#( about && nyk chernabog. )
abvndonedbydisney · 1 year
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[ ben barnes, cis man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ NYK CHERNABOG ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ FORTY-TWO ] year old originally hailing from [ FANTASIA ]. if they had to choose a side they would consider themself [ EVIL ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ CREATIVE ] but [ SADISTIC ] and have [ 1 ] child. i could almost swear i heard [ EVERYTHING BLACK - UNLIKE PLUTO ] playing when they appeared.
full name: dominykas chernabog.
nicknames: nyk or chernabog.
gender: cis man.
pronouns: he/him.
sexuality: bisexual.
age: forty-two.
date of birth: unknown.
zodiac sign: unknown.
aesthetics: the sound of a crackling of fire, the howling of tormented souls, a pitch black night, a smile that doesn’t quite reach someone’s eyes, a dark silk cloak, dark leathery wings that engulf someone’s frame.
children: damon chernabog.
nyk chernabog wasn’t necessarily born, but more so created. some that knew of him created a story that he was the embodiment of darkness and pure evil, which might not have been far from the truth. from the moment he came into existence, he took up residency upon bald mountain. the dark ominous rock formation cast a shadow on the village beneath, a village that chernabog made it his duty to watch over. the main way chernabog often chose to entertain himself was by summoning forth the spirits of criminals and warriors alike along with fire which he transformed into illusions of sorts. he would then force the spirits to bend to his whims and entertain him, tossing them into the fiery pit of the mountain whenever he grew tired of them. after all, he could always summon forth more spirits in the long run so he never viewed any of his minions with much value.
this ghoulish delight occurred almost every night, the man hiding from the world with his massive spanning wings during the day despite his lack of need to sleep. the day’s blinding light was never welcomed, the light metaphorically serving as hope to the villagers. while chernabog enjoyed toiling in the lives of mortals and turning spirits into playthings, he found himself growing bored of the mundane routine that he had created for himself. while it was difficult to admit, he realized that loneliness was the root of the cause of this. despite not wanting to come to terms with this emotion, he set off on a quest to create a family for himself. he decided to use part of his own essence to create a spawn from the hellfire of the mountain.
while he was initially skeptical of his plan, the moment his son damon entered his life — he felt as if he had a purpose again. he didn’t need anyone else, he had already created perfection. he took care of him and doted on him endlessly, forcing the spirits to amuse both of them now. his proudest moment in life came when damon joined him in commanding who should perish and he consistently continued to make him beam with pride over the years by wrangling up souls for him. though some mortals were able to escape his grasp, the light inside of them combatted his abilities. it was those said individuals that caused him to collaborate with dr. facilier in the first place. two individuals bonded by the fact that they used dark magic and worked with spirits to do their bidding. it turned out to be a very mutually beneficial relationship.
that’s when they devised their plan to create a world made out of magic and trap the children of the heroes within a seemingly abandoned town. but things didn’t go as they initially planned. the moment vas was whisked away from him unexpectedly due to the spell’s backfiring, he set out to devise a plan to retrieve his daughter from this new world. what he didn’t expect was for facilier to send him to this world with no passage back to his own, now just as trapped as everyone else was.
his partner that back-stabbed him, dr. facilier.
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