras will demand something commensurate with his client’s abilities and standing as a former NL MVP and Rookie of The Year . There’s no denying that Bryce Harper is a five-tool player , capable of leading a team to a World Series’ title if the adequate pieces are around him, That was never the case while he was a player with the Washington Nationals .
There are likely to be at least three teams showing an interest in Bryce Harper , but I am not so all three are seen as outright favorites to sign the player. The ball-clubs, I believe still in the running for Harper, are the New York Yankees , Philadelphia Phillies and the Chicago White Sox , all of whom would significantly increase their payroll in 2019 over last season . Scott Boras having seen Manny Machado signed to a $300 million contract , would clearly want a great deal more for Bryce Harper. The New York Yankees could easily afford to absorb such a deal, given their vast resources as a ball club and with the revenues of the organization alongside that of the YES Network . Capitalized at over $3.5 billion it is easy to understand why the Yankees remain profitable as well as the most valuable team in all of baseball and one of the most recognized professional sports clubs in the world .
The San Diego Padres will have will have several players reporting for Spring Training over the next few days along with non-roster invitees . Their exhibition season will begin in full earnest during March , with their first exhibition game being played against the Los Angeles Dodgers . Machado and his teammates should have a good workout against their divisional rivals in that game . San Diego will begin its regular season schedule with a game against the San Francisco Giants at home , PETCO Field , in San Diego , California on the 28th March , 2019 , Official Opening Day for Major League Baseball in 2019.
Time is running out for Scott Boras to get a deal done for his client and I do believe that the asking price might well be way too high. In this day and age , I don’t think that there is a team out there willing to commit $350 million , let alone $400 million to one player in a long-term contract , without any type of guarantee of success. One World Series’ title might well be good , but two or three would be better and I doubt that Bryce Harper , is worthy of that contract let alone be able to produce on such a grand scale for an organization .
In light of what’s now taking place in the world sports what are your expectations in the coming weeks and months ?
Tophatal …………
USA Today Sports Headlines
Byron Scott, the now fired former coach of the Hornets. GM , Jeff Bower who has now assumeed the position of head coach on an interim basis. And assistant coach , Tim Floyd. It’s safe to assume that the reins may well be handed over to Floyd at some time in the future given the fact Bower has no experience as a coach of any kind with regard to the NBA . picture apears courtesy of nbae/ getty images / Richard Tyson …………..
Rays’ third baseman , Evan Longoria at the plate for team. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Vic Hallam
Carl Crawford’s three-run home run in the sixth inning highlighted Tampa Bay’s three-game sweep of the Angels. The Rays are five games over .500 for the first time in team history. photo appears courtesy of the Associated Press/ Mike Carlson ………….
Gatots’ player Tim Tebow (15) and his coach Urban Meyer discuss their options during a game. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Chris Dickson ……………….
Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig’s steroids proposal, made to the union last month, calls for a 50-game ban for first offenders, a 100-game penalty for second offenders and a lifetime ban for a third positive test. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press / Adam Roundtree …….
Carolina Panthers’ Julius Peppers saluting fans as he walks off the field after the Panthers’ 23-10 win over the New Orleans Saints in an NFL football game in Charlotte, N.C. The Panthers have decided the price is too steep to keep their all-time sacks leader. It means five-time Pro Bowl defensive end Julius Peppers is about to become one of the top prizes in free agency. Agent Carl Carey says the Panthers have told him they won’t place the restrictive franchise tag on Peppers for a second consecutive year at a cost of more than $20 million. The move Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010, comes two days before the tag deadline. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Rick Havner ……
Mike Dunleavy (#17) of the Indiana Pacers goes up for the lay up against Brendan Haywood (#33) of the Dallas Mavericks during a game at the American Airlines Center on February 22, 2010 in Dallas, Texas. photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Glenn James ……………….
University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman, left, and head football coach Rich Rodriguez, right, are shown at a news conference in Ann Arbor, Mich., Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010. The NCAA has found that Michigan’s storied football program was out of compliance with practice time rules under coach Rodriguez. Incoming athletic director David Brandon disclosed the finding Tuesday. He says there were no surprises in the NCAA findings. He also says Rodriguez remains the coach. Michigan has 90 days to respond and will appear at an NCAA hearing on infractions in August. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Paul Sancya ……
Los Angeles -January 13th 2010. New head coach of the USC Trojans Lane Kiffin shakes a hand as he makes his way to his press conference at Heritage Hall in Los Angeles, California. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Harry How ……………..
Duke’s Jon Scheyer collides with Virginia Tech’s Malcolm Delaney, left, during the first half. Scheyer scored 25 points and collected 10 rebounds in the win. The Blue Devils defeated Virginia Tech (Hokies) 67-55 in the game . photo appears courtesy of Associated Press / Sara Davis ……………..
Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts speaks to the media Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010 at the Chicago Cubs spring training facility in Mesa, Ariz. photo appears Assoc. Press/ Matt York ….
Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella, right, along with coaches Matt Sinatro, middle, and Lester Strode watch pitchers warm up during spring training baseball camp practice Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, in Mesa, Ariz. photo appears courtesy of Assoc. Press/ Ross D. Franklin ………..
Minnesota Twins pitcher Joe Mauer swings in the batting cage at baseball spring training in Fort Myers, Fla., Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press/ Nati Harnik …….
Florida Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria, left, watches batting practice with Marlins manager Fredi Gonzalez during spring training baseball Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010, in Jupiter, Fla. With the smallest payroll in the majors last year, the Marlins won 87 games and finished six games behind eventual league champion Philadelphia in the NL East. Visiting spring training to watch the first full-squad workout, Loria said the 2009 Marlins underachieved. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press/Jeff Roberson ……..
Israeli model Bar Refaeli seen here doing a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition phot-shoot.
Ray Allen (#20) of the Boston Celtics looks for a play against LeBron James (#23) of the Cleveland Cavaliers on February 25, 2010 at the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Brian Babbineau …..
Floyd Mayweather, left, and current WBA welterweight super champion Shane Mosley exchange words during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. The press conference was to promote their May 1, 2010 fight in Las Vegas, Nevada. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press/ Seth Wenig ……..
Floyd Mayweather, left, and current WBA welterweight world champion Shane Mosley pose for a picture during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. The news conference was to promote their May 1, 2010 fight in Las Vegas, Nevada. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press /Seth Wenig
Scott Boras, chided for bonus demands for amateur clients, says the Major League Baseball draft needs restructuring. “In this system, everybody thinks this is about money. No, this is about saving money. It allows for less mistakes,” he says. photo appears courtesy of USA Today Jason M. Millstein ………………..
Commissioner of Major League Baseball Bud Selig and actress Sarah-Jessica Parker take part in an on field presentation during the 79th MLB All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium on July 15, 2008 in the Bronx borough of New York City. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images North America / Jim McIsaac ……………
Stacey Dash , actress , designer and entrepreneur .
Jennifer Aniston shows us that she’s more than willing to be your ‘friend’ ?
Model & Playboby playmate Naureen Zaim . Who wouldn’t mind teaching her a lesson or two on human anatomy ?
Cuban American actress & model Natalie Martinez
Martinez again looking good as only she possibly can !
Oh mon ami ! she possibly can ! Je t’aime !</strong
Who wouldn’t want to play with Natalie Martinez ?
Well hello there !
Model & actress Natalie Martinez ……….
Actress & model Natalie Martinez …….. Who wouldn’t want to get ahold of her rims ? I know I would !
New York Yankees’ Alex Rodriguez watches his fly-out in the first inning of a spring training baseball game against the Philadelphia Phillies, Friday, March 26, 2010, in Tampa, Fla. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press / Mike Carlson ….
Sarasoata , Fl ,. Infielder Adrian Beltre (29) of the Boston Red Sox throws over to first for an out against the Baltimore Orioles during a Grapefruit League Spring Training Game at Ed Smith Stadium on March 27, 2010 in Sarasota, Florida. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ J Meric ……….
St. Louis , Bobby Maze (3) of the Tennessee Volunteers looks to shoot the ball against Mike Kebler (20) and Draymond Green (23) both of the Michigan State Spartans during the midwest regional final of the 2010 NCAA men’s basketball tournament at the Edward Jones Dome on March 28, 2010 in St. Louis, Missouri. Michigan State beat Tennessee 70-69. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Dilip Vishwanat …
The Duke Blue Devils hold up the trophy after a 78-71 win over the Baylor Bears in the south regional final of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament at Reliant Stadium in Houston on Sunday. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Ronald Martinez …
Butler’s Nick Rodgers hold up the West Regional trophy as the team returned home to Indianapolis amid a throng of fans after earning a spot in the Final Four with a victory over Kansas State Saturday. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ A J Mast ………..
West Virginia’s Da’Sean Butler and Joe Mazzulla hug after the game. Butler scored 18 points and Mazulla pitched in a career-high 17 to help West Virginia hold off the Wildcats. The Mountaineers would defeat the Kentucky Wildcats 73-66 to make their way the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Jim McIsaac ……….
Russian actress & model Anya Monzikova . Who wouldn’t want some of Monzikova alongside some fresh Beluga caviar ?
2008 Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford. The player is widely expected to be taken number one overall in the upcoming NFL Draft. The team with the first pick are the NFC’s St Louis Rams . photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Chris Rogers ………..
Eagles’ quarterback Donovan McNabb. The player is said to want to remain with the Eagles but it’s becoming clear that he will be traded sooner rather than later. Eagles’ coach Andy Reid and team President Joe Banner are willing to listen to offers for the Pro Bowler. photo appears courtesy of US Presswire/ Jody Gomez ………….
Tebow (15) left is seen here alongside his former college coach Urban Meyer. The two proved to be very sucessfule as a team combining to win two national titles in four years. photo appears courtesy of boston.com/ articles …………
DeMaurice Smith Executive Director of the NFLPA. Smith who assumed the position after the death of his predecessor Gene Upshaw. He was elected to the position by the board members of the Players’ Association. Smith was a corporate litigation attorney for the DC law firm Patton Boggs. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Phillip Mitchell
Carlos Boozer #5 of the Utah Jazz has his shot challenged by Kobe Bryant #24 of the Los Angeles Lakers at Staples Center on April 2, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. The Lakers would go on to defeat the Jazz 102-96 in the game . photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Andrew D Bernstein ………..
Donovan McNabb of the Philadelphia Eagles. The player was traded to the Washington Redskins a divisional rival in the NFC East. It adds to the flavor this upcoming season when the player meets his ‘former team’ . photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Hugh Malcolm ………………..
Baylor’s Brittney Griner and U Conn’s Maya Moore are seen here during the women’s Final Four game between the two teams. Geno Auriemma’s Huskies would go on to defeat the Baylor Lady Bears 70-50 in the game played at the Alamodome in San Antonio , Texas , Sunday April 4th 2010. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Alicia Mack ………..
Cleveland Browns nose tackle Shaun Rogers and his lawyer Patrick D’Angelo, center, talk to reporters after leaving Cleveland Police Headquarters where Rogers was charged with one felony count of carrying a concealed weapon on Friday, April 2, 2010, in Cleveland, Ohio. Rogers was arrested at Cleveland Hopkins International airport on Thursday after he tried to take a loaded handgun through airport security. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Jason Miller …..
Butler head coach Brad Stevens , left to right, Gordon Hayward and Ronald Nored smile during an interview session for the men’s NCAA Final Four college basketball championship Sunday, April 4, 2010, in Indianapolis. The Butler Bulldogs will face Mike Krzyzewski’s Duke Blue Devils in the championship game Monday night to be played at Lucas Oil Stadium , Indianapolis, Indiana. This in many ways will be very much a “home game” for the small and in-obtrusive college team from Indiana. The furor over over their improbable journey has resonated within the state and across the nation. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Mark J Terrill ……………
Los Angeles, April 4th 2010. Manu Ginobil (20) of the San Antonio Spurs goes to the basket against Luke Walton (4) of the Los Angeles Lakers at Staples Center on Sunday. The San Antonio Spurs would go on to defeat the Los Angeles Lakers 100-81 in a game played at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Noah Grahame …………….
Tiki Barber and his wife Gina Cha. Barber’s wife is six months pregnant with twins and is now in the midst of separating from the former NFL star. photo appears courtesy of Wire Image/ Duffie Marie Arnoult ………….
23 year old Traci Lynn Johnson an intern with NBC Universal and who works alongside Tiki Barber on the NBC morning show “The Today Show” . Barber and Johnson are romantically involved and the former NFL star has now separated from his wife of 11 years , Gina Cha. The couple have two children with twin now on the way in terms of Cha’s pregnancy. photo appears courtesy of Social Media SEO ……….
Playboy Playmate Kayle Collins …………August 2008. Is there a need to proceed further concerning Kayle’s attributes ?
Jameer Nelson of the Orlando Magic goes for the layup in the Eastern Conference semi-final game played against the Atlanta Hawks. NBAE/ Getty Images/ Fernando Medina ………
Head Coach Jerry Sloan of the Utah Jazz fields questions from the media following his team’s loss to the Los Angeles Lakers in Game Two of the Western Conference Semifinals during the 2010 NBA Playoffs at Staples Center on May 4, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. NBAE Getty Images _ Andrew D Bernstein
Kobe Bryant (24) of the Los Angeles Lakers shoots against Deron Williams (8 )of the Utah Jazz in Game Two of the Western Conference Semifinals during the 2010 NBA Playoffs at Staples Center on May 4, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. NBAE Getty Images/ Noah D Bernstein
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – JUNE 24: (L-R) Robert Vittek, Martin Skrtel and Radoslav Zabavnik of Slovakia celebrate victory after knocking Italy out of the competition during the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Group F match between Slovakia and Italy at Ellis Park Stadium on June 24, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images ……
Johannesburg , South Africa – June 24 th 2010. Kamil Kopunek of Slovakia celebrates scoring his team’s third goal during the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Group F match between Slovakia and Italy at Ellis Park Stadium on June 24, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo by Christof Koepsel/Getty Images ……
Fabio Cannavaro, captain of Italy, leaves the field dejected after being knocked out of the competition by Slovakia during the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Group F match between Slovakia and Italy at Ellis Park Stadium on June 24, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images ………
In this Sept. 18, 2010, photo, Florida Marlins’ Dan Uggla bats in a baseball game against the Chicago Cubs in Miami. Uggla has been traded from the Marlins to the Atlanta Braves for infielder Omar Infante and left-hander Mike Dunn. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
This is a 2008 file photo of Dan Uggla of the Florida Marlins baseball team. Uggla and the Atlanta Braves have reached a preliminary agreement on a $62 million, five-year contract, a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associated Press Wednesday Jan. 5, 2011 on condition of anonymity because the agreement was not yet final. (AP Photo/Rob Carr, File)
Baltimore Orioles starting pitcher Wei-Yin Chen (16), of Taiwan, comes into the dugout following the fourth inning of a baseball game against the Tampa Bay Rays, Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/Brian Blanco)
ST. PETERSBURG – AUGUST 04: Designated hitter Jeff Keppinger #7 of the Tampa Bay Rays fouls off a pitch against the Baltimore Orioles during the game at Tropicana Field on August 4, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. (Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)
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