#'we should've gone to hithlum' baby......child.....you don't know the way
falfriniel · 4 years
Vorinde shivers again, drawing her cloak tighter with her free hand. Though the chill of the road beyond seems a passing irritant, the very halls giving, and generously, their own warmth, Vórion's grasp on her hand remains her only comfort. The marchwardens, as sympathetic as they've been, are yet strangers.
Not for the first time, she wishes they had turned for Hithlum, guard or no. 
Still, for all her apprehension, little time passes before footfalls sound without the door. She rises, pulling twin along with her. 
"We meant not to trespass," she starts, instinct to beg forgiveness. Her ignorance of Doriath and it's laws remains near complete, save that it was for the name of kin she's never known that they'd been allowed to pass the border. 
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What that means now, nor does she know. Neither do, from Vórion's tightening grip, his alarm brushing her mind. She ignores both as best she might. For surely, if there was any to whom she must plead forgiveness, it is he. In none but her own king has Vorinde seen such grace, and where Turgon was as of marble, here before her was life itself, as though Telperion had taken for itself form of the Eldar. 
She finds herself, now, at an impasse, any previously planned speech swept aside in the face of authority itself. 
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