#'Ain Samiya Goblet
druidicentropy · 2 months
'Ain Samiya goblet
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In a tomb at Ain Samiya, close to present day Ramallah, Palestine, a silver cup from the Middle Bronze Age I (2300-2000 BC) was discovered. It is known as the "Ain Samiya Goblet." It shows a double-headed god planting crops with an animal body and holding parts of a dead serpent with two male figures. The scenes are said to show a draft of the Enuma Elish, the babylonian creation epic, and the victory of Marduk, the patron god of Babylon, over Tiamat. The goblet bears similarities to modern representations of the Babylonian captivity, such as the Khafaje plaque, and exhibits evident Mesopotamian influences on Proto-Canaanite culture.
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