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。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚★   。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚★
無神家の輝く偶像✧ 【Tʜᴇ Sʜɪɴɪɴɢ Iᴅᴏʟs】
※𝕾𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙 ᏙՏ. 𝕿𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗 ᵉᵈⁱᵗⁱᵒⁿ
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
(𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎:「𝘿𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨」)
—You weren't sure if you wanted to bother Kou, who looks as though he was busy, engaged in something on his phone, his expression seems so serious that you're afraid calling him out at such time would piss him off.
You were just about to set his drink down on the table and take your leave, when he promptly lifted up his gaze, noticing you there, his features took a turn to flash a smile at you as he reached out to take the drink in your hand and bring it to himself,
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“Oh, so it's finally in stock? Awesome. Thanks for the run, Lil Maso kitty~
“I appreciate it ♪”
—Lifting his head from the focus of his novel in hand when you called out softly to him, Kuron's blank gaze travels to meet your eyes, sparing out a hand as he took the drink you ordered for him under his command into his hand,
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“....Thanks, little one.”
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“Hmm…What's wrong? Are you sleepy?”
“Heh, poor thing. It's been a long day today after all. Come closer, you can rest your head on me. The journey home will take a little while anyway, so you can take a short nap first, I'll wake you up once we arrived~”
To feel the weight of your head on my shoulder as you snooze away, I have a natural habit to run my fingers through your hair as you sleep snuggled up against my side. All I want is just for you to be comfortable, I would always stand as your temporary bed whenever you find yourself tired or just need a shoulder to rest on—
Sweet dreams, my Master.
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
Offerings Extraordinaire — 23 Surprises for Sure
A response fic for a whole lot of wedding gifts received from @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat & @mukami-kou-dazzlingpinkidol.
Written together with @ruki-mukami-dl.
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When Ruki and Yuriko had come back from their honeymoon trip to Shirahama, their shared bedroom had been in chaos for Ruki’s brothers had simply dumbed all the wedding gifts there after the reception.
Luckily, many of the gifts had also been not material things which made the situation a bit easier but after going through gift cards, restaurant invitations, and secret library access documents, the couple still have two big boxes full of things to sort out.
Other than that, there was another project ahead since they had decided to move their bedroom into the library to be closer to the books they both loved so much… and for… well, the fact they tend to spend most of their time there anyway, reading and occupying themselves with other matters.
So, the boxes were carried by the familiars in that very room, chaos spreading more and more. How come they already have so much… everything… even though neither of them was too fond of material things?
“Haa… I think we finally got the clothes and all in the right places…” Yuriko sighed, still staring into the closet. For once, she had arranged her garments tidily, folding them tightly and piling them up. Her first instinct was always simply to push everything on the shelves without further thought… still, every time Yuriko opened the wardrobe again, her clothes were folded.
I should do better. It’s extra trouble for Ruki… Yosh, from now on, I’ll make beautiful piles like this time.
The rustling of paper suddenly took Yuriko’s interest. She turned around, gazing at Ruki who had just lifted two boxes on the bed. The two boxes they had received from Kuron on their wedding day. 
Yuriko roamed right next to Ruki, peeking into the packages. “Eh…? Did Kuron include a note to each gift? That’s a lot of work…” Something smelled delicious. Yuriko reached into the crates searching through them, and she didn’t need to dig too deeply.  “Pastel fruity chocolates and some dark chocolate too… Oh my, all of these look so tasty! It says the dark ones are for you, Ruki.” Yuriko handed the box of dark delicacy to her husband, glancing at the white box with a more colorful set of sweets. “White chocolates…” she recited. “Oh, they have berry and fruit flavors! I think I will enjoy these a lot…”
But the chocolates weren’t the only juicy-smelling thing there. Soon, Yuriko was able to locate a whole lot of red bean paste sweets that wetted her mouth instantly. So. Many. Things. She would have loved to dig right in but the collection was stolen from her fingers.
“Do not open any of these before dinner.” Ruki’s lips brushed Yuriko’s earlobe. “You need something proper first. These snacks will ruin your appetite for sure. You can eat them later.”
Leaving a kiss on Yuriko’s cheek, Ruki sighed and pulled back. He turned toward the boxes again, picking up a note.
'Nothing much, but these are probably the most beautiful looking photo frames I could find all around the world, something in case for memorable photos taken of you guys to be put into fancy frames like these.'
“We have taken quite a lot of photos lately…” Ruki ran his hand through his hair and glanced at Yuriko who gasped instantly as her cheeks warmed.
“Umh! I don’t think those photos are suitable to put into frames!” Yuriko swayed her hips, shifting her weight, and crossed her arms.
“That is right, my angel. These special ones are for my eyes only, and I did not mean them.” Ruki chuckled. “But we could use these frames for family photos from the wedding.”
“—!!” Yuriko wanted to dive directly into the nearest box and she almost did. Of course, Ruki had meant wedding photos and not something else! She had known that, she totally had! Hastily, she pulled out whatever thing her hands reached first. And it happened to be…
“Oh my gosh! Such a beautiful lamp!” 
It looked more like a bouquet of lilies than an actual lamp. Yuriko could already imagine what it would be like when it was turned on. Picking up the tiny note, she read the words in it. 
‘This one's for Ruki—Happy early birthday Shujin! Since you love Yuriko so much and she's probably undoubtedly the best gift of you topped off of many things, so here, have a night desk light that's practically the symbol of the name of the love of your life' 
“It’s for you, Ruki.” Handing the lamp and the note to Ruki, Yuriko beamed. A safe topic to talk about.
“Kuron is right about one thing.” Ruki took the lamp and placed it on the nightstand. He stepped closer and leaned in, giving a brief smooch to his still smiling wife. “You are the best gift I have ever received. I did not deserve such a present, yet I simply take what is given to me and hold onto you forever.”
“Ruki…” Yuriko blinked, her heart fluttering over the sweetness of the words. “I… you… the best gift…”
It was like Yuriko was riding a roller coaster right now, dashing from one emotion to another. She crouched down and lifted a smaller box out of the bigger one. Opening the lid revealed assorted accessories. “Kuron has kept these in store? But… but… there are so many? When did he have time to get all these? This is way too much…” 
Everything was darn cute though from necklaces to wristwatch and a tiny fox ring. There was even a kitsune mask! Almost everything was white and blue like Yuriko’s fur when she was in her fox form… though she couldn’t recall if Kuron had actually seen her like that.
Then again, it’s possible… I’ve dozed off so many times in the living room or in the garden as a fox. Shaking her head, Yuriko giggled. What had she thought? Of course, everyone in the family knew about her other form. It was impossible to keep secrets here, it seemed.
“I should probably keep this in the box so that they won’t get lost. Then I can just pick one there whenever I want to wear them…” Yuriko moved the box to the shelf in their closet. Ruki followed right on her heels, showing her two bracelets.
“Let me put these there for now, too.” Ruki opened the lit and slipped the bracelets in. 
Yuriko stared at the pieces of jewelry. “They look good though. We should wear them at the family dinner later today.” 
“If that makes my angel happy, then we will do that.”
“Mhm! Let’s do that then~�� Yuriko nodded but soon, turned more serious. “Honestly… Kuron got way too many gifts for us. I mean… Of course, it’s once in a life event but he practically drowned us with these. I would have been happy with congratulations. I… I… feel a bit embarrassed. Is it okay to receive this much?”
Of course, Yuriko knew it was a tradition for the family to gift the couple… but still, she couldn’t comprehend with all this. Shifting in place, she gazed at Ruki. It was not like she didn’t enjoy getting presents but she couldn’t help but wonder if this was a bit overboard. She didn’t deserve this much and she wasn’t used to getting so many things at one time either. A little over a year ago, she had to beg to get the necessary clothes and other things for herself from her father. Now, she had more than she needed and it was… overwhelming? Yes, that was probably the right word.
“It is a lot indeed. I did not expect to get these many material things, almost more than we have space for.” Ruki sighed, roaming back to the box. “Hmm… what is this? A pumpkin set for soup and a note…”
'I know Little fox just likes pumpkin soup cooked by Ruki so this gift is for both of you? Shujin can use this whole set while cooking pumpkin soup for Little fox next time, heh?'
“—!! Excuse me?!”
How could Kuron know? No one had been home on that day! NO ONE! Gosh! Did the walls have eyes or something?
“I mentioned to Yuma that you liked his pumpkins.” Ruki coughed. “And that we made soup from them. Nothing more. He probably told Kuron.”
“Still… suspicious…” Yuriko muttered with heated cheeks. Better focus on the business at hand and let this matter slide. The soup set looked nice though and was perfect for the autumn times… but right now something else caught Yuriko’s interest.
“Ruki… look, look, these keychains are so cute!” Yuriko picked the keychains up and showed them. “This one has a note that says it’s for you.” She handed the one with a white and blue fox in it to Ruki and pressed the tiny dark blue bat with stary wings against her chest. “So cute! So, so cute!”
“Well… it looks almost like you as a fox, I admit that.” Ruki gave a smile to Yuriko who was already lifting more things from the box.
A set of wine glasses. Yuriko stared at them for a moment, her head tilted to the side. She hadn’t actually drunk wine ever before. At the beginning of the year, she had tasted sake and then drank it again at their wedding. Other than that, she had had one glass of champagne at the reception but that was it. Maybe it was time to taste some now while cuddling under their new warm blanket and listening to music with the couple earphones Kuron had also gotten to for them. That sounded kind of a romantic thing to do.
“Good grief, what is this?”
Hearing Ruki, Yuriko put the glasses and the blanket aside. As she turned around she saw him holding…
“...a ferris wheel, I think?”
'...I hope this doesn't seem too creepy, but…I used to snap pictures of you two being together, without eh…consent. Can't help it when I see you two being fluffy in public. Don't worry, these are literally all of them— I had them deleted right after I put them in this ferris wheel—cool right? Heh.'
Yuriko leaned closer, peeking at the pictures. She recognized the moments, yet she couldn’t recall seeing Kuron taking photos. So sneaky! This made her worry even more about how much he exactly knew. Nibbling her bottom lip, Yuriko spun the wheel sluggishly. No… she hadn’t noticed any of these photos taken, that was for sure.
Shaking her head, Yuriko straightened her body and stretched her arms. Just then, she noticed something. Flowers? But how had they made it through this time? Ruki and she had been on their honeymoon for a week and then focus on their studies for another.
As Yuriko picked up the bouquet, she didn’t catch any natural scent in it. Roses looked almost like real ones but the fragrance was missing. Yet, they were pretty to look at and would make a nice addition to the room.
“Oh… I think these roses would look great if we put them in a vase. Don’t you think so too, Ruki? There is still space on that small table next to the couch.” Yuriko pointed out the said piece of furnishing. 
“Are you sure that is a good idea, Yuriko?” A smirk. “We do not want glass shards on the floor…”
“...umh…” Certain images washed over Yuriko’s mind, her cheeks flaring. “I… I think I’ll move the table a bit further from the couch, just in case.”
While Yuriko was at it, Ruki seemed going through more things from the boxes. “A debit card for you…? Hmmm, I guess that is not a bad idea for you to have such a thing for the things you need to buy.”
Continuing, Ruki started to lift up ties from the boxes, spreading them on the bed. “Kou helped to pick this? I have to say I do like the color. These will go well with my other clothes.”
Finally, Yuriko had been able to relocate the table as she wanted. She left the bouquet on it, deciding to get the vase later. She turned around, seeing Ruki holding a dress that was full of ruffles and looked like something suitable for a princess.
'...this dress, it's the one I said I was going to get for you but…actually already got it for you in advance, only to be…rejected. I guess it was my fault to put it so harshly and beating around the bush, never gotten to the point of truth, but…this is the truth, I already had it bought for you…before I even tell you, I'm sorry for the rough time I put you through…I hope this dress doesn't give you a bad taste in your mouth…I'm still so sorry'
Ruki recited the note. “At least he apologizes for his actions…” He sighed, showing another dress to Yuriko. It was more classical style and could go perfectly for a winter ball due to its white color and furry collar.
'I actually also got another dress alongside with it, cause well…I'm indecisive? Heh. I couldn't choose…but hey you got two dresses now! Maybe something to wear during anniversaries with Ruki…?'
Lifting a brow, Ruki hauled the rest pieces of clothing onto the bed. How on earth everything would fit in the closet Yuriko had just arranged?
“Another note?” Ruki lifted the paper and read it out loud.
'Another thing I've kept in store, just a bunch of fashion outfits for Little Fox, I hope they're the kind she likes I picked them out very carefully.'
“Kuron seems to take a liking to dress you up like you were his personal doll.” There was a cold note in Ruki’s voice as the words echoed in the library. “Hmph. But I do not say that these would not look good on you. I guess he has an eye for such things.”
Ruki pushed another dress on the bed and closed the distance between him and Yuriko. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her against him and inhaling her neck. “You are mine. Never forget that. My very own Yuriko. My wife. Forever.”
Gliding the tip of his nose along the column of Yuriko’s neck, Ruki drowned in her scent. Gently he sank his fangs into a slowly throbbing vein, breaking the skin and making the blood sparkle on his tongue. Yuriko grabbed his shoulders, tiny fingers clenching the fabric of his shirt as much-yearned moans of pain mixed with pleasure filled the air of the room.
“Oh gosh! Yes, I’m yours. Everything in me is yours…” Yuriko panted in between whines that escaped from her lips. Even though Ruki made sure not to suck harshly, her head was already spinning. Not from pain, nothing like that… but because of the coursing heat that had bothered her for a while now. “Ruki… please… gosh! If you… if you keep this up… I will…!”
Clinging to Ruki, Yuriko moaned louder. The answer was a small chuckle, followed by a lick over her neck as Ruki sealed the fresh bite mark.
“Such a good girl, cling onto your master. Never stop yearning for my fangs.” Ruki sighed against Yuriko’s neck, taking a deep breath right after. It was easy to feel his grin on her skin. “Again? I wonder what has come into you. But we have a task to finish. Do your part and I will reward you with what you are longing for~”
Ruki took hold of Yuriko’s hands, gently parting her fingers from his shirt and kissing each tip once while keeping his gaze glued to hers. The gaze full of promises that made her squirm in place. “There are still a few things in those boxes. Why do you not take a look?”
“I… I will!” Yuriko nodded, finally sliding from Ruki’s grasp and hurrying toward the bed with slightly trembling legs and out of breath. She grabbed the first item that her hands met, lifting it up. “Eh…? A plush toy?”
It was… Yuriko blinked, staring with an empty head. Ruki? How come…?
“Eeeeehhh!” Swinging around, Yuriko showed the thing to her husband who instantly frowned.
“That Kuron…”
“I love it! I’m going to put him to sit on the shelf!” With bouncing steps, Yuriko almost danced to her bookshelf and placed the softer version of the love of her life there.
“Haa… You are a handful indeed.” Ruki chuckled. “Here. I think she belongs right next to him.”
Suddenly, Ruki was behind Yuriko, reaching toward her shelf and placing another plush toy right next to the one that presented to himself. This one had white-blue hair and a cute little face Yuriko recognized all too well.
“Oh my gosh, so adorable!” Yuriko giggled. “Yes, you’re right, Ruki. She belongs just there~”
“You are adorable.” Ruki pecked Yuriko’s cheek before returning to the box hand in hand with her. “The last things… Hmmm, it seems Kuron got us a few novels.”
Yuriko picked up the note, reading it out loud for both of them.
Books, your favorite you both—and ah…two of them are…you know…but I'm sure you'll like them, I carefully handpicked all of them for you, with Kou alongside to help, hope they suit your taste though?'
“That’s nice~” Yuriko smiled and leaned against Ruki’s arm as he went through the novels. A tiny crease appeared in between his brows while he stared at the back cover of one of them. “Umh… what is it, Ruki?”
“I have never understood the allure of such literature…” There was a hint of distaste in Ruki’s voice.
Odd. Usually, Ruki was open-minded when they were talking about reading. Yuriko snatched one of the books and opened it, confused. 
Yuriko blinked.
“Oh my gosh!”
Burning rushed up her cheeks as she slapped the cover shut.
Sighing, Ruki took the book from Yuriko’s hands and put it aside. "You do not need to read such literature. You have me, your one and only master. I engrave a whole naughty story with my fangs in your skin. I will show you much more than you can find in those books. Shameless adventures that you will never forget. No other man will be in your imagination. You will think of me only. Forever."
Pulling Yuriko closer, Ruki leaned in. "Now be a good girl and show me your shoulder~"
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The CG edit is made by @cutelih.
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“It is I~”
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“Nice to meet you, M Neko-chan~”
“Hey there and a big welcome to my specially curated blog, just for you!”
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“I’m sure that you already know me, if you don’t then you’ve clearly been living under a rock and I’ll be really disappointed in you, I’m the no.1 top idol after all!”
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“Though, since you’re here, it must mean you’re curious about what a renowned idol like me is always up to right? Or maybe you’re just so attached that you can’t help but take this chance to get closer to me?~
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“Well it’s your lucky day because your favourite Dazzling Pink Idol finally has a place for you to do just that, to your hearts desires even~”
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“All you have to do is step up and ask me anything you like! I can’t wait to see M Neko-chan’s secret requests, it’s going to be so much fun, hehe~”
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☆Want to get to know more about me briefly (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)?
▶Then click this pasta (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞🍝✨
☆Before that, you must make sure to obey me, alright?~ (=ʘᆽʘ=)✦
☆I have a best friend!ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿💖 you must know about him he's also famous! And most important to me
☆Even though I'm a very very veeeery busy most of the time due to a Superstar I am —got something else you want to know about? Don't be afraid and ask away
(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ you nosy little m neko chan☆ but please don't rush me though (/ =ω=)/ or I'll be very pissed off ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ …..
Annnd that's all for now!~~
𝐌𝐦𝐧 𝐊𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐞☆
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romanticvampiric · 1 year
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Kou mukami ☆
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We are going to use the pink and red tones just for this occasion❗ while i continue with the photo of Ayato miau meow baby.
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dialovers-translations · 10 months
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Masterpost [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
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[ プロローグ ・ PROLOGUE ]
[General] [Sakamaki ver.] [Mukami ver.] [Tsukinami ver.] [Kino ver.]
キノ  ・ KINO
[ ボーナス ・ BONUS ]
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koumukumailife · 2 months
Kou x yui texting story masterlist [the unhinged version ie the fanfiction masterlist
Please feel free to to reblog this if you want to I would love for more people to see it
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ayarori · 2 years
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blue-aotan · 10 months
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「キングダム 運命の炎」
(またるろ剣w w
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無神コウ—𝐌𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐨𝐮
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☆ The second eldest of the Mukami family (2nd brother)
☆ A bright and charming man with a personality that is as said to be open and cheerful as a young prince, easily the object of admiration for many girls
☆ Kuron's hard acclimaied Bro
☆ The main and first idol of the Mukami family, specialising in pop music
☆ A second year student of Ryoutei Academy and counting
☆ Things that he likes coincidentally match perfectly with Mukami Kuron— Cats, vongole bianco
☆ Hobbies include listening to music, contemporary dancing
☆ Loves cats beyond compare, as well as a romanticist
A cruel cold blooded Do-S with a huge disregard for mercy and compassion...
【K n o w more about Him】
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——Under the blue sky, where dreams are born,
I find myself in a paradise adorned.
A realm of wonder, where worries fade,
Where serenity gleams, and troubles evade.
The sky above, a canvas of azure,
Painted with hopes, so vivid and pure.
The whispers of wind, a gentle lullaby,
Carrying my thoughts as they soar up high.
In this paradise, where time stands still,
Nature's symphony plays, a tranquil thrill.
The melody of birds, a joyous refrain,
As they dance amidst the blossoms' domain.
The scent of flowers, a fragrant embrace,
Their colors alive, in vibrant grace.
With each breath I take, the world comes alive,
In this wondrous sanctuary, I truly thrive.
In the distance, mountains majestically rise,
Their jagged peaks reach for the skies.
A reminder of strength, resolute and bold,
Guiding my spirit, as stories untold unfold.
In this symphony of serendipity,
I find solace, an eternal tranquility.
Boundless horizons, where dreams can grow,
A paradise that ignites my inner glow.
Oh blue sky and paradise divine,
In your embrace, true happiness I find.
Forever grateful for this sacred place,
Where beauty and serenity interlace.
So, let me dwell beneath the azure dome,
In this realm of solace, I call my home.
For within this paradise, my heart stays true——
Unveiling the wonders that lie in you.
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
Location: The Kitchen of the Mukami Mansion
An RP interaction with @mukami-kou-dazzlingpinkidol ​
“Hey don't laugh! This is serious, this is a serious situation. I'll bite you know! I'm not funny.”
His whole body seems to bob back and forth in her open palm as that small form wiggles in the hold, the tiny feet tickling all over.
“Oh my gosh, Kou-kun! Too funny! And don’t tickle me like that!”
Surely Yuriko couldn’t cook like this but somehow she was just beaming. Kou had always been the funny fun but now he was being hilarious, and right now Yuriko didn’t need to be afraid that he could actually bite her.
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(( Sorryyy~ I know this is a crappy art but I had no better things to do on this Saturday (or maybe I was procrastinating those) and I just remembered how much fun I had with this interaction.
Kou the worm was hilarious and darn cute 🤭 Though I hope that he was able to return his normal state eventually~ If he wasn’t I’m willing to adopt him as a pet  💗  
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Name: Mukami Kou / 無神コウ
Age: Physically and renowned, 17 y/o
Actuality, 200+ undetermined y/o
Gender: Male
Species: Half-vampire (human converted)
Height: 176 cm / 5'9"
Weight: 55kg /121lb (Minimal fluctuations for occupational purposes)
Blood Type: Type B
Birthday & Zodiac: 28th January, Aquarius ♒
Sexuality: Subjectively straight (But for one exception)
Foods — Esp: Vongole Bianco, Ebi Furai
↪ Although being a lover of food despite his stature, no other dish ever comes close to being as favored as the two names. Something about fresh seafood and the savory goodness of the sauces and aroma just resonates with him.
Cats and Felines
↪ Even his reputation for loving cats precedes him, however it is ultimately a mystery as to why, other than felines are just a deal more adorable and calm to tend to, the perfect sort of companion in his opinion.
Musicality — Esp: Pop, music, singing, dancing
↪Being his favorite activities, he is able to make them into his all time career. Even if not for the sake of his work, he would still indulge in singing and dancing, even when alone. Being alone since young, the tunes he sang to himself during his youth were made into his new passion.
↪Despite his perkiness and his outings with fans and choice of work, he dislikes interacting with people that are slow to catch his intents as well as liars that think they can catch him off guard.
Failure and Losing
↪He hates being one upped by others, especially by mere humans and would do anything to win back his deserved ranking, even by way of blood if it comes to it.
Unpleasant things
↪Be it his surroundings, style, looks, etc. Anything that he could deem ugly or bad is an automatic no from him. He is corruptly discriminate since he believes even just having basic good looks could work well.
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☆Physical Description
Being called the pretty blonde idol, it's a no brainer that he had a hair of naturally curled golden yellow, with a miniature pony tail tied up in such a way, like the dangling stalk of wheat grain, that holds up his longer hair length which is styled to one side, long enough on the right that it covers over his one magical eye, concealed away as his bright twin sky blue reflective irises. He has skin that is as fair and white, a thin slender frame that is built for ease of his career. On his bare back are hidden away scars and injuries that stem from his long past.
Commonly, he would put on his casual wear of black long sleeved, white polka-dotted sweater shirt, paired with fitted black jeans, and an extra addition of a magenta crew jacket for extra amount of flare ✨. He does own a particular set of wardrobe but thus such his normal wears that would normally be a shade of pink. Being the only idol of his school, he is also able to bend the rules and own an exclusively tailored school blazer and a custom badge and pin that he owns.
Accessory wise, he dawns on his usual set of black and white bracelet and gold plated sheet wristlet, as well as a singular red marbled earring that dangles on his left side. He also owns a newer set of sky blue, glass encased necklace that resembles the refraction of the clear skies, chained around his neck, and a final exclusive magenta gemmed ring around his ring finger, and sometimes house middle finger.
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Predominantly speaking, he is a Do-S, an idol that is the definition of two faced despite his good looks and friendly gestures, bearing no sign of care or tender towards mortals that displease him. To those that he favors for a time, he's an absolute charmer and prince that bears gifts and roses, to others he could care less for their lives. His superficial attitude hides under it a misgiving ruthless monster with a carnal taste for blood.
↳ Being a top idol even at his announced younger age, Kou is more than just a little prideful of his achievements, making the best out of his status without even a thought of shying or humbling from the knowledge that he is talented. He would take upon his fame and use it to get his way most if not all the time, that paired with his sweet way with words, would often have things be presented to him with smiles and open arms.
↳ What Kou lacks in suave, he makes up for with excessive confidence in himself. As both a vampire and a man that has the sort of fame and influence which he possesses, he is quite bold to assume his dominance over any given situation or person. And adding to the fact that he knows he has extraordinary beautiful features, there is nothing that he sees in himself unworthy of being prideful for.
↳ Short-fused and easily nerve-struck, he doesn’t take lightly towards mockery and ridicule. Some words that might seem perfectly acceptable may trigger his anger because of the slightest hint of condemnation. His bad temper easily has him become instantly and physically involved to bring harm to anyone that leaves a bad impression on him. Whether by hurt or by ridicule, he will absolutely get even with them.
↳ To any prey that falls under his grasp, he will make them submit to his commands and sadistic requests. They could be as simple as mere taunts and humiliation that gets them to react to his whim until they would eventually surrender, or it could encompass his influence over the numerous fans he has to commit his bidding, be it to harass someone that he has his gazes on, or directly ruin a person’s lively hood.
↳ A far cry of a statement from the atrocities that he could commit against any person that crosses his nerves. A mere rejection or refusal to his demands could end up with someone ruthlessly tortured in the worst ways imaginable. He barely has any form of sympathy or mercy to any others but those he has deemed fitting and worth his time.
↳ Hand in hand with his manipulation, his entire personality is a deception. His behavior morphs from the kindest partner that you could ask for help anytime to the jailer of your local prison. His directive towards people is encompassed by his pure unfiltered emotion which can have him treat one person with the utmost kindness before becoming a sadistic demon when refuted against his will.
↳ Reserved only towards his family, he would go to any lengths to protect and care for them. After spending their entire childhood together, they have a bond stronger than mere blood brothers. His greatest loyalty is towards Karlheinz, who he regarded as the saviour that presented him with a second chance at life, and as such he has devoted his later years to completing and fulfilling his given order and newfound purpose.
↳ Being Kou’s most objective outlook in life, he believes that nothing in this world is given for free and that every favour and gift should be paid back with the intent of getting something in return, a pure give-and-take society. That being said, most and every other person that would gain something from him have one common way of returning his gesture, their blood.
☆MBTI: Deep Analysis
While not being an entrepreneur, Kou posses the very same needed qualities of a man with undoubted pride and confidence to and whilst embarking on their task. Their roles give them the ability to spark an impact on their immediate surroundings, regardless as they have a way to ease from one group to another while giving off their stature with ease. Entrepreneurs love and adore to be te centre of attention, often times commanding the crowd while they display their arts and talents while coming on their stage. As the this personality suggests, Kou is one to dive head first into any sort of incidents, whether it be pleasent surprises or troubles, earning them a reputation of risky behavious, but with their risk comes their joy in living a life of fun and thrill as personality type enjoy drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to their logical minds. They are forced to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response.
With their activeness in place, it is also known that his makes school and other highly organized environments a challenge for Entrepreneurs. It certainly isn’t because they aren’t smart, and they can do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning that Entrepreneurs enjoy. It takes a great deal of maturity to see this process as a necessary means to an end, something that creates more exciting opportunities.
Entreperenuers rarely have a sense of heavy morals, often times taking emotions into lesser or non importance, hence feelings of others are not all that important to them, often times trampling and in Kou’s case, using these said emotions to their advantage and stringing a set of manipulations to his advantage.
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Ruki Mukami
↪ Being the eldest of the family, it’s no secret that Kou as well as everyone else deeply respects him. As prideful as Kou can be, he knows that even if he can’t solve everything, he could rely on his eldest brother to help him when things get too desperate for him to handle alone. Ruki is aware that Kou is reckless and a troublemaker that easily draws attention, hence he would be quite stern to warn his actions during most occasions.
Kuron Mukami
↪ The newly inducted member of the family that has rather unique love hate relationship with Kou. Often times, they would be seen together in shoots or on stage as the dynamic duo, on other occasions they would be having arguments and disgruntlemets around the house. Their connection isn’t that far from that of a brotherly bond despite Kuron joining the household later on and him being the second idol within the family.
Yuma Mukami
↪ A steadfast and down to earth brother that everyone can rely on. If Ruki were the leader and mediator, Yuma would be the caretaker that does the most helpful work to preserving the house, tending to the gardens and at most times, the meals. He treats Kou rather bluntly and they have a connection that makes them seem more like friends as they would banter a lot and have fights over the tiniest of subjects, erning them scoldings from Ruki.
Azusa Mukami
↪ The youngest within the family that everyone, including Kou himself, pampers and gives the most care towards, being one with quite the inclination to harm himself. Despite so, Kou has an eager tendency to bully and tease his younger brother from time to time, but all within the bounds of brotherly love as he would try to get his more self-kept brother to be more open and expressive like himself.
The vampire king is both the savious and benefactor for the brothers, all of them receiving their immortal gifts from his own blood, as such, they have dedicated their lives for the purpose of pursuing the master’s plan for the Adam and Eve Project. Kou himself, receives a more extraordinary and personal gift from the lord of the underworld, his gemmed right eye that grants him the abliteies to read the hearts of men, all this for which Karl was helping Kou understand and open his heart to the world. As such, Karl had also served as a pseudo mentor to Kou personally.
Despite being the children of the vampire king, the Mukami brothers very often clash and have major disputes with the spawn of their lord, this can stem from their hatred for the nobles and their status as aristocrats, as well as their almighty assumption that they should own and take everything that they can. They don’t necessarily get into unnecessary fights with each other, often times they would keep to themselves, whilst working together during the most dire of situations is possible when needed.
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無神家の輝く偶像—☆𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐬★
The Shining Idols is the product of the dynamic duo between Kou Mukami, The Dazzling Pink Idol, and Kuron Nakashiki, Mr Sadistic Cat himself, also the two known remarkable existence that exists like two bright shining stars in the Mukami household where both of them are most commonly seen in multiple projects, ranging from dual featuring albums, partnership photoshoots, as well as multiple big and small film productions that feature their collaborations together. The main reason for their partnership started with the purpose of increasing the charisma of any project they were in. When they are seen and scouted together, they seem to be powerful together like an unstoppable dynamic duo, emitting the air that says "Don't mess with us".
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Since a young age, he had been forced to live and fend for himself as he was left abandoned and alone in the sewers, surviving on scraps in the dark as the world outside went through war after war and changes. Thus such, the source of his greatest nightmares that went on for years as he spent his time alone in the dark, before he was finally found and retrieved back to the outside world. His whole perception would change as he would be subsequently brought to live in an orphanage in town, where both his dreams and nightmares continued.
Continuing his days as a common boy in the days, his exceptional beauty even as a child plus his unnaturally fast healing, would attract himself to become the prized pet of a dementing high class township, where he would gain he infamous 'give-and-take' with each night of torture that he endures as a plaything for those that would pay the run down orphanage, and with each passing day where he would be rewarded for his 'services', endlessly. For a while, this would be his source of contentment since he could get good food and stay as long as he endured the worst.
During one of his worst days, he would come across a tiny black kitten being bullied by the other children. His own sense of self made him step in to protect it at the expense of his own body. Such since then, perhaps touched by the child, the kitten would spend almost every day with the young Kou, becoming inseparable and irreplaceable friends that would care for each other. (This would also serve as the basis for the reason why Kou happened to be so infatuated with all cats in the future). One day on one of Kou's nightly services, it would all occur as usual until seemingly it was going too far when one of the nobles were about to beat him with a wine bottle and the kitten had jumped forward in the nick of time to defend him, however ultimately, the kitten would be killed from the impact.
The devastation of the lost of his friend would drive Kou back to a stage of pain and grief, where the darkness almost made him kill himself, if not for the intervention by Ruki, that makes him come to his senses. Over time, with the acquaintance Ruki as well as Yuma and Azusa, the now band of brothers that have grown closer together over time, would eventually grab their chance to run away together from the hellish orphanage, where they would be chased along the way, before finally coming across with Karl Heinz, who gave them sanctuary as well their new future together as the Mukami brothers.
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≫Not many know but sometimes when Ruki kicks Kou out to return cats away, he'll eventually bring them to his personal cat hotel, where there's a whole shop's worth of them.
≫Despite the multitude of accessories he owns, he almost never changes between them. Hence, he still owns a full box of unopened items.
≫He eats food that's dropped on the ground, it's a habit—usually during brain fart moments. He gets a lot of scolding from the others but he proceeds to eat them like nothing happened.
≫He may have one of the higher body counts out of everyone of the known vampires since he's quite the 'active' fellow. But it's not just the sexual kind…if you get the ghist of it.
≫Little do people know, he does have a few specialty black clothing that he keeps in the closet that just knows are a to die for clothing, he just saved them for a particular event so not to spoil the image and surprise.
≫Kou does actually have a favorite kind of bread that he doesn't even know he would love. This is because of an incident in his past that made him feel comfort from a single bite, and until he tastes it again, he would never realize he loves it.
“It's everyone's favorite charming pop idol —Kou Mukami the 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥☆ reporting in. Let's get along together from now on, shall we, M Neko-chan?~”
"You must know who I am right? I'm suuuper duper famous! It's your loss if you don't even recognize me, you're basically being graced by the presence of a shining idol and you don't even know it, you should be grateful for that!"
“So why don’t we have some fun~ As long as you listen to me and do as I say, you'll be just fine during your stay. And when I do give you any gifts, you better have something else prepared to return as a token of favour to me.”
“After all...”
"It's a mere world of Give and Take…”
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-*:・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=)*:・゚✧
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romanticvampiric · 1 year
Tomorrow is this sunshine birthday. ♡♡
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Mukami Family 5th Eternal Blood Vol.3 & Vol.4 Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Certain Day at the Mukami Household
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Original title: ある日の無神家 [コウ・アズサ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers Mukami Family 5th Eternal Blood Vol. 3 & Vol. 4 Animate Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei & Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: This CD was very...random lol. I did not expect a power tower to be inside Kou’s package AT ALL. Honestly, the most tricky thing about this CD  was to make sense out of all the background noises and get an accurate mental image of what is going on. This is definitely the kind of CD where I wished there was some kind of visuals to help me with that.
Kou: …Hey! The doorbell’s ringing! I’m kind of too busy to open the door right now!
…Nobody’s around? Geezー Guess I have no other choice. 
 Kou gets up. 
Kou: Yeah, yeah…Who is it? 
He opens the door. 
Kou: …Oh. A delivery. You need my signature, right? …Wait! It’s huge! Whose package is this…? Let me see…’Mukami Kou’...For me!?
The delivery man asks for his signature. 
Kou: Ah, my signature, right? 
Kou: This’ll do, right? …Just leave it there for now. I’ll figure out what to do with it. 
Kou: Thanks!
The deliveryman leaves.
Kou: I’ll get in trouble if I leave it out here in the hallway, huh? That being said, there’s no way I can carry such a large package all by myself…
Azusa: …What’s wrong? 
Kou: Uwah! …Azusa-kun!? You’ve been standing there!? Don’t give me a scare!
Azusa: Oh…My bad. 
Kou: Perfect timing though~!
Azusa: Eh? 
Kou: I actually just had this huge package delivered to me. I can’t carry it on my own so help me out, will you?
Azusa: With package you mean…this? …Mmh, sure. 
Kou: Well then, let’s carry it to the living room right now! You hold that side, okay? Ready? …Three, two, one…!
They lift the box. 
Azusa: Uu…It’s even heavier…than I expected…I wonder what would happen…if I were to rest it on the floor…I’m sure my hands would get crushed underneath…hurting them…Fufufu…
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Ah, hey! Don’t tilt it! You can think about that sorta stuff once we’re in the living room, okay!? 
Azusa: Okay, gotcha…
Azusa: I’ll carry it to the living room, okay? 
They start moving towards the living room. 
Kou: Ah…I’ll pu it down here, okay? Ready…Go! There!
Azusa: There…
Azusa: Phew…
Kou: Ah~ That was so heavy. I’m glad we managed to get it here but what now?
Azusa: What’s inside this package? 
Kou: No idea. It’s a package for me so I guess I’ll open it.
Azusa: Mmh.
Kou opens the package.
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: I knew it…I mean, I kind of had a feeling it’d be this.
Azusa: …? 
You walk up to them.
Azusa: Ah…
Kou: Oh, M-neko-chan, you were at home? You should have answered the door earlier then. 
You apologize. 
Kou: Answer the door next time if you’re just going to say sorry now…Wait, are you listening?
You ask about the huge package.
Azusa: Kou got this, apparently. 
You ask who it’s from.
Kou: Or rather, it’s the prize I won at a variety show the other day. I gave them permission to deliver it to my private address because there’s not enough room at the agency but I had no idea it’d be this large of a package. 
You ask what it is.
Kou: You’ve never seen one of these, M-neko-chan? This is a power tower. They’re running a little behind on the trends though.
Azusa: How come you know about this, Kou? 
Kou: Who cares. Anyway, this doesn’t fit the aesthetic of my room and Ruki will definitely get upset if I leave it here in the living room. Guess I’ll throw it out before anyone else finds out. 
Azusa: Mmh. I believe that’s for the best.
You protest. 
Kou: Eh? Why would it be a waste when I know I won’t use it?
You explain. 
Kou: I don’t care if it was a prize or not. It’d just use up space and get in the way, right?
Azusa: We won’t get anything out of it by placing it here.
Kou: Yup, exactly! Besides, can you imagine Ruki using this thing to stretch every morning?
You shake your head. 
Kou: Right? 
Azusa: I…can’t imagine it either. 
You frown.
Kou: If you’re that persistent about it, why don’t you give it a try? Then tell me what you thought of it! If you’re very positive about it, I might just change my mind. 
You hesitate. 
Kou: I mean, if you don’t want me to throw it out, you better try and change my mind quickly. So come on, give it a try. You can’t help her, Azusa-kun. Just stand there and watch. 
Azusa: Mmh…I understand. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: …What’s that~? Having trouble reaching it, perhaps? I mean, the bar’s up pretty high after all. Maybe you should try jumping into the air to grasp onto it? 
Kou: Come on, M-neko-chan! Jump a little higher! That should be easy for a kitty like you, right?
*Thud thud* 
Kou: Wow! Great job~! …So, how does it feel, hanging down from it? 
You explain. 
Kou: Heeh…Now that you mention it, your back does seem perfectly straightened. Seems like someone has taken a liking to it, huh? 
You nod. 
Kou: I see. Then why not stay like that a bit longer? While we’re at it, I’ll turn it into an even better experience for you~ One sec, okay?
Kou steps away for a few seconds. 
Kou: Sorry for the wait. You’re still hanging onto the bar, right? 
Kou: It’s impossible to read without a stepping stool after all. …Now if I do thisーー 
*Rustle rustle* 
You ask what he’s doing.
Kou: Huh? I’m using this rope to tie you to the bar. This way you can keep hanging on it even if you let go, see? …All ready!
Kou: Ahahaha! Now you can truly get the full experience! This device, you see…
Kou: I wonder if it’s meant to improve these back muscles? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Aah, I see~ I guess you train them by wriggling around like that~ Then do you think it’d improve these muscles as well? 
Kou: Fufu, what’s wrong, M-neko-chan? You’re twisting your body from left to right~
You protest. 
Kou: Heeh…It doesn’t work to improve the neck muscles, you say? Then maybe you should make even bigger movements! …Like this!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Fufufu…Does that tickle~? …Right, right! If you move your whole body like that, it might really work wonders! I’ll tickle you some more, okay? 
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: Fufufu…Ahahaha! Ah, right! I just had a glorious idea! I need to get something from my room so hang on! …Azusa-kun, she’s hanging down like that to fix her bad posture so let’s both try our hardest for her sake, okay?
Azusa: I see…Gotcha. 
Kou runs off. 
Azusa: …I wonder what has gotten into Kou all of a sudden? He seemed to be having a blast. 
You reach out to Azusa.
Azusa: …Yes? You want to ask me something? 
You ask Azusa to help you out. 
Azusa: Why do you want me to let you down? It’s for your own good, isn’t it? 
You explain. 
Azusa: It hurts? Then…I’ll let you down right away, okay? 
He walks over and starts untying the rope. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: …Hm…Huh? It’s been tied with a really complex knot…
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: Oh…You want me to put you down on the floor? …Mmh. Sure. 
Azusa: Oh…I wonder if I could use this lever to change the height of the bars? 
*Cling cling* 
Azusa: Is this good? Can you reach the floor with your feet now? 
You nod. 
Azusa: Mmh. …Hey. How badly do your wrists hurt? 
You explain. 
Azusa: A numbing pain? In that case…I should really try and remove the rope. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: I’ll start with this side, okay? …Ugh…
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: Eve, are you alright? Your arms must hurt, huh? I promise I’ll untie you at once. 
Azusa: Ugh…Uu…
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: Hm…
Azusa continues to struggle with the rope. 
Azusa: Oh…!
The power tower nearly tips over.
Azusa: …Ugh…That was close…My bad, Eve…Ugh…
Azusa tries to fix it back in place. 
Azusa: Phew…
Kou: Ah! Hey! Azusa-kun, what are you doing!? I told you not to touch it but you’ve lowered the bar!
Azusa: S-Sorry…I just couldn’t watch her in pain. …Ah, by the way, Kou. What did you bring with you? 
Kou: My phone! I figured it’d be fun to snap a couple of pictures of her! I was even going to show them to Ruki-kun and Yuma-kun afterwards but that plan’s been kind of ruined now.
You beg Kou to untie you. 
Kou: Yeah, I know. I’ll remove the ropes right away. Ah-aah~ Boringー 
Azusa: I’ll help untie you as well…
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: Huh? That’s strange…It’s not coming loose at all…Ugh…
Azusa: What will we do…if we can’t untie the knot…? 
Kou: I’m sure we’ll find a way somehow! Come on, tug onto this rope together with me!
Azusa: Mmh…Okay. 
Kou: Ready, go!
They both tug onto the rope. 
Kou: …Phew, it’s loose!
Azusa: Haah…We did it. 
*Cling cling cling* 
You lose your balance as the power tower nearly falls on top of you.
Kou: Ah…Uwah! watch out!
Kou stops it just in time. 
Kou: …Phew, made it on time…
Azusa: Eve, are you alright…? 
You nod. 
Azusa: …Ah. …Hm?
Kou: …Ah. Don’t tell me…the thing we’re stepping on right now is…Ruki-kun’s precious book, isn’t it…? 
Azusa: Yeah. …The pages are all creased…
Kou: Oh no! We’ll be in serious trouble if he finds out! We have to get rid of all evidence before he gets home!
Azusa: E-Eh…? But…How do we do that…? 
Kou: We untied you, so you should fix this for us, M-neko-chan!
You tell them there’s nothing you can do. 
Kou: Gosh, you’re so useless! Ruki-kun could be home literally any second now!
They can hear the front door opening in the background. 
Azusa: Ah…Aah…W-What do we do…? Seems like he’s home…
Kou: Uwah…We have no other choice but to run then! Come on, you two! Hurry up!
Kou starts running away.
Azusa: Run…? But where do we go then? 
Kou: That doesn’t matter! Anywhere Ruki-kun can’t find us!
You ask him what to do with the power tower. 
Kou: I don’t care about that thing right now! If I had known this would happen, I would have thrown it out as soon as I had the chance!
Azusa: If Eve no longer needs it, let’s get rid of it. 
Kou: Oh come on! Let’s just run before Ruki-kun gets here!
Azusa: Ah, wait…!
All three of you make a run for it. 
ーー THE END ーー
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heavenlydays09 · 2 years
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