asami-blackeyes · 2 years
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#九紋龍史進 #水滸伝 #胸割り #十分袖 #sleevetattoo #backpiecetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横須賀 #刺青 #横須賀タトゥー #和彫り #入墨 #tattoo #blackeyes #japanesetattoo #tattooart #yokosuka #yokosukatattoo #川崎 (Black Eyes Tattoo 1st) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClIpCBuLhTr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wangwill · 2 months
〈 往事只能回味〉歌曲介紹
別的那樣喲 別的那樣喲
地下埋藏的 為自由付出的代價
黃花崗的靈魂 他們地下有知
蘆雪庭爭聯即景詩 暖香塢雅製春燈謎
《蘆雪庭爭聯即景詩 暖香塢雅製春燈謎》
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rahbekle45 · 1 year
新竹 整骨 如果你正在尋找最便宜的解決方案,值得飛往中國或香港,或者日本、馬來西亞,從那裡你可以前往台灣的幾個大城市,包括台中、高雄和花蓮,以低廉的價格花費幾美分。 關於一個特殊但被旅遊者忽視的群島的一些有用信息。 機車後方是匈牙利隆成發車輛廠(lóngchéng fāchēliàng chǎng)2002-2004年生產的40FPK10600系列客車。 所有此類客車長20m,寬2.9m,高3.8m,最高運輸速度為110km/h。 車內空調運行所需的電力由潛伏在後台的45PBK10500系列行李發電車提供。 G 系列的所有型號(5 軸產品線)都具有類似的堅固設計。 在全國的住宿設施中,每個人都可以找到適合自己口味和預算的酒店或青旅。 類似於日本,所謂的“愛情旅館”通常提供寬敞的房間和設施,以換取最少的設施。 預訂、Hotelscombined 等可用於預訂全國所有地區的住宿,但偏遠地區,例如蘭嶼(蘭嶼),或南投的大部分地區也需要對中文進行一些研究,因為這些地方很少為外國遊客準備。 除了被認為是內灣線永久居民的TRA DR1000系列內燃機車外,感興趣的人還可以看到TRA R150系列內燃機車。 R150型內燃機車是EMD G22CU系列的本土代表,其���共25台於1973年至1982年間抵達台灣。 將 Eurosport 設為您的主頁,了解從足球到網球、騎自行車到斯諾克等等的所有內容。 您可以更輕鬆地訂閱我們的價格監控服務並管理您保存的搜索。 您可以保存預訂所需的信息,以便更快地預訂航班。
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這位外號“小貝拉克”的女士在台中市市場的一家肉店工作了一個晚上,就成功地將顧客數量增加了四倍。 一輛 TRA R100 系列 (EMD G22U) 內燃機車在康定 (崁頂) 站附近運行其遊覽列車。 清水附近的TRA R20系列內燃機車(清水,qīngshuǐ)。 R 系列後期成員之間的設計差異,例如表示沒有凸起的鼻子部分。 2017 年 6 月 11 日,在龍井(龍井,lóngjǐng)站附近的 TRA 蒸汽機車 DT668。 空調客車的電力由潛伏在後台的GE E42C系列E400電力機車提供。 因此,美軍司令部派出的訓練員中,有160多名是具有實戰經驗的士官。 在與搜索引擎和社交網絡共享的情況下,該地址將由上述系統顯示和分析。 MASTERSTUDIES 使研究生更容易​​找到合適的學位。 使用我們的網站查找來自世界各地的學位和職業機會的信息,並直接與您感興趣的學校和大學的招生人員交談。 據報導,4月初,美軍教官前往嘉善空軍基地,重新評估掩體、防爆和防護設施的安全性。 他們調查了衛星是否難以探測到露天存放的彈藥以及用於放置戰鬥機的區域。 甚至在第一天上班之前,小桃子就在她的 Facebook 頁面上表達了她的擔憂,並解釋說她不相信老闆的策略。 氣球臉的女孩帶著疑惑開始了工作,但很快她的恐懼就消失了。 在不應用它的情況下駕駛,匈牙利未知的一些 KRESZ 規則使情況更加複雜。 我們可以通過高鐵、TRA,當然還有航空公司的網站,以及幾乎遍布每個角落的便利店(7-11、FamilyMart、OK Mart、Hi-Life)的自動售貨機進行預訂。 可以在便利店(也)購買的公共交通卡,即 EasyCard 和 iPass,可以極大地幫助您在市中心乘坐公共交通工具和乘坐當地火車。 這些卡省去了我們買票的麻煩,可以在很多地方充值,充值大一點的時候,我們甚至可以用它來日常購物,因為那裡有很多商店,餐館等等。 我們選擇的電力機車只限於4個系列,其中3個是幾乎相同參數生產的,剩下的一個系列已經報廢了,但我們可以在關於台灣的帖子的第二部分獲得更多信息鐵路。 不管歷史事件如何,台灣當局都沒有避免訂購日本製造的機車來更新車輛庫存,但成本最終使當地決策者轉向了GM-EMD、GE、ALCO等美國製造商。 台東 (台東, táidōng) 車站的台鐵 DR2700 系列 DMU 車廂。 在由不銹鋼製成的車輛上,我們可以清楚地觀察到巴德車輛特有的棱紋側板。 今年(2017 年)台灣鐵路局 (TRA) 是該國的國有鐵路公司,慶祝成立 one hundred thirty 週年。 活動本身聽上去聲量很大,但也由負責台灣高鐵營運的台灣高鐵(高鐵)完成,今年一月就滿10歲,還有作為TRA和JR北海道的一台蒸汽機車的“姐妹”關係,他今年也滿5歲了。 大部分美國教官將在台軍新訓練中心和後備旅服役。 培訓將在現場進行評估,並提出進一步發展的建議。 因此,新兵訓練也將採用美軍提出的戰場訓練計劃來對付偉大的中國“人民解放軍”。 在日本佔領台灣期間,即 1935 年至 1937 年間,該系列的前九名成員立即以 C55 1 ... 9 的名稱運往台灣,以慶祝日本統治 forty 週年。
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rojasfrost45 · 1 year
在日本佔領台灣期間,即 1935 年至 1937 年間,該系列的前九名成員立即以 C55 1 ... 9 的名稱運往台灣,以慶祝日本統治 40 週年。 這位外號“小貝拉克”的女士在台中市市場的一家肉店工作了一個晚上,就成功地將顧客數量增加了四倍。 一輛 TRA R100 系列 (EMD G22U) 內燃機車在康定 (崁頂) 站附近運行其遊覽列車。 清水附近的TRA R20系列內燃機車(清水,qīngshuǐ)。 R 系列後期成員之間的設計差異,例如表示沒有凸起的鼻子部分。 2017 年 6 月 11 日,在龍井(龍井,lóngjǐng)站附近的 TRA 蒸汽機車 DT668。 空調客車的電力由潛伏在後台的GE E42C系列E400電力機車提供。 因此,美軍司令部派出的訓練員中,有160多名是具有實戰經驗的士官。 在不應用它的情況下駕駛,匈牙利未知的一些 KRESZ 規則使情況更加複雜。 我們可以通過高鐵、TRA,當然還有航空公司的網站,以及幾乎遍布每個角落的便利店(7-11、FamilyMart、OK Mart、Hi-Life)的自動售貨機進行預訂。 可以在便利店(也)購買的公共交通卡,即 EasyCard 和 iPass,可以極大地幫助您在市中心乘坐公共交通工具和乘坐當地火車。 這些卡省去了我們買票的麻煩,可以在很多地方充值,充值大一點的時候,我們甚至可以用它來日常購物,因為那裡有很多商店,餐館等等。 我們選擇的電力機車只限於4個系列,其中3個是幾乎相同參數生產的,剩下的一個系列已經報廢了,但我們可以在關於台灣的帖子的第二部分獲得更多信息鐵路。 氣結 不管歷史事件如何,台灣當局都沒有避免訂購日本製造的機車來更新車輛庫存,但成本最終使當地決策者轉向了GM-EMD、GE、ALCO等美國製造商。
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如果我們的倫勃朗收藏品完���,我們可以在 Syntrend 的��當商店中用新型藝術作品擴展我們的展覽。 位於台中的 Wuller Homebrew Supplies 提供特色國產和進口啤酒。 據 OpenAI 首席執行官稱,以色列將在降低 AI 風險方面發揮巨大作用——Elon Musk 談到了中國對 AI 的監管。 公司在 1-gamma 節點的情況下採取了不可避免的步驟。 前景是 TRA 的 DR2510 系列的兩輛製造件,後面是報廢的 DR2700 DMU 和其他乘用車。 台東 (台東, táidōng) 車站的台鐵 DR2700 系列 DMU 車廂。 在由不銹鋼製成的車輛上,我們可以清楚地觀察到巴德車輛特有的棱紋側板。 今年(2017 年)台灣鐵路局 (TRA) 是該國的國有鐵路公司,慶祝成立 130 週年。 活動本身聽上去聲量很大,但也由負責台灣高鐵營運的台灣高鐵(高鐵)完成,今年一月就滿10歲,還有作為TRA和JR北海道的一台蒸汽機車的“姐妹”關係,他今年也滿5歲了。 大部分美國教官將在台軍新訓練中心和後備旅服役。 整脊 培訓將在現場進行評估,並提出進一步發展的建議。 因此,新兵訓練也將採用美軍提出的戰場訓練計劃來對付偉大的中國“人民解放軍”。 在澎湖的島嶼上,夏季,我們有機會在未鋪砌的無水泥沙灘上享受日光浴,而這些沙灘與蔚藍的大海接壤。 在屬於台東的蘭嶼和綠島(Orchid Island, Green Island),在類似夏威夷的高山峽谷中,我們可以一窺世界別處的雅美族文化。 有了國際駕照,我們還可以選擇租車,或者如果有條件,可以租一輛小型摩托車。 不過要強調的是,台灣人往往有相當有趣的作風、方向標、謹慎等。 台灣台鐵R20系列柴油野獸載著短小的水泥列車行駛在大渡站附近。 鐵路公司共有 fifty two 輛基於 EMD G12 系列的車輛,於 1960 年至 1966 年間為台灣製造,最高時速為 one hundred 公里/小時,額定功率為 1060 千瓦。
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qingfeng5290 · 1 year
我問觀音:一地至八地,何以精進如斯? 觀音曰:觀得世音方知千手之妙也。 又問:怎觀之? 觀音曰:聞鼓聲雷鳴而見火光四起、殺聲震天,使使伏之矣。 再問:九紋龍史進聞得,薛蟠何曾聞得? 觀音曰:後曾聞得。 复再問:成關公否? 觀音曰:然。未聞未聞者謂聾,未見未見者謂瞽。故聞所能聞者即未聞,聞所未聞者即聞也。
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grambagger · 2 years
Cateraide It 絕緣食品盤架
商業戶外烤架提供美味的飯菜,無需擔心移動設備,並且便於在內部運輸烤架 當地商店的價格可能與顯示的價格有所不同。 顯示為可用的產品通常有庫存,但無法保證庫存水平。 但是,在考慮經營餐飲業務所需的條件時,這些項目是一個很好的起點。 探索我們的商用戶外家具,以擴展您餐廳的用餐空間。 有了這款家具,您的客戶可以輕鬆享受好天氣。 您可以在任何帶有便攜式洗手台的工作區域創建一個移動洗手台,並為您的員工和客戶提供衛生設施。 您可以使用電或燃氣商用電熱板有效地利用有限的空間,並添加一個額外的燃燒器來煮鍋或保持平底鍋溫暖。 使用隔熱飲料容器將大量熱飲或冰鎮點心放在手邊。 便攜式托架帶有便於運輸的把手和真空絕緣,可讓內容物長時間保持滾燙。 塑料飲料服務器站也非常適合供應冷凍飲料,保持冰塊數小時。 場地 現在比以往任何時候都更重要的是,我們保護自己和家人。 盡你所能確保你的假期客人幫助你遵守 CDC 的指導方針,以確保安全和有趣的聚會。 如果沒有,您可以打開窗戶、保持社交距離,並為任何進入您家的人準備洗手液和口罩。 對於許多人來說,舉辦假期是您一生都期待的事情。 BOK 大樓擁有眾多可供出租的空間,包括一個享有風景如畫的 8 樓露台,是真正獨一無二的費城地標。 麗莎對她這一天的設想是質樸的,帶有淡淡的色彩和柑橘味。 當她參觀五橋客棧的穀倉時,她立刻愛上了這個空間。 這是一個完美的背景來讚美她的視野,她喜歡穀倉是如何坐落在它自己的私密空間中的。 大多數客人從佛蒙特州和西雅圖旅行,酒店非常適合容納許多外地人。 他們的婚禮在意大利花園舉行,噴泉背景上裝飾著花卉頂柱。 您的客人將在充滿活力的五星級意大利餐廳 Piero's 受到熱烈歡迎,您可以選擇家庭式、自助式和多道菜的用餐方式。 Piero's 擁有活動策劃專家,最多可容納 one hundred seventy five 人就座,並提供最多 225 人的自助餐服務。 在 Bouchon,您的儀式后慶祝活動可以是私人用餐體驗,也可以是多達 350 人的常設招待會,其中包括使用其私人庭院。 無論哪種方式,每個人都樂在其中——廚師 Thomas Keller 對法國美食的現代演繹贏得了 Bouchon 的菜單多項獎項。 羅德島首屈一指的餐飲公司,提供無可挑剔的客戶服務以及從頭開始的烹飪。 當移動食品熱潮與燃木比薩運動融合時,這意味著無論你身在何處,附近總會有很棒的餡餅。 對於想要為客人提供真正美味的食物而不必簽下他們的長子的夫婦來說,那些那不勒斯風格的比薩餅變得越來越普遍。 美國許多腳踏實地的夫婦一直在為他們的婚禮尋找pitmaster。 有些絕對比其他人更好,但北卡羅來納州格林斯伯勒的新娘和新郎確實用 Stamey 負擔得起的列剋星敦風格的“提示”製作了它。 每人只需 9.45 美元,客人就可以享用西式慢熏豬肩肉,佐以番茄醬和新鮮出爐的紅糖醋醬。 Stamey 的餐飲套餐包括其著名的自製沙拉、烤豆、麵包卷、hushpuppies、冰茶和自製桃餡餅甜點。 全方位服務餐飲意味著什麼 我們有您的支持,讓您的婚禮大餐令人印象深刻。 大量交付主要是他們可以實際服務的人數。 全方位服務的餐飲服務能夠為數百甚至數千名客人提供服務。 這意味著他們擁有從送貨車到服務人員的資源,可以提供沒有專門餐飲服務的餐廳根本無法提供的服務。 這包括提供盤子、器皿、床單和任何其他服務可能需要的東西。 餐飲服務商負責為活動準備所有食物,無論是簡單的自助餐還是更複雜的坐席餐。 菜單選擇完成後,餐飲服務商將準備和烹飪食物。 主廚 stanley 的東南亞和歐陸烹飪風格具有鮮明的現代氣息,反映了他在德國的成長經歷,母親是德國人,父親是中國人。 通過單擊“註冊”,您同意允許 Social Tables 存儲和處理上面提交的個人信息,以便為您提供所請求的內容。 請參閱我們的隱私政策或聯繫我們了解更多詳情。 他們應該有一名主管在活動期間與您保持持續溝通,以確保涉及食物和飲料的每一個重要過渡都按計劃進行。 像大多數事情一樣,你得到你所支付的。 如果您找到非常便宜的交易,您很可能會獲得匹配的服務。 生命支持服務 你必須給客戶留下深刻印象,保持財產價值,讓每個人都堅持下去,而不是想著一團糟。 商業辦公室的員工不能進行一般清潔活動,如回收、垃圾清除等。 Deborah Sanford 是 Northern Light 東緬因州醫療中心的護理和患者護理服務副總裁。 Stacia Dreyer 博士獲得了環境心理學和行為經濟學博士學位。 她在將定量和定性社會科學研究方法應用於廣泛的環境研究項目方面擁有豐富的經驗,從海洋可再生能源的人類維度到食品、能源和水系統的關係。 我們的食物垃圾解決方案系列可幫助您跨品牌、行業和地區跟踪和減少浪費。 公司參與從收集到最終處理的整個廢物生命週期,並將其回收作為優先事項。 在 COVID-19 大流行中德國食品服務部門的食物浪費的產生和預防 - 應對與大流行相關的危機的數字方法。 餐館會以剩餘或陳舊的食物、準備或包裝時的浪費形式產生大量食物浪費。 保持衛生標準至關重要,因為這些因素可以獲得積分和認證。 把所有的垃圾倒在後巷裡,就能解決食物垃圾的處理問題;但是,它可能會招致處罰。 麵條 看起來工作量很大,但結果卻很值得。 我想我們上次去台灣旅行時每晚都會收到一袋這樣的東西。 如果您正在訪問九份,那麼沒有比阿朱花生冰淇淋更有名的小吃攤了。 它沒有我們在東大門夜市吃的那麼多冰淇淋,但它仍然非常好。 如果您有很多孩子或想節省侍應生費用,此提示也非常有用。 在為大型團體尋找餐飲菜單創意時,請確保考慮到一天中的時間。 有興趣在您的下一次公司或社交活動中最大化您的客戶或公司的餐飲預算嗎? 與此同時,台灣食品在全球範圍內越來越受歡迎。 對於更清醒的一口,高山烏龍茶和紅茶仍然是台灣人生活的核心,無論是種植還是消費。 作為島上菠蘿種植歷史的遺跡,這些手掌大小的酥餅餡餅塞滿了濃郁的菠蘿或甜冬瓜醬,是該國珍貴的糕點和廣受歡迎的紀念品。 家具 您還需要為服務員提供用品,包括圍裙等衣物和訂單墊、菜單封面和支票夾等工具。 幸運的是,您可以在一個方便的位置滿足所有這些需求。 在 Restaurantware,我們致力於在食品和飲料行業引領具有環保意識的企業。 我們努力創造能夠激勵消費者的創新產品 - 並推動企業領先於行業趨勢。 一個關鍵的決定是餐廳裝飾,它有助於定義餐廳的品牌和審美。 就像餐廳的概念一樣,餐廳家具的選擇也很豐富——你怎麼知道你在挑選合適的家具? 繼續閱讀以了解購買餐廳家具的所有不同方式,以及所涉及的一些利弊,以及所需的所有餐廳家具的完整列表。 一家好的家庭餐廳不僅有高腳椅和加高座椅來容納您的孩子。 很棒的兒童菜單、兒童開胃菜和活動地墊可以讓孩子們在用餐前保持耐心。 如今,餐飲業者設立廚師行動站向客人展示食物是如何烹製的,這是一個大趨勢。 餐廳座位通常決定了顧客在您的餐廳用餐的時間,這與他們的消費金額直接相關。 尋找完美的餐廳椅子、木製吧台凳、展位座位、層壓板桌面和其他餐廳家具,讓您的客戶保持舒適和��定的利潤。 顧客一進入您的場所,餐廳餐廳就會投射出您企業的氛圍和風格。 無論是正式餐廳還是休閒餐廳,從餐盤到座位的一切都會影響到顧客的用餐體驗。 Flash Furniture 和 Oak Street Manufacturing 等製造商提供多種選擇和價格點。 – 粘合到塑料或複合材料底座上的印刷塑料薄片。 物有所值,它們有各種各樣的純色、仿木紋,甚至是類似石頭的圖案。 桌面有多種標準尺寸可供選擇,大多數製造商都會接受定制訂單。 使用頁面頂部的搜索欄搜索您的產品。 將產品保存在您的願望清單中,以便以後購買或與您的朋友分享。 為人群製作的 20 道滋補湯食譜 這種充滿活力的黃色的秘訣只是 half of 茶匙薑黃。 許多這些大批量湯食譜的一個額外好處是它們可以冷凍。 將單獨的部分放入冰箱中,以便在您需要快速午餐或適合人群的碗時隨時準備好。 沒有徘徊,肉湯是平淡無奇的,瓦罐裡還有所有多餘的液體。 在預熱的烤箱中烤,每 15 分鐘攪拌一次,直到蔬菜變軟,洋蔥焦糖化,大約 1 小時。 這種超清淡、超清爽的湯最好冷藏後飲用,因此請提前做好。 它可以熱食或冷食,含有卡路里。 蘆筍湯 - 超級奶油,富含蔬菜,這是另一頓又快又簡單的飯菜。 我也用了 3/4c 大麥,把鷹嘴豆換成了海軍藍。 我發現它有點咸,但這可能是因為使用了較少的大麥。 38 道開胃菜,非常適合餐飲 完美的油條外皮酥脆,內裡柔軟粘稠。 搭配啜飲巧克力,它們是完美的一口大小的甜點。 辛辣、俗氣和放縱——這種水牛雞蘸醬檢查了後院派對或足球後擋板的所有盒子。 它產生了有史以來最美味、最柔軟、一口大小的椒鹽脆餅! 當蘸上濃稠的奶油奶酪醬時,它們簡直就是天堂。 你有完美調味的肉餡(在這個食譜中,我們用的是雞肉)包裹在一層薄薄的黃油外殼中,然後油炸或烘烤至金黃色。 土豆、培根、酸奶油和奶酪的味道和質地相得益彰,沒有人能抗拒這些令人無法抗拒的土豆皮。 一條牛里脊肉,穿在 6 英寸的烤肉串上,配上蘸醬。 堆放各種各樣的物品——只要你把它們展示得很好,沒有人會注意到實際食物比放在長方形桌子上少! 好的,是的,我們剛剛說過人們每年這個時候都在努力吃得更健康。 但是,如果您要在活動菜單中加入甜點,請確保它是 Instagram 值得擁有的甜甜圈牆中的這些超級多彩的款待。 棉花糖、軟糖和灑滿糖屑的棉花糖棒是任何春季���單的有趣補充。 西式餐盒
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taiwanwebmuseum · 2 years
Tang Dynasty Empress Wu Zetian Yue Kiln Secret Color Celadon Relief carved Phoenix (Empress) dominating the world Brush Washer
尺寸:高 5.1 - 5.2 x 最大圓腹徑 25.2 - 25.4 x 口徑 20.7 - 20.8 x 圈足底徑 21.1 - 21.2 cm 公分
此筆洗堪稱為唐代「帝國重器」,其工藝、尺寸、浮雕紋飾、器型、全器表面溫潤如玉器、浮雕如玉雕、全器滿釉呈現清徹光亮滑順光澤、聚釉處晶亮光澤如冰面,秘色青釉等皆遠勝於其未來 1,300 年內,五代後周世宗柴榮帝柴窯筆洗,宋朝皇帝徽宗汝、官、哥、定、鈞五大名窯筆洗,明朝永樂、宣德青花筆洗,甚至於遠超過清三代康熙、雍正、乾隆朝帝王單色釉筆洗。
此筆洗也因具備越窯秘色青瓷浮雕鳳(女皇)霸臨天下紋飾,且釉色為唐代初期的「青泛黃」,全器滿釉,器底圈足內有七個「灰白色豆狀」支燒釘泥點印痕,全器溫潤明亮脂狀光澤類似玉雕品,明顯為越窯進貢唐朝皇室貢瓷,臣民不得使用,據此推論應屬唐朝女皇武則天 (公元 624 年 - 705 年) 之筆洗重器。
此筆洗又因具備有喻意「延年益壽」的「鶴紋」,據此推論應屬唐朝女皇武則天晚年自立為武周皇帝 (公元 690 年 - 705 年) 時之越窯向唐朝皇室祝壽貢瓷筆洗重器。
1987 年 4 月 3 日,法門寺真身寶塔的地宮被打開,出土大量珍貴文物,其中包括十三件秘色瓷器,現存法門寺博物館。
在初唐時期 ,越窯雖然在窯爐結構上獲得了改善,但燒造的氣氛除了一部分還原焰較好的器物呈現青色外,有很大一部份弱還原焰或氧化焰呈色便為「青泛黃或米黃色」。
屬擊敗蒙古元朝歐亞大帝國的明朝皇帝朱元璋所分封為軍事大元帥的「陳秀甫」(陳秀甫亦為明代開國功臣光祿大夫《光祿大夫為皇帝開國及軍事作戰的出糧出資金錢財主》) 家族傳世的祖傳傳世品。
Tang Dynasty Empress Wu Zetian Yue Kiln Secret Color Celadon Relief carved Phoenix (Empress) dominating the world Brush Washer
Dimensions: Height 5.1 - 5.2 x Maximum round Abdomen Diameter 25.2 - 25.4 x Mouth Diameter 20.7 - 20.8 x Ring Foot Diameter 21.1 - 21.2 cm
This brush washer can be called the "Imperial Important Ware" of the Tang Dynasty. Its craftsmanship, size, relief pattern, shape, surface of the entire utensil being as smooth as jade, relief being like jade carving, full glaze of the entire utensil being clear, bright and smooth, poly glaze being crystal clear and bright luster being like ice surface, secret color celadon glaze, etc., are far better than those in the next 1,300 years, the brush washer of Hou Zhou Shizong Emperor Chai Rong of the Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong's brush washer out of five famous kilns: Ru Guan Ge Ding Jun, Ming Dynasty Yongle Xuande blue and white brush washer, even far more than the monochrome glaze brush washer of Emperors in three dynasties of Qing dynasty: Kangxi Yongzheng Qianlong.
This brush washer is also decorated with a Yue kiln secret color celadon embossed relief phoenix (Empress) dominating the world pattern, and the glaze color is "greenish yellow" in the early Tang Dynasty. The whole utensil was full-glazed. There are seven "gray-white bean-shaped" supporting-nail marks with mud dots inside the bottom ring foot. The whole utensil is smooth with bright luster like a jade carving. It was obviously an imperial tribute porcelain to the Tang Dynasty royal family from Yue kiln, and subjects were not allowed to use it. Based on this, it is inferred that it should be the important brush washer ware belonged to the Empress Wu Zetian (A.D. 624 - 705) of the Tang Dynasty.
This brush washer also has the "crane pattern" which means "prolonging longevity", so it can be deduced that it should be belonged to the important ware brush washer of Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty who proclaimed herself as Empress Wu Zhou (A.D. 690-705) in her later years as a birthday gift of tribute porcelain to the Tang Dynasty royal family from Yue kiln.
Yue kiln is a porcelain kiln in Yuezhou, Shaoxing, Zhejiang during the Tang and Five Dynasties. The kiln sites are mainly distributed in the Shanglin Lake area of ​​Cixi. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Shaoxing was called "Yuezhou", so it was named "Yue kiln". The celadon wares fired in Yue kilns were very famous in the Tang Dynasty.
Yue Kiln is one of the famous celadon kilns in China. Yue kiln celadon porcelain is one of the oldest porcelains in China, and is recognized as the "mother of porcelain" in the world.
Yue kiln has a long history of firing porcelain, from the original porcelain of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the secret color porcelain of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and it had been uninterrupted. The Yue kiln celadon porcelain in the Tang Dynasty became a tribute to the royal family.
The Tang poet Lu Guimeng used "When the autumn winds dropped dew in September, the Yue kiln opened and won the green color of the thousand mountain peaks." He praised the elegance and beauty of Yue kiln celadon porcelain, and its glaze color is clear and green, luster is like ice and jade, giving people an unpredictable feeling. It was well known as the secret color porcelain.
In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Yu wrote in "The Classic of Tea": "Bowl, Yuezhou is the best. Its porcelain is like jade and ice."
In the late Tang and Five Dynasties, the top-quality Yue kiln celadon porcelain with the green color of the thousand mountain peaks was specially used as a tribute porcelain, and the subjects were not allowed to use it, so it was called the "secret color celadon porcelain".
In the Five Dynasties, the King of Fujian, Wang Shenzhi, once sent Xu Yin to pay tribute with the secret color porcelain. Xu Yin wrote a poem: "Pay my tribute with the Secret Color Porcelain": "The green celadon color is completely new, and the fired porcelain is the first to pay tribute to my Emperor. Fine work was cut under bright moonlight with water in the Spring. It was rotated slightly on the wheel plate like thin ice to load green clouds. On the seat it was like the broken green moss on the ancient mirror, the tender lotus and dew showed farewell to the river side. The bamboo leaves in the mountains were first developed for grains to be wine, and it was feared to be very sick to finish the work completely.".
Song Dynasty Zhao Yanheng's "Yunlu Manchao (Cloud, Foot of a mountain, Overflow, Banknote)" said that Yue kiln's secret color porcelain was beautiful, and also quoted Tang Dynasty poet Lu Guimeng's "To purchase Yue porcelain ware Poem" as saying: "When the autumn winds dropped dew in September, the Yue kiln opened and won the green color of the thousand mountain peaks; it was so good in order to load same color from the middle sky. Let's salute together and share the cups left by the scattered utensils.".
On April 3, 1987, the underground palace of the True Body Pagoda of Famen Temple was opened, and a large number of precious cultural relics were unearthed, including thirteen pieces of secret color porcelain, which are now collected in the Famen Temple Museum.
When Yue kiln wares were fired, all the wares with marks of clay dots' supporting-nails on the outer bottom of the utensils must have been burned under rotating open fire without box. The age can be as early as the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty, and as late as the Yuanyou and Zhenghe periods in the Northern Song Dynasty.
In the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty, as people gradually developed from sitting on the floor to using tables and chairs to sit, drink, and meet guests, many porcelain wares were gradually replaced from larger ones to various delicate shapes.
Glazing had also developed from "half glaze" to "full glaze". The supporting-nails of burnt utensils were often made of bean-shaped mud dots arranged on the outer bottom, leaving four to eight "grey white bean-shaped mud dot marks". The situation reflected by this bean-shaped mud dots provides us with information that its production age was in the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty.
In the early Tang Dynasty, although the furnace structure of the Yue kiln had been improved, in the firing atmosphere, in addition to a part of the utensils with better reducing flame showing green color, a large part of the weak reducing flame or oxidizing flame showed "Greenish yellow or Beige".
Regarding the Yue kiln porcelain carcass, due to the high iron content of the porcelain clay used, the color is "grey white", which has been proved by many Yue kiln wares, and the chemical composition test has also proved this. Therefore, for the Yue kiln products of the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Northern Song Dynasties, the color of the porcelain carcass is absolutely impossible to be as white as Longquan kiln, and it is impossible to be as loose as Changsha kiln and Wuzhou kiln, and the porcelain carcass is also "grey white".
The quality of the porcelain body of this brush washer is very hard and dense, and the wall of the utensil is thicker and heavier, between the porcelain and the pottery. Porcelain fetal color is grey white. It has a round belly wall. There is a circle of string pattern by the mouth edge on the outer wall. In ancient times, kiln workers in Yue kilns were very characteristic in trimming ceramic bodies. In order to pursue time-saving, skilled kiln workers often completed the work of trimming ceramic bodies in a few quick cuts. On the inner and outer walls and inside the ring foot of the bottom of this brush washer utensil, there are obvious rotating-wheel-making marks left when the porcelain body was trimmed.
This brush washer also has the the millennium cracking pattern, the millennium clam light, several obvious marks of "brown-eyed-small-holes" which are ancient porcelain flaws on the walls of the utensile, and some "black and white spots of ancient porcelain flaws", together with the ancient wood-fired air bubbles, all that ancient porcelain should have. There are seven "gray-white bean-shaped" supporting-nail marks with mud dots inside the bottom ring foot. Among them, there are three supporting-nail marks' mud dots with the traces of "millennium flint red".
The places with thin glaze, such as the edge of the ring foot line on the bottom ring foot of the utensil, and the edge of the relief outline, all reveal the color of sauce-persimmon which was turned purple, such as the "purple line edge". There are "several ancient porcelain flaws of bumps and dents out of collisions" and "pasted kiln sands, sticky slag bottom" at the exposed ceramic body of the ring foot. On the inner wall, there is an "ancient porcelain flaw of Earthworm Walking in the Mud Pattern" next to the "crane" pattern by the outer round string line pattern.
In addition, the bottom of the utensil is slightly uneven under the light. Because when the water in the middle of the porcelain mud body was not dry yet and meanwhile the molded mud body was slightly turned left and right to be broken away from the sticking mud mold. So long as the Yue kiln porcelain workers took the above procedure, then the uneven bottom would have been formed. Modern imitations are completely unable to produce slightly uneven bottoms.
The handed down collection from the family ancestor of Chen Xiufu, a military marshal who was assigned by the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang (Zhu Yuanzhang defeated the Eurasian Empire of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty), (Chen Xiufu was also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, whose official name was Guangludafu, "Guangludafu was the rich and wealthy capitalist of food and money supplied for the emperor's nation-founding and military operations.").
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Orion Museum
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VIP 尊貴客戶鑑賞 7 件藝術品 
Seven valuable works of art for VIP valued customers to appreciate
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Orion Museum
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The Ru kiln porcelains handed down from the ancestors of the Chen Xiufu family, who was the founding hero and military marshal of the Ming Dynasty, have exquisite decorative patterns.
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Orion Museum
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「天神密碼」保護「無價生命」 我們知道你的昨天、今天和明天!
"The God's Code" protects "Priceless Life" We know your yesterday, today and tomorrow!
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Orion Museum
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The art collections handed down from the family ancestors of the military marshal Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty
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Orion Museum
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A Wucai European Envoy presenting Tribute to the Sovereign of China Figures and Landscape Bottle Vase Tianqiuping Imperial Palace Workshop Zhengtong Period (1436 - 1449) Four-character Seal-mark Ming Dynasty 
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Orion Museum
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五代後周時期柴官窯綠釉皇室工藝底部篆印 “柴” 一字款雙龍紋薄胎鏤空管心瓶
Chai imperial kiln green glaze royal craftsmanship with bottom seal-marked-and-printed one-character "Chai", double dragon patterns, thin shell, hollow-carved, tube heart, Bottle Vase, Imperial Palace Workshop, Hou Zhou Period (921 - 959 A.D.) Five Dynasties.
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Orion Museum
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Song and Yuan Dynasty Jizhou Kiln Black-glazed, tortoiseshell Yohen tenmoku (kiln change) painted "partridge's speckling" splashes tea bowl
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Orion Museum
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The art collections (Ceramics) handed down from the family ancestors of the military marshal Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty
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Orion Museum
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Tang Dynasty Empress Wu Zetian Yue Kiln Secret Color Celadon Relief carved Phoenix (Empress) dominating the world Brush Washer
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asami-blackeyes · 2 years
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#胸割り #拡張 #龍 #水滸伝 #九紋龍史進 #sleevetattoo #backpiecetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: [email protected] #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横須賀 #刺青 #横須賀タトゥー #和彫り #入墨 #tattoo #blackeyes #japanesetattoo #tattooart #yokosuka #yokosukatattoo #川崎 (Black Eyes Tattoo 1st) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZqvR5Try2v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gasen-tattoo · 6 years
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#gasentattoo #雅泉 #japanesetattoo #tattoo #水滸伝 #水滸伝刺青 #九紋龍 #九紋龍史進 #九紋龍史進刺青 #刺青 #入れ墨 #刺青画像 #タトゥー #タトゥー画像 #島根
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horiyen · 6 years
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Wip #fivewellstattoo #wabori #japanesetattoo #tebori #horimono #gaman #千葉刺青 #市原 #我慢 #九紋龍史進 #日式傳統 #老傳統 #手彫り #彫圓
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atsushy13 · 4 years
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九紋龍史進 甲羅彫り #tattoo#刺青#irezumi#wabori#tommyguntattoo#十三銃刺青#和彫り#伝統刺青#甲羅彫り#九紋龍史進#suzukatattoo#鈴鹿刺青 (Tommy Gun Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlEONtJBm0/?igshid=hd0z3hakn7xp
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oniyohorihide · 4 years
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花和尚と九紋龍史進下絵図! #花和尚#九紋龍史進#背中一面#刺青#和彫り #日本伝統#岡山彫英 #岡山#Japanesetattoo #二重彫り LINE ID oniyome8118se https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLRV0AFUjK/?igshid=7wzikfs3ff53
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ryojihyperdragon · 3 years
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数年ぶりの続き…( ^ω^ ) つ〜か久々に会ったら車の免許をとったり車を買ったりしてるし…励ます会とは一体なんやったんやろ…Σ(゚д゚lll) 息子さんと近所の娘さんを塾に迎えに行こう… #hyperdragon #高知 #高知タトゥー #高知tattoo #タトゥー #刺青 #入れ墨 #彫龍 #tattoo #九紋龍史進刺青 (Hyper Dragon Tattoo Studio ハイパードラゴン タトゥー) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKyh0fwlaDk/?igshid=xz4vvjvrp4d9
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kimatayasunori · 4 years
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墨画【水滸伝九紋龍史進】A3size Facebook Live Drawing 昨夜は久々のライブドローイング。ご覧頂いた方ありがとうございました🙏何も喋らない無音でのドローなのでつまんないですよね😅喋ったりした方が良いのかな〜 水滸伝でもお馴染み九紋龍こと史進を思い付きでドローイング。日本でいう傾奇者といった人物ですね。70分かけてマイペースに楽しめました。 #水滸伝 #九紋龍 #史進 #墨絵 #水墨画 #中国 #drawing #artwork #japaneseart #painting #livedrawing #刺青 #tattoo #九紋竜 #monochromeart #contemporaryart #japanesepainting #kimatayasunori #木全靖陛 #suikoden #ライブドローイング #ライブペイント #livepainting #dailyart #facebooklive #sumie #sumiepainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CBrfTqijMQB/?igshid=f3zlha7e1m0n
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taiwanwebmuseum · 2 years
Tang Dynasty Empress Wu Zetian Yue Kiln Secret Color Celadon Relief carved Phoenix (Empress) dominating the world Brush Washer
尺寸:高 5.1 - 5.2 x 最大圓腹徑 25.2 - 25.4 x 口徑 20.7 - 20.8 x 圈足底徑 21.1 - 21.2 cm 公分
此筆洗堪稱為唐代「帝國重器」,其工藝、尺寸、浮雕紋飾、器型、全器表面溫潤如玉器、浮雕如玉雕、全器滿釉呈現清徹光亮滑順光澤、聚釉處晶亮光澤如冰面,秘色青釉等皆遠勝於其未來 1,300 年內,五代後周世宗柴榮帝柴窯筆洗,宋朝皇帝徽宗汝、官、哥、定、鈞五大名窯筆洗,明朝永樂、宣德青花筆洗,甚至於遠超過清三代康熙、雍正、乾隆朝帝王單色釉筆洗。
此筆洗也因具備越窯秘色青瓷浮雕鳳(女皇)霸臨天下紋飾,且釉色為唐代初期的「青泛黃」,全器滿釉,器底圈足內有七個「灰白色豆狀」支燒釘泥點印痕,全器溫潤明亮脂狀光澤類似玉雕品,明顯為越窯進貢唐朝皇室貢瓷,臣民不得使用,據此推論應屬唐朝女皇武則天 (公元 624 �� - 705 年) 之筆洗重器。
此筆洗又因具備有喻意「延年益壽」的「鶴紋」,據此推論應屬唐朝女皇武則天晚年自立為武周皇帝 (公元 690 年 - 705 年) 時之越窯向唐朝皇室祝壽貢瓷筆洗重器。
1987 年 4 月 3 日,法門寺真身寶塔的地宮被打開,出土大量珍貴文物,其中包括十三件秘色瓷器,現存法門寺博物館。
在初唐時期 ,越窯雖然在窯爐結構上獲得了改善,但燒造的氣氛除了一部分還原焰較好的器物呈現青色外,有很大一部份弱還原焰或氧化焰呈色便為「青泛黃或米黃色」。
Tang Dynasty Empress Wu Zetian Yue Kiln Secret Color Celadon Relief carved Phoenix (Empress) dominating the world Brush Washer
Dimensions: Height 5.1 - 5.2 x Maximum round Abdomen Diameter 25.2 - 25.4 x Mouth Diameter 20.7 - 20.8 x Ring Foot Diameter 21.1 - 21.2 cm
This brush washer can be called the "Imperial Important Ware" of the Tang Dynasty. Its craftsmanship, size, relief pattern, shape, surface of the entire utensil being as smooth as jade, relief being like jade carving, full glaze of the entire utensil being clear, bright and smooth, poly glaze being crystal clear and bright luster being like ice surface, secret color celadon glaze, etc., are far better than those in the next 1,300 years, the brush washer of Hou Zhou Shizong Emperor Chai Rong of the Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong's brush washer out of five famous kilns: Ru Guan Ge Ding Jun, Ming Dynasty Yongle Xuande blue and white brush washer, even far more than the monochrome glaze brush washer of Emperors in three dynasties of Qing dynasty: Kangxi Yongzheng Qianlong.
This brush washer is also decorated with a Yue kiln secret color celadon embossed relief phoenix (Empress) dominating the world pattern, and the glaze color is "greenish yellow" in the early Tang Dynasty. The whole utensil was full-glazed. There are seven "gray-white bean-shaped" supporting-nail marks with mud dots inside the bottom ring foot. The whole utensil is smooth with bright luster like a jade carving. It was obviously an imperial tribute porcelain to the Tang Dynasty royal family from Yue kiln, and subjects were not allowed to use it. Based on this, it is inferred that it should be the important brush washer ware belonged to the Empress Wu Zetian (A.D. 624 - 705) of the Tang Dynasty.
This brush washer also has the "crane pattern" which means "prolonging longevity", so it can be deduced that it should be belonged to the important ware brush washer of Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty who proclaimed herself as Empress Wu Zhou (A.D. 690-705) in her later years as a birthday gift of tribute porcelain to the Tang Dynasty royal family from Yue kiln.
Yue kiln is a porcelain kiln in Yuezhou, Shaoxing, Zhejiang during the Tang and Five Dynasties. The kiln sites are mainly distributed in the Shanglin Lake area of ​​Cixi. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Shaoxing was called "Yuezhou", so it was named "Yue kiln". The celadon wares fired in Yue kilns were very famous in the Tang Dynasty.
Yue Kiln is one of the famous celadon kilns in China. Yue kiln celadon porcelain is one of the oldest porcelains in China, and is recognized as the "mother of porcelain" in the world.
Yue kiln has a long history of firing porcelain, from the original porcelain of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the secret color porcelain of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and it had been uninterrupted. The Yue kiln celadon porcelain in the Tang Dynasty became a tribute to the royal family.
The Tang poet Lu Guimeng used "When the autumn winds dropped dew in September, the Yue kiln opened and won the green color of the thousand mountain peaks." He praised the elegance and beauty of Yue kiln celadon porcelain, and its glaze color is clear and green, luster is like ice and jade, giving people an unpredictable feeling. It was well known as the secret color porcelain.
In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Yu wrote in "The Classic of Tea": "Bowl, Yuezhou is the best. Its porcelain is like jade and ice."
In the late Tang and Five Dynasties, the top-quality Yue kiln celadon porcelain with the green color of the thousand mountain peaks was specially used as a tribute porcelain, and the subjects were not allowed to use it, so it was called the "secret color celadon porcelain".
In the Five Dynasties, the King of Fujian, Wang Shenzhi, once sent Xu Yin to pay tribute with the secret color porcelain. Xu Yin wrote a poem: "Pay my tribute with the Secret Color Porcelain": "The green celadon color is completely new, and the fired porcelain is the first to pay tribute to my Emperor. Fine work was cut under bright moonlight with water in the Spring. It was rotated slightly on the wheel plate like thin ice to load green clouds. On the seat it was like the broken green moss on the ancient mirror, the tender lotus and dew showed farewell to the river side. The bamboo leaves in the mountains were first developed for grains to be wine, and it was feared to be very sick to finish the work completely.".
Song Dynasty Zhao Yanheng's "Yunlu Manchao (Cloud, Foot of a mountain, Overflow, Banknote)" said that Yue kiln's secret color porcelain was beautiful, and also quoted Tang Dynasty poet Lu Guimeng's "To purchase Yue porcelain ware Poem" as saying: "When the autumn winds dropped dew in September, the Yue kiln opened and won the green color of the thousand mountain peaks; it was so good in order to load same color from the middle sky. Let's salute together and share the cups left by the scattered utensils.".
On April 3, 1987, the underground palace of the True Body Pagoda of Famen Temple was opened, and a large number of precious cultural relics were unearthed, including thirteen pieces of secret color porcelain, which are now collected in the Famen Temple Museum.
When Yue kiln wares were fired, all the wares with marks of clay dots' supporting-nails on the outer bottom of the utensils must have been burned under rotating open fire without box. The age can be as early as the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty, and as late as the Yuanyou and Zhenghe periods in the Northern Song Dynasty.
In the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty, as people gradually developed from sitting on the floor to using tables and chairs to sit, drink, and meet guests, many porcelain wares were gradually replaced from larger ones to various delicate shapes.
Glazing had also developed from "half glaze" to "full glaze". The supporting-nails of burnt utensils were often made of bean-shaped mud dots arranged on the outer bottom, leaving four to eight "grey white bean-shaped mud dot marks". The situation reflected by this bean-shaped mud dots provides us with information that its production age was in the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty.
In the early Tang Dynasty, although the furnace structure of the Yue kiln had been improved, in the firing atmosphere, in addition to a part of the utensils with better reducing flame showing green color, a large part of the weak reducing flame or oxidizing flame showed "Greenish yellow or Beige".
Regarding the Yue kiln porcelain carcass, due to the high iron content of the porcelain clay used, the color is "grey white", which has been proved by many Yue kiln wares, and the chemical composition test has also proved this. Therefore, for the Yue kiln products of the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Northern Song Dynasties, the color of the porcelain carcass is absolutely impossible to be as white as Longquan kiln, and it is impossible to be as loose as Changsha kiln and Wuzhou kiln, and the porcelain carcass is also "grey white".
The quality of the porcelain body of this brush washer is very hard and dense, and the wall of the utensil is thicker and heavier, between the porcelain and the pottery. Porcelain fetal color is grey white. It has a round belly wall. There is a circle of string pattern by the mouth edge on the outer wall. In ancient times, kiln workers in Yue kilns were very characteristic in trimming ceramic bodies. In order to pursue time-saving, skilled kiln workers often completed the work of trimming ceramic bodies in a few quick cuts. On the inner and outer walls and inside the ring foot of the bottom of this brush washer utensil, there are obvious rotating-wheel-making marks left when the porcelain body was trimmed.
This brush washer also has the the millennium cracking pattern, the millennium clam light, several obvious marks of "brown-eyed-small-holes" which are ancient porcelain flaws on the walls of the utensile, and some "black and white spots of ancient porcelain flaws", together with the ancient wood-fired air bubbles, all that ancient porcelain should have. There are seven "gray-white bean-shaped" supporting-nail marks with mud dots inside the bottom ring foot. Among them, there are three supporting-nail marks' mud dots with the traces of "millennium flint red".
The places with thin glaze, such as the edge of the ring foot line on the bottom ring foot of the utensil, and the edge of the relief outline, all reveal the color of sauce-persimmon which was turned purple, such as the "purple line edge". There are "several ancient porcelain flaws of bumps and dents out of collisions" and "pasted kiln sands, sticky slag bottom" at the exposed ceramic body of the ring foot. On the inner wall, there is an "ancient porcelain flaw of Earthworm Walking in the Mud Pattern" next to the "crane" pattern by the outer round string line pattern.
In addition, the bottom of the utensil is slightly uneven under the light. Because when the water in the middle of the porcelain mud body was not dry yet and meanwhile the molded mud body was slightly turned left and right to be broken away from the sticking mud mold. So long as the Yue kiln porcelain workers took the above procedure, then the uneven bottom would have been formed. Modern imitations are completely unable to produce slightly uneven bottoms.
The art collections (Ceramics) handed down from the family ancestors of the military marshal Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty
2022 年 5 月份全球觀眾: 2,729 總觀看次數及2,868 總觀看時間 (分鐘)
Global audience in May 2022: 2,729 total views and 2,868 total watch time (minutes)
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擁有 48,000 名全球會員的臉書公共社群網站 'Fine Art to sell':
Facebook Public Group 'Fine Art to sell' that has 48,000 global members:
Ms. Chen Junying (1932- ). Her father Chen Wancheng was the 20th generation descendant from the ancestor Chen Xiufu [Official name: Guangludafu, an official who was close to the Emperor, and acted according to the edict of the Emperor, also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, from Wuhua, Guangdong.], who was nominated as the military Marshal by Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Hongwu 18th year (1385 A.D.) Ming Dynasty. She has inherited the family handed-down ancestral collection, including valuable ceramics, jade carved works of art, antiques, bronzes, and Chinese paintings moving from mainland China to Taiwan since Qing dynasty, from her father Chen Wancheng and has been trained to be a good professional collector and an excellent appraiser by family education since childhood for over 80 years.
Chen Xiufu
Official name: Guangludafu, an official who was close to the Emperor, and acted according to the edict of the Emperor, also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, from Wuhua county, Guangdong Province, China.
Chen Xiufu was nominated as the military Marshal by Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Hongwu 18th year (1385 A.D.) Ming Dynasty.
Announcement on the official website of People's Government of Wuhua County, in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, China:
The first great memorial ceremony after the rebuilding of the ancestral hall of Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, was ushered in
On May 17, 2013, on the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, the Chen Family Ancestral Hall (Xiufu Public Ancestral Hall), in which by Zhu Yuanzhang was Chen Xiufu nominated as the first-grade Guangludafu and awarded to build the "Emperor's Grace and Favorite Grant" Memorial Arch, was ushered in the first big memorial ceremony after its reconstruction.
陳俊英女士 ( 1932 - )。她的父親陳萬承是明朝洪武十八年 (公元 1385 年) 被明朝皇帝朱元璋封為軍事大元帥的先祖陳秀甫 (明代開國功臣光祿大夫 [為皇帝近臣依皇帝詔命行事] 陳秀甫 [廣東五華籍]) 的第 20 代後裔。她從父親陳萬承處繼承了家族傳世的祖傳藏品,包括自清朝以來從中國大陸移至台灣的珍貴陶瓷器、玉器、古董、青銅器和中國書畫,她自童年開始透過家庭教育,即被培養成為一位很棒的專業收藏家和優秀的鑑賞家已達 80 多年。
陳秀甫是明代的開國功臣光祿大夫 [此官名為皇帝近臣依皇帝詔命行事],中國廣東省五華縣人。
明朝洪武十八年 (公元 1385 年) 陳秀甫被明朝皇帝朱元璋封為軍事大元帥。
公元 2013 年 5 月 17 日 ,農曆四月初八,被朱元璋封為一品光祿大夫、賜建 “皇恩寵錫” 牌坊的陳家祠(秀甫公祠)重建落成後迎來了首次大祭。
The Provenance of Works of Art
Works of Art
Ms. Chen Junying (1932- ). Her father Chen Wancheng was the 20th generation descendant from the ancestor Chen Xiufu [Official name: Guangludafu, an official who was close to the Emperor, and acted according to the edict of the Emperor, also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, from Wuhua, Guangdong.], who was nominated as the military Marshal by Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Hongwu 18th year (1385 A.D.) Ming Dynasty. She has inherited the family handed-down ancestral collection, including valuable ceramics, jade carved works of art, antiques, bronzes, and Chinese paintings moving from mainland China to Taiwan since Qing dynasty, from her father Chen Wancheng and has been trained to be a good professional collector and an excellent appraiser by family education since childhood for over 80 years.
陳俊英女士 ( 1932 - )。她的父親陳萬承是明朝洪武十八年 (公元 1385 年) 被明朝皇帝朱元璋封為軍事大元帥的先祖陳秀甫 (明代開國功臣光祿大夫 [為皇帝近臣依皇帝詔命行事] 陳秀甫 [廣東五華籍]) 的第 20 代後裔。她從父親陳萬承處繼承了家族傳世的祖傳藏品,包括自清朝以來從中國大陸移至台灣的珍貴陶瓷器、玉器、古董、青銅器和中國書畫,她自童年開始透過家庭教育,即被培養成為一位很棒的專業收藏家和優秀的鑑賞家已達 80 多年。
Chen Xiufu
Official name: Guangludafu, an official who was close to the Emperor, and acted according to the edict of the Emperor, also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, from Wuhua county, Guangdong Province, China.
Chen Xiufu was nominated as the military Marshal by Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Hongwu 18th year (1385 A.D.) Ming Dynasty.
陳秀甫是明代的開國功臣光祿大夫 [此官名為皇帝近臣依皇帝詔命行事],中國廣東省五華縣人。
明朝洪武十八年 (公元 1385 年) 陳秀甫被明朝皇帝朱元璋封為軍事大元帥。
Announcement on the official website of People's Government of Wuhua County, in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, China:
The first great memorial ceremony after the rebuilding of the ancestral hall of Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, was ushered in
On May 17, 2013, on the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, the Chen Family Ancestral Hall (Xiufu Public Ancestral Hall), in which by Zhu Yuanzhang was Chen Xiufu nominated as the first-grade Guangludafu and awarded to build the "Emperor's Grace and Favorite Grant" Memorial Arch, was ushered in the first big memorial ceremony after its reconstruction.
公元 2013 年 5 月 17 日 ,農曆四月初八,被朱元璋封為一品光祿大夫、賜建 “皇恩寵錫” 牌坊的陳家祠(秀甫公祠)重建落成後迎來了首次大祭。
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VIP 尊貴客戶鑑賞 7 件藝術品 
Seven valuable works of art for VIP valued customers to appreciate
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The Ru kiln porcelains handed down from the ancestors of the Chen Xiufu family, who was the founding hero and military marshal of the Ming Dynasty, have exquisite decorative patterns.
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「天神密碼」保護「無價生命」 我們知道你的昨天、今天和明天!
"The God's Code" protects "Priceless Life" We know your yesterday, today and tomorrow!
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The art collections handed down from the family ancestors of the military marshal Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty
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A Wucai European Envoy presenting Tribute to the Sovereign of China Figures and Landscape Bottle Vase Tianqiuping Imperial Palace Workshop Zhengtong Period (1436 - 1449) Four-character Seal-mark Ming Dynasty 
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五代後周時期柴官窯綠釉皇室工藝底部篆印 “柴” 一字款雙龍紋薄胎鏤空管心瓶
Chai imperial kiln green glaze royal craftsmanship with bottom seal-marked-and-printed one-character "Chai", double dragon patterns, thin shell, hollow-carved, tube heart, Bottle Vase, Imperial Palace Workshop, Hou Zhou Period (921 - 959 A.D.) Five Dynasties.
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Song and Yuan Dynasty Jizhou Kiln Black-glazed, tortoiseshell Yohen tenmoku (kiln change) painted "partridge's speckling" splashes tea bowl
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The art collections (Ceramics) handed down from the family ancestors of the military marshal Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty
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Thirty pieces of Fine and Rare Chinese Archaic Ceramics 30 件重要又稀少之中國瓷器
30 件重要又稀少之中國瓷器
Thirty pieces of Fine and Rare Chinese Archaic Ceramics
01-A Song Celadon Porcelain Moon-flask with Gold-light-Iron-dark-lines Crackles and Violet-mouth-Iron-black-foot Design and two Dragon Handles Imperial Palace Workshop Xuanhe four-character dark-brown seal mark and of the period (1119-1125) Song dynasty.
Height 22.2 x Maximum Abdomen Width 16.5 x Top Mouth Diameter 5.4 x Maximum elliptical Base-stand foot Diameter 8.2 x Minimum elliptical Base-stand foot Diameter 5.1 cm
(1) Having both gold and black colored crackles in Song dynasty those have not been successfully made nowadays.
(2) Having violet colored mouth edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having black colored foot edge in Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint dark-red colors at the foot edge in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
02-A Song Celadon Porcelain Vase with Gold-light-Iron-dark-lines Crackles and Violet-mouth-Iron-black-foot Design and two Pipe-like Handles Imperial Palace Workshop one-character dark-brown official seal mark Song dynasty (960-1279).
Height 26 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 15 x Maximum Top Mouth Diameter 10.1 x Maximum elliptical Base-stand foot Diameter 11.7 x Minimum elliptical Base-stand foot Diameter 9.9 cm
(1) Having both light-gold-white and black colored crackles in Song dynasty those have not been successfully made nowadays.
(2) Having violet colored mouth edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having black colored foot edge in Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint dark-red colors at the foot edge in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually thick-glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(8) A similar same-period object has been collected in the Taipei National Palace Museum with museum number NPM-Porcelain-014022-N000000000 Imperial Palace Workshop Southern-Song dynasty (1127-1279) Size: Height 26.6 x Maximum Top Mouth Diameter 11 cm.
03-A Song Celadon Porcelain Six-petaled Lotus Vase with Gold-light-Iron-dark-lines Crackles and Violet-mouth-Iron-black-foot Design Imperial Palace Workshop one-character dark-brown official seal mark Song dynasty (960-1279).
Height 22 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 12 x Maximum Top Mouth Diameter 9.6 x Maximum Six-petaled Lotus round Base-stand foot Diameter 7.2 cm
(1) Having both light-gold-white and black colored crackles in Song dynasty those have not been successfully made nowadays.
(2) Having violet colored mouth edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having black colored foot edge in Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint dark-red colors at the foot edge in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually thick-glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
04-A Song Ru Kiln Sky-blue-glazed Porcelain Bottle with two Ears and Plate Mouth Northern-Song dynasty (960-1127).
Height 21.3 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 9 x Top Mouth Diameter 6.4 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 7 cm
(1) Having both shrunk-glaze-holes and fire-flint earth-yellow colors inside them in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(2) Having light-glazed mouth edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having five burning-supporting nail-head marks whose shapes are as small round millets at the outer bottom of the bottle those should have been made in the Ru kiln Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint earth-yellow colors inside the five burning-supporting nail-head marks at the outer surface of bottom and shrunk-glaze-holes around the porcelain body in the Ru kiln Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually thick-glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked earth-yellow colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(8) Having dry clay in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
05-A Song Ru Kiln Sky-blue-glazed Porcelain Small Dish with Crackles Northern-Song dynasty (960-1127).
Height 3.1 x Top Mouth Diameter 13.9 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 9.3 cm
(1) Having the marks of agate being mixed in the glaze those should have been made in the Ru kiln Song dynasty.
(2) Having light-glazed foot edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having three burning-supporting nail-head marks whose shapes are as small elliptical millets at the outer bottom of the small dish those should have been made in the Ru kiln Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint earth-yellow colors inside the three burning-supporting nail-head marks at the outer surface of bottom in the Ru kiln Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked earth-yellow colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(8) Having dry clay in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(9) A similar same-period object has been collected in the Taipei National Palace Museum with museum number NPM-Porcelain-009827-N000000000 Imperial Palace Workshop Northern-Song dynasty (960-1127) Size: Height 3.3 x Top Mouth Diameter 13 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 9 cm.
06-A Song Jun-kiln Celadon-glazed and Copper-red Porcelain Dish with Crackles Song dynasty (960-1279).
Height 4 x Top Mouth Diameter 18.6 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 8.6 cm
(1) Having a copper-red colored mark mixed in the celadon-glazed surface that should have been made in the Jun kiln Song dynasty.
(2) Having light-glazed mouth edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having manually pulled spiral shapes at the outer wall and bottom of the dish those should have been made in the Jun kiln Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint earth-yellow colors at the outer wall and bottom clay of the dish those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually heavy-glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked light-colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(8) Having dry clay in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
07-A Song Jun-kiln Celadon-glazed and Copper-red Porcelain Vase with two handles and Crackles Song dynasty (960-1279).
Height 18 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 11 x Top Mouth Diameter 4.6 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 5.6 cm
(1) Having a copper-red colored mark mixed in the celadon-glazed surface that should have been made in the Jun kiln Song dynasty.
(2) Having light-glazed mouth edge in Song dynasty.
(3) Having manually pulled spiral shapes at the outer wall and bottom of the vase those should have been made in the Jun kiln Song dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint earth-yellow colors at the outer wall and bottom clay of the vase those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually heavy-glaze-painting technique in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked light-colored crackles through the earth in Song dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(8) Having dry clay in Song dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
08-A Liao Celadon-glazed Porcelain Leather-bag-flask with Horse-riding Design and crackles (Broken Handle) Liao dynasty (1031-1218).
Height 33.3 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 20 x Top Mouth Diameter 4.6 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 10.4 cm
(1) Having leather-bag-flask with horse-riding design that should have been made in the Liao dynasty.
(2) Having both shrunk-glaze-holes and fire-flint earth-yellow colors inside them in Song/Liao/Yuan dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(3) Having manually pulled spiral shapes at the bottom of the flask those should have been made in the Song/Liao/Yuan dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint earth-yellow colors at the bottom clay of the flask and the shrunk-glaze-holes on the porcelain body those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually glaze-painting technique in Song/Liao/Yuan dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size at random place in Song/Liao/Yuan dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having deeply soaked earth-yellow colored crackles through the earth in Song/Liao/Yuan dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(8) Having dry clay in Song/Liao/Yuan dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
09-A Yuan Blue and White Jar with Octagon-mouth Lotus-shaped Cover and Walking Three-claw Dragon Design Yuan dynasty (1206-1368).
Height with cover 33 x Height without cover 28 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 33 x Maximum Top Octagon-Mouth Width 19.7 x Maximum Bottom Octagon-Base-stand foot Width 21.3 cm
(1) Having a walking three-claw dragon design that should have been made in the Yuan dynasty.
(2) Having both shrunk-glaze-holes and fire-flint earth-yellow colors inside them at both outer and inner wall of the jar as well as the cover in Yuan dynasty those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(3) Having manually pulled spiral shapes at the bottom of the jar and the inner wall of the cover those should have been made in the Yuan dynasty.
(4) Having fire-flint earth-yellow colors at the bottom clay of the jar and the shrunk-glaze-holes on the porcelain body those should have been generated for hundreds of years.
(5) Having manually heavy-glaze-painting technique in Yuan dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(6) Having under-glaze bubbles of random size everywhere at the glaze painted body as bubble-sea in Yuan dynasty those should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(7) Having a pale greenish lake-water-like tinge out of white on the surface in Yuan dynasty that should have been formed in the ancient wood-burning kiln.
(8) Having dry clay in Yuan dynasty that has not been used nowadays.
(9) Having little black defect-spots formed by the cobalt material of Sumali-smalt green dyestuff that would have created a natural misty phenomenon under firing with a flash of silver-white tin light on the heavy-blue-glazed surface and had been commonly used both in Yuan dynasty and the Yongle/Xuande period Ming dynasty. The supply source of imports and its actual origin of the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff have been unknown in modern times and become untraceable. Its supply could not be obtained nowadays. The Sumali-smalt green dyestuff consists of low manganese and high iron ingredients and this will reduce red and purple colors to be shown. With an appropriate level of firing attainment, a splendid heavy green and blue color can be burnt out such as the blue gloss of a sapphire with elegant and solemn color, attractively bright-colored surface, and clear structure. However the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff consists of high ingredient of iron element, it will often form some black cobalt material defect-spots to be left with a flash of silver-white tin light at the heavy-glazed blue firing parts.
10-A Yuan Blue and White Under-glaze Red Porcelain Mongolia-dwelling-tent-bowl with cover and Floral Phoenix Design Yuan dynasty (1206-1368).
Height with cover 15.5 x Height without cover 8.5 x Top Mouth Diameter 25 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 17 cm
11-A Xuande Blue and White and Under-glaze Red Porcelain Moon-flask with Floral and Eight-treasures Design and two Handles Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande period (1426-1435) Ming dynasty.
Height 30.5 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 22 x Depth 10 x Top Mouth Diameter 5 x rectangular Base-stand foot Length 9.8 x rectangular Base-stand foot Width 6.8 cm
12-A Xuande Blue and White Bottle Gourd Porcelain Vase with Floral Design Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1426-1435) Ming dynasty.
Height 34 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 18 x Top Mouth Diameter 3.5 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 11 cm
13-A Xuande Blue and White Porcelain Bowl with Walking Five-claw Dragon Design Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1426-1435) Ming dynasty.
Height 10.8 x Top Mouth Diameter 21.8 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 8.6 cm
14-A Xuande Blue and White Porcelain Stemcup with Pine Bamboo and Plum Design Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1426-1435) Ming dynasty.
Height 10.4 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 8 x Top Mouth Diameter 11.2 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 5.2 cm
15-A Chenghua Doucai Red Porcelain Cup with Double Phoenixes Design and Crackles Imperial Palace Workshop Chenghua six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1465-1487) Ming dynasty.
Height 5.5 x Top Mouth Diameter 9 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 4 cm
16-A Kangxi Famille Verte (Wucai) Porcelain Vase with Dragon and Phoenix Design Imperial Palace Workshop Kangxi six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1662-1722) Qing dynasty.
Height 43 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 20 x Top Mouth Diameter 16.2 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 14 cm
17-A Yongzheng Enameled in the Famille Rose palette Porcelain Vase with Floral and Butterflies Design Imperial Palace Workshop Yongzheng six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1723-1735) Qing dynasty.
Height 41 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 22 x Top Mouth Diameter 10.8 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 13.3 cm
18-A Yongzheng Enameled Eggshell Porcelain Vase with Western Family and a Villa Garden Design Imperial Palace Workshop Yongzheng four-character blue seal mark and of the period (1723-1735) Qing dynasty.
Height 23.5 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 11 x Top Mouth Diameter 7.6 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 6.2 cm
19-A Qianlong Enameled Porcelain Vase with Flowers and Birds Peacock and Peahen Design Imperial Palace Workshop Qianlong six-character blue seal mark and of the period (1736-1795) Qing dynasty.
Height 32.5 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 20 x Top Mouth Diameter 6.3 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 10.1 cm
20-A Qianlong Enameled Porcelain Bowl with Yellow Ground Four Windows Western Figures and Red-decorated Landscape Design Imperial Palace Workshop Qianlong four-character blue seal mark and of the period (1736-1795) Qing dynasty.
Height 6.8 x Top Mouth Diameter 15.1 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 6.7 cm
21-A Northern Song Ding Kiln White ground Wucai Porcelain Lotus-mouth shaped Vase with carved and gilt Playing Children by Butterfly and Flowers Design and two Elephant-trunk Handles (two cracks in the neck) Imperial Palace Workshop two-character “Yi Ding” carved and gilt seal mark Northern Song (960-1127) dynasty.
Height 28.5 x Maximum Abdomen Width 14 x Maximum Top Mouth Length 7.2 x Minimum Top Mouth Width 6.3 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 7.7 cm
22-A Yongle Blue and White quadruped Water-dropper with Flowers and Phoenixes on Sea Waves Design and Sea Ship Shape Imperial Palace Workshop Yongle four-character carved seal mark and of the period (1403-1424) Ming dynasty.
Height 20 x Length 22 x Width 11 x quadruped Base-stand foot Length 12 x quadruped Base-stand foot Width 5 cm
23-A Tang Sancai Pottery Vase with four Dragon-heads, four Plum Blossoms, four Rings, twisted Ropes Design and very fine crackles together with the inner-shell-of-bivalve-reflecting clam-light Tang Dynasty (618-907).
Height 27 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 26.5 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 11.8 cm
24- A Tang Yue Kiln Celadon-glazed Bottle Gourd Porcelain Vase with two Handles and very fine crackles Tang Dynasty (618-907).
Height 21.5 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 11.5 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 6.7 cm
25-A Northern Song Ding Kiln White Porcelain Meiping Vase with carved Flowers Design and crackles Imperial Palace Workshop two-character “Yi Ding” carved seal mark Northern Song (960-1127) dynasty.
Height 28.5 x Maximum Abdomen Width 15 x Top Mouth Diameter 3.7 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 8.4 cm
26-A Tang Sancai Pottery Dish with four Fishes, four Blossoms, eight Lotus Petal-rim Design and very fine crackles together with the inner-shell-of-bivalve-reflecting clam-light Tang Dynasty (618-907).
Height 3.4 x Diameter 18 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 5.5 cm
27-A Song Celadon Porcelain Guan-type “Touhu (An ancient game-pot to be thrown into arrows)” Vase with Hexagonal body, two Hexagonal tubular lug handles by the mouth and a tall neck, Gold-light-Iron-dark-lines Crackles and Iron-black-foot Design Imperial Palace Workshop Xining Fourth Year four-character carved seal mark and of the year (A.D. 1071) Emperor Shenzong Northern Song dynasty together with the inscription by Emperor Qianlong Qing dynasty in Qianlong Fourth Year (A.D. 1739).
Height 20.2 x Maximum Abdomen Width 13.2 x Maximum Top Hexagonal Mouth Diameter 5.8 x Maximum Hexagonal Base-stand foot Diameter 9.1 cm
Carved Inscription by Emperor Qianlong Qing dynasty in Qianlong Fourth Year (A.D. 1739):
(1)    In the summer of Great Qing Qianlong Fourth Year (Ji Wei Year), this was set to be the imperial appreciation treasure at Palace Wen Hua (this Palace was set to be the Ceramics Museum of Beijing Palace Museum on July 15th, 2008), with “Qian Style” two-character carved seal mark.
(2)    Xining Fourth Year four-character carved seal mark and of the year (A.D. 1071 Emperor Shenzong Northern Song dynasty).
28-A Song Ru Kiln Sky-blue-glazed Porcelain Bottle with two Ears and Hexagonal body “Cai” one-character carved seal mark and of the period (A.D. 1101- A.D. 1126 Prime Minister Cai Jing of Emperor Huizong Northern Song dynasty) at the bottom outer central surface of the bottle Northern-Song dynasty (960-1127).
Height 21.3 x Maximum Abdomen Width 9.2 x Maximum Top Hexagonal Mouth Diameter 6.6 x Maximum Hexagonal Base-stand foot Diameter 6.7 cm
29-A Yuan Luanbai White glazed Porcelain Ewer Yuan dynasty (1206-1368).
Height 17.8 x Top Mouth Diameter 6.6 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 6.2 cm
30-A Kangxi Blue and White Porcelain Guanyin Vase with Garlic head and Auspicious Clouds together with Cranes Design Imperial Palace Workshop Kangxi four-character blue seal mark and of the period (1662-1722) Qing dynasty.
Height 29.3 x Maximum Abdomen Diameter 11 x Top Mouth Diameter 7.7 x round Base-stand foot Diameter 8.9 cm
29 Important and Rare Chinese Ceramics 29 件重要又稀少之中國瓷器 
29 件重要又稀少之中國瓷器 
29 Important and Rare Chinese Ceramics
A Yongzheng Enameled Yellow Ground Colorful Pheasants Devoted Couple Peonies Flowers and Birds Porcelain Bowl Imperial Palace Workshop Yongzheng period Qing Dynasty
A Yongzheng Enameled Yellow Ground Four Windows Western Figures and Red-decorated Landscape Porcelain Bowl Imperial Palace Workshop Qianlong period Qing Dynasty
A Celadon-glazed Wine Pot with Cover Yuan Dynasty
A Chenghua Doucai Grapes Stemcup Ming Dynasty Imperial Palace Workshop Chenghua Period Ming Dynasty
A Ru-kiln Celadon-glazed Dual Dragon and Dual Sheep-head Mark Porcelain Tripod Brush Washer with Semicircle-bent-mouth-edge Northern Song Dynasty
A Blue and White Bolingdi Mark Dragon and Phoenix Moonflask with four Handles Yuan Dynasty
A Red-underglazed Dragon and Phoenix Moonflask with four Handles Yuan Dynasty
A Chenghua Doucai Sea Waves and Five-Claws Dragon Tianziguan Jar with Cover Chenghua period Ming Dynasty
A Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon playing Dragon-pearl-ball Decalobed Waterpot Imperial Palace Workshop Yongle Period Ming Dynasty
A Blue and White Playing Kids Eggshell Bowl Imperial Palace Workshop Yongle Period Ming Dynasty
A Blue and White Red-glazed Doucai Sea Waves Shrimp Birds and Beasts Bowl Wanli Period Ming Dynasty
A Rare and Fine Wucai European Envoy presenting Tribute to the Sovereign of China Figures and Landscape Bottle Vase Tianqiuping Imperial Palace Workshop Zhengtong Period (1436 - 1449) Four-character Seal-mark Ming Dynasty
A Yongzheng Enameled Peonies Flowers and Birds Porcelain Vase Imperial Palace Workshop Yongzheng period Qing Dynasty
A Chenghua Doucai Stemcup
A Large Blue and White Fish Algae Lotus Dish Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande Period (1426 - 1435) Ming Dynasty
A Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon and Phoenix Lotus Dish Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande Period Ming Dynasty
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