#【 » freak with a million dead blogs ⇢ ooc « 】
freaknife · 2 years
workin like this for me to hop into your ims for plots ❤ thepie#0303
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shimurataeweek · 7 years
Shimura Tae Week| Day 3 | Cherry Blossom / Warrior
TITLE: Sakura Dance: In All Lifetimes, I Will find You GENRE: Romance DISCLAIMER: I do not own Gintama. Sorachi “Gorilla-sensei” Hideaki owns this awesome story. (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)ง NOTE: Apologies in advance. Grammatical errors and OOCness ahead.
A/N: I’m sending my thanks to Ansacchan. I really (10x) love your arts, and a million thank you again for creating the cover for this fic. Please visit her blog or twitter for more of her art works: TUMBLR https://shaccanandi21.tumblr.com/  TWITTERhttps://twitter.com/anshaccan
             He could do nothing but watch through his eyes that certain Silver Head charging towards him with the wooden sword in his hand that soon pierced through his chest. The sky turned orange and golden, illuminating the darkness of the isolated and ruined place where the resounding step echoed the coda of everything.
              It wasn’t painful. His body was numb a long time ago and he’d just been waiting for the time when he won’t finally remember how to breathe. He thought it was the perfect moment.  
              His lips, smeared with blood, curved into a faint smile and before the last seconds of his life, he murmured to the Silver Head.
               "The only one who can kill me is me.“
              The orange and golden sky witnessed the end of a man in that abandoned space. On the other side of the town, a bedridden woman just breathed her last.
              He quirked a brow and nodded. Not bad for the first draft. “Hmm… it’s good.”
              “Really, Ginpachi-sensei?!”
              “Yeah, 5 out of 10.”
              His orange head and aru accent user student exited the room with her gloomy form after hearing the grade he gave her for the story she just submitted to him. The story was good but it didn’t fit the theme of the week, which should be about rebirth and bud blooms also known as Spring. In all honesty, Kagura’s work should automatically be rejected for not following instructions however, there was something about its plot that saved itself from getting into the trashcan.
              Its flow piqued Ginpachi-sensei’s interest. What would happen to the story next, now that those two were dead?
              Yawning, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the faculty room. It was five thirty in the afternoon and he should’ve been preparing to go home. He took a quick glance at the entrance door to check if someone was coming, and sighed when he found no one. He clucked his tongue. Just one more student and he could go out.
              The Silver Head lied his head down on the table and let himself listen to the noises of the other teachers in the faculty room. His ears almost bled from Sakamoto-sensei’s annoying laughter, Matsudaira-sensei and Otose-sensei’s bickers, and Hattori-sensei’s weeps about his hemorrhoids. It was six-thirty in the evening when the last teacher, Gengai-sensei, bid farewell to him, and now the room was left in silence, and yet… there was no student arriving.  
              What was she doing, taking all the time in the world? Did she go home already? She didn’t trick him, did she? While pondering over why the hell was that certain student taking so long, Ginpachi-sensei failed to notice the Brunette in ponytail entering the faculty room and approaching his desk.
              For some reason, he could smell the fragrance of spring. And that moment, he knew.
             Ginpachi turned his head to the side and looked up at Brown-haired near him. At last, the student… his damn student that took her sweet time, the class president of 3-Z, Shimura Tae, was finally in front on him, handing him five pages of long bond papers, and bowing her head. “My short story’s done. I’m sorry if it’s late.”
              “This must be topnotch, Shimura. Since you made your Teacher wait this long,” he put heavy emphasis on his last words. When he met her gaze, guilt immediately crossed the student’s face. “Ah… it’s done already. Just don’t do it again next time.”
              The Silver Head stood up and started gathering his things, but his student wasn’t moving. He threw a quick sideways glance at her. “Young people shouldn’t go home late especially nowadays. It’s dangerous to stay outside at night. Even though you look like a boy, you still─” He felt a hand grab his curl. “I was kidding, I was kidding…”
              “But you won’t mind escorting this boy, ‘ne?”
              Ginpachi froze, dropped the classroom record on his desk, and facepalmed when he recovered. His head motioned to face the student beside him, so that he could talk some sense into her, but her damn smile casually greeted his distressed expression. He was a teacher and older to beat, a lot wiser than this girl, but Tae was better when it came to this thing. He should have known better.
              He wiped her hand off his curl and narrowed his eyes as he told her. “Oi, you did that on purpose?”
             The nerve of his student when she opened her eyes and looked at him with her large, brown orbs, looking so innocent as if she’d totally never done anything to inconvenience him. “Sensei, are you saying that I meant to submit my papers very late, so I’d get alone time with you and we could go home together?”     
              Plus, she was fearless and brutal, but sweet talker at the same time. He has encountered students who’ve spat out the worst and brusquest thing from d*** to the f***, but her tongue was sharp like a sword, it could penetrate more into someone’s soul.
              Shimura Tae was known for her sarcasm and cunningness hence, she earned the “Bitch” title. She wasn’t elected as the 3-Z’s president for nothing. She’d say what was on her mind regardless of how sensitive it was, but for some reason, no one would take her remarks as offensive or rude because, as often as not, her notes were slaps to reality. Even with the “Bitch” title, students respected and feared her. Ginpachi understood those people very well because like any other casualties, although he’d known her essence, he still fell victim to her shenanigans.  
              As soon as he was done clearing his desk, he got out of the faculty. The Brunette, on the other hand, tailed her teacher. The two managed to reach the school’s quadrangle in quietness. Ginpachi was peacefully dreaming about his favorite weather girl reporter until he felt Tae’s head bump against his back.
              He freaked out. “What’s with you?! Don’t come close to me, idiot!”  
              As if she didn’t hear his warning, his student moved closer and leaned her head on his rear, of all the things she could do. The Silver Head turned into rock. Every system inside him was now in emergency mode, worried sick that once someone saw them with this set-up, this would be the death of him. This kind of thing didn’t sit right with Japan─teacher and student being touchy-touchy and all. PTA would really kill him this time. 
              “Sensei knew what I was doing from the beginning, yet Sensei still waited for me. Does that mean he also wants to be alone with his student as much as his student wants to be alone with him?”
              He choked at what she said. It wasn’t something Shimura Tae would say in normal circumstances. But, scratched that “it wasn’t something she would say” whatsoever because the student just dropped another bomb in his head. What happened was she buried her freaking face in his back. “Oi, oi… you must be kidding, wait a minut─”
              “Why did you hug me yesterday?”
              He paused.
              She paused.
              The world paused.
              The cherry blossom petals from the tree gently danced in the wind as they fell to the ground in slow beat. The earliest of evening, the moon slightly peeked through the curtain clouds, the two people occupied a large space such as this school ground. But, for the two of them, there was nothing narrower than their current location. Through his eyes, he memorized the scene of the ancient wonder like how he learned in a heartbeat, this girl's… no… this woman’s shifts of emotions. If gods were playing with them, someone should cut off this moment before she completely infiltrated the Silver Head’s consciousness.  
              “Yes, Gin-san?”
              “I’m your teacher.”
              The soundless atmosphere lasted for several seconds.   
              “Let me call you Gin-san when no one’s around.”
              “Tch,” he scratched the back of his head. “What a bummer.”  
              “We share the same dream,” she smiled sweetly. “You used to call me Otae, right?”
              And those familiar rings… it stirred up something inside the both of them.
              It was squeezing Ginpachi’s chest.
銀魂 To be continued
                          ——————————— INTERESTED? CHAPTER 2 & 3 CAN BE FOUND ON THE LINK BELOW. Ao3 FFnet
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freaknife · 4 years
be a lamb and give this a like if I can send you memes whenever I want 🙃
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freaknife · 4 years
tiny plot call!
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freaknife · 4 years
brain is mush! so like for a lyric starter!
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freaknife · 4 years
name a line from spn that lives rent free in your head
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freaknife · 4 years
ohhh...ohhhhhhh....end!verse jo 👀👀👀👀
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freaknife · 3 years
who wants meme spam while I work??
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freaknife · 4 years
UNOFFICAL OFFICIAL SHIPPING CALL. that’s right my loves, it’s that time. you know the drill. by giving this a like you give me permission to spam your ims / disco with shippy shit and boy howdy is that what i do best ( aside from angst which hey if you choose to ship with me there will be ALOT OF ) this particular shipping call is for ROMANCE ONLY as a seperate shipping call will come for familial / platonic. by liking this you agree to shippy meme spam, random starters, edits ( rare though they may be ) tagging in ship posts and other events of that nature. c’mon and love jo ; she heckin deserves it. 
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freaknife · 4 years
brand new mini plot call !! I really love delving in deep and getting to the nitty gritty so hit the heart if I can harass you and your muse with my baybeee 🥺
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freaknife · 4 years
Can you imagine how much more meaningful their deaths would have been if Jo and Ellen had been involved in S3 and 4????
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freaknife · 4 years
I just impulse bought deans ring off Amazon so 🤷‍♀️ that's how my day is going
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freaknife · 4 years
mini head canon : bill harvelle wears a cowboy hat cause he's a fuckin good ole boy
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freaknife · 4 years
so the last instance we see of jo between her season two and season five gap is her stitching up dean before he goes off to find possesed!sam -- this leads me to be down for one of two things.  either jo went with dean to locate sam because BULLSHIT SHE’D SIT ON THE SIDELINES ( clearly im very emphatic about this ) or B dean did in fact call jo like he said he would and updated her on the goings on which was a shock to jo and lead her to trust him all the more despite what she believed john to have done. 
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freaknife · 4 years
things Jo deserves : ✨snuggles✨
things Jo recieves :✨ struggles ✨
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freaknife · 4 years
listen : all I want is for Jo to have a nice cozy room in the bunker is that so much to ask?
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