#🐺 ✧ 🗲 𝗲𝘆𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗻𝗲𝘁𝘀 ▬ OOC
lowhowl · 1 year
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Hey, so I'm kinda starting to put a lot more focus into personal projects (currently writing the script for my next video) and as much as I was hoping to avoid this, I'm going to have to place this blog on hiatus until I start to get muse again, even if 'hiatus' is just tumblrspeak for 'So long, losers.'
I'm not going to definitively say I'm going away, or that I'll come back, but a lot of my inspiration for writing has gone elsewhere and I'd much rather pursue that than risk burning myself out.
I can be reached at my twitter @/WebbedSpiders (slight nsfw warning, account is minors dni) where I'm a lot more candid, mostly tweet at other creators, post my own stuff, and complain; or my Discord, for close mutuals.
also, a bit of an addendum below the cut- it's under a cut specifically bc it waxes negative but I feel like it's important to say because it is cutting into my ability to write here.
fair warning, I'm going to be very blunt and kind of serious with my words here. this also isn't an invitation to discussion, I am plainly stating my thoughts and I will not be swayed.
disclaimer: this is not directed at anyone. please, for the love of the gods, do not take any of this as 'oh did I do something?' you didn't. This is more about how the roleplay community as a whole operates, and no single person can be blamed for any of this.
There's always an air of pressure about Tumblr communities. In the time where I've just been here talking to people, interacting, not really causing problems as far as I know, I've still managed to get softblocked by people just because of association or because I don't mention something at all.
And while it's well within the right of these people to do this- these systems exist so you can curate a safe corner for yourself- it has still created a lot of stress for me and it has lead to me overly moderating and overanalyzing a lot of my own posts, and worrying about what exactly I'd done to push these people away. To be brutally honest, that's not fun and is not conducive to a creative platform. Logging on to realize that threads you were very much looking forward to have effectively been dropped forever is disheartening.
and I think the argument of "well you should think about why you got (soft)blocked" in regards to if I'd done anything wrong is bullshit, because in every case that someone has broken mutuals with me after there's been an amount of IC interaction, there's been no discussion. There's been no clarity. Which means that there's no direct path to improvement or closure unless I go around asking other people why I was blocked, softblocked, whatever, and I'm simply not going to do that because that feels like a breach of privacy. At the very least, it comes off as an indication that the other person simply does not want to interact with you and does not want to even talk to you.
Should note, this doesn't really bother me if it happens with people I haven't really spoken to. This is more of a 'I thought we established we were cool' thing. I know I'm also guilty of this in some cases, but at the same time- I do regret doing it. I hate that it's just accepted as a product of the systems this community has set up, and I feel like everyone- no matter how severe their actions- deserves to at least know what everyone at least thinks or knows they did.
I'm also not stupid, I know that this is just the community that Tumblr has curated over the years and I understand that this is just how it operates, but I'm starting to realize that maybe this space just isn't for me. Creating for myself without the necessity of leaning on others for continuous threads has really broadened my horizons and made me feel like I can do a lot more. I still love Whisper. I still love writing. but if I'm going to continue with this blog down the line when I have muse again, I'm going to be very selective and it's going to be very sparingly. I've found a passion I care about- something that I can actually put all of my creative skills towards that can reach an audience- and I'd much rather focus on that.
If you read all this, thank you, but also. I'm sorry? This probably reads as aggressive and upset- but I've been holding on to a lot of these complaints for upwards of years from how long I've been on this platform, floating between roleplay communities, but I can't hold it in anymore. I hate to say it, but in the time I've spent away from Tumblr, I've just felt better.
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lowhowl · 1 year
happy Real munday this time, obligatory pic under the cut (mostly bc i got more belts for one of my main looks and I still really really like it)
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lowhowl · 1 year
Tagged by: @multigrounds Tagging: I'm horrendous at picking people for stuff like this, so much like my family bloodline, the chain ends here
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favourite colour(s): Dark blues! Cerulean, navy, etc
favourite flavour(s): i'm a fan of bitter and sour flavors, I don't have much of a sweet tooth really
favourite genre(s):  For games, I love horror and fps
favourite music: CRACKS MY KNUCKLES. I have so many favorites that it's hard to pick just ONE but- for the moment, it's gonna have to go to BMTH's That's The Sprit album. The whole thing.
favourite movie(s): the corpse bride is up there, dunno if i really have a Favorite favorite though
favourite series: it's a tossup between Metroid and Homestuck, unfortunately
last song: Doomed by Bring Me The Horizon
last series: it only has one ep rn but Trigun Stampede!!!!
last movie: my adhd doesn't like movies so i very rarely watch them lmao
currently reading: I recently yoinked Junji Ito's Remina!
currently watching: my xp bar in ffxiv go up. end me
currently working on: my next yt video and leveling my crafters and gatherers in ffxiv replies are taking a bit of a backseat atm
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lowhowl · 1 year
finally read issue 56
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lowhowl · 1 year
new bg art for whisper's theme (finally)
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lowhowl · 1 year
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shitpost featuring @herogardn​ ‘s whisper <3
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lowhowl · 1 year
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Just to be clear, I WILL be sending asks out to people on the 25th of whisper passing out gifts, and that IS a threat.
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lowhowl · 1 year
don't make me explain alternian romance i fucking beg of you
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lowhowl · 1 year
the itch to at least write down what a satbk au would be like is getting stronger
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lowhowl · 1 year
quick question what's the consensus on this fanmade map
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lowhowl · 1 year
so how about that playable amy
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lowhowl · 1 year
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Jade's about page has been brought back up to date with all of the missing events from her canon! (I've also added the playlist bit to the bottom)
Which... officially means that until major IDW story events happen for Whisper, Jade's canon is... done. I don't have anything else planned, at all. And i'm... pretty okay with that. Overall, the additions she has over IDW canon makes her feel complete.
To all of my mutuals- every single one that I've interacted with- thank you. Every bit of interaction you've had with my Whisper has lead to this point, and I'm excited for what the future may bring for her, and I hope we can all see it happen together.
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lowhowl · 1 year
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    I’m off to lay down, but you know what? New objective.
    Make Whisper smile.
    Not a momentary smile, not a grin, not something fleeting-
    Try to make her happy. She deserves it.
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lowhowl · 1 year
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    Starter call!!
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lowhowl · 1 year
calmly hugging a pillow as more and more of Phantom's playlist is starting to also apply to Whisper:
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lowhowl · 1 year
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As a bit of a final post to cap off 2022 on this blog, you all get the rare mushy Spiders under the cut. Savor it.
2022 was one of the roughest years of my life. I've been spending most of the time going in and out of jobs- hell, i've spent half the year unemployed, and am struggling to even find a job now- and that doesn't even really include all of the mental issues that have started cropping up over time. It's... scary. It's demoralizing. I often feel like I'm decomposing and one day I won't recognize myself. Without going into detail, I've hit some new lows this year.
When I made the choice to come back to this blog, it was shortly after I finished Sonic Frontiers. It rekindled my interest in Sonic, so I went and caught up on the comics, logged into Whisper's account, and just... expected nothing. I've tried to come back a few times in the past, but every time I was basically posting in a ghost town.
I was very, very happy to find that there are people here. New, old, returning, whoever- it was comforting. I feel like I've had a corner to really escape all the bad parts of my life. Writing, developing Whisper, doing something creative again aside from doing NSFW coms just for money- doing something I wanted to and having people actually follow me FOR that. This is the most developed my Whisper has ever been- and you all made that possible.
You've all been so, so very kind. And even if the RPC died tomorrow, I'd be happy. Just to have been able to make some more good memories here, so long after I'd resigned to not being able to write on Tumblr again. I've drifted to and from RPCs, and aside from Homestuck- I'm happy to say I've spent the most time here, in the Sonic RPC. In the face of all the bullshit and bad times I've had here, I can't help getting excited over idea plots and what developments Whisper is going to have next, and I'd love to actually be able to write them out this time. Maybe I will.
Here's hoping 2023 picks up and improves- for everyone. Take care of yourselves.
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