#( & scara hid the feather in his funky lil bag )
erabundus · 1 year
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anonymous &&. said... curious question what does ren carry in his gnosis hammer space currently? anything to note?
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anon,  can  i  just  say  how  delighted  i  was  to  get  this  question?  i  will  take  every  opportunity  to  ramble  about  the silly  hat  man ...  thank  you  so  very  much  for  enabling  me. 💖
i  like  to  shitpost  about  the  gnosis  realm  being  some  mystical  hammerspace  filled  with  miscellaneous  garbage,  but  ren  is  actually  an  immensely  frugal  person.  he  doesn't  like  clutter,  and  he  doesn't  like  keeping  unnecessary  things.  (  if  it  does  not  spark  joy  or  otherwise  serve  a  purpose,  he  wants  no  part  of  it.  )  everything  he  keeps  hidden  away  can  effectively  be  sorted  into  one  of  three  categories  —  PRACTICAL,  ENTERTAIMNENT  and  SENTIMENTAL VALUE.
practical  items  include  the  basic  necessities  he  needs  to  maintain  his  wandering  lifestyle.  think  —  a sewing kit. a few rolls of bandages. ( not for him. ) his wallet. soap. materials to shine his catalyst. flint  and  steel  to  start  a  fire.  various  cooking  implements  —  one  pot,  one  pan.  a  dagger  reserved  solely  for  food  preparation.  a  worn  cutting  board  he  made  himself.  chipped  plates  and  bowls,  with  the  utensils  to  eat  from  them.  he  doesn't  need  food,  but  he  still  finds  the  sensation  of  taste  enjoyable  enough  that  he'll  sometimes  cook  even  if  he  doesn't  strictly  have  to.  (  only  when  he's  feeling  motivated  to,  though;  most  of  the  time  he  doesn't  bother.  )  he'll  also  cook  if  he  has  company,  though  his  reasons  why  range  from  maintaining  the  façade  of  being  human  to  cooking  simply  being  his  weird  little  love  language. if he likes you, he will make you food and nag about taking care of yourself. indirectly. in the most passive aggressive way possible.
i  think  it's  only  come  up  once  before,  but  he  also  owns  a  very  old,  very  sturdy  iron  kettle  he  uses  to  boil  water  for  tea.  ren  has  cups  to  go  with  it  —  though  i  imagine  it's  a  patchwork  selection  from  many  different  sets.  ( he takes whatever he can get. ) he  always  has  his favorite tea  on  hand,  and  yes,  he  does  consider  it  a  necessity.
entertainment  is  mainly  reserved  for  books,  because  there  really  isn't  much  else  he  can  get  up  to  at  night.  he  prefers  to  settle  down  somewhere  when  the  sun  sets,  not  out  of  concern  for  his  safety,  but  because  he  thinks  it's  annoying  trying  to  stomp  around  in  the  dark.  he  also  keeps  a  journal; it's filled with shopping lists and irminsul paranoia induced poetry.
he  is  constantly  accumulating  new  books  and  cycling  out  the  old  ones  as  he  loses  interest.  he  likes  to  bargain  hunt;  haggling  is  basically  a  socially  acceptable  form  of  arguing.
the  final  category  encompasses  items  that  don't  serve  a  practical  use,  yet  ren  still  carries  them  around  regardless.  depending  on  the  object,  he  may  not  even  take  it  out  —  he's  content  just  knowing  that  it's  there.  think  letters,  gifts.  unless  stated  otherwise,  assume  everything  he  was  given  for  his  birthday  and  over  the  holidays  has  been  tucked  away  safely  in  the  gnosis  realm.  his  collection  of  interesting  rocks  and  gemstones.  (  notably,  what  he  decides  to  keep  depends  more  on  texture  than  visual  appeal.  )  a  few  pressed  flowers,  native  to  various  locations  around  teyvat. every little thing has some story behind it — will he actually share what that story is? unlikely. but they're the treasures he keeps tucked away in place of his literal heart.
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