briefenthusiastlight · 7 months
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2022: Party Journal on Remembering Jiang Zemin and the Road Ahead
2022: Party Journal on Remembering Jiang Zemin and the Road Ahead
This article appeared in Qiu Shi — the official ideological journal published by the Central Party School and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Other material related to former Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Jiang Zemin translated on this translation blog: 2022 Jiang Zemin: Architect of Russia-China Friendship 2012: Jiang Zemin When Soviet Union Collapsed 2000:…
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xinguozhi · 22 days
许剑虹     …
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madadas-blog · 1 year
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Esball国际-布林肯重申支持白纸运动抗议群众 明年初访中将当面说
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布林肯(Antony Blinken)今天接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)节目「美国国情」(State of the Union)访问时,被问到对近来在中国各地爆发白纸运动的看法。
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主持人塔柏尔(Jake Tapper)追问将在明年初访问中国的布林肯,届时会跟中国国家主席习近平如何谈论这些抗议者时,布林肯说,「说出我们常说的和拜登总统(Joe Biden)跟习近平说过的话,那就是人权与基本公民自由是我们做为美国人的核心,没有美国政府、美国总统会对此保持沉默。」
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mengjue · 1 year
What's Happening in China? The November 2022 Protests
Hello! I know that there's so much going on in the world right now, so not everyone may be aware of what is happening in China right now. I thought that I would try to write a brief explainer, because the current wave of protests is truly unprecedented in the past 30+ years, and there is a lot of fear over what may happen next. For context, I'm doing this as someone who has a PhD in Asian Studies specialising in contemporary Chinese politics, so I don't know everything but I have researched China for many years.
I'll post some decent links at the end along with some China specialists & journalists I follow on Twitter (yeah I know, but it's still the place for the stuff at the moment). Here are the bullet points for those who just want a brief update:
Xi Jinping's government is still enacting a strict Zero Covid policy enforced by state surveillance and strict lockdowns.
On 24 November a fire in an apartment in Urumqi, Xinjiang province, killed 10. Many blamed strict quarantine policies on preventing evacuation.
Protests followed and have since spread nationwide.
Protesters are taking steps not seen since Tiananmen in 1989, including public chants for Xi and the CCP to step down.
Everyone is currently unsure how the government will respond.
More in-depth discussion and links under the cut:
First a caveat: this is my own analysis/explanation as a Chinese politics specialist. I will include links to read further from other experts and journalists. Also, this will be quite long, so sorry about that!
China's (aka Xi Jinping's) Covid Policy:
The first and most important context: Xi has committed to a strict Zero Covid policy in China, and has refused to change course. Now, other countries have had similar approaches and they undoubtedly saved lives - I was fortunate to live in New Zealand until this year, and Prime Minister Ardern's Zero Covid approach in 2020-2021 helped protect many. The difference is in the style/scope of enforcement, the use of vaccines, and the variant at play. China has stepped up its control on public life over the past 10 years, and has used this to enforce strict quarantine measures without full regard to the impact on people's lives - stories of people not getting food were common. Quarantine has also become a feared situation, as China moves people to facilities often little better than prisons and allegedly without much protection from catching Covid within. A personal friend in Zhengzhou went through national, then provincial, then local quarantines when moving back from NZ, and she has since done her best to avoid going back for her own mental and physical health. Xi has also committed China to its two home-grown vaccines, Sinovac and Sinopharm, both of which have low/dubious efficacy and are considered ineffective against new variants. Finally, with delta and then omicron most of the Zero-Covid countries have modified their approach due to the inability to maintain zero cases. China remains the only country still enacting whole-city eradication lockdowns, and they have become more frequent to the point that several are happening at any given time. The result is a population that is incredibly frustrated and losing hope amidst endless lockdowns and perceived ineffectiveness to address the pandemic.
Other Issues at Play:
Beyond the Covid situation, China is also wrestling with the continued slowdown in its economic growth. While its economic rise and annual GDP growth was nigh meteoric from the 80s to the 00s, it has been slowing over the past ten years, and the government is attempting to manage the transition away from an export-oriented economy to a more fully developed one. However, things are still uncertain, and Covid has taken its toll as it has elsewhere the past couple of years. Youth unemployment in particular is reaching new highs at around 20%, and Xi largely ignored this in his speech at the Party Congress in October (where he entered an unprecedented third term). As a result of the perceived uselessness of China's harsh work culture and its failure to result in a better life, many young Chinese have been promoting 躺平 tǎng píng or "lying flat", aka doing the bare minimum just to get by (similar to the English "quiet quitting"). The combination of economic issues and a botched Covid approach is important, as these directly affect the lives of ordinary middle-class Chinese, and historical it has only been when this occurred that mass movements really took off. The most famous, Tiananmen in 1989, followed China's opening up economic reforms and the dismantling of many economic safety nets allowing for growing inequality. While movements in China often grow to include other topics, having a foundation in something negatively impacting the average Han Chinese person's livelihood is important.
The Spark - 24 Nov 2022 Urumqi Apartment Fire:
The current protests were sparked by a recent fire that broke out in a flat in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang province. (This is the same Xinjiang that is home to the Uighur people, against whom China has enacted a campaign of genocide and cultural destruction.) The fire occurred in the evening and resulted in 10 deaths, which many online blamed on the strict lockdown measures imposed by officials, who prevented people from leaving their homes. It even resulted in a rare public apology by city officials. However, with anger being so high nationwide, in addition to many smaller protests that have occurred over the past two years, this incident has ignited a nationwide movement.
The Protests and Their Significance:
The protests that have broken out over the past couple of days representing the largest and most significant challenge to the leadership since the 1989 Tiananmen movement. Similar to that movement, these protests have occurred at universities and cities across the country, with many students taking part openly. This scale is almost unseen in China, particularly for an anti-government protest. Other than Tiananmen in 1989, the most widespread movements that have occurred have been incidents such as the protest of the 1999 Belgrade bombings or the 2005 and then 2012 anti-Japanese protests, all of which were about anger toward a foreign country.
Beyond the scale the protests are hugely significant in their message as well. Protesters are publicly shouting the phrases "习近平下台 Xí Jìnpíng xiàtái!" and "共产党 下台 Gòngchǎndǎng xiàtái!", which mean "Xi Jinping, step down/resign!" and "CCP, step down/resign!" respectively. To shout a direct slogan for the government to resign is unheard of in China, particularly as Xi has tightened control of civil society. And people are doing this across the country in the thousands, openly and in front of police. This is a major challenge for a leader and party who have prioritised regime stability as a core interest for the majority of their history.
Looking Ahead:
Right now, as of 15:00 Australian Eastern time on Monday, 28 November 2022, the protests are only in their first couple of days and we are unsure as to how the government will respond. Police have already been seen beating protesters and journalists and dragging them away in vehicles. However, in many cases the protests have largely been monitored by police but still permitted to occur. There seems to be uncertainty as to how they want to respond just yet, and as such no unified approach.
Many potential outcomes exist, and I would warn everyone to be careful in overplaying what can be achieved. Most experts I have read are not really expecting this to result in Xi's resignation or regime change - these things are possible, surely, but it is a major task to achieve and the unity & scale of the protest movement remains to be fully seen. The government may retaliate with a hard crackdown as it has done with Tiananmen and other protests throughout the years. It may also quietly revamp some policies without publicly admitting a change in order to both pacify protesters and save face. The CCP often uses mixed tactics, both coopting and suppressing protest movements over the years depending on the situation. Changing from Zero Covid may prove more challenging though, given how much Xi has staked his political reputation on enforcing it.
What is important for everyone online, especially those of us abroad, is to watch out for the misinformation campaign the government will launch to counter these protests. Already twitter is reportedly seeing hundreds of Chinese bot accounts mass post escort advertisements using various city names in order to drown out protest results in the site's search engine. Chinese officials will also likely invoke the standard narrative of Western influence and CIA tactics as the reason behind the protests, as they did during the Hong Kong protests.
Finally, there will be a new surge of misinformation and bad takes from tankies, or leftists who uncritically support authoritarian regimes so long as they are anti-US. An infamous one, the Qiao Collective, has already worked to shift the narrative away from the protests and onto debating the merits of Zero Covid. This is largely similar to pro-Putin leftists attempting the justify his invasion of Ukraine. Always remember that the same values that you use to criticise Western countries should be used to criticise authoritarian regimes as well - opposing US militarism and racism, for example, is not incompatible with opposing China's acts of genocide and state suppression. If you want further info (and some good sardonic humour) on the absurd takes and misinfo from pro-China tankies, I would recommend checking out Brian Hioe in the links below.
Finally, keep in mind that this is a grass-roots protest made by people in China, who are putting their own lives at risk to demonstrate openly like this. There have already been so many acts of bravery by those who just want a better future for themselves and their country, and it is belittling and disingenuous to wave away everything they are doing as being just a "Western front" or a few "fringe extremists".
BBC live coverage page with links to analysis and articles
ABC (Australia) analysis
South China Morning Post analysis
Experts & Journalists to Check Out:
Brian Hioe - Journalist & China writer, New Bloom Magazine
Bonnie Glaser - China scholar, German Marshall Fund
Vicky Xu - Journalist & researcher, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Stephen McDonnell - Journalist, BBC
M Taylor Fravel - China scholar, MIT
New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre - NZ's hub of China scholarship (I was fortunate to attend their conferences during my PhD there, they do great work!)
If you've reached the end I hope this helps with understanding what's going on right now! A lot of us who know friends and whanau in China are worried for their safety, so please spread the word and let's hope that there is something of a positive outcome ahead.
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xbs2021 · 2 years
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#缅甸果敢老街。位于中国云南省临沧市镇康县南伞边境,是缅北地区比较发达的城市,也是缅北地区最有活力、发展得最快的城市之一。在这个兴兴向荣的地方,最有名的莫过于它数不清的#以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之 之一,拥有“缅甸小澳门”的美称。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,缅甸果敢#缅甸果敢老街地处中国云南边境被被高山和石壁包围的山谷坝子地区,雨量较多,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多风沙,偶然的暴雨会导致洪水。城之内有较多的行人。在各种街道上有大量经商的黄#世界上有四大赌城,分别是美国的拉斯维加斯和大西洋城 、摩纳哥的蒙地卡罗、中国的澳门(即使缅甸果敢老街不在之内,,但是它的博彩业也是相当发达)。缅甸果敢老街位于中国云南#国家经济大萧条,找到一条能使国家经济恢复发展的一条道路成为了国内的第一大任务。自此并开始发展果敢地区,果敢老街的人口一下子从五千市民涨到两万五,很多新进城的人都是希望#意识到赌场生意有多赚钱后,缅甸政府便在同一年宣布在果敢老街地区赌博合法。果敢老街本来就有着颇为蓬勃的非法地下赌场生意,一合法后当然迫不及待地立刻开枝散叶,可以说从这里#尽管建造工人最终离开了,但是他们留下的杰作为果敢地区提供了良好的社会基础,可以在晚上用霓虹灯将街道照得几如白昼。而且此地成为了一项旅游的景点,吸引着全国乃至全世界的游#战乱结束后,果敢地区的赌场业迎来了前所未有的繁荣发展。黑白两道共分这块大蛋糕的做法依然在被延续着。帮派成员、商业组织、银行家等等一干人都看到了赌场业的钱途,政经界人士#中期盛行的黑白通吃法随着时代的发展在退出了历史舞台。有组织犯罪组织的衰败、新一代企业家的崛起等因素使得赌场、酒店和各种娱乐场所的老板不再是黑手党,而是本地的或从外地引
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jinrizhiyi · 6 months
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🔥🔥唐山事件駭人內幕後續❗2白衣女孩屍體被流氓拉走 環衛工給黑衣女收屍 4女孩全已不在人間❗一位家長被打死❗【被黃標】
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2013 Ai Xiaoming: Martyred Poet Lin Zhao and Gan Cui
Below I have translated a love story — the story of martyred poet Lin Zhao and two-decades-long ‘prisoner of Mao’ Gan Cui written by Ai Xiaoming on the basis of her 2013 interview with Gan Cui. Retired Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University Professor Ai Xiaoming is the author of the 2012 open letter Zhonghan University (Guanghzou) Chinese Literature Professor Ai Xiaoming’s open letter to the chief…
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xinguozhi · 1 year
许剑虹     …
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anamericaninhuaibei · 8 months
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Site of the First National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.
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guoguobaba · 10 months
102年风雨兼程,永葆初心使命;102年奋勇争先,拼搏书写奇迹;102年不懈奋斗,矢志复兴梦想。百年征程波澜壮阔,百年大党风华正茂。回望历史,从石库门到天安门,从兴业路到复兴路,我们党把辉煌写在了历史深处;展望未来,民族复兴前景光明,更光辉的篇章等待我们去书写。对历史最好的庆祝,就是创造新的历史。不忘初心、牢记使命,永远奋斗,这样的政党,必将永远年轻,必能团结带领人民不断创造新的更大奇迹。 我敬爱的中国共产党102年生日快乐!!! https://cloud.cnmdnews.com/view.php/83f7044543019ad02d5afae58ee02614.mp4
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gaoye888 · 1 year
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lindanz50 · 1 year
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yjhpd · 1 year
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