#πŸ’­ hopefully this matches what you wanted!
garfieldstim Β· 4 months
can I please have a stimboard for the Maelstrom gang in Cyberpunk 2077??
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maelstrom gang(cyberpunk 2077) stimboard for anon
x x x / x - x / x x x
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poppiesforthirteen Β· 1 year
trying to find ones you havent been asked yet but forgive me if i make you repeat yourself
πŸ‘» What is your wildest headcanon?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
πŸ’• What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
πŸ’­ What inspires you and your writing?
πŸ’Œ Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
πŸ‘» - The Timeless Child Is An Ux you can fight me
🎁 - Ghhhh let me see, I haven't written since finishing my Clara/Missy fic so whatever WIP I dig out it'll be old
A crowd, all kinds of people, all dressed eccentrically, all holding drinks in bizarre glasses. Yaz is the youngest by several decades. She stands behind the Doctor awkwardly. Iris disappears into the crowd.
Neither the Doctor nor Yaz know what to do. Not their element. They get some looks, but the party is largely undisturbed.
Iris returns with two sparkling drinks and GINGER MORNING (Black, mid 50s, face tattoos, yellow weave, blouse matches Iris’ dress).
(Old indeed, I forgot this one still existed. Don't know if it counts as a WIP anymore)
πŸ’• - Always changing with each fic I write, but I always end up coming back to i wanna be the one to walk in the sun. Looking forward to more Twissy in the future hopefully
🏷️ - [My lawyer has advised me not to answer this question.]
πŸ’­ - Spaces in narratives! Anywhere there's a time skip is a place for me to dig my claws in. Also, the older something is, the more it inspires me to tether it to the present - and I love finding ways to describe just by observing what's around me
πŸ’Œ - Nah don't think so! I'm pretty varied as far as tropes go, I like dipping into them but don't repeat them so much. Still figuring out what I want to write, too, still cooking
Thanks for the ask bestie!!
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