#( lmao suki has the same moon and rising signs as i do...and we're both fire signs... )
kamipyre · 1 year
10, 12, 16 for munday meme? ;W;
instead of suki, u get ferre :-D ( ft. munday memew/ @mythvoiced )
10. Would you be friends with your muse if they were real?
hmmmm i don't know if i could be completely vulnerable with her since it can be difficult to know what she's thinking and she is in a way, intense and unpredictable. BUT i think i could be friends with her in the way you might have that friend you go out to lunch with one every few months.
12. was answered, I'll do 9. What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
i think i'm a lot more balanced and relaxed than mainverse!suki ( bc that girl...she's either 0% or 110%, there is no in between for her jfslkdjf ) and I definitely more inclined towards language and stories than suki is...that being said she's also much more outspoken, maybe too outspoken than I am as i do have to summon the guts to say what i'm thinking especially if it lands more on the negative side :'D
16. was also answered, but I can answer it again: Favourite trope?
FOUND FAMILY. but maybe even more important than that to me is just the concept?? of meaningful friendship that don't end up becoming romantic because platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones!!
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