takigawa · 18 days
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実写版『聖闘士星矢THE BEGINNING』の主人公、実写版『ONE PIECE』のZORO役で国際的な人気俳優となった #新田真剣佑 と #田中泯 が主演する、日本の隠れた政財界の黒幕“フクロウ”を描いたシリアス連続ドラマ #フクロウと呼ばれた男  https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1790397107632996456?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w フクロウは真夜中であっても、いつでも見える目ですべてを見ている。 70歳のカリスマ・大神龍太郎 (田中泯) には4人の子どもがいる。 長男の一郎 (#安藤政信) は頼りなく、妻とも不仲で、銀座のホステスを愛人にしていた。父の影響から脱するため、父から資金を借りずに新しい高級レストランを計画していた。 しっかり者の長女・由美子 (#長谷川京子) は、イケメン商社マンの夫との間に二人の子どもをもうけ、一見幸せそうに見えたが、夫は由美子に隠れて (メジャーリーグの有名選手の通訳とは別の) 裏取引をしていた。 父親とうまくいかない次男・龍(新田真剣佑) は、アメリカ留学後、家族に連絡せずに小さなNPO法人で働くために帰国。ある日、龍は公園でジョギング中に美しいアメリカ人女性と出会い、携帯電話が道に落ちて壊れてしまう。龍は弁償すると約束し、女性の連絡先を聞くと、女性は龍に「記者」と書かれた名刺を渡す。 シンガーソングライターを目指す末次女・理沙子 (#中田青渚) はすでに25歳だが、天性の歌声と作詞作曲の才能を持ち、メジャーデビューが期待されていた。理沙子は父・龍太郎に夢を語るが、龍太郎は理沙子が芸能界の闇に飲み込まれるのではないかと恐れる。 ある夜、次期首相候補・竹内 (#中村雅俊) の息子が酒席での喧嘩の末に殺される。息子には薬物疑惑もあった。犯人は捕まったが、刑務所で「自殺」してしまう。 全体的にクールなテイストでシリアスな展開。政治家のスキャンダル、一郎の愛人、由美子の夫の破滅的な取引、美人記者と付き合い始めた龍、夢に向かって突き進む理沙子など、それぞれの人生が生き生きと描かれる。 龍太郎の妻・京子を演じる #萬田久子 の抑えた演技が光る。 東京のクラブ (ホステスのいる方)のシーンを木村多江がホステス役で演じることで、よりリアルさが増している。 龍太郎が情報源として重視するホステス役の #木村多江 は、実際に東京のクラブで働いているかのような臨場感がある。 「フクロウと呼ばれた男」が他のドラマと違うのは、大げさな演技や大げさな音楽を使わずに、家族の葛藤を真剣に描いていることだ。 日本のドラマにありがちな大げさな音楽や大げさな演技、大げさな (意味不明の) ジョークもないし、日本でスキャンダルを起こした有名芸能事務所の男性タレントもいないし、下手な歌やダンスを披露する数十人の女性アイドルグループからの女性キャストもいない。 それだけに、フクロウのカリスマ・黒幕・大神龍太郎とその家族の生き方を冷静に観察できる。 本物のフクロウに天敵がいるように、「フクロウ」を狙う天敵も多く登場する。 これまでのエピソードを注意深く見てきた人なら、後半の一連の出来事にショックを受けるかもしれない。 シリーズのクライマックスは、衝撃的な出来事の連続で、次のシーズンが待ち遠しくなる。政治や金融の世界に巻き込まれた家族の複雑な生活を垣間見ることができるドラマを探している人は必見だ。 セカンドシーズンが待ち遠しい。 ■エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー&脚本:#デビッドシン(『#時をかける愛』) ■演出:#森義隆(『#宇宙兄弟』)、#石井裕也(『#船を編む』)、#松本優作(『#Winny』) #長塚京三 #益岡徹 #大友康平 #原田美枝子 #池田良
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indatsukasa · 1 year
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Mastermind, the one that really pulls the strings
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uminakamarimo · 2 years
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どうも、まりもです ついに黒幕が判明!? ほぇ〜あの人か、、、 https://youtu.be/Wc-z9CbAjio #スプラトゥーン3 #スプラトゥーン #ヒーローモード #海中まりも #まりも #黒幕 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-ToFUvDvG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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otomes-world · 6 months
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Wow. Just wow.
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yuumasart · 8 months
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Cringetober Day 11 "Yandere"
Main characters from デスゲーム漫画の黒幕殺人鬼の妹に転生して失敗した I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game's Murder Mastermind and Failed"
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yanderefan-kimi · 1 year
Kurobe Makoto and the path of cruelty
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Heeey yall this isn't something I normally do but I thought I'd finally live up to my username and start talking about some yandere characters! I was recently rereading this series in anticipation for it resuming soon when this panel (the second image) caught my eyes again, so I decided to rant a bit about this, so here goes *cracks knuckles*
Just a small disclaimer: I'm not an art history major or anything like that, I literally just googled this painting and read the wikipedia article because it fascinated me
Okay so let's start with a VERY brief description of this series, since I don't believe it has been officially translated yet so I don't know how many people have heard of it:
This is デスゲーム漫画の黒幕殺人鬼の妹に転生して失敗した (which basically translates to "I Reincarnated As The Mastermind's Little Sister from a Death Game Manga and Failed") which was originally a web novel by Inaida Sou and was adapted to manga form by Pepu.
I won't go too deeply into the details because I think it's the sort of story that's more fun to read yourself, but the basic premise is that Kurobe Mai, the protagonist, has reincarnated into one of her favorite manga series... which was unfortunate, since it happens to be a Death Game series and she happens to be the first victim. Her older step-brother, Makoto, is a psychopath and the mastermind behind said Death Game in the manga. With a year until the start of the manga, Mai's determined to stop her brother, but her actions cause him to develop an abnormal obsession with her...
In chapter 13, the two stop by an art museum that was showing a medical science exhibit (split into three sections: Exploring the Body, Disease and Death, & Love and Life.) They're both looking around until Makoto comes to a stop at this painting in the 2nd section of the exhibit and stares at it silently for a while. That is, William Hogarth's: The Reward of Cruelty - which is his final work in his Four Stages of Cruelty series (warning if you want to look this up, the paintings are a bit gruesome and unpleasant, on purpose.)
The Four Stages depicts the story of the fictional character Nero as he walks down the path of cruelty. In the First Stage, he's torturing a dog as a child. In the Second Stage, he goes on to beat his horse as an adult. In Cruelty in Perfection, he moves on to theft and murder. Finally, in The Reward of Cruelty, Nero has been hung for his crimes and his corpse publicly mutilated by surgeons.
These paintings were much different from Hogarth's other works because he wanted to shock and deter his audience. He was dismayed over the casual acts of cruelty he witnessed and wanted to warn others that the inevitable end of the path of cruelty was death as retribution.
I thought it was interesting how Makoto chose this specific painting to stare at. Sure, he was fascinated by the macabre, but I think it was likely because he realized that he was walking that path of cruelty himself.
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Ever since he was young, he found everyone and everything to be dull and uninteresting. He never struggled at anything, could easily read others, and couldn't empathize with anyone. The only thing that excited him was death. So he started torturing and killing insects, but like all addictions, it was never enough. Soon enough he started desiring for bigger, harder targets. Like a cat, or a dog... or a human.
Makoto realizes that his desire for death and pain was far from normal, but he also felt no desire to change himself. I wonder if he was staring at that painting like he was looking at his inevitable end. Throughout the series, he's been devising various schemes to get Mai's attention (as well as juggling between wanting to kiss her and kill her), but she always strives to surprise him, so what if he fails? What if he succeeds? Was there nothing awaiting the end of his journey other than his early death?
After he's been staring at the painting for a while, Mai comes up behind Makoto and asks if he's finding the exhibit interesting and if he's feeling better. He hugs her, saying that he's fine, and the two go home without ever stepping into the third section (Love and Life.) Now, he's been getting more and more touchy-feely towards Mai with each chapter, but I felt like this hug was a bit... softer. Like he wanted some reassurance that he wasn't at that final stage of cruelty, that he hasn't gotten his "reward" yet.
Anyways, I'm just really fascinated by this scene since it was pretty much glossed over in the web novel, so it was something that Pepu-sensei decided to add in for a reason. Now we're at the gushing part of the post cuz I really think Pepu-sensei is incredibly skilled at panel/scene composition in manga and it's fun to analyze specific scenes and guess the reasoning behind them. (I am vaguely referencing the center spread from the first chapter, which I might talk about later but it's really great, trust me)
Basically, I really love this series (PLUS Inaida-sensei is one of my fav authors and I love Pepu-sensei's art sm) and I really can't wait to see where it goes. It has a good following so we're actually gonna get a whole extra volume and I'm so excited to see what new arc they're gonna throw at us!! And and I'm super excited to see how some scenes in the finale are gonna play out and I should probably stop gushing or I will never finish this post lol.
(if you like yandere, I highly suggest this series!! Plus this is the only series with Kurobe Mai so... 👀)
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mysticfoxspirit · 1 year
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Some random kurokage sketches - kuromakuhara x Inkyahara (kagehara)
Basically mastermind shuichi and pregame shuichi
I feel like pregame shuichi would totally adore mastermind shuichi 
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siim-tv · 2 months
目次 ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーの基本情報 ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーのステータス ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーの着用可能キャラ ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーの評価 【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーの基本情報 部位 衣装 レアリティ SSR 入手方法 親密度 価格 ― 【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーのステータス 防御力+120 忍耐率+2% クリティカル耐性+1% 【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーの着用可能キャラ 【黒幕の指揮者】リリア 【災いをもたらす者】リリア 【コスチューム】公演のためのレザーの評価 リリアの親密度報酬 災いをもたらす者、リリアとの親密度が最大まで上がるとゲットできるもの。同じ魔術士の称号を持ったリリアであれば着用可能となっており、現時点までだと2…
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calochortus · 4 months
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nobmyzk · 6 months
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今日は、#黒酢酢鶏の幕の内弁当 #野菜ちゃんぽんスープ #お昼ごはん #お昼ご飯 #lunch #lunchtime #お弁当 #hottomotto #ほっともっと
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urusura · 1 year
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takigawa · 18 days
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Mackenyu Arata (who became an internationally popular actor for his roles as the main character in the live-action "Knights of the Zodiac(Saint Seiya)The Beginning" movie and ZORO in the live-action "One Piece") and Min Tanaka star in this serious drama series “House of the Owl”about a Japanese, hidden political and financial mastermind known as the "Owl". https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1790365255169904916?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w The owl sees everything with eyes that can see anytime, even in the middle of the night. Seventy-year-old charismatic Ryutaro Ohgami (Min Tanaka) has four children. His eldest son, Ichiro (Masanobu Ando), is unreliable, does not get along with his wife, has a Ginza hostess as his mistress, and is planning a new luxury restaurant without borrowing funds from his father so that he can leave his father's influence. Yumiko (Kyoko Hasegawa), the firm eldest daughter, has two seemingly happy children with her handsome trading company man husband, but her husband is doing shady deals (of a different kind than an interpreter for famous Major-League players) behind her back. The second son, Ryu (Mackenyu Arata), does not get along with his father, and after studying in the U.S., he returns to Japan to work for a small non-profit organization without contacting his family. One day, Ryu bumps into a beautiful American woman while jogging in the park, and her phone falls into the street and breaks. Ryu promises to pay for it, and when he asks for the woman's contact information, she gives Ryu her business card, which says "reporter" on it. Risako (Nakata Seina), the youngest and second daughter, aspires to be a singer-songwriter and is already 25 years old, but she has a natural singing voice and talent for songwriting and is expected to make a major debut. Risako tells her father, Ryutaro, about her dream, but Ryutaro is afraid that Risako will be swallowed up by the darkness of the entertainment world. One night, the son of Takeuchi (Masatoshi Nakamura), a candidate for the next prime minister, is killed after a bar fight. The son was also suspected of being on drugs. The murder suspect is caught, but "commits suicide" in jail. Overall, the story has a cool taste and a serious development. A scandal involving a politician, Ichiro's mistress, Yumiko's husband's ruinous dealings, Ryu starting a relationship with a beautiful reporter, Risako going for her dream, and their lives are vividly depicted. Hisako Manda's restrained performance as Ryutaro's wife, Kyoko, shines. The show's portrayal of the Tokyo club (the one with hostesses)scene, with Tae Kimura's performance as a hostess, adds a touch of realism that makes the show feel all the more authentic. Tae Kimura's performance as the hostess Ryutaro values as a source of information has a realistic feel as if she actually works at a club in Tokyo. What sets "House of the Owl" apart from other Japanese TV drama series is its serious, captivating depiction of the family's struggles, without resorting to over-the-top acting or exaggerated music. There is none of the over-the-top music, over-the-top acting, or over-the-top (unintelligible) jokes that are common in Japanese dramas, nor are there any male celebrities from famous entertainment companies that have caused scandals in Japan, nor any female casts from dozens of female idol group members performing not-so-good songs and dances. Thus, we can calmly observe the whereabouts of this charismatic, mastermind owl, Ryutaro Oogami, and his family. And just as real owls have natural enemies, those who are after "owls" are also heavily represented. If you have watched the episodes carefully, you may be shocked by the series of events that occur in the latter half of the season. The series culminates in a shocking series of events that will leave you eagerly anticipating the next season. This is a must-watch for anyone looking for a drama that offers a glimpse into the complex lives of a family caught up in the world of politics and finance. I can't wait for the second season. #HouseOfTheOwl
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yaoyuan6478 · 2 years
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#tengusan #弾幕 #blackpearls #exhibition #東京弾幕中毒 #漆黒真珠 #harajyuku #blackpearlsgallery (Harajuku) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci49ST2JBjr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uminakamarimo · 2 years
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どうも、まりもです。 ヒーローモード!! 倒したあとに黒幕の影がチラリ?? https://youtu.be/zrg0iyQ9OLU #スプラトゥーン3 #海中まりも #ヒーローモード #まりも #黒幕の影 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjmOesKPUmK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikahlua · 5 months
MHA Chapter 412 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 迫る崩壊にデクは⁉︎ せまるほうかいにデクは⁉︎ semaru houkai ni DEKU wa!? Deku [faces] the approaching decay!?
1 内側 うちがわ uchigawa Inside [his body],
2 防御に徹して身動きが取れなかった間 ぼうぎょにてっしてみうごきがとれなかったあいだ bougyo ni tesshite miugoki ga torenakatta aida while he was completely unable to move himself in defense,
3 「黒鞭」で無理矢理筋肉を伸縮させ続けた 「5TH」でむりやりきんにくをしんしゅくさせつづけた 「5TH (kanji: kuro muchi)」 de muriyari kinniku wo shinshuku sase tsudzuketa he was able to continue to force his muscles expand and contract with the 5th (read as: Black Whip).
4 筋力限界蓄積「発勁」 きんりょくげんかいちくせき「3RD」 kinryoku genkai chikuseki 「3RD (kanji: hakkei)」 Muscle strength accumulation limit of the 3rd (read as: Fa Jin)
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1 による ni yoru And by doing that...
2-3 風圧発散 ふうあつはっさん fuuatsu Wind Pressure Emanation
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1 デラウェア DERAUEA Delaware
2 スマッシュ SUMASSHU Smash
tagline No.412 史上の最狂のヒーロー 堀越耕平 ナンバー412 しじょうさいきょうのヒーロー ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 412  shijou saikyou no HIIROO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 412 History's Craziest Hero  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 ハハッ HAHA "Haha!"
2 極致だな緑谷‼︎ きょくちだなみどりや‼︎ kyokuchi da na Midoriya!! "That's peak*, Midoriya!" *(Note: The word Tomura uses here to describe Izuku's use of his quirks means "ultimate, extreme, pinnacle, acme.")
3 「崩壊」の予測範囲ごと 「ほうかい」のよそくはんいごと 「houkai」 no yosoku han'i goto The entire predicted area of Decay
4 風圧で抉り飛ばしやがった ふうあつでえぐりとばしやがった fuuatsu de eguri tobashiyagatta he gouged out with wind pressure.
5 伝播の媒体自体を減らして でんぱのばいたいじたいをへらして denpa no baitai jitai wo herashite By reducing the medium of transmission itself,
6 進行を限りなく弱体化…! しんこうをかぎりなくじゃくたいか…! shinkou wo kagiri naku jakutaika...! the progress [of Decay] will weaken without limit...!
7 ーーだが --daga "--But"
8 その場凌ぎ! そのばしのぎ! sono bashinogi! "[that's only] a stopgap measure!"
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1 何度でも触れてやるよ なんどでもふれてやるよ nando demo furete yaru yo I'll touch you however many times!
2 土煙が つちけむりが tsuchi kemuri ga The dust cloud
3 散っていかない ちっていかない chitte ikanai isn't dispersing.
4 なるほど‼︎ naruhodo!! "I see!!"
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1 「煙幕」に「変速」"一速"を付与!滞留させる! 「6TH」に「2ND」"ロー"をふよ!たいりゅうさせる! 「6TH (kanji: enmaku)」 ni 「2ND (kanji: hensoku)」 "ROO" wo fuyo! tairyuu saseru! Confer the 2nd's (read as: Gear Shift's) low gear to the 6th (read as: Smokescreen)!
2 視界を遮断して「煙幕」を展開 しかいをしゃだんして「6TH」をてんかい shikai wo shadan shite 「6TH」 wo tenkai To block his vision, deploy the 6th (read as Smokescreen).
3 死柄木の「危機感知」を鳴らし続ける しがらきの「4TH」をならしつづける Shigaraki no 「4TH」 wo narashi tsudzukeru Keep sounding [the alarm] of Shigaraki's 4th (read as: Danger Sense).
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1 その間にーー‼︎ そのあいだにーー‼︎ sono aida ni--!! And in the meantime--!
2 「危機感知」に頼るリスクはよく知ってる! 「4TH」にたよるリスクはよくしってる! 「4TH」 ni tayoru RISUKU wa yoku shitteru! I understand well the risks of relying on the 4th (read as: Danger Sense).
3 "溜め"を作る為にここまで…! "ため"をつくるためにここまで…! "tame" wo tsukuru tame ni koko made...! "All of this to create a stockpile...!"
4 けど…9代目‼︎ けど…9だいめ‼︎ kedo...9daime!! "But...Ninth!!"
5 死柄木は しがらきは Shigaraki wa Shigaraki
6 「サーチ」でこっちがーー‼︎ 「SAACHI」 de kocchi ga--!! [can see you] over here with Search--!!
7 ぐあっ gua "Gwah!"
8 見えてんだけど? みえてんだけど? mietenda kedo? "But I can see you?"
9 位置も いちも ichi mo "Your location, too."
10 弱点も じゃくてんも jakuten mo "And your weaknesses."
11 この目で見た人の情報100人まで丸わかり! この目でみたひとのじょうほう100にんまでまるわかり! kono me de mita hito no jouhou 100nin made maru wakari! I completely know information about up to 100 people I see with these eyes!
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1 おまえ息できてないだろ おまえいきできてないだろ omae iki dekitenai daro "You aren't able to breathe, right?"
2 "変速"の反動‼︎切れた! "へんそく"のはんどう‼︎きれた! "hensoku" no handou!! kireta! "Gear Shift's recoil!! It cut off!"
3 さっきの"溜め攻撃"も さっきの"ためこうげき"も sakki no "tame kougeki" mo "That stockpile attack from before also"
4 そう乱発できるモンじゃないな そうらんぱつできるモンじゃないな sou ranpatsu dekiru MON ja nai na "isn't something you can fire over and over."
5 腱や筋肉を内から直接補強… けんやきんにくをうちからちょくせつほきょう… ken ya kinniku wo uchi kara chokusetsu hokyou... "Direct reinforcement of your tendons and muscles from within..."
6 肌から透けて見える黒鞭が物語ってる はだからすけてみえるそれがものがたってる hada kara sukete mieru sore (kanji: kuro muchi) ga monogatatteru "That (read as: Black Whip) that's transparently visible through your skin tells the story."
7 まともにくらえばさすがに俺も無事ではなかったかもな まともにくらえばさすがにおれもぶじではなかったかもな matomo ni kuraeba sasuga ni ore mo buji de wa nakatta kamo na "If I had taken that [hit] normally, maybe even I wouldn't have been all right."
8 守るもんが多くて大変だなァ緑谷 まもるもんがおおくてたいへんだなァみどりや mamoru mon ga ookute taihen da naA Midoriya "It's tough when there are so many things to protect, right, Midoriya?"
9 …だからって… ...dakara tte... "...I said that's why..."
10 泣いていたあの少年を…諦めはしない…! ないていたあのしょうねんを…あきらめはしない…! naite ita ano shounen wo...akirame wa shinai...! "I won't give up...on that boy who was crying...!"
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1 人は狭い窓から世界を解釈しようとする… ひとはせまいまどからせかいをかいしゃくしようとする… hito wa semai mado kara sekai wo kaishaku shiyou to suru... "People try to interpret the world through a narrow window..."
2 どうなった⁉︎ dou natta!? "What happened!?"
3 見えない みえない mienai "I can't see."
4 遠くに行っちゃった とおくにいっちゃった tooku ni icchatta "They went off far away."
5 理解のできない物事に理由をつくって楽になろうとする りかいのできないものごとにりゆうをつくってらくになろうとする rikai no dekinai monogoto ni riyuu wo tsukutte raku ni narou to suru "They try to make things easier by making up reasons for the things they don't understand."
6-7 おまえは自分の狭い解釈に俺を落とし込みたいだけだ おまえはじぶんのせまいかいしゃくにおれをおとしこみたいだけだ omae wa jibun no semai kaishaku ni "You just want to fit me into your own narrow interpretation."
8 見えてんだろ みえてんだろ mietendaro "You can see it, right?"
9 俺に"幽霊ども"が見えてるように…OFAを通じて俺の中が… おれに"ゆうれいども"がみえてるように…ワン・フォー・オールをつうじておれのなかが… ore ni "yuurei-domo" ga mieteru you ni...WAN FOO OORU wo tsuujite ore no naka ga... "It's like you ghosts can see me...[see] inside me through One For All..."
10 だから煙の中おまえも俺を捕捉できた… だからけむりのなかおまえもおれをほそくできた… dakara kemuri no naka omae mo ore wo hosoku dekita... "That's why you even were able to catch me in the smoke..."
11 しっかり見ろ しっかりみろ shikkari miro "Look carefully."
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1 泣いていた少年はもうとっくに乗り超えた ないていたしょうねんはもうとっくにのりこえた naite ita shounen wa mou tokku ni norikoeta "The boy who was crying already got over it long ago."
2 どこまでも解釈を拡大し どこまでもかいしゃくをかくだいし doko made mo kaishaku wo kakudai shi "I expanded my interpretation without end,"
3 少年は死柄木弔になった! おれはおれになった! ore (kanji: shounen) wa ore (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura) ni natta! "and I (read as: the boy) became me (read as: Tomura Shigaraki)!"
4 俺ぁ何も困っちゃいないんだよ! おれぁなにもこまっちゃいないんだよ! orea nani mo komacchainainda yo! "I am not in any kind of trouble!" (Note: Tomura means he's not a person who needs to be saved from anything.)
5-6 僕はあの子を救けたい ぼくはあのこをたすけたい boku wa ano ko wo tasuketai (kanji: sukuetai) I want to save that kid!
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1 諦めろ あきらめろ akiramero "Give up."
2-3 救いようの無い人間はいるんだよ出久くん すくいようのないにんげんはいるんだよいずくくん sukuiyou no nai ningen wa irunda yo Izuku-kun "There are people who cannot be saved, Izuku-kun."
4 君の掲げたヒーロー観にとって きみのかかげたヒーローかんにとって kimi no kakageta HIIROO kan ni totte When it comes to your views on heroes,
5 こいつは最大の壁であり こいつはさいだいのかべであり koitsu wa saidai no kabe de ari this guy is the biggest wall.
6 超えなくていい壁だ こえなくていいかべだ koenakute ii kabe da It's a wall you don't have to climb over.
7 一撃で跡形もなく消すしかない いちげきであとかたもなくけすしかない ichigeki de atokata mo naku kesu shika nai "There's no choice but to erase him with one blow until no trace remains."
8 堪えろ出久くん! こらえろいずくくん! koraero Izuku-kun! "Bear with it, Izuku-kun!"
9 溜めろ‼︎さっき以上に! ためろ‼︎さっきいじょうに! tamero!! sakki ijou ni! "[Gather a] stockpile!! Even more than before!"
10 嫌だ… いやだ… iya da... "No..."
11-12 じゃあ何であんな寂しい過去を…心��据えてたんだよ…‼︎ じゃあなんであんなさびしいかこを…こころにすえてたんだよ…‼︎ jaa nande anna sabishii kako wo...kokoro ni suetetanda yo...!! "So then, why [did you fix*] such a lonely past...into your heart...!!" (Note: By "fix" here, Izuku means "place, lay as a foundation." Essentially: "Why is such a lonely past in such a foundational position inside your heart?")
13 蓋を…しただけだろーが… ふたを…しただけだろーが… futa wo...shita dake daroo ga... Literally "A lid...you just put one on, didn't you..." Contextually "You just...covered it all up, didn't you..."
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1 守れなかったモンを見ないフリして まもれなかったモンをみないフリして mamorenakatta MON wo minai FURI shite You pretend not to see those you couldn't protect,
2 傷んだ上から蓋をして いたんだうえからふたをして itanda ue kara futa wo shite and covered up their pain from above. (Note: The official translation of the above two lines is: "You pretended not to see those you couldn't protect and swept their pain under the rug.")
3 その蓋ブッ壊れるまで そのふたブッこわれるまで sono futa BUkkowareru made "Until that cover breaks,"
4 殴るのを止めない なぐるのをやめない naguru no wo yamenai (kanji: tomenai) "I won't stop striking at it."
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1 だから dakara "That's why"
2 反対していたんだ はんたいしていたんだ hantai shite itanda "I reversed [my stance]."
3-4 "宿敵を救けたい"なんてイカレた幻想に俺たちの歩みを委ねるのか? "しゅくてきをたすけたい"なんてイカレたげんそうにおれたちのあゆみをゆだねるのか? "shukuteki wo tasuketai (kanji: sukuetai)" nante IKAREta gensou ni ore-tachi no ayumi wo yudaneru no ka? We’re gonna entrust our footsteps to this crazy fantasy of ‘I want to save our nemesis’?
5 平和ボケした傲慢な考えだと へいわボケしたごうまんなかんがえだと heiwa BOKE shita gouman na kangae da to "It's the arrogant idea of a peace-loving fool."
6 だが裡から見てきて だがうちからみてきて daga uchi kara mite kite But when I began to look within, (Note: It's not clear from these words if Kudou is talking about looking within Izuku or looking within himself. The imagery of the rest of the page could imply that he's looking within Izuku.)
7 わかった wakatta I understood.
8 この少年は このしょうねんは kono shounen wa This boy
9 縋っているのだと すがっているのだと sugatte iru no da to is one who clings [to others].
10 嫌悪すべき人間だろうと けんおすべきにんげんだろうと ken'o subeki ningen darou to Whether it's a person he should hate
11 無個性の人間だろうと むこせいのにんげんだろうと mukosei no ningen darou to or a person who lacks individuality*, *(Note: This word, mukosei, is the MHA world's term for "quirkless," but whenever it means "quirkless," it is written in quotes in the manga. Here the word is not in quotes, so it should mean what the word mukosei normally means in Japanese: "a lack of personality/individuality." I think here the word may be intended to refer to the other kid with the long fingers who also follows Katsuki around.)
12-13 その奥には等しく人の心があるのだと そのおくにはひとしくひとのこころがあるのだと sono oku ni wa hitoshiku hito no kokoro ga aru no da to he is one who [believes that] deep down people have the same* hearts. *(Note: This sentence is awkward to write out in English because the word "same" is actually an adverb in Japanese, like "similarly, equally." It means something like "All people are equal in that they similarly have human hearts.")
14-15 信じたいのだ しんじたいのだ shinjitai no da He is one who wants to trust*. *(Note: This word could also be translated as "wants to believe [in others].") (Update: I now believe this line should be translated as "He is one in whom I want to believe. Please see here for a bit more detail.)
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1 …… "......"
2 キレイ事は…嫌いじゃない キレイごとは…きらいじゃない KIREI goto wa...kirai ja nai "I don't hate...such idealism*." (*Note: This word in Japanese literally means "lip service." This is the same word used by All Might (in a flashback) and Mirio in chapter 367 when talking about how heroes have to talk the talk of positive thinking before making those ideals into a reality.)
3 今から俺の言う通りにしろ いまからおれのいうとおりにしろ ima kara ore no iu toori ni shiro "From now on, do as I say."
4 おまえに賭けるよ9代目 おまえにかけるよ9だいめ omae ni kakeru yo 9daime "[I'll] bet on you, Ninth."
5 OFAを手放すんだ ワン・フォー・オールをてばなすんだ WAN FOO OORU wo tebanasunda Let go of One For All.
tagline 2代目の秘策ーーーしかしそれは… 2だいめのひさくーーーしかしそれは… 2daime no hisaku---shikashi sore wa... The Second's secret plan--but that...
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ari0921 · 10 months
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