#((Also been a traitor could apply to Megs in a way still))
aprimesrpcorner · 1 year
RULES: Bold what always applies. Italicize what could apply / applies only to some verses.
Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone’s Life | Invented Something | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won A Bet | Lost A Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor’s Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Broken Someone’s Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/Uncle
tagged: Tagged by @autobotstarscream
tagging: @staticsqueaks , @biggest-ultra-mags , @aircommndr , @blackwldcw And you! (If yall want of course)
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henryclaremontdiaz · 7 years
human/this world inverted au jaia first date for my parabatai @magnificentbane - happy birthday meg 💕
Maia looked at herself in front of the mirror again, sighing as she smoothed down her skirt. ‘Come on Maia, you’ve been on dates before. This isn’t that different,’ she tried to rationalize with herself, but she also knew that wasn’t completely true. This was completely different. Ever since Izzy had introduced them, she hadn’t been able to think about anything but Jace. Jace and his blond hair and mismatched eyes and plump pink lips had been way too distracting lately and she wanted to hate him for it, but she just couldn’t. He had asked Izzy for Maia’s number and the traitor had given it to him, and he was a little ashamed to admit that they have been texting every day from morning until they went to bed, maybe facetiming once or twice a week. But one thing they still hadn’t done was go out on an actual date.
And that’s what was scaring her.
The last guy she had gone out with was Jordan, and as much as she wanted to just focus on the butterflies she got every time Jace sent her a text or a picture on snapchat, all she could remember was what went down with him. The words, the control, the anger. And that’s what made her focus on the scars in the mirror, the ones that glared at her every single day from the side of her neck. She looked over at the scarf she had pulled out, just in case she had told herself. But she had been trying hard lately to go out more and more without a scarf or a high collar, all of her new friends trying to encourage her that she didn’t have to hide her scars. They weren’t ugly, they weren’t suddenly any worse because of what caused them, instead they were just a part of her. And she was beautiful. She applied a little more lipstick before she left her apartment, walking to the movie theater she agreed to meet Jace at.
The second she saw him, it was all worth it.
There he was, standing around and obviously looking and waiting for her. And when he finally noticed her, a grin appeared on his face. “Wow, hi Maia. You look… wow,” he said and she couldn’t help but chuckle, rolling her eyes. ‘What a dork.’ she thought to herself.
“Don’t I know it. You look alright too,” she joked, trying to offset how flustered the way he was looking at her was making her feel. Jace was looking at her like he was looking at the moon for the first time, like she was ethereal and beautiful and overwhelming and powerful all in one. And in his eyes, she was. She noticed him look her over and she felt a little self conscious when she noticed him looking at her neck, putting her hand over her scars slightly without thinking. “Let’s go in,” she said and they went to the theater, buying their tickets and settling in to watch IT.
Jace ended up jumping more than she did, a fact she would tease him about as they made their way out of the theater. They started walking down the street, enjoying the fact that things were a little quieter than usual. She looked up at the stars as they walked and she felt his hand take hers, a small and shy smile coming across her face as her heart started to race. Oh God, she actually really liked this guy. Which worried her, the last time she liked someone she ended up getting hurt. And she didn’t want to get hurt again. But she looked over at him and she saw the same shy smile on his lips, his eyes looking down. He looked over at her and smiled more when he caught her staring, a blush darkening her cheeks slightly. Damn him.
“It’s a beautiful night tonight. Almost as beautiful as you,” Jace commented and she smiled more against her will, refusing to look into those blue and brown eyes again. Damn him. He knows exactly what he’s doing, but she loved it. Jace was sweet, he made her feel nice. She felt beautiful when he looked at her, he looked at her scars and didn’t instantly look repulsed at the imperfections that took up most of her neck.
They made their way to her apartment and before she knew it, she was standing outside of her door. “Well, I guess this is it,” she said, rocking on her heels slightly. “I had a nice time,” she said, finally looking at him again.
“Me too,” he said honestly, still holding her hand. “You look so gorgeous, Maia. I’m glad we got to finally go out. Not that I don’t like texting all the time, it’s just...” he rambled and she smiled fondly, watching him.
“I know. Me too. Good morning texts are great and all, but getting to see you in the flesh is pretty great,” she said honestly. Jace laughed and nodded, pushing his hair out of his face before he started to lean in.
And before she knew it, his lips were on hers. It wasn’t exactly the most mind blowing kiss in the world, it was soft and careful and hesitant, but she felt a tingle all the same. His lips were just as soft as they had looked, much to her relief. When they pulled away they both smiled, Maia biting her lip slightly. “Goodbye Jace,” she said softly.
“Good night, Maia. I’ll talk to you later,” he said, still smiling. Maia watched him leave before she walked inside, leaning against her door and sighing contently once she was finally alone.
There they were again, those butterflies. The fluttering in her stomach matching the fluttering of her heart and she knew what that meant. And for the first time since Jordan, they didn’t scare her.
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borrowedbackpack · 6 years
Starting to do stuff
Well, I did it. I’ve finally managed to leave Krakow. I didn’t go down without a fight though. I rolled out of my bunk this morning, repacked all my stuff (travel hack – maybe don’t make a big ol mess of all your stuff as soon as you get to your hostel. Contain the mess. Put stuff away when you’re done with it. Y’know, all the obvious stuff that your mom tells you to do. Apply that shit x10. You will not be sorry), and started in on the daunting task of Band-Aid’ing my blister situation (again, photos available upon request. Jen doesn’t seem to want any more so the position of blister pic receiver/sympathizer is open). Six band aids later I was finally done (well actually I could’ve continued, but I was out of Band-Aids. Which reminds me, Duncan, if you’re reading this, are you using all those Band-Aids that you inexplicably would not allow me to pack? Hm? What’s that? No? Well I sure could use em right now buddy. You make me sick) and ready to move on to choosing appropriate foot wear for the day. I decided to go with the only shoes that I had not tried yet, my ugly runners, stuffed my feet into them, strapped the NBF onto my pack, and was on my merry way. Except it wasn’t that merry cause holy shit my blisters. I realize this level of complaining for a few blisters may seem a bit ridiculous, but a) these are no ordinary blisters b) blisters really hurt and c) it’s a lot of blisters. Like maybe 5+ (per foot, although there’s more on my left foot than on my right foot? Maybe I need a physio to analyze my gait before my next trip in order to mitigate the blister damage? Or at least even it out?)
ANYWAYS I got a bagel on my way to the train station and employed some attitude adjustment techniques. Upon arrival at the station, I got a train ticket, found my train, got on it, chilled out, etc. Unfortunately, this is where the Travel Troubles began (Travel Troubles are something that I have not yet experienced in Poland, so I was pretty thrown off). The time when the train was supposed to leave passed with no signs of departure. Ten minutes passed, then twenty minutes, etc.
“Hm” I thought.
Then there I was an announcement in Polish and lots of people looked mad. A nice Polish lady explained to me that the train decided that it wasn’t going to leave on time, and so we were all just going to chill for another 15 minutes until the train got its shit together. Eventually it did, and we were off. We arrived at the airport and I wasn’t too late or anything, but I also wasn’t early, and I’m a fan of being early. So I skyndte meg to the baggage drop, where I waited in the wrong super long baggage drop line for a while before eventually figuring my life out and moving to the right (also super long) baggage drop line (I have no idea why I had trouble with this. You’re going to Sweden, Anna. Just follow the blonde people. Get it together).
Eventually I reached the front of the line and it was all smooth sailing from there! Haha jk. As soon as I got to the front of the line, the entire computer system at the airport shut down (for real), so I just stood there like an idiot until the computers decided to start doing their jobs again. Everyone needs a break sometimes, I guess.
I got rid of the NBF and continued along to the security area, where I was subject to yet another extremely long line. After I finally got through this line, I was not my best self. All signs were pointing to “impending travel freak out . . . you should probs just stay in Poland” UNTIL  I got on the plane. Turns out ya girl was seated in row 14 AKA exit row AKA leg room for dayz (and a sense of superiority over your fellow passengers, if you’re into that I guess). PLUS no one was in the seat beside me so it basically first class, people. Imagine, me, Anna, a humble PA’er, being trusted with the responsibility of an exit row. Don’t worry, I did not take my responsibility lightly. The flight attendant came around to instruct the exit row’ers, and I sat up straight and listened attentively.
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“Hei! (ps I’m flying Norwegian aka my favourite airline cause cheap flights + included language practice) Have you ever sat in an exit row before?”
“I have not” I said solemnly
“Oh, okay” said Norwegian guy “well if something happens, uh, just follow our instructions”.
Cool. That I can do. Then I proceeded to sleep for the entire trip, so hopefully my services were not required.
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I love Scandinavia.
I woke up right before we began our descent into Stockholm, and whoa, Sweden is beautiful. It looks like Canada, with lots of trees and rocks and water. Sweden, I’m sorry for what I said about having “no desire” to visit you since I assumed you’d be the same as the other Scando countries I’ve been too. I was kjempe wrong.
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A charming Euro alley way.
So we land in Stockholm and I’m feeling good, still high on leg room and such. I pick up the NBF from the baggage thing and immediately look for a place to get rid of her again so I don’t have to drag her around Stockholm all afternoon. A very happy Swede pointed me to the luggage lockers, which I really could not figure out until another happy Swede offered to help me (wtf has become of Scandinavia? Who are these people?) Dude straight up dis and re-mantled the entire machine for me, somehow forced it to work, and I abandoned the NBF and was yet again on my merry way. It was merrier this time though. I bought a ticket for the Slow Cheap Bus (as opposed to the Fast Expensive Train) and headed into the city (dodged a bullet here – almost accidentally got on a bus to some town in rural Sweden. Luckily the smart part of my brain reminded me that I should probably check where the bus was actually going before getting on it. There’s another pro travel hack for y’all). Otherwise, this entire process was super easy and virtually stress free. Go Sweden.
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In Stockholm, I mostly wandered around the Old Town area, went to den kongelige slott (duh), and went to as many H&M’s as I could possibly set my blistered little feet in. Stockholm is pretty awesome. I’d be happy to stay here for longer (if I was rich though, things are not cheap). I definitely prefer it over Oslo or Copenhagen (sorry Norway, I feel like a real traitor writing this). The people are way nicer, the buildings are nicer, it feels more Euro, etc. I’m a big fan of Scandinavia, and I feel like Stockholm has a lot of the awesome things that I love about Scandinavia without a lot of the things that I hate about Scandinavia. Now if the prices on everything could just be slashed by a solid 50-60% it would be the perfect destination. So yeah. Stockholm’s nice. Come here.
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The entrance to the castle.
Looking forward to a restful night sleeping on the airport floor before heading off to Marrakech tomorrow morning. Catch ya later.
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