bakudekublogblog · 4 months
it never stops being funny to me that people are bkdk antis in the year 2024 like “katsuki bullied izuku!! how dare you ship izuku with him” ??? take it up with izuku he’s is the one pining his ass off for him. I can’t make izuku not yearn for katsuki ??? I’m sorry I have observational skills?? izuku is just like that you think I can stop him??
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queenofmalkier · 1 month
Okay, I just have to say it to anyone feeling isolated or picked on or like the Main Character standing against Amazon's Wot-Show wrongs: nobody is mad that you don't like the show. People have different opinions! Different expectations! In a series this long there's dozens of things people will disagree on in terms of importance and that is normal!
You know what nobody likes?
The condescending, holier-than-thou attitude of some individuals who don't like the show who have decided that It Is Actually Bad And Terrible and anyone who likes it is Wrong.
Who constantly invade show-friendly spaces, who review bomb, who basically act like five year olds having a tantrum in the middle of Target.
People who I'm sorry to say don't seem to understand that there's no one way to adapt a series. Think of it like the works of Shakespeare and move on with your day.
The way I'd do it is going to be different than the way you'd do it, which will be entirely different from the way a third person will do it. That doesn't make any of us wrong - and YET you get mad when reasonable people point out that when you say the show is an Evil Bad Wrong No Good Bad Adaptation Without Question you are discounting those of us who think it's honestly not bad.
And then those same people wrap themselves up in a mantle of hurt and victimhood because everybody is being mean to them! Nobody understands!
Honey, we understand talking to you about the show right now is like talking down some drunk guy in a Denny's parking lot who is screaming at the curb. You aren't making rational points. You are Big Mad and trying to make it the problem of anybody who doesn't think the way you do.
I know I've made an effort to be understanding and empathetic about it, I've tried to explain my reasons for enjoying the show while seeing the point of others who hate it, but I'm tired of only receiving "that's cute you think that but Actually I Am Correct still" in return.
There's no growth, no learning, no further understanding. At this point it's bitching to bitch while pretending to be the only one knowledgeable on the subject. It's screaming about "that's not what I'm asking for!" while, actually, the complaints you're making are very much asking for a perfect 1 to 1 adaptation or some secret third thing that remains a mystery to me.
Either way, I love ya'll, I love WOT, I hope like hell this is a taken as the I Don't Know What Else To Do intervention, come-to-maker post it's meant to be but if it's not and you're angry maybe think about why.
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bobosbillionsknives · 2 months
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LITERALLY Vash and Knives im telling you I was foaming at the mouth at this realization. It's literally them dude
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k0uk0 · 10 months
Hello I'm back here to whine about the stupid things that some people say about spiderbit's (or guapoduo if you prefer) relationship.
Today we got this, taken right from the source (Cellbit's English updates on Twitter)
Cellbit: Oh, also, Foolish! My husband said that you could arrest him… that was an answer he gave before knowing you actually arrested someone! So, in behalf of him, reconsider his answer, he meant "no"!
So, I've seen some people say "omg red flag!"
Bro, do I need to talk about this or are you going to figure it out by yourself that what qCellbit just did was because he literally cares so very much about qRoier and he doesn't want him to be abducted like it happened to him, Felps, Pac and Mike, Luzu, DanTM, Jaiden and Étoiles?
No because. How can you say it's a red flag.
You are saying that because you think qCellbit, speaking for his husband, is doing something wrong? And how do you know that? He's trying his best to protect him, not control him.
I've never ever seen qCellbit trying to control qRoier in anyway shape or form. Actually he's pretty nice, he's chill about Roier. If he was controlling he'd start following him around, he'd ask what Roier is doing 24/7, controlling his every decision. He's literally doing the exact opposite, do you remember before the marriage how Cellbit would kill instantly anyone talking about the election around him but as soon as Roier asked if he could, Cellbit reply was just "You can talk about whatever you want"? Because I do.
And they actually discussed the prison thing.
Roier didn't know about the imprisonment of Pac and Mike, that's exactly why he said yes in the first place. Then he said that Foolish wouldn't imprison him because The Federation wouldn't ask him to.
That's it really. I don't see the red flag.
P. S.: I know it has become also common to joke about the red flags thing, and I find it funny! This post is specifically written for the ones who still take this seriously for some unknown reason, but the ones who joke about it are actually great dwdw-
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welcometocaritas · 2 years
I’m going to need JK Rowling to explain to me how people who are so ill that they’re confined to their homes or their beds, in some cases dying slowly, are a threat to her existence
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lyxchen · 4 days
You know I feel like it really shows how some people can't really comprehend being really close as friends without any romantic feelings in how they ship actors and famous people. Because yes, these people seem to be close and are touchy and they joke around and spend a lot of time together... because they are probably really good friends. Are you gonna tell me that I'm in love with my best friend because I sometimes lean my head on her shoulder when we sit next to each other? I make flirty jokes with friends too and I'm still not in love with them. I get shipping in fiction, you can ship the hell out of any characters, that's totally okay. But with real live people it's just like. I don't get it. No, I don't ship these people and no, they're not secretly in love with each other. They Are Friends. Because that's how friends act around each other. And I think that's absolutely lovely. I love watching actors who are friends interact with each other, it's adorable. But I'm honestly not sorry to tell you that these people are not in love
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ozlices · 3 months
it's been a long ass while since i've gotten so many notes (since i rarely, if ever, have energy to make actual content on here) but i just wanna say it's truly heartwarming to see my activity blow up as we all bond over our mutual, thriving, visceral hatred of james somerton. just truly beautiful to see people come together for a good cause like this.
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theprinceandthewitch · 8 months
What is with Princess Bubblegum fans defending PB like she's some poor misunderstood bbygirl... people really leave out so much of her evil actions just to win a stupid and meaningless argument on the internet...
She is a horrible person and the shows unwillingness to give her any consequences for her actions is because she is the writers favorite they treat her heinous actions as a source of comedy but its mostly because she is the writers bbygirl
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h-f-k · 30 days
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mandiemegatron · 7 months
weird that you're fat and love Shachi even though he canonically doesn't like fat women? As a fellow fatty, that couldn't be me.😐
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Are you actually fucking delusional?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You say canonically, I just used the beauty that is FIREFOX, you dumb, balding, wack ass, raggedy ass BITCH, and NO WHERE does it say that my mans hates fat women.
Go be miserable somewhere else. Also, you send this TWICE, so.... blocked! 💖🤭
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Hey! I saw your reply to that anon ask about mandalorian, and i gotta say i agree with your view. There is something different in season 3 that i couldnt really explain, but you managed to put it into words. The past seasons feel character driven, while this season is more plot driven.
Honestly, i didnt have high expectations, because the ending of season 2 feels conclusive, so i dont know what theyre going to do after that. And when they said that din wont be the main focus of season 3, i felt a bit sad about it haha. I was thinking that maybe we're gonna explore more of din's identity crisis or something like that. But uhhhh idk. I have thoughts and emotions that i cant put into words. I hope you understand what im saying here lmao
Y'know, in hindsight - and can I really say so when we still have an episode left of Season 3, a whole ass Season 4, and however many seasons left until the Disneyfied Thrawn Trilogy Movie? - I feel comfortable saying that Din's story should've ended in Season 2 and he never should've gotten the Darksaber. I also want to argue that he got the Darksaber because Favloni did have plans for him, specifically, until something (Ahsoka and the Thrawn Trilogy and a movie) happened that made them decide to pivot hard into propping up Bo-Katan, whitewashing and sanitizing her backstory, and giving her all of Din's possible storylines. I mean, what did she really do over a season that made her better than Din, who lost everything saving Grogu from Gideon and finding a Jedi who could take him in?
Din was left alone on the bridge of Gideon's cruiser with Bo-Katan and Koska. He is truly alone. Does he follow them back to Bo-Katan's fleet, a CotW among others who don't trust him and his covert? Does he start his search for the Armorer and survivors of Nevarro? Din showed his face to another living being. What does his crisis of faith look like? We saw a glimpse of that in TBOBF; he wasn't doing too hot and then he was banished from his covert and told hwo to atone for his sins. We could've had a multi-episode arc following his journey to Mandalore and visiting the history of Mandalore and its desecration by the Empire. We could have seen him waver in his faith, struggling between what he believed and what he experienced and all the ways they intersect and conflict. Din won the Darksaber in combat. He now holds an ancient Mandalorian Jedi weapon that the Mandalorian diaspora now say marks him as Mand'alor (or the best candidate for Mand'alor). Does he grow into this role using his experience and skills earned as a bounty hunter and his covert's provider, or does he choose to surrender it to somebody else because he never wanted and still does not want the power and authority that comes with the title? Does he ever see Grogu again? Is Grogu doing well? How will they reunite? Well, TBOBF answered all those questions and we just have to accept they're back together at the start of Season 3.
Thse are just some of so many potential character-driven and character-centric stories that I'm never seeing in canon now. He's been wallflowered, pushed into the background, Bo-Katan's newest and biggest supporter in her so-called redemption arc even though you wouldn't fucking know that her redemption arc maybe should've included some mention of what she fucking did in the Clone Wars and the fucking Season 3 logo features Din and Grogu front and center.
(A lot of newer merch I see at the Disney Store, Heroes & Villains, Her Universe, etc. now feature multiple Mandalorians and Mandalorian helmets, so maybe that was a giveaway that we are following more Mandalorians now... and I am still forever struggling to find decent Din Djarin merch that puts him front and center. Fuck me, I guess)
I truly wonder what kind of Season 3 we could've gotten if Favloni, Kennedy, and Disney decided not to MCU-fy Filoni's precious darlings, if we were allowed to follow Din the way we did in the first two seasons. You could bring him back to the covert without losing him to the crowd. You could have him cross paths with Bo-Katan again and have her play a more significant role in his journey(s) without taking all of the spotlight.
I did have high expectations after Season 2, Anon, but once TBOBF came out, i realized I was fucked. And, well. Here we are.
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capthowzer · 1 year
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Ahmed Best as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in The Mandalorian "Chapter 20: The Foundling"
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tedlebred · 1 month
studies n exams really kicking my ass rn I haven’t gotten the chance to draw properly once today…………no chuu birthday art………… no nothing………….really going thru it pookies
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the-innefable-idiot · 2 years
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From the same fandom of "I can excuse Book Louis being a slave owner but I draw the line at him being black in the show"
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
Everyone always whines and cries how everyone ignores G//on
Stg these people wanna act like Ki’s life is so easy and CAA wasn’t hard on Ki CUZ WHAT ABOUT G
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snekdood · 5 months
idk who needs to hear this but growing native plants is not hard at all, at all
#you could be starting seeds RIGHT NOW assuming your last frost date is some time in april or somethin#put the seeds in the fridge in moist sand or a moist paper towel#if its too late buy them from the fuckin store somewhere. or wait till next fall and toss em on the ground after mild tilling#throw some metal mesh of some sort over it to protect it from the rodents and BOOM. there ya go. the seeds are cheap asf too#its hard to kill a native plant. they naturally grow in that environment for a reason.#you can go a day or two without watering sometimes in summer and still be fine (depending on the plant ofc & if theyre potted)#idk its just. like. so easy. everyone could do it. everyone SHOULD do it.#in an apartment? get a window flower pot and plant some in there.#no excuses to not try and do the bare minimum. every piece of turf grass you see should fill you with violent rage to the point where#your body feels physically compelled to grow native plants in retaliation.#some you can even grow inside. i have some vine cuttings im growing inside rn that i started some time last year at the end of summer#from a wild plant outside. just look up how to grow it. watch the jankiest video you can find first.#i trust the guy with the scuffed set up thats shakily holding his phone scooping home-made dirt into a red solo cup over the#pristinely filmed shots of a garden and a man all dressed up nice#i mean idk hes prolly got some good advice too i just trust the other guy more ykno#give a fuck#literally tho this vine is so tall rn its touching my ceiling sdvvfsdhgdfs idk wtf imma do with it.#but i love it and its one of my favorite native plants and i LITERALLY grew it in a fuckin red solo cup.
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