saiita · 10 months
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yi3248 · 11 days
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captain mactavish: i'm pretty sure my lieutenant and sergeant are rawdogging each other, but that's not my business
riley and roach: we are going to make it your business
theyre just looking over each other to make sure the other isnt injured too badly, definitely, no doubt about it
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我甚至不是因为想伤害谁才恨这个网站我只是因为现实生活一辈子没有人爱我然后爬过来这个网站以为可以以画画来换人爱我但是你们没有人理我白嫖我的画就让我一个人死。。。 已经很卑微的恨你们了
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hunxi-after-hours · 2 years
hi hunxi, just wondering if you have thoughts on the weibo blowup over the tgcf audio drama? from what i've read, people are upset about the following:
there's negativity surrounding both lead voice actors, but the majority consensus seems to be that 双儿's voice isn't suitable for xie lian. there's also a screenshot circulating of a comment in an anonymous discussion forum posted in march 2022, which accuses the production company of 内选 and of using the ip as a “捧人的垫脚石”. aside from the very loaded language, the predictions in the comment seem mostly to have come true (which has led some people to speculate that it was actually released by someone within the company itself, either as a "whistleblower" situation or to test out reactions beforehand).
fans of the book dislike the way that mentions of mxtx + new tgcf content were apparently dragged into the behind-the-scenes video to ... quell public outrage? i personally don't see a problem, but weibo posters put a lot of emphasis on the fact that 新修 chapters were underway BEFORE the audio drama and therefore not "exclusive" audio content or written for the express purpose of the audio drama's production.
there's a whole lot more that won't include here (hot search/rankings allegedly being bought, voice actor fans shading book fans, etc), but i really hope this isn't an insensitive or overly negative ask. i'm just surprised that chinese vs international fandoms are having such wildly different reactions.
hi anon! honestly, looks like you've summed it up pretty well — I came to the TGCF audiodrama to have a good time and was surprised by how much negativity there was in CN fan circles about it?
(post got long, throwing it under a cut)
I assume there's probably some history/drama surrounding these supposedly contentious aspects of the TGCF AD production, so I suppose qualifiers are in order: I've got legitimately no idea where the anti-729 sentiment is coming from (?? they do good work???), or about the history of nepotism/favoritism in voice actor circles (?????). truly, everything I know begins and ends with 《我是特优声》 and my misadventures on 猫耳, so I'm doubtlessly missing out on any drama from like, before 2021
that being said, I can't say I understand the anti-casting sentiment because, well... 苏尚勤 is a legitimately experienced and lauded voice actor who's familiar with MXTX's work, and while 陈张太康 is a somewhat newer face, anyone who's watched 《我是特优声》 or listened to his audiodramas knows that he's got an extremely impressive range that I personally think is very suited to the dynamic aspects of Hua Cheng's character. from the very little I've spotted on weibo/the 猫耳 评论区, it seems like people are taking issue with... how young 苏尚勤 sounds? which is like. fam. you know what voice actors do for a living, right? change their voices to embody different characters? you truly cannot judge how well a voice actor performs in an AD based on a five minute trailer alone. give it a few episodes/a season since they're apparently giving out the entire season for free for two months, and then we'll talk
I think a lot of the “声音不贴角色” complaints come from, well, fans of the book expecting these few lines we've heard so far to truly embody the breathtaking complexity of these characters all at once, which is rather impossible. the thing about Xie Lian and Hua Cheng is that they are young, and old, and tired, and passionate, and faithful, and trusting, and cruel, kind, but all at different times. so Xie Lian sounds young now? give the voice actor a chance to show how exhausted and jaded and tired he becomes later, in the flashback arcs. so Hua Cheng doesn't sound like the badass ghost king we know him for? that actually 100% makes sense, he's in San Lang mode right now, and if you watched 陈张太康's rendition of 《灵笼》, you KNOW he can do arrogant, vicious royalty when it comes to it
also, looking across the cast list for the AD, this doesn't seem to be 内选 unless it's like... 内选 within the 京圈 voice acting circle?? which to be fair is like. maybe 200 people total asldkfjadlsf (look if you want to diversify your voice acting cast then let's see some 沪圈 rep huh?? #give毛毛老师anotherbitroleagain). the voice actors in the TGCF AD cast come from a vast assortment of different voice acting studios, from 729 to 边工 to 翼之声 to 光合积木 to unaffiliated with professional studios at all, so I'm??? confused??? at allegations of unfairness in casting??
I also saw some of those 弹幕 complaining about how they kept bringing up the MDZS production in the 制作谈 and I'm spectacularly baffled as to why that's a problem considering that much of the production staff had worked on the MDZS AD and it's. by. the same. author. and anyway, much of their discussion of the MDZS AD in the TGCF 制作谈 was specifically about shortcomings in the MDZS AD that they were learning from and seeking to improve this time around, which feels relevant and not particularly 刷好感 to me
tl;dr I think the TGCF AD production team worked very hard on this and are genuinely trying their best, and that all judgment should be reserved until after the season airs. there really is no point in trying to offer a holistic critique based on five-minute trailer alone, and like, I don't know how many morality points one would get from boycotting an AD but tbh it seems kind of. negligible. so let's all just kick back and enjoy this absolutely stacked production while it's being generously offered for free, shall we?
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niteshade925 · 1 year
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jhhgwahhg · 2 months
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suixinyingshi · 7 months
#《线上游戏的老婆不可能是女生?》— 真实生活中的网游纯爱之旅#随着琪旗棋的评论,我们深入探讨《线上游戏的老婆不可能是女生?》这部极具生活情感的网游纯爱番。与其他动画不同,这部作品贴近生活,贯彻着真挚的情感,���非一般的后宫番。#从一开始,观众可能会误以为这是典型的后宫番,因为有着可爱黏人的女主和较多的女性角色。然而,坚持观看下去,尤其是从第二集后半节开始,你将会发现这部作品的独特魅力。#首先,与《刀剑神域》的生死搏斗和《加速世界》的高科技设定不同,这部动画十分贴近生活,容易引起网游爱好者的共鸣。剧情中的亚子和西村之间的感情在大家帮助她分清游戏与现实的#其次,画风精美,卖肉情节精彩,福利满满。这使得观众在欣赏的同时也能感受到视觉的享受。不过,这并不是影片的全部,因为它还贴近现实,带有深刻的情感内核。#在琪旗棋的评论中,她提到一些令她产生伤害感的元素。可爱帅气的卡通人物,频繁的秀恩爱场景,以及妻子的多才多艺,都在一定程度上让她感到不适。这也反映了观众对于现实生活中某#最后,在这个故事中,与土豪为友的重要性得到了证明,而妹妹却因为这个原因被无情忽视。这也在某种程度上反映了现实中人际关系的复杂性和价值观的多样性。#综合来看,《线上游戏的老婆不可能是女生?》通过真实而贴近生活的情感呈现,成功打破了传统后宫番的模式,让观众在笑声和泪水中感受到了更为真切的网游纯爱之旅。#本文来源:随心影视
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jim9city · 7 months
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hngt1 · 8 months
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nmbfhnbjgkf · 9 months
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vsxfbd · 10 months
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shuaabxyooj · 11 months
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kuaab · 1 year
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hn989 · 1 year
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