#'pay extra for something youve done for free' FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!
memecatwings · 1 year
genuinely wish there was a way to take out my anger on corporations i want to shred netflix with my teeth if the executives of netflix were in front of me right now i would maul them all to death im about to go take a road trip to the netflix HQ to plant a bomb
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DOA Bullshit and Bias Hubbywrangler is always in the comments foaming at the mouth whenever someone says less than positive things about DOA. Your autocratic bullshit only works on DOA; you cant control what people say online and you certainly cant ban them for having an opinion, but since you enjoy being an asshole to those who are scared of joining DOA, have felt unwelcome there or discriminated against, why not say something that really matters? The other moderators dont comment on things here, but a mod did on IG and had her ass handed back to her, why not give it a go here? Fantyfofo and MANY others got banned with no warning because they cast doll mannequins to make wigs, something that was not in the rules before banning them - no warning and not allowing them to fix their "mistake". This is unfair, specially because theres just a big red banned on their username and most assume its scamming; you know the damage that this does. when people question this, you just brush their frustration off. Youve sometimes said that these people are lying and the ban was actually not what this person is saying. Well, why not put in the reason why someone is banned? Youve already placed an obnoxious BANNED title under their name, its only fair for everyone to know why they were banned, so no one would accuse you like they have in the past for power tripping. You know the average user would see the banned title and avoid purchasing or dealing with said person - even if the ban was because they made another account, made a mannequin head or ffs, disagreed with a mod offsite. Before you say no, I know for a FACT that Aimeeeee banned a person because they had a disagreement with her on LJ, if you need names, its Hi3ru. I also know of the bullshit secret section of DOA that got hacked and leaked over a decade ago with Sal3m and JaM3 being particularly the shittiest of them all. Dont give me this non-biased bullshit when you obviously dont know how to be anything but biased. This may not be the case these days, but the secret section was there, anyone who has been in the hobby for a long time would remember it or has seen it. There is zero recast tolerance on DOA, yet Mannie admitted that she posted her recast and got suspended for it, when others did the same mistake but got banned permanently, please make it make sense. How is she not banned permanently? How is she still active in the forums when not only did she post her recast, but she admitted to it on her tumblr, and had made tutorials on how to purchase one safely? When being fair, the rules should apply to everyone; that does not mean your friends get to be exempt from it. Speaking of, how do you expect to be the "authority" on everything BJD, when even mention or linking of recasts get you banned or suspended? Do you think a newbie, or someone who has english as their second language will first assume its a fake? When a person wants a discussion - note discussion, not statement - on recasts to educate themselves to make an informed decision, is met with a suspension; how likely do you think they will get a recast out of spite for being "shunned" from the community? No sense in spending too much, "artistic integrity" when the artists and the "head" of the community is hostile towards you. This is such a missed opportunity for DOA to make something great, actually make a difference and encourage being pro-artist instead of bullying a person who is questioning it (no, those who made informed decisions on purchasing recasts can fuck off). I had my recent feedback deleted off my page because the moderators suspect the feedback is from offsite and is against the rules. Did you know, that when you get banned, there is no reply or appeal? You have to send an email which never gets replied to. The other thing; there would be an archive of dolls being sold. Clothes and accessories? Once its sold, its gone. The feedback I got was from those sales AND DOA suspended me because they suspected it was offsite sales. Putting that on the side; why limit feedback on DOA to only sales done on
DOA? IG and FB allow feedback from everywhere; as long as you have experience with that buyer and that seller, that should be the only thing that matters. Having the problem transaction thread for members only is also a decision I wont understand. Yes bad feedback can be linked to the feedback page, but how am I supposed to see and judge the feedback if there is no access to the bad feedback linked, because problem transactions are members only? People are fed up with the rules and tip toeing on DOA. Conversations have become so inane and stupid that I feel my IQ drop every time I read the debate section. The forums used to be enjoyable with actual meaningful conversations and now people only go to DOA to read the problem transaction threads, or BJD news. The discussions is nothing but people talking about their purchases, their missed purchases or purchases they hope to make. There is no conversation and you have no one to blame but yourselves because of the free use of bans, suspensions and this shitty punishment point system you threaten people with. You honestly need to get over yourselves because others see you as intimidating. Some mods are better than others, but generally speaking, you guys are power tripping assholes who are way to proud to get with the times and realize that the current way of running the forum is outdated. This is why many see DOA as an archive; talk too loud and the librarian shuts you up; only old threads have any value. Why do you think people have moved to discord, facebook and instagram? You know what would be nice? Allowing name changes. People will pay for it if you provide it, and you can always link the past usernames on their profiles like ebay. Let people change their names. Not alot will pay for extra doll profiles, and extra DOA PM space, but they will pay for name changes. If anyone else has anything to say, please sound off in the comments. H0bbitwrangler has defended DOA a lot, and they are an active mod that comments and lurks here; let them know what you think because they are trying to make DOA seem like the only ones having an issue are those who were banned "fairly".
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a language that i never knew existed before - Day 12
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For @dawninthemtn, who asked for a modern AU in which “Ben Solo keeps trying to cancel his Book-A-Month subscription service, but just can't seem to say no to the friendly customer service agent”.
This was so much fun to write, especially since it allowed me to sneak some epistolary storytelling into this collection. Thanks for the prompt, and I hope you enjoy the ficlet!
Reylo fam! ‘Tis the season for giving, so come get your very own holiday ficlet right here!
25 Days of Reylo Also available on AO3
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Cancellation/refund
My friend used my credit card to sign me up for a one-year YA subscription as a prank. I didn’t realize until the first box arrived today. I’d like to cancel the subscription and just pay for the box I’ve already received, if that’s okay.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Cancellation/refund
Hi, Ben! I’m so sorry to hear about your experience with our service.
Our refund policy allows you to change your mind anytime and get a full refund for boxes not yet received. But might I suggest changing boxes instead? At $29.99 per month for a box of three books with a combined retail value of up to $59.99, we’re the most affordable book service in the country! If YA isn’t your thing, we offer eleven other standard boxes, along with an option for customization.
If you’d like to give us a second chance, please take this quick quiz to determine the best box for you. The results will automatically be emailed to me upon completion, and I’d be happy to guide you through the selection process.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: First box!
Hi, Ben!
Your first sci-fi/fantasy box just shipped out today, and should reach you within three working days. I hope you enjoy the selection, and thank you again for choosing to stick with us!
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: First box!
Hi, Rey.
Three working days, just like you said. Everything looks okay, thanks for your help.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
I’m glad to hear the box arrived on time! If you don’t mind, please keep me informed on how you like the selection. I’ve got a few other suggestions for you based on your quiz results, and I’d be happy to switch your subscription if you’re not absolutely pleased with the sci-fi/fantasy box.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hey, Rey.
I think that might be for the best. Sci-fi just isn’t what it used to be. Or maybe I’ve changed; it’s been a while since I last read anything in that genre.
Of course, if that’s too much trouble you can always just go ahead and process my refund. I’d hate to take up more of your time.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
It’s no trouble at all! I first joined Resistance back when it was an actual store, and I’ve always loved matching readers up with the right book. As long as you’re okay with it, I’d like to keep going until we find you the right match.
My next suggestion for you based on your quiz results is one of our non-fiction boxes, the history/anthropology combo. Please let me know by the 23rd of this month if you’re interested in that so that I can arrange for the switch and shipping.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: New box
Hi, Rey. The box just arrived today, and the selection is perfect.
So perfect that I already pre-ordered all three of them earlier this year.
I think it’s pretty obvious that this service and I just aren’t meant to be, as great as it is. I really do appreciate all of your help, especially you taking the time to discuss books with me off the clock, but it’s probably time to call it.
Unless you’ve got a third suggestion?
Sincerely, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: New box
What can I say? I’m good at my job – too good, in this case.
I’ve got at least three more suggestions for you, if you’d like to keep going. And your box should have come with a return ticket, if you’d like to send it back; I don’t see the point in you keeping the duplicates, unless you have a friend with the same unique taste in books? I’d be happy to process the return and credit it to your account. Same goes for your first two boxes; I’m sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.
I’ve actually really missed talking about books with someone, so really, thank you for humoring me. If you ever feel like debating the SWEU again, feel free to reach me at 555-3494. I like that things can get heated when we talk about those books, but it’s probably for the best if I don’t argue with a customer on my work email.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
Rey: So technically we’re not supposed to tell anyone about this yet But Wait You still collect comics, right?
Ben: You make me sound like a teenage boy. I collect graphic novels, yes. Why?
Rey: You say potayto, I say potahto ANYWAY I know you’re not 100% happy with the customized box
Ben: They’re your picks for me, of course I’m happy with them.
Rey: Ben
Ben: I am! I’m just not happy with the fact that I barely get any time to read. And when I do get an hour to myself, my brain is too tired for anything intellectual.
Rey: You cutthroat lawyers and your ridiculous endless work Back to my point
Ben: You have one?
Rey: Very funny, Solo Okay so next month we’re announcing a special new box Limited time only And we’re only opening it up to 200 subscribers
Ben: Sounds like a big deal. What do we get, hand-bound manuscripts?
Rey: Even better Two trades and a hardcover, no extra charge
Ben: You’re kidding me.
Rey: Nope Completely serious You in?
Ben: Hey, Rey? No offence but that’s the stupidest question you’ve ever asked me.
Rey: Whatever, nerd I’ll sign you up
Ben: You’re my favorite person right now, thank you.
Rey: Careful, Solo Keep saying nice shit and I might actually start to like you
Ben: And we wouldn’t want that, of course.
Rey: Of course
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Congratulations!
Hi there, Ben!
Your assigned customer service representative recently entered you for a chance to win one of our 200 limited-time-only comic box subscriptions.
We’re very pleased to let you know that you made the cut! As of next month, you’ll start receiving two trade paperbacks and a hardcover volume each month for the remaining duration of your subscription. We also noticed that you have seven months left with us, and as a sign of our appreciation we’d like to offer you the chance to add on another five months at the standard rate of $29.99 per month in order to receive a full year’s worth of comic boxes. If you’re interested, please contact your assigned customer service representative by the 31st of this month.
Congratulations again, and we hope you enjoy your boxes!
Best regards, Paige Tico, Head of customer service, Resistance Books.
Rey: Did you get the email???
Ben: Just read it. Can’t wait for the first box. Thanks, Rey. By the way, sign me up for the extension thing.
Rey: Can you believe how far we’ve come? It feels like just yesterday that you were trying to cancel your subscription at every turn
Ben: For what it’s worth, I’m glad I didn’t. So fucking glad. I wouldn’t have gotten to know you otherwise.
Rey: Stop, you’ll make me cry Ben? I’m happy we’re friends too
Rey: Is it there yet?
Ben: Rey. It’s been two hours. I haven’t even left the office yet.
Rey: Okay, NOW is it there yet?
Ben: Still at work. You’re the one who shipped it, can’t you track the package or something?
Rey: I could But I think I prefer it this way
Ben: Of course you do. You’re lucky I have no other friends.
Rey: As if you’d stop talking to me even if you had a hundred other friends I’m your favorite
Ben: Says who? Maybe Poe’s my favorite. I’ve known him since childhood, after all.
Rey: Poe is a prankster and you fucking hate him
Ben: I wouldn’t say hate.
Rey: Ben He stole your credit card and signed you up for a year’s worth of YA books
Ben: And if he hadn’t done that, you and I would never have met.
Rey: We haven’t Met, I mean Shit I don’t even know what you look like BRB, I’m gonna go stalk you on social
Ben: Honestly, I just assumed you already did.
Rey: Wow, I’m offended HOLY HELL, BEN
Ben: So you’ve found me. If this is about the ears no, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on there either. No one in my family does.
Rey: What ears? Your ears are FINE, silly I was talking about your hair Christ, do you shampoo with unicorn blood or something???
Ben: That would be very soulless lawyer of me, wouldn’t it?
Rey: Shut up, you’re not soulless Funless, maybe, but I’d like to think I’m helping with that
Ben: You are. In the interest of fairness, I’m going to stalk you too.
Rey: Not much to see, but go right ahead Ben? Wow did I scare you off already? And here I thought that was a decent picture
Ben: Shit, sorry. Got pulled into a meeting. It’s a great picture.
Rey: You don’t have to say that
Ben: Well, it is and I mean it. And… I hope this isn’t creepy but I love your smile.
Rey: Not creepy at all By the way I like your eyes
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Come celebrate the holidays with us!
Hi, Ben!
Did you know that before Resistance Books went online and became the #1 book delivery service in the country, we were a tiny little indie store known as Gatalenta?
This holiday season, we’re returning to our roots – and we’d love for you to join us! Resistance Books will be participating in the annual Coruscant Christmas Market with our very own pop-up store from the 15th of December onwards!
This is a great time for you to come on by and check out the full range of our diverse offerings. And if something catches your eye, you’ll be able to bring it home with you for the same incredibly reasonable rate you know and love – pick any three books from our store for just $29.99!
We hope to see you there!
Warmest wishes, Amilyn Holdo, Founder and president, Resistance Books.
Rey: Hey, did you get the email about the pop-up store?
Ben: Yeah, I was just about to text you. I just realized your boss is a friend of my mom’s. Anyway, this is probably extremely unlikely but Will you be there?
Rey: Seriously?? That’s so weird And yes, actually I’ll be helping out 21st-25th, 11AM-8PM
Ben: You’re working on Christmas?
Rey: You know me Not like I’ve got anything else to do
Ben: Okay, feel free to say no but… What if I go on Christmas? We’d get to discuss books in person And maybe after your shift we could hang out? I haven’t been to the CCM in years, but Maz’s Cantina used to make the best hot chocolates.
Rey: Books, hot chocolate, and finally getting to meet my mysterious Internet stranger? Ben Solo, you’ve got yourself a date
Ben: Great! I mean Cool. I can’t wait. See you then.
Rey: See you!
Ben: Hey, so I just woke up and you’re not here Which is fine, it’s your choice to make And last night can be whatever you want it to be But… Rey, I know what I want it to be I know we moved fast, but yesterday meant a lot to me You mean a lot to me I just… I just want to make sure you know that before you make a decision And the decision’s yours to make, completely I’ll go along with whatever you want As long as we’re at least still friends Because I don’t think I could bear to lose you entirely, Rey Fuck, I don’t think I could bear to lose you at all Shit, sorry, that’s too much I’ll stop now Just… text me back, please?
Rey: Babe I’m in the kitchen Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold And Ben? You mean a lot to me too ❤
This is a little over two thousand words and stopped being about tsundoko about halfway through (if it even was in the first place), but it was such a fun idea to play with and I hope the format doesn’t get in the way of the story. I thought emails and texts would help me keep things short, but obviously that didn’t pan out.
Anyway, thanks for reading as always and I hope you liked it. Please don’t hesitate to like/reblog/comment!
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