van-yangyin · 1 year
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noirlevity · 11 months
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Belated Happy birthday Ainosuke my bebegurl! This is very late because I was so busy O.O"
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van-skmugen · 1 year
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(Sorry for "mini spam" if you're seeing me again on hashtags with this same art, but I finally decided to make my own SK8 centric account)
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. The big party~ - 05/05/23 (May 5th in Spain ~ Last day) [Part 1/2]
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was last day, day 5.
You can read below cut line part 1 of 2 or complete on our Blogger where you can see too extras of Day 5. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is Spanish conversation.
Thursday night, Olé family came to visit the guys. José sat down with Ainosuke in front of the campfire to talk about the last full day they would be in Spain.
José: Well, let us schedule tomorrow, you won't regret it.*
Ainosuke: As we talked about that time.... You don't have any bulls available, do you?*
José: No, but if you promise me that will come back to Spain again, we will try to contact a friend of ours, although what you tell me you want to do is very reckless!*
That said, after talking for a while longer, they said goodbye and went to rest, so that they would be fully energized the next day.
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Friday, May 5th in Spain. Everyone was with renewed energy, especially after the previous day's off-camera evening. They woke up at 6:30 a.m., got dressed and at 8 a.m. José and the rest arrived to guide and take them to various places.
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They arrived at the first stop and first thing they did was to go hiking. Magdalena told them that last time she couldn't show them the nature of her village as she would have liked and today was a good day, since the weather was nice, it was neither hot nor cold.
Reki: Do we have to walk?
Langa: Can't we go skateboarding?
Miya: My legs are sporty, but I don't know if they can stand walking for a long time...
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So they walked along and found a small pond.
Miya: It's hot, can I put my feet in it?
Kojiro: But take your...
Miya: Great!
Kojiro: Shoes...
And not being able to do anything else, Kojiro let it be.
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Langa took the opportunity to review a bit of Japanese history.
Ainosuke: In year 794 the imperial court founded a new capital Heian-kyo, Langa-kun, do you know what the capital is called nowadays?
Langa: Mmmmh... *shakes his head* I don't remember right now.
Ainosuke: Kyoto. Langa-kun, if you ever need help in your studies, you can ask me.
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Reki lay down to look at the clouds while feeling breeze in air.
Reki: Next time I go on a trip I'd like to go to Los Angeles or Canada with Langa.
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And Kojiro, Hiromi and Kaoru started talking.
Kaoru: Come on Kojiro, you must admit that that shirt suits you very well, everything that has something of mine on it, is perfect. Even if it's worn by a gorilla and deformed on your body.
Kojiro: Kaoru, saying this doesn't make it any better....
Kaoru: Well, I "proudly" wear the design of the shirt to promote Sia la Luce.
Kojiro: Where we are now, it's not like it's going to do much promotion...
Kaoru: But it's green, I can camouflage myself. And with my pink hair it matches very well.
Kojiro: Santa Madonna.
Hiromi: «Here we go again... They look like a married couple with many years of marriage and they've only been married for a year and a half.... Oka... I miss you...» - thinking.
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Kojiro: Oh, wait. Nicola sent me a message.
Kaoru: Nicola... 
Hiromi: Kaoru, you seem to be more jealous of Kojiro talking to men than to women...
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Magdalena: We should continue on our way.*
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And between Magdalena's explanations with Ainosuke and Carla's translation and continuing along the road, they finally arrived where she wanted to take them to second and last place.
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Magdalena: I don't know if any of you have a farm where you live or your grandparents have one, but I would like you to have the experience of helping with animals in another country.*
Ainosuke translated what Magdalena told them.
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Kaoru: Let me, at Kojiro's grandfather's farm sometimes we had to feed them.
Kojiro: I don't remember it in the same way... It was just me who...
Kaoru: Who begged me to feed them, of course. 
He started feeding them.
Kaoru: Shit! I mean... *ahem* It's okay, relax... All right, you just need to relax...
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Kaoru: And now that she's relaxed we'll try again. See? I have practice...
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Reki on the other hand was helping Albert to spray the plants, who had previously taught him the best way to do it.
Reki: This is fun! Not as much as skateboarding though.... But it's also relaxing.
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Inside the house José was teaching Tadashi how to make "Olé's pancakes".
Tadashi: Mr. José, I would like to make a special request. Since you have offered to teach me how to make your pancakes, I would like them to be a special shape...* «Although Ainosuke-sama does not say so, I know he likes Hello Kitty...» - thinking - Could you teach me how to make pancakes in the shape of Hello Kitty?*
José: Hello Kitty? What's that?
Tadashi: Wait, I'll look it up on Internet and show you.
José: Sure! It's that kitty that Pilar likes so much. In the shape of Hello Kitty, that's done. I've made that dessert for my granddaughter so many times.
And when they finished making it, they called everyone to eat.
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Carmen: «Jose says that Señorito Ainosuke's secretary has helped him, how good it has turned out.*» - thinking. Señorito: Like Young Master.
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Ainosuke: «This was Tadashi's doing.» - thinking.
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Hiromi: It looks good!
Ainosuke: Tadashi made it, of course it looks good.
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Carmen: Hey, niño! You all are very good in different fields, what else do you know how to do? If you weren't his secretary, we would hire you here in a heartbeat.* Niño: literally translated as kiddo, affectionate way for some older people to call a person younger than themselves.
Tadashi: Nothing special, I just like to serve my master.*
Carmen: You love him very much, don't you? If you get married, you must to invite us to your wedding.*
Tadashi: *ahem* Of course...*
Carmen: Or are you already married?*
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Hiromi: «It's as good as the sweets Joe sometimes makes!» - thinking.
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After finishing eating, Ainosuke went outside because he also wanted to try what Kaoru did in the barnyard. Although on the way we can see how Reki is finishing his meal while still spraying the plants.... He seems to have taken a liking to it.
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And Ainosuke made friends with the rooster right away.
Ainosuke: This is easier than Cherry made it look. Why lie, I'm perfect in everything, and in this I couldn't be less.
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Reki went after Ainosuke and just like him, made friends with the rooster the first time. It seems that at the end Kaoru the expert, was the most inexperienced of the three, either that or the hen he addressed was as stubborn as he was.
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Then it was Langa's turn, who also wanted to pet one of the hens or roosters in the barnyard. And just like all the others, the rooster let himself be petted the first time. Could it be that rooster is the docile one and they all are heading the same one?
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Kojiro obviously didn't want to miss the opportunity, his grandparents had a farm.
Kojiro: My grandmother would like you very much, I'm sure you are punctual in the morning to wake up the day.
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And finally it was Miya who also had no problem. Hiromi and Tadashi didn't want to participate. The former because:
Hiromi: I can't go as Shadow right now!
Miya: Why do you want to be Shadow?
Hiromi: Be.. Because... *yelling* Because it gives me courage!
Miya: Well, it didn't cost you anything to yell at me with courage....
As for the second one:
Tadashi: My duty is to protect Ainosuke-sama from any danger. I can't afford to waste my time on that kind of thing.
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Once everyone had finished feeding the hens and roosters, it was time for them to rest in their coop. They went to the entrance to go back home and celebrate the night before the next day arrived, when they had to get ready to leave. And this time they drove all the way to the entrance.
~Continue in Part 2~
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uniiscorny · 1 year
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siteymnk · 4 months
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thyele · 1 year
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Syuさん「・Vocal. Kensaku Kishida & Drums. Syu Studio Live Streaming 🎙️⚡️🥁 ・Ash Berry Special Cover Song Music Video ♬✨ ・Member's Theme Talk 🍓 ON AIR Tomorrow April 27, 2023 at 9:30 PM (JST 🇯🇵) ※ Free Broadcasting ※ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ https://t.co/6HFFhy7gWc https://t.co/TBfFVBQh10」https://twitter.com/Syu_DRUMS/status/1651164378623000579
デトロイトD輔さん「BURGUNDY RAIN、是非聴いてみてくださいね✨」https://twitter.com/MADBAL3/status/1643607289415487488
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「おはようございます🙋‍♀️ 昨日は2曲で終わってしまったな〜 まぁアレンジしだした曲もあったのもあるしw 基本的にシンプルなのですが、ツルッと一本録って終了ってわけにはいかないのでわりと時間かかるな💦 帰ったらまた取り掛かろう✊ 本日も皆さま良き一日を✌️✨ 先日のライブからコージさん置いとく😆 https://t.co/JvCtbJ3Wez」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1651373887610048513
ぶいにゃす😺🎀🍓さん「おはにゃ〜🍓 今日は清春さんがトレンド入りしてたので黒夢「for dear」弾いてみたをアップにゃ〜🎸 Zepp Shinjukuでのライブお疲れ様でしたにゃん✨ 東急歌舞伎町タワーにできた新しいZeppはどこかのタイミングで行きたいにゃ〜🐈 #清春さん https://t.co/DVI4C4EpOy」https://twitter.com/buinyasu/status/1651366034505621505
冠徹弥(THE冠)さん「清春さんのライブを見に歌舞伎町へ。あかん、圧倒的なパフォーマンスに打ちのめされ余韻に浸り中です。素晴らしいライブをありがとうございました! https://t.co/KuCi1b40wy」https://twitter.com/tetsukanmuri/status/1651240613604622336
† 色々な十字架 † 💐5/28西永福JAMさん「バンギャの歌かと思ったら全然違う歌† https://t.co/XczQwz4z4x」https://twitter.com/kanari_tanbi/status/1651394795942862849
坪本伸作 arrival artさん「久々に色んなジャンルや色んなアーティストを聴いてる。眠ってた感性は目を覚ますのだろうか?」https://twitter.com/tsubo3shinsaku3/status/1651194698890092544
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『今日はゆっくりしています✨』 #アメブロ https://t.co/1rtudYkN0z」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1651169464808001538
takuto_さん「4月27日(木)about tess@池袋手刀 明日です。是非。」https://twitter.com/takuto_/status/1651172239805648896
魚住 英里奈(official)さん「🩻名古屋で単独公演します。 2023.5.25(木) 魚住英里奈単独公演「独唱」 Open19:00 start19:30 ¥2800+1drink https://t.co/ET76zOtVdM」https://twitter.com/uozumi_chas/status/1651174399859634177
中島卓偉さん「よろしくお願い致します! 最高の47都道府県アコギ弾き語りツアーにします! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1651174740600700928
The Dust’n’Bonezさん「6月には大阪・神戸も久しぶりに行きます💀 関西の皆さん何卒ヨロシク。 The Dust'n' Bonez one-man show!! 『2023 ロックンロールワンマン』 🦴Vol.3 6/9(金) 心斎橋VARON https://t.co/mOjBdcVUqU 🦴Vol.4 6/10(土) 神戸live music club PADOMA https://t.co/cz0foQP3sZ https://t.co/2XgPC3agXN」https://twitter.com/dust_bonez/status/1651146675946414088
こもだまり|昭和精吾事務所さん「虚飾集団廻天百眼『 #万物教会 』 [ディスクユニオン] CD購入特典▶︎缶バッジ(32mm) https://t.co/oj98uy1n2E DVD購入特典▶︎キーホルダー https://t.co/TfBacgCdgp #百眼 https://t.co/YqnzDUbq14」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1651181670463320064
こもだまり|昭和精吾事務所さん「5月3日発売の廻天百眼『 #万物教会 』のサントラCD(全12曲)とDVD、ご予約受付中📀📀 中が驚きのかわいさ✨✨ 廻天製品(百眼通販) 購入特典▶︎ランダムブロマイド CD https://t.co/Vwz3C10F98 DVD https://t.co/eaXugf3PT4 タワレコやディスクユニオン(購入特典あり)でも予約受付中! #百眼 https://t.co/7E2ugBLEew」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1651181663806984192
YOSHiPONさん「5・6月スケジュール 【TEARS OF THE REBEL】 5/16(Tue) 下北沢CLUB Que 【luin】 5/11(Thu) 池袋手刀 5/30(Tue) 東高円寺二万電圧 6/8(Thu) 渋谷Chelsea Hotel 6/24(Sat) 池袋手刀 【Gimme Some Truth】 5/23(Tue) 池袋手刀 6/9(Fri) 池袋手刀 【?】 仮6/15(Thu) …………」https://twitter.com/YOSHIP0NxxxTOR/status/1650847612529160193
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「大好きな場所、名古屋鶴舞K.Dハポンで単独公演します。 高架下にあるゆりかごのような場所です。よろしくお願いします。」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1651188823861383168
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「🌻お知らせ🌻 『SOPHIA LIVE 2022 “#SOPHIA”』 DVD&Blu-ray💿 FC盤・通常盤の追加分 完売‼️ ということで❗️ 通常盤のみ再・追加製造が決定しました‼️ 5月中旬に入荷予定です🌻 ■HMV https://t.co/3fdmgPwfZb ■音楽処 BD https://t.co/pkFG1O9VqN DVD https://t.co/BVnMdkhD62 #SOPHIA武道館」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1651191314854330368
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「あ、作家関係や真摯に音楽と向き合ってる音楽仲間の電話は(タイミングが合えば)出ます。 何故なら向こうも滅茶苦茶忙しいので、用件が済んだら即通話が終わるからです。マジで30秒〜2分とかです。笑 何より事前に「何の用件か」を伝えた上で通話のタイミングも伺ってくれるから、出易いんですよね。」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1651191825481474049
真矢さん「ありがとうございました😊 またよろしくお願いします💕」https://twitter.com/331shinya/status/1651192949378793474
絶望リフレインさん「5/3名古屋MUSIC FARM チケットはこちらからご予約くださいませ」https://twitter.com/zetsubou_ref/status/1651194539900809217
seekさん「LM.C 2023「怪物園Ⅱ」tour FINAL 渋谷PLEASURE PLEASURE ハッピーなライブでした! メンバーが捌けた後の空っぽのステージに流れるSE きっちり世界観で締めくくるエンディング好きやなー。 ありがとうございました。 https://t.co/p9BmKl6gNq」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1651195912952365058
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jbeer-ja · 4 years
【#ビール 関連ニュース】「ビールの次は化粧品 元フェイスブック日本代表、新事業の狙い - 日経クロストレンド」他 全75件
ビールの次は化粧品 元フェイスブック日本代表、新事業の狙い - 日経クロストレンド
アサヒビール、国産原料のビール イオン限定で再販売 - 日本経済新聞
国内ビールテイスト初の快挙!「サッポロ ホワイトベルグ」「ダイヤモンド テイスト アワード」受賞! - PR TIMES
日本初上陸のビールスタンド「Omnipollos Tokyo」オープン! - IGNITE(イグナイト)
新型コロナとハードセルツァー流行の影響、アメリカでビール缶が不足 - Time Out Tokyo
IoA技術で、ビール工場からホップ生産地を遠隔体験 キリンビール仙台工場にて、10名様限定でツアーを開催! - PR TIMES
DeNA オリジナルビールに新味 「ベイスターズホワイト」 | 旭区 | タウンニュース - タウンニュース
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「世界一でも売れない」からいかに脱却するのか - WEDGE Infinity
ビール党に朗報! 家飲みが捗る「ビールアワー極泡スマート」 - BCN+R
久屋大通公園で「ベルギービールウィークエンド」 感染拡大予防対策講じ開催へ - サカエ経済新聞
コロナ禍で余剰のビールをジンにして発売、エシカル・スピリッツ「REVIVE」、バドワイザー・月桂冠と協業で開発 - 食品産業新聞社
『カルディコーヒーファーム』で世界のビールをお楽しみ! ベルギー生まれの“第3のビール”など、おすすめ3選 - DailyMORE (株式会社集英社)
あの頃のノスタルジーを味わうビール「ただいま!ビター」発売記念。昭和歌謡とビールを楽しむ商品発表会ライブ & ひと足先にビールが届く100人限定オンライン飲み会を開催! - PR TIMES
住所を知らなくともお中元を クラフトビール定期便サービス「ふたりのみ」が「乾杯を贈ろう。クラフトビールサマーセレクション」を販売中 - PR TIMES
「地域に愛されるビール作りを」 奈良・吉野に移住の醸造家 隠し味に特産品も - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞
夏到来、屋外テラスで乾杯!『サナギ 新宿』COEDOビール×10種の個性派餃子の最高の組み合わせ「サナギでCOEDO。」フェア、7/30(木)スタート! - 時事通信
“人生の味”のビールが誕生!? 最新技術と職人技による「人生醸造craft」が話題!(CanCam.jp) - Yahoo!ニュース
「僕ビール君ビール×FLOWER FLOWER」コラボ缶がローソン&ポプラ限定で発売中! オリジナルソング『はなうた』も聴き逃せませんっ - Pouch[ポーチ]
キッチンカー、一堂に ハピテラス、自慢の料理やビール - 中日新聞
缶ビールとは思えない‟ビアパブの泡”を実現!絹泡ビアサーバーの実力(週刊SPA!) - Yahoo!ニュース
唐辛子でビールにぴったりチキン 王将が夏季限定メニュー(京都新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース
パンがビールに変身 英国の革新的な食品ロス削減 - 日本食糧新聞電子版 - 食の情報源
ノンアルコール飲料の販売増加 コロナ影響で“ビール系”は減 - NHK NEWS WEB
就任一年 オリオンビール早瀬社長に聞く(沖縄ニュースQAB) - Yahoo!ニュース
耕作放棄地で栽培、香り爽やかなホップ収穫 JA静岡市青壮年部、クラフトビール生産へ|静岡新聞アットエス - @S[アットエス] by 静岡新聞
旅行作家がケニアで味わった極上のビールとは?(dancyu) - Yahoo!ニュース
「断熱タンブラー」おすすめ4選 ビールやハイボール、ジュースの冷たさをキープ!【2020年最新版】 - ITmedia
サッポロビール園で従業員7人感染 当面営業休止に [新型コロナウイルス] - 朝日新聞デジタル
【7/30】福岡雷山ゴルフ倶楽部が「ビール祭り」開催:【公式】 - NET-IB NEWS
1杯あたり140円でクラフトビールが楽しめる ビール好きにはたまらないサブスク「CRAFT BEER PASSPORT」がスタート(ねとらぼ) - Yahoo!ニュース
AIが作ったビールで“優勝”してみた 意外とおいしい? - ITmedia
【茨城新聞】アサヒビール茨城工場 守谷市と社協に5万円ずつ寄付 - 茨城新聞
【ディズニー】舞浜の地ビールが20周年、記念ビールが数量限定で発売中 - cinemacafe.net
【シュマッツ名古屋JRセントラルタワーズ店オープン1周年記念キャンペーン】1000円で60分飲み放題! - PR TIMES
クラフトビール「Far Yeast」/ナチュラルローソンで取り扱い開始 - 流通ニュース
佐賀のゲストハウス&バーが世界のビール提供イベント 月替わりで9カ国紹介 - 佐賀経済新聞
遼寧省大連市の中国国際ビール祭り、今年は開催中止へ - people.com.cn
月額2800円で1日1杯クラフトビールが飲める!全国のタップ・マルシェのサブスク導入店舗で使える『CRAFT BEER PASSPORT Supported by Tap Marche』本日販売開始! - PR TIMES
サッポロビール園で従業員が感染|NHK 北海道のニュース - nhk.or.jp
栃木と群馬の限定缶発売 サッポロビール|経済|下野新聞「SOON」ニュース|下野新聞 SOON(スーン) - 下野新聞
新型コロナ:ビール類11年ぶりキリン首位、巣ごもりで本麒麟躍進 - 日本経済新聞
新型コロナウイルスの影響により約80,000杯分※1のビールの廃棄が発生。余剰ビールを”ジン“として再生した「REVIVE」販売決定 - PR TIMES
FLOWER FLOWER、“僕ビール君ビール”とコラボ! ポップなアートワークも大好評(エムオンプレス) - Yahoo!ニュース
かっこいい!「よなよなエール」公式魔法瓶が通販に -- ビールににぴったりのソーセージやローストチキンも - えん食べ
ベルギービールウィークエンド2020 名古屋 開催81種類のベルギービールに絶品グルメの数々 - PR TIMES
爽やかなおいしさ”がビールファンにも受けて売り上げ絶好調! 「淡麗グリーンラベル」の秘密を探りに、ビール好き記者が研究所に直撃【PR】 - @DIME
クックパッドニュース:ねばねば&とろ〜り♪「オクラチーズ焼き」がビールにぴったり! - 毎日新聞
【福井】キッチンカー、一堂に ハピテラス、自慢の料理やビール - 中日旅行ナビ ぶらっ人
スウェーデン発「オムニポロ」ビールスタンドが日本初上陸、“料理”着想のユニークなビールなど - Fashion Press
在京ラジオ5局が横断企画 オンライン合同飲み会を開催:紀伊民報AGARA - 紀伊民報
なぜキリンは、「巣ごもり需要」でアサヒを逆転できたのか(J-CASTニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース
おいしさで人気の〈キリンビール〉"一番搾り"があればいつもの家呑みがよりしあわせに。 | Safari me time - safarilounge.jp
「WATTA ブルーウェーブ味」発売(オリオンビール) - 日本食糧新聞電子版 - 食の情報源
【トピック】コン・ユ VS パク・ソジュン、女心を揺さぶる夏のビール大戦 - WOW! Korea
アサヒビール、製造時期の表示「年月」に変更 - 日本食糧新聞電子版 - 食の情報源
オンライン飲み会に最適 「人生を語るビール」の味わいは(NEWS ポストセブン) - Yahoo!ニュース
グローバルビール列市場の売上、収益、価格と売上総利益率2020-2023 - ヤマガタ人材新聞
アサヒビール博多工場にビールテイスト清涼飲料の製造設備を新設~年間約560tのCO2排出削減、設備投資額31億円~ - PR TIMES
韓国プロ野球、再開後初の観客動員 ビールも声援もなし - CNN.co.jp
「断熱ジョッキ」おすすめ4選 ビールやハイボール、ジュースの冷たさをキープ!【2020年最新版】 - ITmedia
大住良之「サッカーとビール、その甘美なる関係」(サッカー批評Web) - Yahoo!ニュース
キリンビール神戸工場 見学対象を兵庫県民に限定 - 神戸新聞
関空テーマのビール開発 大阪府泉佐野市〔地域〕(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
年間アウォードの個人投票結果を一部記者が発表 その内容にブラッドリー・ビールの妻が疑問を呈す | NBA Rakuten - NBA Rakuten NEWS
在宅勤務にも「ノンアルビールはアリ」広がる 会議で発言量増加効果も ニューノーマル時代の新習慣に?(食品新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース
見てわかるビール市場 「クラフト」が創造的破壊者に - 日本経済新聞
米アイダホ:クラフトビールで雇用創出 コロナ禍で地域再生に取り組むビールブランド誕生 - 株式会社 博展(サステナブル・ブランド企画推進室)
伊勢発クラフトビール「伊勢角屋麦酒」と「ブルーボトルコーヒー」に深い関係(みんなの経済新聞ネットワーク) - Yahoo!ニュース
経験、知識生かし麦麹ビール 和歌山の醸造所「オリゼーブルーイング」 - SankeiBiz
ノンアルコールビール「オールフリー」、アメリカ全土で販売開始/サントリービール - 食品産業新聞社
ソルガムビール市場規模2020年から2023年|綿密な研究、世界の産業規模、範囲、将来の期待、市場の概要と予測研究 - ヤマガタ人材新聞
南京町のゲストハウスが世界のビール販売 デッキで「海外気分を味わって」 - 神戸経済新聞
ビール醸造所管理ソフトウェア市場動向2020年:2023年まで製造業者データ、機会、輸出入シナリオ、アプリケーション、タイプ、地域と今後の予測 - ヤマガタ人材新聞
レアなクラフトビールと絶品料理が味わえる『ヤオロズクラフト』が五反田にオープン!(食楽web) - Yahoo!ニュース
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. Chokoreeto-iri churosu! 🤔~ - 04/05/23 (May 4th in Spain)
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was day 4.
You can read it below cut line or on our Blogger where you can see extras of Day 4. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Small Warning: Sexual allegorical content, don't read if you're uncomfortable with such things. At all times what are shown are churros but as the only thing that varies between churros and porras are that the first carry more flour than water and are thinner and the second more water than flour and are usually thicker, we wanted to just change the name of what they're eating. Everything written in conversations in italics are Spanish words written in Japanese but written with the correct word and not in katakana, so that it can be easily understood when reading
Thursday, May 4th in Spain. Today the "surprise" was at breakfast, a novelty and surprise first of all for guys, Hiromi, Reki, Langa and Miya, since the other four had already tried it. Ainosuke, Kaoru, Tadashi and Kojiro tried it; from the hand of the last one; from the advent calendar they all seven made two years ago to Ainosuke. And since that day, the four of them kept taking it every Thursday at a good hour of the early morning/morning. Although this was the first time they didn't have to get up so early to enjoy it at their leisure.
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And besides, this time Kojiro would not have to do it. The day before, Pilar told them that there was a churreria where she went every day for breakfast and they decided that it would be a different experience. 
So today they were all going to go to that churreria. Although when they went out had to take the umbrella, as it started to rain. When they arrived, saw that it was a very colorful churreria.
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They went in and sat down at a table. Pilar found and told them that they had to go order at the bar, as the waiter wouldn't come here.
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Almost all of them got up to go there.
Ainosuke went to order churros, but at the last minute he saw the word porras, and it caught his attention.... So in the end, he ordered the chocolate with porras. Hiromi, Tadashi and Kojiro brought the porras and chocolate to the table.
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Meanwhile, Langa was reading to Reki the meaning of churro and what they were made of.
Langa: Reki, it says here that churros are made of water, flour, oil and salt.
Reki: Just that? I thought it would have some kind of national ingredient? I ate them in a cafeteria with my mother, my grandmother and my sisters, but I don't know if they would taste different here? Although that day I was more focused on skateboarding than on eating...
Langa: Have you already eaten them? 
Reki: Yes, but not the ones here. So I would like to try them too.
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Ainosuke: My servants, today you're finally not going to eat churros, you'll eat porras.
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Kaoru: But what's the difference between one or the other?
Ainosuke: The porras are fatter and longer?
Kaoru: ADAM... I wasn't asking you, I was asking Carla. But... So... A porra could also refer to Kojiro's fat and long one...?
Kojiro: 💢 ...Churros as you saw, are loop shaped, thin in thickness and have a dense dough.... As ADAM already said, porras are thicker and spongier and contain air inside.... And you don't want to say that in public, especially when there are children in front of you?!
Kaoru: Wait, you're telling me we're paying more for less?! 💢
Kojiro: Kaoru, will you listen to me!!!! 💢
Ainosuke: Cherry, yes about what you said about Joe. Langa-kun, you should dip your porra in chocolate, you'll see it's really delicious. 💖
Langa: Sure. Thank you, ADAM.
Kaoru: Knowing how you defined the word porra before, now it sounds....
Kojiro: Don't think that kind of thing!
Kaoru: Why? As far as I know Snow also has a porra...
Kojiro: Kaoru!
Kaoru: On the hand. who's the wrong thinker now? 💢
Kojiro: Rotten four eyes! 💢
Meanwhile, the others, leaving Kaoru and Kojiro talking more than eating.
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Miya: These porras are really yummy with chocolate!
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Reki: These look like the ones I ate at the cafeteria with my family. They taste a little different, though.... 💖
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Hiromi: The chocolate is just right, though.... Isn't it a bit too hot to drink it hot?
Miya: Well, since it's raining, you can go outside to get wet and then drink the hot chocolate.
Hiromi: Miya... I'm not going out to get wet, I'd rather have more heat....
Miya: Okay, I was just giving ideas.
And Miya continued eating and drinking his hot chocolate with porras.
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Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama if it is too hot I can blow it for you to cool it down.
Ainosuke: I'll keep that in mind.
Tadashi: So... Would you like me to dip your porra in the chocolate?
Ainosuke: Tadashi, I thought you would ask such things in private? But if people around us don't care you anymore... 😏
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama... I think there is been a misunderstanding...
And Ainosuke opened his mouth and closed his eyes.
Tadashi: Oh, I see... I think the misunderstanding was mine. Forgive my mistake.
Ainosuke: You're grounded tonight.
Tadashi: All right, Ainosuke-sama. I will gladly accept it.
And Tadashi dipped the porra in the chocolate and directed it to Ainosuke's mouth.
Hiromi: Miya, don't look!
Kaoru: «How erotic...» - thinking - Kojiro... Stop arguing and do the same to me, I'm your husband.
Kojiro: I thought you'd be embarrassed by that kind of thing.
Kaoru: Now that you mention it, you're right, only ADAM would be able to do something like that in public.... Well, and Snow, since sometimes he's a bit.... "absent-minded".
Kojiro: *sigh* Go on, try the porras.
And finally Kojiro and Kaoru started tasting the chocolate with porras.
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Kaoru: By the way, Kojiro... These have the same shapes as the ones you made the first time.... I won't think of them the same way again, though....
Kojiro: They have the same shape but weren't the same, if you remember, their mass was denser.
Kaoru: Mmh... You're right. By the way, I'm going to stop thinking that way, I don't want to become a passionate, mono-neural being like you....
Kojiro: And this sudden change of thought...? 💢
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So everyone continued eating the chocolate with porras, though near the end; before leaving the establishment; Kaoru went to order a tray of eight churros so that everyone could try the ones of this country.
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Tomorrow, Friday, would already be their last day in Spain as a full day.
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~End of day 3 of Golden Week~
Would you like to see visually any specific scene of this day that we haven't photographed here? Let us know in comments, either here or on any of our social networks.
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Ainosuke Shindo-sama! 🌹🛹
In Japan is already May 1st and therefore Ainosuke's birthday! We have already celebrated with our sim Ainosuke his birthday (me and @van-yangyin), if you want to know how our sim Ainosuke spends his almost May 1st with his friends, you can read it below in English or Spanish (since there it can be upload more than 30 images).
~ In english
~ En español
You can also see on our Instragram (Van/me) a birthday post made by Ainosuke. Don't forget to check our Twitter too if you want (Van/me).
What's coming up for Shindo-sama this year? Find out what’s going on and enjoy with him his Golden Week 🌹
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8 notes · View notes
lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. The big party~ - 05/05/23 (May 5th in Spain ~ Last day) [Part 2/2]
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was last day, day 5.
You can read below cut line part 2 of 2 or complete on our Blogger where you can see too extras of Day 5. (From me and @van-yangyin). Go here to read part 1 if you want to read it on Tumblr.
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is Spanish conversation.
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Once inside, Kojiro and José heated up the leftovers in the fridge and cut up some Serrano ham.
José: Guys, today we know it's your last night in Spain, so let's celebrate in style!*
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In addition to the food that Kojiro and José prepared with the leftovers from the fridge, Miya went to get the freshly made juice that they put in there to refresh. By the way, Kojiro... What's with that look and smile towards Pilar?
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Well, that has a simple explanation (or at least so far), Kojiro made chocolate pancakes with strawberries in the shape of a heart and is watching and waiting for Pilar's reaction. 🤫
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At first, the idea was to eat outside, on the terrace. But a downpour of those short cloudburst more typical of summer than spring in Spain, started suddenly, and finally they decided to eat inside.
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Once they had finished eating and talking, it seemed that the rain had stopped, so they could do another of the things they had planned for the evening, but when it started to rain they didn't know if it would be possible: fireworks!
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Langa and Reki were the first to light some.
Langa: Reki, I'm going first!
Reki: What color will come out?
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Ainosuke: Langa-kun, wonderful choice!
Reki: But if he chose randomly...
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Ainosuke: Destiny predestined it! Finished in the shape of a heart.
Kaoru: It also looks pink.
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Reki: It's my turn! Yellow and white! 
Miya: White can't be you, you're not much of a perfectionist. (Miya refers to meaning of the color white, one of its qualities is that of perfectionism, as well as purity and innocence. Source)
Reki: Miya...
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Kaoru: Finished in pink? ✨
Kojiro: Wouldn't it be the mix of red and white from before?
Kaoru: Don't be a killjoy.... 💢
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Kojiro: Kaoru, shall we light one at a time?
Kaoru: I'll light it better than you.
Kojiro: We'll see about that!
Between pushes they lit it at the same time.
Miya: It's JoeCherry fireworks.
Kaoru: Don't name us a pairing, besides why should I be behind? Clearly I like to...
Kojiro: Kaoru, don't say that in front of Miya!
Kaoru: Why, shouldn't he have a minimum knowledge of certain things at his age?
Kojiro: Clearly not private things like this.
Miya: I was just; innocently; putting a name to those fireworks. It wasn't that deep.
Reki: Well... Miya, you're just not very innocent...
Miya: Yes I am in those things that adults are talking about! 😤
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Miya: Shadow, can you help me?
Hiromi: Yes, I don't want you to burn yourself, choose and I'll light them for you.
Miya: Let's see... This one, this one and this one!
Hiromi: That many?
Miya: You've given me a choice... Oh, look! AdaJoeReki fireworks!
Reki: Miya! 😫
Miya: Ouch 😣💦 Hehehe, Slime I told you it's not that deep! 😆
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José, Pilar and the others also lit some and in the last remaining fireworks....
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama, would you like to light some?
Ainosuke: Of course. Let's see what destiny has prepared.
Between the two of them, they lit fireworks.
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Ainosuke: Well... Langa-kun didn't come out.... What a disappointment... 😔 «Blue, red and white... Tadashi...» - thinking.
Tadashi: But, Ainosuke-sama, there's blue.
Ainosuke: Tadashi, clearly that's my blue. Langa-kun's blue is beautifully light blue. The red is also me and the white.... Who could it be? *looking at Tadashi* Of course that one is...
Tadashi: It is his purity, goodness, greatness, wisdom and honesty.
Ainosuke: Indeed. Tadashi, more!
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Amidst fireworks and dancing, the end of that wonderful day came and also the end of the Golden Week for the eight of them, since the next day they had to get back on the plane to return to Okinawa and once they arrived at their destination, each one would return to their daily routines.
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~End of Day 5 of Golden Week and End of Golden Week~
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. The museum of Plants~ - (May 2nd in Spain)
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was day 2.
You can read it below cut line or on our Blogger where you can see extras of Day 2. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is Spanish conversation. Everything written at the end with this ** symbol, is English conversation.
Monday, May 2nd in Spain. After Ainosuke's video call with his "beloved" aunts, Tadashi came to see him.
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama, everything is ready for today.
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Ainosuke: Good, now we just have to wait until it's time. Tadashi, bring me my skateboard.
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Tadashi: Of course. The area is clear, there is no one suspicious.
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When time came, Tadashi gathered everyone at entrance and they waited for rental car that took them to the foot of a mountain at entrance of a village. And from there they walked to the last building in the village which luckily was a small town. Although it was something it didn't stop the complaints, especially because on the grass they couldn't go with their skateboards.
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The entrance looked like a magical place, but it was more magical when they entered as they were greeted by a male voice. Although they didn't see anyone, that male voice came from an AI.
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IA: Welcome gentlemen, here you will be able to see native and non-native plants. The owner's recommendation is that you stay until the evening or come during the night another day, because if it seems magical to you now, the special place would be even more so.
Kaoru: Wonderful.
Kojiro: The lighting in this enclosure makes the view spectacular.
Hiromi: Plants and flowers native to this country! They look so beautiful and so well cared for!
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Ainosuke walked into the side of the museum and saw a structure full of plants, the male AI started to tell him about those particular plants and where to find them.
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Everyone was amazed, with that museum.... Everyone except Miya, who seemed to be bored with the place every now and then and went outside.
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Later, though, he finally returned and they continued to look through entire museum until the end.
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While Reki and Langa were tired from all the walking, they wished they could have used their skateboards all day long.
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As they were finishing their visit, Ainosuke told them that they would leave through the back, since there special vehicles for mountains were waiting for them. And so it was that these vehicles took them to the entrance of a forest where a woman, Magdalena Villa, Albert Villa's wife and one of the owners of the plant museum, was waiting for them.
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She introduced herself and explained to them that her husband was the creator of the AI she had spoken to them about earlier. Magdalena told them that she herself would be their guide until they reached the house where they both lived, as it was a place somewhat hidden from the eyes of the townspeople. She and her husband were people not wanted by the other inhabitants there, although she told them that her husband would explain to them in more detail why they lived where they lived if he wants.
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When they arrived at marriage house, it began to rain.
Reki: And now it's starting to rain? ADAM said that this was more typical of April...
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Luckily they were close to the house and they could all go inside, where Faithful the family dog was waiting for them, Miya couldn't resist and petted him and they became very good friends.
Miya: What's his name, he's so cute!
Magdalena: What is he saying?*
Ainosuke: He's asking you what's his name?*
Magdalena: His-name-is-Faithful.*
Miya: Faithful, you're such a cute little dog!
Faithful: Woof!
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Reki: Hey! There are more kinds of flowers here. Are they medicinal?
Ainosuke: He asks if those flowers are medicinal.*
Magdalena: Just not those, they're just decorative. But I can show you some we have in the back of the house that we're letting dry so we can use them in food dishes and herbal teas.*
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Magdalena went to see her little Belen, their daughter. And Albert was outside with the animals.
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Magdalena: I'm sorry, Albert is not very sociable with people.*
Ainosuke: I think I understand him.*
Magdalena: Oh how silly of me, forgive me. I haven't offered you anything, now I'll prepare you something made with products from our house. Although I have a doubt, I talk and talk but I don't know if you all understand me.*
Ainosuke: Don't worry, I'll translate for you.*
Magdalena: Thank you, honey.*
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Albert then entered the house.
Albert: Good afternoon. I bring you a cheese made recently so you can taste it and take it home.**
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They greeted Albert back, although Albert doesn't answer them back.
Kaoru: Cheese? Again?
Albert: This cheese is suitable for all people who aren't soy intolerant, it's made from tofu.**
Ainosuke: Cherry, this cheese isn't made from milk.
Kaoru: I know, I understand English perfectly...! But the presentation isn't much different...
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Kojiro: It's like cheese you eat at home.
Kaoru: Are you sure, you don't want to see me intoxicated again?
Kojiro: Kaoru, if you don't believe me, there's a toilet nearby anyway. You can always use it.
Kaoru: Kojiro!!!
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And so they spent a long time chatting and tasting foods that the family was showing them.
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When it was late enough and they had to return to the vacation home Faithful family's little dog became sad.
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Miya: See you soon Faithful. Take care of yourself, okay?
Faithful: Woof!
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Kojiro: See you soon, buddy.
Faithful: Wow!
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And they left one by one.
Ainosuke: Tomorrow we won't move from the place! They will come to visit us and... Langa-kun, I'll show you two more gastronomic wonders.
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~End of day 2 of Golden Week~
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van-yangyin · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Ainosuke Shindo-sama! 🌹🛹
In Japan is already May 1st and therefore Ainosuke's birthday! We have already celebrated with our sim Ainosuke his birthday (me and @lea-heartscxiv), if you want to know how our sim Ainosuke spends his almost May 1st with his friends, you can read it below in English or Spanish (since there it can be upload more than 30 images).
~ In english
~ En español
You can also see on our Instragram (Lea/me) a birthday post made by Ainosuke. Don't forget to check our Twitter too if you want (Lea/me).
What's coming up for Shindo-sama this year? Find out what’s going on and enjoy with him his Golden Week 🌹
My SK8 sims compilation 🛹 | F.A.Q. | MY OTHER SNS | LEA’S SNS
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. PAERIA? PAELLA! ~ - 03/05/23 (May 3rd in Spain)
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was day 3.
You can read it below cut line or on our Blogger where you can see extras of Day 3. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is conversation in Spanish.
Wednesday, May 3rd in Spain. After spending the first hours of morning and after Ainosuke had spoken by video call with his loved aunts, he went with Tadashi, Miya, Hiromi, Reki and Langa to do skateboarding, among other things, until lunch time, while Kojiro was in charge of helping in the surprise of today and Kaoru was sunbathing for a while with Carla and a drink.
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Lunchtime was approaching and everyone returned to the vacation home.
The guests were arriving, among them José who entered the house following the smell, followed by his granddaughter Pilar. From where he stood told Kojiro that for not being from this country he had good hands for making Spanish food. Kojiro replied that it was thanks to him that he could now make the typical food of here, which, when guys left, he came to make the first one, offering Kojiro to make the second one, which, following José's indications, he has been making until now.
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Reki: Joe, you are great!
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Kojiro and José helped by Albert placed all the food between two tables, so that diners could take a plate. The food was starting from the right, Serrano Ham something very typical of the country along with cheese and olives, which were brought by Albert and Magdalena, all product of their farm. And finally; the leftmost; the star dish the famous and acclaimed by all the guys in the house, PAELLA! Or rather paellas, made by José and Kojiro, respectively.
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Paco: As we say here: Bon Profit!*
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Tadashi wanted to start with Serrano ham, but this dish came with cheese and olives.
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Ainosuke started with paella.
Ainosuke: It smells so good, I'm not going to leave a single grain.
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Kaoru: Let's see how good this Paeria is. (Kaoru says Paeria because he says it in Japanese, パエリア)
Ainosuke: Don't you want cheese?
Kaoru: 💢
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Hiromi also wanted to try Serrano ham, he thought it was a funny name.
Hiromi: Seraano hamu! (セラーノハム)
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Pilar's brother and Paco's husband; Mario; wanted in his words "to eat a paella made by a Japanese Italian chef" which was how he started calling Kojiro.
Mario: Grandfa, hire the Italian for the restaurant, this paella is to die for!*
José: You want to retire me already?!*
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Reki and Langa chose different dishes.
Langa: Spanish Ham and Spanish Cheese! 🤩
And Reki tried the paella, he didn't know if it was Kojiro's or José's, although what he did know was that it was delicious.
Reki: Koyomi, when you see this picture you will feel like eating Paeria. 🤭
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Kojiro ate the paella that José made, and that explosion of flavors in his mouth was like magic. While he was tasting the paella dish, José sat next to him.
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José: I congratulate you on your first paella, it's a dish that takes a little bit to get the hang of, but you came out very tasty. I can tell you have a Mediterranean soul inside you. Boy, if you run out of work over there, come to my restaurant, you have a permanent position as a first class Chef.*
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On the other hand, Miya knew which paella to eat, he filled half of his dish with paella made by José and the other half with paella made by Kojiro.
Miya: I want to eat more paella another day, it's really good! (He tried to say the word paella with a Spanish tone, as best as could).
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It seems that Ainosuke is quite full, Mario, José and Carmen are eating Kojiro's paella.
Carmen: I'm going with the kids, let's see if they want something.*
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And finally it's time to pick up the dishes.
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When they finish picking up the dishes Carmen asks Kojiro; in Spanish; if they can take a photo together, and offers him her mobile. And Kojiro answers in Italian saying that they could take a photo together without any problem.
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In the evening around the bonfire that Albert had lit at noon, some of them sat down, José included.
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And while looking at a cloud of sugar, which looked a little burnt, Ainosuke said to all those who were seated:
Ainosuke: Tomorrow I will show you one more gastronomy, this time, a sweet. Although some of us already know this one.
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~End of day 3 of Golden Week~
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. El Bar de Tapas~ - (May 1st in Spain)
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was day 1.
You can read it below cut line or on our Blogger where you can see extras of Day 1. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is text in Spanish.
Monday, May 1st in Spain. Ainosuke got up, got dressed "well", combed his hair and got ready to make a video call he had scheduled with his "beloved" aunts, although in reality only one of them was the one who had the lead.
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**Video call with her aunts**
Ainosuke: Good afternoon, my beloved aunts.
Ichiko (Aunt A): Good morning Ainosuke-san. We've been late because they didn't know how to put this up. Are you making good contacts? 
Ainosuke: The most important thing is that we are talking now. And of course, I'm making good contacts. 
Ichiko (Aunt A): Remember to come back as soon as Golden Week is over. No, better a day earlier, because of time difference.
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Ainosuke: Of course, I'll do my best to get there sooner. 
Ichiko (Aunt A): Well, I hope that "I'll do my best" will be sooner. Also, remember not to dirty our family name, let alone abroad.
Ainosuke: Don't worry, it's something I always keep in mind. But even if I wanted to, it's hard to dirty here. 
Ichiko (Aunt A): Ainosuke-san, yes they can. There are people who know you there too. 
Ainosuke: In that case, you have nothing to worry about. I won't. - «Bitch, I know very well that you've sent someone to find out what I do, since with Tadashi you can't. What you don't know is that he has lost us.» - thinking.
Ichiko (Aunt A): Good. Because being with people who don't bring you anything is unnecessary.
Ainosuke: All people love Japan as much as we do. Excuse me, I'll say goodbye now. I hope my beloved aunts have a good night, see you again tomorrow.
Ichiko (Aunt A): Remember, Ainosuke-san, don't dirty the family name overseas. See you tomorrow.
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**End of video call with her aunts**
Once the video call was over, he tousled his hair.
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And then took off the top of his suit.
Ainosuke: One day less to bear your obligations.
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And put on his everyday clothes.
Ainosuke: Now time to go skateboarding.
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When mid-morning came, someone rang the doorbell of Shindo's vacation home and an elderly woman appeared in front of the door.
Older woman: Good morning! Nice to finally meet you, my granddaughter has told me a lot about you. I am Carmen. Pilar told me you were coming this week on vacation to Spain.*
Ainosuke: Nice to meet you, Carmen. It is an honor for me to meet such a beautiful woman like you.*
Carmen: When Pilar told me that you were a very handsome and kind person she wasn't wrong. I came to invite you to spend the noon in my bar, I know that today is the worker's day, but we have prepared a special place for you and your friends, although if you don't mind you may find many more people because we have gathered all the family.*
Ainosuke: Thank you. If you give address to my secretary, we'll be glad to come.*
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Carmen: So young and you already have a secretary?*
Tadashi: Excuse me.*
Carmen wrote the address to Tadashi and said goodbye to all of them. Thanks to Carla, most of them could understand what she said, as Carla translated it out loud. So once she left, they all continued with what they were doing until it was close to noon when they got ready to leave.
The bar is also a restaurant and is called Bar-Restaurante Casa Carmen.
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Tadashi: This is it, Ainosuke-sama.
Ainosuke: Perfect, a tapas* bar.
(*) tapas says it in Japanese
Reki: Ta-pa-su?
Ainosuke: Yes.
Reki: What's that?
Langa searched the internet for タパス and the search turned up this.
Langa: Food that looks very tasty. Look Reki.
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Reki: But why is it so small?
Langa: So you can eat more?
Ainosuke: It's to whet your appetite, though Langa-kun, I think you don't need it.
Everyone was entering the place.
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Sure enough, Kojiro hit it off with the owners and offered to help them get a new experience while Ainosuke was given a table. Although all this was spoken in a mixture of Italian and Spanish with one of the workers as mediator.
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Finally with a table chosen, everyone went upstairs to sit down for some tapas. So they started to choose from the whole menu.
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While waiting for the food Ainosuke stares at Langa, while Langa is thinking about the food.
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Meanwhile Kaoru looks with an angry face... At whom?
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And Kojiro is writing to his friends from Italy, Nicola and Franco about the Spanish experience, as they are currently sharing the same schedule.
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At last the food arrived, or well, the tapas. And Reki keeps thinking why spend so much money on something that won't fill your stomach.
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Ainosuke: It's not the first time I've eaten tapas, there are many more varieties. It also depends on where you go in Spain. In this area for example sometimes it can be accompanied by....
Tadashi: Bread with tomato and oil, but the tomato is uncrushed, rubbed on the bread. It's something typical that you can find in the Mediterranean area.
Ainosuke: Indeed, it will be something we will try. But now taste what you have brought, my servants. [to know why he says "my servants" go here]
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After finishing his meal, Langa thinks it's little more than a starter...
Langa: Is that all?
Ainosuke: Yes, Langa-kun. Was that not enough? Now that we've worked up an appetite, we'll go home for lunch. Tomorrow I'll show you another gastronomic wonder. 
Langa: Gastronomy ✨✨✨
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Ainosuke before leaving with everyone, went to congratulate the chef for the tapas they brought him and talk to José, Carmen's husband, about other matters. They said their goodbyes and went home to eat lunch Kojiro had previously prepared. Tomorrow Ainosuke would show them something new about the country.
~End of Day 1 of Golden Week~
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