possettethenotpoet · 1 year
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“How do you see me?”
“The mongoose I want under the house when the snakes slither by.”
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possettethenotpoet · 1 year
"we are her fathers now."
"you delight in wickedness then berate yourself for the delight."
"i don't intend hannibal to be caught a second time."
"i've never known myself as well as i know myself when i'm with him."
"i have let you know me, see me. i gave you a rare gift, but you didn’t want it."
"we couldn't leave without you."
"i wanted to understand you before i laid eyes on you again. i needed it to be clear; what i was seeing."
"we’re conjoined. i’m curious whether either of us can survive separation.”
"you turned yourself in so that i would always know where you were."
"could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you, and find nourishment at the very sight of you? yes."
"part of me will always want to."
"i told him to leave because I wanted him to run ... because he was my friend. and because i wanted to run away with him."
"betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something akin to falling in love."
"you cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love."
"hannibal. i forgive you."
"i do feel closer to hannibal here. god only knows where i'd be without him."
"did you believe you could change me the way i've changed you?"
"i don't want to kill you anymore, dr. lecter, now that i finally find you interesting."
"i have to deal with you. and my feelings for you."
"we have a mutually unspoken pact to ignore the worst of one another to continue enjoying the best."
"mine? before you and after you. yours? it's beginning to blur."
"you wanted me to embrace my nature, doctor. just following the urges i kept down for so long, cultivating them for the inspirations they are."
"if i saw you every day, will, i would remember this time."
"hannibal said those words. to me."
"i'm not fortune's fool. i'm yours."
"have you had any contact with him?"
"one would argue intimately."
"what makes you think i want to catch him? you don't know whose side i'm on."
"but i can, if i can find them. and that's where i'll find him."
"you've never condemned me. not even under oath. you've always been my friend."
"not your life, no."
"he left me to die... but i didn't. he was supposed to take me with him. we were all supposed to leave together. he made a place for us. why did I lie to him? the wrong thing being the right thing to do was too ugly a thought. he gave me a chance to take it all back, and i just kept lying. he wants me to find him. after everything he's done, would i still go to him? yes."
"this is all i've ever wanted for you. for us."
"you were supposed to leave."
"and achilles wished all the greeks would die, so he and patroclus may conquer troy alone."
"i wanted to surprise you. and you... you wanted to surprise me."
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
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TOM CRUISE as Stefen Djordjevic, All the Right Moves (1983), dir Michael Chapman
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
the mapother cinematic universe (mcu)
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
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Miles Teller and Glen Powell attended Top Gun: Maverick premiere. Cannes, France. London, UK.
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
top gun maverick is really just a movie about a guy getting called old in various and creative ways and taking it personally
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
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- Can’t be. It can’t be! - Maverick.
inspired by hoe-biwan‘s insane gifs
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
i love tom cruise but dont forget the sansweep chaos
queen liz dropping dead tom cruise winning the dilf poll this is the funniest day online in years for me personally
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
my tumblr feed is either filled with the crazy event of sans winning against reigen by .01% votes or is spammed with concerning but brilliantly comedic memes of irish people practically spelling ding dong the witch is dead with their blasting fireworks in celebration of the queen's death
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
Ethan: Hey Benj?
Benji: *Stops typing on laptop* Hm?
Ethan: What color should I wear to the date this weekend?
Benji, confused and curious: Uh, dunno?
Ethan: Well we have to match, so what color is your suit?
Benji: ...hey Eth?
Ethan: Yeah?
Benji: Since when were we going to a date?
Ethan: Shit I forgot to ask you.
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
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goodness, gracious!
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
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UNCLE Headquarters, 1965
Detail crop and inspiration below the cut.
Keep reading
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
Luther: I saw Ethan go into the bathroom a while ago. I think I heard him sob? What happened?
Benji: He wanted to make cookies but he burnt the first batch. Will tried to assure that it was fine and took a bite, but he made a face and it sent Ethan into a flying fit.
Luther: That simple?
Ethan, from the bathroom: IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE
Will: *Visibly dying on the couch from food poisoning*
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
Benji: What part of "don't get yourself killed" don't you understand???
Ethan: *Holding his stabbed thigh* I love you so much.
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
If anyone asks me if I've finished watching Hannibal, my answer will be no. Before you go "Why? Is the thrill not good enough?" "Is it too gorey?" "I THOUGHT IT WAS YOUR COMFORT SHOW??"
Hold up.
I've finished season two and the only reason WHY I haven't watched season three yet is because I want something to live for. I want something to keep me on edge, reading more and more fics off AO3, something for my mind to dwell on when I'm bored switching between my three main apps on my phone.
I know it sounds like I'm edging myself by depraving myself of the rest of the show but the thing is, if I finish it, what will I do after that? Sure I could read more fics off AO3, especially the ones that have major spoilers of S3, and watch edits on TikTok and clip compilations on YouTube, but what will be my purpose to live??? I've already finished the show (I have very small hope in a fourth season), I've gored on 89% of the Hannigram fics and content, I've ranted out every single opinion I have on their non-platonic-because-its-obvious-they-want-to-fuck-each-other situation to my fellow Fannibal, what the hell am I supposed to occupy my mind with now that I'm basically done with eating the canon content out????
I will get to finishing the show though, I have yet to see what the hell happens to Bedalia and the relationship between these two fuckass gay dilfs. But for now, I won't be finishing it. It's been approximately four weeks since I've finished S2. Hopefully, I'll finish and reblog to this post saying something about my journey to the end of Hannibal.
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possettethenotpoet · 2 years
if you're not saying things like "if i saw you every day forever, i would remember this time" then i'm not interested
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