#((corinth absolutely DUNKING on Cas rn
eyeless-smiles · 22 days
Cas for the NSFW meme bc lmao
[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer: Accepting
How interested they are in having sex with them:
"If it'll dislodge the stick shoved up his ass? Very."
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: 
"I'm already being put through the torture of his presence all fucking day. The assholes kept me celibate for months. He should be fucking me to make up for all the sex I could've been having."
If they would rather bottom or top them:
"Top him, so I can teach him a thing or two. That Angel is clueless."
How good they think they would be:
"Look at him. I bet he's never even thought about sucking a cock."
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them:
"I'd fuck him anywhere. I bet he'd want a goose feather bed and dinner first."
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: 
"I'd fuck him. He'd probably call it intercourse or something equally as unsexy."
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick:
"My knife."
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
"Unlikely. The Angel would insist I'd have to prove I've changed. How does a monster prove it's not a monster?"
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