project-sekai-updates · 2 months
「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をいつもご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
[8]特定端末において、「コネクトライブ 2nd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL STAGE」のアーカイブを再生するとアプリが強制終了してしまう
[9]楽曲「Beyond the way」の3DMVにおいて、アナザーカット対象メンバーの編成状況によってアナザーカット以外のステージの色味や表示が変化してしまう
[2]鏡音レンに「スナグル・シャツ」の専用アクセサリのアナザー1~3を着用させると、3DMVやライブ衣装画面などにおいて鏡音レンの表情が変化しなくなる(4月10日22時30分 追記)
[1]バーチャルショップにて、フルセットのアイテムを交換した際、「SOLD OUT」の表示がされない
[3]バースデー『[Happy Birthday!!2024] 小豆沢こはね』のサイドストーリー後編において、一部キャラクターで描画不具合が発生する
引き続き「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をよろしくお願いいたします。
[Google Translated Vers.]
Thank you for always using "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
To date, we have confirmed the following issues with app version "v3.4.1".
■Added April 10th 22:30
I have added the details of the problem.
■Rhythm game/MV/virtual live bug
[1] When watching the MV, the specified members and order may not be reflected in the MV.
[2] High scores are not displayed correctly on the song selection screen and live results screen.
→Also, we have confirmed that the behavior of sorting by high score is not working properly.
[3] You may be unable to proceed while selecting a song or before the live performance starts in “Everyone Live”
[4] On certain devices, the 3D model during the music video or on the live costume selection screen may appear black.
[5] When playing the song “Starry Sky Orchestra” 3DMV with a specific composition, a black screen appears in some scenes.
[6] Unexpected rendering or effects may occur in some downloaded 3DMVs.
[7] In the 3DMV of the song "25 o'clock passion", unintended characters are reflected in some scenes.
[8] When playing the archive of “Connect Live 2nd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL STAGE” on certain devices, the app will force close.
[9] In the 3DMV of the song "Beyond the way", the color and display of stages other than Another Cut change depending on the composition of the members targeted for Another Cut.
[10] A rendering problem occurs in some scenes of the 3DMV of the song “Marshall Maximizer”.
[11] In the Connect Live archive, when certain virtual items are posted continuously during a vocal performance, the sound source during the vocal performance will no longer be played.
[12] In “Valentine 2024 Live”, some performances may be displayed in pink.
[13] In the 3DMV of the song "Tetrad Illuminating the World", when the members targeted for another cut such as Tsukasa, Nene, and Rui are assembled, the image is not displayed on the monitor on stage in some scenes.
[14] "Narrow down only performers" for stamps and virtual items does not work properly during White Day 2024 Live.
[15] In “White Day 2024 Live”, some performances may be displayed in pink.
[16] When transitioning to the song selection screen for MV viewing, if the “My List Tab” and “Display Jacket” are selected, the sound source will not play correctly.
[17] During a live show, if the player who created the room disconnects communication when the message "Members decided!" appears, the room of the guest player will continue without being dissolved.
[18] When playing the 3DMV of the song "I'm Mine" with a specific composition, some scenes are cut off and displayed.
[19] In “Cheerful Live”, the timer during matching may not advance and you may be unable to progress.
[20] The sound source of the song “1925” (another vocal version) is partially different from what was expected.
■Problems with live costumes, accessories, and hairstyles
[1] Some characters' hair/hair styles behave differently than expected.
[2] If you make Kagamine Len wear Another 1 to 3 of the Snuggle Shirt special accessories, Kagamine Len's expression will not change in the 3DMV or live costume screen (April 10th 22:30 postscript)
■ Rank match problem
[1] Notes may become unresponsive during a live performance.
[2] The song clear status displayed on the final confirmation screen is different from the “live alone” and “live with everyone” statuses.
[3] If the remaining time reaches 0 during matching, you will be unable to progress, and a penalty may be added if you exit the app.
■Other in-game behavior issues
[1] "SOLD OUT" is not displayed when exchanging a full set of items at the virtual shop.
[2] On the stamp screen in the waiting area, the stamps in the favorites tab are not aligned to the left.
[3] Birthday “[Happy Birthday! ! 2024] In the second part of the side story of ``Kohane Azusawa'', a drawing problem occurs with some characters.
[4] During special training for some members, illustrations after the training are cut off and displayed.
[5] In the event “Aim for the stars, Yosoro!”, the event story release notification is not displayed correctly.
[6] In Wonderland World, some objects may not be displayed correctly when transitioning between "Amusement Park" and "Port"
[7] When you transition from the release condition dialog for unopened areas in each world to the event story list and read the event story, the story is not displayed correctly.
*If you transition from the event TOP to the event story list again and play the story, it will be displayed correctly.
[8] If you save a bookmark at a specific location in the story, an unintended character will appear during playback.
[9] In the song exchange dialog, if there are three or more singing versions displayed in the recorded version tab, the singing character description and item consumption confirmation text are displayed overlapping.
[10] Scenes are not played in the correct order when you tap the screen with auto turned on during story playback.
■Fixed/resolved bugs
[Bug fixed around 11:00 on April 10th]
・The virtual singer version of the song "Senbonzakura" (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, KAITO) has been unintentionally replaced with a different sound source.
・If you display the basic profile or a custom profile under certain conditions while using "Organization 10" as the main mode, you will be unable to proceed.
In "Everyone Live", the room cannot be opened normally if certain steps are performed.
In "Everyone Live", after opening a private room and playing a live performance, you cannot newly join the room maintained in "Live Again".
If someone other than the host player leaves the app running in the background after playing "Live Together", that player will not be able to newly join the room maintained in "Live Again".
When you tap "Free Room" or "Veteran Room" in "Live Together", the message "Matching failed (100)" may be displayed and you may not be able to proceed to the live performance.
We are currently investigating and fixing these issues as soon as possible, but some issues may take some time to be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
In addition to the above, we have also confirmed some minor behavior and display issues, and are currently investigating and working on fixes.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers.
Thank you for your continued support of "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
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ydotome · 4 years
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Birthday Wonderland - Dir. Keiichi Hara - April 26, 2019
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shima-draws · 4 years
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He performed the ceremony perfectly, didn’t he??
Aaaa I loved The Wonderland so much...and the instant this kiddo was revealed I pointed and went “THERE!! That’s my favorite character yup absolutely”
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v-d-c-b-v · 4 years
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junghwwwa · 5 years
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Après l’excellent Miss Hokusai, Keiichi Hara sort cette année un nouveau film d’animation sur nos grands écrans. “Wonderland le royaume sans pluie” (”Birthday wonderland”) est en fait une commande et l’adaptation de “L’étrange voyage depuis la cave”, second roman de Sachiko Kashiwaba, écrivaine pour enfants populaire au Japon qui avait déjà inspiré à Hayao Miyazaki “Le voyage de Chihiro”. Wonderland est le voyage d’une autre jeune fille, prénommée Akane, une simple lycéenne, propulsée malgré elle dans un rôle de déesse du vent qui la dépasse. L’univers fantaisiste rappelle forcément ceux imaginés par le grand maître du Studio Ghibli et le film semble s’adresser plus ouvertement aux enfants qu’à leurs parents. Toutefois, on ne retrouve pas dans l’écriture l’excellence de Miyazaki ou même de Keiichi Hara dans ses oeuvres précédentes. Ici, Hara semble hésiter entre le récit initiatique et le discours écologique, n’approfondissant finalement aucun des deux de façon satisfaisante. Malgré tout, le voyage n’est pas si désagréable. Le dessin est classique mais les couleurs sont magnifiques et on est visuellement émerveillé par certains tableaux. Wonderland est donc un joli conte visant à sensibiliser les plus jeunes au problème écologique mais qui vaut plus pour son aspect visuel que son fond, à voir en famille. 
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nanndemonai · 5 years
松岡茉優配音、《百日紅》導演原惠一執導動畫電影新作《Birthday · Wonderland》情報解禁
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導演原惠一在 1990 年代到 2000 年初期開始逐漸嶄露頭角,一連執導了好幾部《哆啦A夢》的短篇作品以及《蠟筆小新》的劇場版電影,其中在 2001 與 2002 年連續兩年帶來的《蠟筆小新:風起雲湧 猛烈!大人帝國的反擊》和《蠟筆小新:風起雲湧 壯烈!戰國大會戰》兩部電影便成為了他真正開始受到廣泛矚目的代表之作,而後者更在日本國內拿下了好幾個相關的動畫電影獎項,包括極具份量的「東京動畫獎」中的「導演獎」,值得一提的是當年角逐該獎的還包括了大導演今敏的《千年女優》(最後拿下動畫電影類別的最優秀作品)。
▼ 《河童之夏》電影劇照
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在接連好幾部《蠟筆小新》劇場版電影之後,在 2007 中導演原惠一正式跳脫了系列作品的框架,帶來了他生涯的一大代表作《河童之夏》,也是他睽違五年再度重回導演崗位的電影作品。這部《河童之夏》再一次的證明了原惠一出眾的才能,在當年極度受到觀眾以及業界的愛戴,不僅獲選旬報的年度十大電影第五名,更再度的在東京動畫獎中獲獎拿下「最佳劇本」的殊榮,也因此讓導演逐漸的走向了國際。在相隔三年後的新作《Colorful 多彩奇幻之旅》(又譯:借來的一百天)即入選了當年的法國安錫動畫影展競賽單元,最後不僅獲得了觀眾票選獎,更拿下了「特殊榮譽獎」。而導演最近一部在 2013 年執導的新片《百日紅》也重回了安錫動畫影展且更上層樓的獲頒「評審團獎」,讓他再一次的受到了國際影壇的青睞。
▼ 《百日紅》電影劇照
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回歸正題,導演原惠一在描繪「大人」主題的《百日紅》之後,如今也將睽違四年帶來他的動畫電影新作《バースデー・ワンダーランド》(Birthday · Wonderland),並且在今日首度曝光了電影前導預告以及海報等消息。
《Birthday · Wonderland》由日本女編劇丸尾未歩執筆電影劇本,他曾和導演原惠一共同合作過《Colorful 多彩奇幻之旅》與《百日紅》等片,這將是他們的第五度合作。
《Birthday · Wonderland》改編自日本女作家柏葉幸子筆下的兒童文學作品《地下室不思議之旅》,劇情描述一位對自己沒有自信的少女「小茜(アカネ)」在生日的前夕被一位突然出現的煉金術師「西波克拉泰斯(ヒポクラテス)」和他的徒弟「西波(ヒポ)」請求「希望拯救他們的世界」,並且被強行帶至一個未知的神秘世界,是一個和某間骨董店通往地下室之門所連通的「仙境」。而小茜將成為守護這個世界的救世主,並且與形形色色的人物以及動物們邂逅。
▼ 《Birthday · Wonderland》電影海報
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在這次的《Birthday · Wonderland》中將由相當不一樣的人選來擔任電影的角色設計,也就是出身俄羅斯且目前居住於日本的人氣女畫家 Ilya Kuvshinov。這是 Ilya Kuvshinov 第一次參與日本動畫的製作,並且表示他在六歲時因為看了大導演押井守的《攻殼機動隊》而決定要成為一位動畫導演,而他也表示相當喜愛導演原惠一的作品,非常榮幸能夠有這一次的合作。
此外,在今日公布的消息指出,這次在導演原惠一的新作《Birthday · Wonderland》中將由一位在近年有極度亮眼表現的女演員來擔任這次女主角「小茜」的配音員,也就是在今年頻頻「雙料」入圍日本電影獎項的新生代女演員「松岡茉優」。松岡茉優在 2018 年度帶來兩部代表作品《被愛妄想症》以及《小偷家族》,他在電影當中交出的精湛演技讓他在目前的日本獎季中不斷的同時入圍最佳女主角與最佳女配角,絕對可以說是 2018 年度最受矚目的演員之一,前景被受看好。而這次在《Birthday · Wonderland》中為角色線聲演出其實是他和導演的第二次合作,在此之前曾於 2013 年演出導演第一部執導的真人電影《木下惠介:微光中的電影路》,是一部紀念《楢山節考》日本巨匠木下惠介百年誕辰的作品,而當時的松岡茉優還是一位高中生 。
▼ 《木下惠介:微光中的電影路》電影劇照
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在今日曝光《Birthday · Wonderland》消息的同時,導演原惠一也表達了一些他對於這部電影的想法。他表示這是他第一部真正挑戰「娛樂電影」的作品,並且說明他在思考要與誰來合作這次的角色設計時在書店瞥見了 Ilya Kuvshinov 的畫集並且馬上的決定「就是這個!」,有著���常希望在他第一部娛樂電影中與他合作的想法,且最終也實現了這個願望。最後導演也表示製作漸入佳境,是一部有十足把握的自信作,希望能很快的與觀眾見面。
《Birthday · Wonderland》預計在今年 4 月 26 日於日本正式上映,由華納兄弟發行,台灣方面則尚未有相關的代理消息。  
▼ 《Birthday · Wonderland》電影前導預告
▼ 《Birthday · Wonderland》電影海報
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kiritonarukami · 4 years
Birthday Wonderland [Review]
Happy Wednesday! Recently I got some tickets to go watch Birthday Wonderland! A twist on the well known Alice in Wonderland story. Check out my thoughts!
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Studios: Signal.MD
Source: Book
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Synopsis: “A movie adaptation of the 1981 children’s book Chikashitsu kara no Fushigi na Tabi. A wonderful and mysterious birthday adventure, one that you will never forget. Beyond the basement door in Aunt Chi’s antique shop lies a world beyond your wildest imagination. Akane Uesugi is a shy 6th grader who has trouble telling other…
View On WordPress
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t3rra-bull · 5 years
milet「Wonderland」MUSIC VIDEO 映画『バースデー・ワンダーランド』(4月26日(金)公開)コラボver.
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paulyrhythmics · 5 years
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keensdesign · 4 years
Macの向こうから — まだこの世界にない物語を 💻 Macの向こうから、新しい物語が次々と生まれています。まだこの世界にない物語を。さあ、あなたも。Macが学生に最適な理由: https://apple.co/2I39nvf 音楽:中村佳穂 “アイアム主人公” https://apple.co/2HXNqOb ©2018 スタジオ地図 ©2017 ルー製作委員会 ©渡 航、小学館/やはりこの製作委員会はまちがっている。続 ©しろ/アース・スター エンタ―テイメント/『ヤマノススメ サードシーズン』製作委員会 © 2019「天気の子」製作委員会 ©柏葉幸子・講談社/2019「バースデー・ワンダーランド」製作委員会 ©円谷プロ ©2018 TRIGGER・雨宮哲/「GRIDMAN」製作委員会 ©得能正太郎・芳文社/NEW GAME!!製作委員会 ©赤塚不二夫/おそ松さん製作委員会 © 2016「君の名は。」製作委員会 ©2009 吉崎観音/KADOKAWA, BNP, テレビ東京, NAS ©残響のテロル製作委員会 ©森博嗣・講談社/「すべてがFになる」製作委員会 #advertisement #advert #ads #広告 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SmSfujvZS/?igshid=puuubdygxkmy
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meganer · 5 years
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イリヤ✨映画バースデー・ワンダーランド4月26日公開さんのツイート: "#ショートカットの日… "
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project-sekai-updates · 2 months
「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をいつもご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
[8]特定端末において、「コネクトライブ 2nd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL STAGE」のアーカイブを再生するとアプリが強制終了してしまう
[9]楽曲「Beyond the way」の3DMVにおいて、アナザーカット対象メンバーの編成状況によってアナザーカット以外のステージの色味や表示が変化してしまう
[22]「みんなでライブ」の「フリールーム」または「ベテランルーム」をタップした時、「マッチングに失敗しました(100)」と表示され、ライブに進めない場合がある(3月29日21時30分 追記)
[23]楽曲「千本桜」のバーチャル・シンガーver.(初音ミク・鏡音リン・鏡音レン・巡音ルカ・MEIKO・KAITO)が意図せず異なる音源に差し替わっている(3月29日21時30分 追記)
[24]「チアフルライブ」でマッチング時のタイマーが進まず、進行不能になることがある(3月30日18時00分 追記)
[25]楽曲「1925」のアナザーボーカルver.(類)の音源が一部想定と異なっている(4月2日15時00分 追記)
[1]バーチャルショップにて、フルセットのアイテムを交換した際、「SOLD OUT」の表示がされない
[3]バースデー『[Happy Birthday!!2024] 小豆沢こはね』のサイドストーリー後編において、一部キャラクターで描画不具合が発生する
[11]キャラクターアーカイブの「セリフ」タブにおいて、v3.4.0で新しく追加されたセリフが表示されない(3月29日13時45分 追記)
[12]ストーリー再生においてオートをONにした状態で画面タップをおこなうと、正しい順番でシーンが再生されない(4月2日15時00分 追記)
引き続き「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をよろしくお願いいたします。
[Google Translated Vers.]
Thank you for always using "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
To date, we have confirmed the following issues with app version "v3.4.0".
■Added at 15:00 on April 2nd
I have added the details of the problem.
■Rhythm game/MV/virtual live bug
[1] When watching the MV, the specified members and order may not be reflected in the MV.
[2] High scores are not displayed correctly on the song selection screen and live results screen.
→Also, we have confirmed that the behavior of sorting by high score is not working properly.
[3] You may be unable to proceed while selecting a song or before the live performance starts in “Everyone Live”
[4] On certain devices, the 3D model during the music video or on the live costume selection screen may appear black.
[5] When playing the song “Starry Sky Orchestra” 3DMV with a specific composition, a black screen appears in some scenes.
[6] Unexpected rendering or effects may occur in some downloaded 3DMVs.
[7] In the 3DMV of the song "25 o'clock passion", unintended characters are reflected in some scenes.
[8] When playing the archive of “Connect Live 2nd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL STAGE” on certain devices, the app will force close.
[9] In the 3DMV of the song "Beyond the way", the color and display of stages other than Another Cut change depending on the composition of the members targeted for Another Cut.
[10] A rendering problem occurs in some scenes of the 3DMV of the song “Marshall Maximizer”.
[11] In the Connect Live archive, when certain virtual items are posted continuously during a vocal performance, the sound source during the vocal performance will no longer be played.
[12] In “Valentine 2024 Live”, some performances may be displayed in pink.
[13] In the 3DMV of the song "Tetrad Illuminating the World", when the members targeted for another cut such as Tsukasa, Nene, and Rui are assembled, the image is not displayed on the monitor on stage in some scenes.
[14] "Narrow down only performers" for stamps and virtual items does not work properly during White Day 2024 Live.
[15] In “White Day 2024 Live”, some performances may be displayed in pink.
[16] When transitioning to the song selection screen for MV viewing, if the “My List Tab” and “Display Jacket” are selected, the sound source will not play correctly.
[17] During a live show, if the player who created the room disconnects communication when the message "Members decided!" appears, the room of the guest player will continue without being dissolved.
[18] When playing the 3DMV of the song "I'm Mine" with a specific composition, some scenes are cut off and displayed.
[19] In "Everyone Live", the room cannot be opened normally if certain steps are performed.
[20] After opening a private room and playing a live performance in "Everyone Live", you cannot newly join the room maintained in "Live Again".
[21] If someone other than the host player leaves the app running in the background after playing "Live Together", that player will not be able to newly join the room maintained in "Live Again".
[22] When you tap “Free Room” or “Veteran Room” in “Live Together”, “Matching failed (100)” may be displayed and you may not be able to proceed to the live (March 29, 21 30 minutes P.S.)
[23] The virtual singer ver. (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, KAITO) of the song "Senbonzakura" has been unintentionally replaced with a different sound source (March 29) 21:30 P.S.)
[24] In "Cheerful Live", the timer during matching may not advance and you may be unable to progress (added at 18:00 on March 30th)
[25] The sound source of the another vocal version of the song “1925” is partially different from what was expected (Added at 15:00 on April 2nd)
■Problems with live costumes, accessories, and hairstyles
[1] Some characters' hair/hair styles behave differently than expected.
■ Rank match problem
[1] Notes may become unresponsive during a live performance.
[2] The song clear status displayed on the final confirmation screen is different from the “live alone” and “live with everyone” statuses.
[3] If the remaining time reaches 0 during matching, you will be unable to progress, and a penalty may be added if you exit the app.
■Other in-game behavior issues
[1] "SOLD OUT" is not displayed when exchanging a full set of items at the virtual shop.
[2] On the stamp screen in the waiting area, the stamps in the favorites tab are not aligned to the left.
[3] Birthday “[Happy Birthday! ! 2024] In the second part of the side story of ``Kohane Azusawa'', a drawing problem occurs with some characters.
[4] During special training for some members, illustrations after the training are cut off and displayed.
[5] In the event “Aim for the stars, Yosoro!”, the event story release notification is not displayed correctly.
[6] In Wonderland World, some objects may not be displayed correctly when transitioning between "Amusement Park" and "Port"
[7] When you transition from the release condition dialog for unopened areas in each world to the event story list and read the event story, the story is not displayed correctly.
*If you transition from the event TOP to the event story list again and play the story, it will be displayed correctly.
[8] If you save a bookmark at a specific location in the story, an unintended character will appear during playback.
[9] If you display the basic profile or a custom profile under certain conditions while using "Organization 10" as your main mode, you will be unable to proceed.
[10] In the song exchange dialog, if there are three or more singing versions displayed in the recorded version tab, the singing character description and item consumption confirmation text are displayed overlapping.
[11] The newly added lines in v3.4.0 are not displayed in the “Speech” tab of the character archive (added on March 29th, 13:45)
→This is only a display issue, and the correct display will be displayed after 11:00 on March 30th.
[12] If you tap the screen with auto turned on during story playback, the scenes will not play in the correct order (added at 3:00 p.m. on April 2nd)
■Fixed/resolved bugs
[Bug fixed around 11:00 on March 29th]
- In the special accessory for "Cafe Mocha Daughter", the thumbnail images of Another Color 1 and Another 3 are displayed in reverse.
- In some stories, bookmarks cannot be saved even in places where bookmarks can be saved.
・On certain devices, the background and effects of some 3DMVs may be drawn in pink.
- In the 3DMV of the song "Tetrad Illuminating the World", if Emu and Nene wear certain common accessories and play the song, the accessories will appear floating before and after another cut is played.
We are currently investigating and fixing these issues as soon as possible, but some issues may take some time to be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
In addition to the above, we have also confirmed some minor behavior and display issues, and are currently investigating and working on fixes.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers.
Thank you for your continued support of “Project Sekai Kanojo no Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku”.
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ydotome · 4 years
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Birthday Wonderland - Dir. Keiichi Hara - April 26, 2019
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shima-draws · 4 years
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The way the prince looks at Akane reblog if you agree
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hakketenso · 5 years
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イリヤ✨映画バースデー・ワンダーランド公開中!!さんのツイート: "Green [2017] https://t.co/6q6bLFyUVG… "
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genkinahito · 5 years
Birthday Wonderland バースデー・ワンダーランド Dir: Keiichi Hara (2019) [Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival 2019]
Birthday Wonderland     
バースデー・ワンダーランド 「Ba-sude- Wanda-rando」
Release Date: April 26th, 2019
Duration: 115 mins.
Director: Keiichi Hara
Writer: Miho Maruo (Screenplay), Sachiko Kashiwaba (Original Creator)
Starring: Mayu Matsuoka (Akane), Akiko Yajima (Doropo), Anzu (Chi), Keiji Fujiwara (Xan Gu), Kumiko Aso (Midori), Masachika Ichimura (Hippocrates),
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After a career with titles…
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