monochromatictoad · 4 months
I have this mental image of Gabriel brushing and braiding Laura's hair while she works on her sewing, and I can't get it out of my mind. Enjoy this short!
The brush was soothing. Familiar. Mother used to brush Laura's hair, only to then put it up. She claimed it was to show Laura's status, but to also keep it from getting grabbed by any pesky intruders. Laura never let her mother cut her hair, so this was their compromise. At this point, Laura couldn't remember why she was so attached to her hair, but at least Mother had respected her choice to not cut it.
But Mother wasn't here anymore. One of those pesky intruders had managed to finally end Mother's reign of terror, only to start his own. But she couldn't hate him. No. Even if he had killed her mother, she loved him like a father. He had saved her. Had saved humanity. He wasn't given a hero's welcome. No. He took the curse and sacrificed his own humanity. He was her father, even if she was his dam.
His hands were soft, despite the blood coating them. They gently brushed her hair. He never complained about the length. Never told her she needed to cut it. Never forced her to compromise on it. Each stroke was the bond they shared. He had no kids. She had no parents.
Laura's hands stilled on the doll she was sewing. The brush paused. She leaned back, looking at the man who had taken her in. His once brunette hair, now as black as hers. His skin was as pale as hers. His eyes... His eyes were red, no longer those deep blue. Father looks down at Laura and pressed a small kiss to her forehead.
He was more affectionate than Mother had been. More careful with her. She was treated like a child, but he respected her more than Mother had. He took her thoughts into account. He played games with her. Deep in her mind, she recalled feeling this before. A long time ago. But that time had long since passed.
She smiled and said, "I love you, father."
He simply smiled back at her and replied, "I love you too, daughter."
She turned back to her project and started sewing. This time with a smile on her face. He went back to brushing her hair, braiding it in ways Mother would've hated.
Life was good for Laura and Dracul, and this little bond they created with each other.
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toadagere · 8 months
Hey, Mono again. This is my complete SFW page for my Agere content! I will probably post mostly fandom agere, so here is my list real quick and how I see them.
Gabriel Belmont: Little and prefers baby space. Age range can vary from 0-5. Also pet regresses, which can be either rat or dragon.
Trevor 'Alucard' Belmont: Flip, but prefers to be a caregiver. His little range is 4-7, and he also pet regresses, which is a wolf puppy.
Trey, or N!Trevor: Little and a trauma regressor. Fire and alcohol are his biggest triggers for regression. His regression range is between 3-5.
Laura: In a way, a perma regressor. She is stuck as a child, but her headspace can range from 7-10. She's a good sister regressor with Gabriel. She's protective over her little brother.
Marie Belmont: Mother caregiver to her boys and I, though she focuses more on her boys.
🕊️Marie🕊️ (Mama)
Dracul: For the sake of this, he's my fictional caregiver as Marie is. Not to mix him and Gabriel up, he will be tagged differently and referred to just as Dracul.
🐉Dracul🐉 (Papa)
Drake: Also my f/o Caregiver. Has been with me the longest, in terms of OC F/O.
🎃Drake🎃 (Dada)
Kakuzu: My dad. My dad through and through. Has been my dad for almost twenty years.
💲Kakuzu💲 (Oto-san)
I am a flip, but tend to lean more towards the caregiving side, and I'm a big softy. However, when I am in little space, because of the house I live in, I only really stay in the slightly older space (5-8).
I'm sure more will come up over time!
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dream-rabbit-kiddos · 3 years
This is a blog for the kids in our DID system to reblog things they like, and maybe occasionally post. This blog will be closely supervised by our protectors and caregivers, Ana, Claire, Arya, and Jack. PLEASE DNI if NSFW!
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DNI banner is by @/dni-bannercity
Here is a list of alters who may post:
- Clementine (Clem) 🦄
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Clem is 8, he likes dogs, “ocean stuff”, frogs, jellyfish, unicorns, Disney princesses, drawing, and sparkles.
- June (Junebug) 💕
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June is 4, she likes Hello Kitty, playing outside, collecting bugs and other weird little things, wearing pajamas, sports, Power Rangers, wolves, sleeping, and stuffed animals.
- Quinn 🪡
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Quinn is 3
- Bee 🐝
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Bee is 7
- Avarielle (Ava) 🐯
Ava is an ageslider who is usually around 6
- Faceless ⭕️
Faceless is a child of an unknown age
- Jake 🦜
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Jake is 9
- Zombie 🧟‍♀️
Zombie is 6
- Laura 💤
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Laura is 5
- Sally🪡
Sally is 10, but sometimes acts younger
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monochromatictoad · 5 months
Laura deserved so much better than she got in the game. She was a child doomed to immortality, then to die painfully from an emotional wreck who lost control over himself. Gabriel literally ate her. Yes, she knew it was a possibility. She knew this could kill her, and she made her peace with that. But imagine being ten (10) years old, and forced into a position of either letting the world get destroyed, or die for the sake of humanity. Humanity you no longer share, nor even remember having.
I'm having a lot of emotions today, and I want to talk more about Laura.
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monochromatictoad · 3 months
4 and 45 for the self ship ask game!
4.Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Gabriel is the most protective, and he will do anything he can to keep his loved ones safe. No one is safe from the Dragon instincts. Marie and I are usually the ones who he's protecting.
45.Can they fall asleep without the other?
Gabriel absolutely cannot sleep without someone beside him. He doesn't sleep much to begin with, but having someone he can trust helps his sleep. Usually that means that Trevor, Laura, Richard, Myrrh, and/or Marie sleep beside him, so he knows where his family is if he has a nightmare. However, I like to sleep away from people. So if the bed is big enough, I'll sleep there too, but just not where I'm touching anyone.
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monochromatictoad · 7 months
🥰 - If you adopted them, when did you adopt them? How did you tell them you were adopting them? What was their reaction? How did you decide you wanted to adopt them?
🎂 - When's their birthday, if they have one? If they don't have a canon one, what do you hc their birthday is?
🤬 - Have you ever gotten into any arguments? If so, what was the worst one? How did you guys make up?
🥰 - If you adopted them, when did you adopt them? How did you tell them you were adopting them? What was their reaction? How did you decide you wanted to adopt them?
So for all of my kids, it was mostly just through time I guess? Like, for Laura and Trevor, it was because of how much time I spent with them and Gabriel, that they just kind of accepted me as another parent. Gabriel just kind of showed up with Myrrh, and they were too young to be on their own, so we adopted them temporarily. We're hopeful that we'll find her actual parents at some point, but she's safe with us till then.
For Timmy and Tommy, they found out I started Tom, and just started calling me Aunt Pearl, sometimes they'll call me Mama Pearl. They were very excited that I spent more time with them.
For the Little Nightmares children, it took them awhile before they started trusting me. Mono and RCG were the first to trust me. RB, Low, and Alone took a little longer. However, Six is the one who still is unsure about me. They all kind of consider me a safe space, but I doubt they consider me a parent, even if I consider them my children.
🎂 - When's their birthday, if they have one? If they don't have a canon one, what do you hc their birthday is?
The only ones with a canon birthday are Timmy and Tommy, who were born June 7th.
I headcanon Laura to have been born April 12th, probably late 900s to early 1000s AD. Trevor was around March 5th, 1046 AD. Myrrh was born on June 28th, 2055 AD.
As for the LN kids, I don't have a set birthday for any of them, but I vaguely have the month. Six was born in December. Mono was born in August. Low and RB were both July kids. RCG is a January kid. Alone is an October baby.
🤬 - Have you ever gotten into any arguments? If so, what was the worst one? How did you guys make up?
I've been in a few arguments with the LN kids about them taking care of themselves, but they're traumatized children who are scared of most adults, so I try not to argue with them and let most of what they do slide, as long as they aren't harming themselves.
The worst argument was with Laura. The argument was about her being treated like a child. Mind you, she's a vampire child, so she was around like, 9-12 years old when she turned. It was so bad, that Gabriel had to step in. It took two weeks before we spoke to each other again. I apologized for treating her like a child, I thought that she would have appreciated not having adult responsibilities placed on her, however I never put into consideration her trauma around being stuck as a permanent child. She apologized and told me, she was scared to be a child again, after so long of being a vampire. She thought she didn't deserve it, so she reacted in the only way she knew how. Things are better now and we're slowly healing her childhood innocence.
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monochromatictoad · 9 months
If you're ever confused on what pronouns to use for me, I use any! However, you can use They/It as a default!
#toadscreech for my text post, #toadwrites for my writing/drabbles, #snailmail for asks, #toadvent for my vents, #monos f/os for posts specifically about my f/os, #toadimage for any sort of imagery of S/I or me, #toad talks Castlevania for specific Castlevania posts, #C:LoS/Pokemon for my LoS Pokémon au. I will try to update this with my other tags as I remember them. Also, this post will be tagged with all these tags, because I'm on mobile and the blog search bar is not great.
One more thing: I don't mind if you also Self-ship with any of my F/Os, especially with my main one Gabriel. While I do have RSD, it doesn't seem to bother me when others ship themselves or have ships involved with any of my F/Os. If this changes, I'll let you know.
My 18+ blog is here.
My agere blog!
My Observation Duty ask blog
Writing Blog!
My Digital Altar
I mostly gush about Castlevania Lords of Shadow, but I also am in a ton of other fandoms as well. I should also mention that I don't partake in ship discourse and I don't have a DNI on this blog. If I reblog something that does have a dni banner, I will tag it appropriately, usually with #proship dni, #proship dni banner, #anti dni, etc. I try not to get ranty or spread a lot of discourse here, being argumentative is just not my thing and I try to be a neutral party on most things. However, if you do see things like this on this blog, I try to tag it with #discourse, #politics, or #toadvent. I also try to tag trigger warnings where applicable (though I appreciate if someone could also let me know if I missed something.)
Look under the Read More for my f/os! (This list is currently being edited, bear with me)
Romantic F/Os:
🩷Gabriel🩷 (Castlevania Lords of Shadows. Husband!)
🕊️Marie🕊️ (Mine and Gabriel's wife.)
🎃 Drake 🎃 (original character. Also Husband!)
🔔Usiel🔔 (Darksiders. Fiance)
🗡️War🗡️ (Darksiders. Boyfriend, poly with Uriel)
🪶Uriel🪶 (Darksiders. Girlfriend, poly with War)
♨️Red♨️ (NES Godzilla Creepypasta. Demon bf)
💪HUGE MAN💪 (I'm on observation duty. Big bf)
🃏Jester🃏 (Puppet Master. Kinda dating.)
🦝Tom Nook🦝 (Animal Crossing. Partner in business.)
🔗Cyrus🔗 (Pokemon)
🦷Baraka🦷 (Mortal Kombat. All versions)
🦎Reptile/Syzoth🦎 (Mortal Kombat. All versions)
💫Starscream💫 (Transformers, all versions.)
🐐Chupacabra🐐 (C:LoS. Endearing little gremlin.)
🎐Vulgrim🎐 (Darksiders.)
Platonic/Familiar F/Os:
🐺Trevor/Alucard🐺 (not the ship, Gabriel's son is simultaneously Trevor and Alucard, and I might flip flop name used.)
🪡Laura🪡 (C:LoS. My daughter)
🕷️ Myrrh🕷️ (C:LoS Oc and also my child)
🎇Toymaker🎇 (C:LoS. Technically father-in-law, Gabriel's adopted dad.)
💐Dis💐 (Darksiders. Mom)
🔥Alder🔥 (Pokemon. Dad)
👘Valerie👘 (Pokemon. Sister)
🥪Arven🥪 (Pokemon. Brother)
🍜Naruto🍜 (Naruto. Brother)
💲Kakuzu💲(Naruto. My dad)
💉Puppets💉 (Puppet Master. Everyone but Jester)
🐀Six🐀 📺Mono📺🏹Low🏹🔧Alone🔧🎈Raincoat Girl🎈🍖Runaway boy🍖 (All from little nightmares. Also all my kids) I might also use the tag #The kids for pics or stuff that includes all of them!
🐾Nooklings🐾 (Timmy and Tommy. my babies.)
🌼Trey🌼 (N!Trevor. He will be known as Trey on this blog. Reason. My friend.)
Unknown Status F/Os:
🏰Castle🏰 (Gabriel's Castle. It makes my brain go feral.)
🖥️AM🖥️ (Allied Mastercomputer. Mmmm..)
🧬Alex Mercer🧬 (Prototype. I wanna study him, and he probably wants to study me back)
Pet F/Os:
Click Here!
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