maliignant · 5 months
*hides behind a ginormous Undead Frenchman * Thank you for answering my ask. I appreciate the coaxing out of. How magical of you.
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thank you for sending the ask in the first place, lovely! you reached out & that is always the first big step, isn't it? not a lot of people have the guts to do that so you're already well off on the right path. i'm proud of you, love. & again, appreciate the compliment(s), i'm so happy you love my portrayal of this beautiful creature.
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scatcrccio · 4 months
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@sadauroras (mari) sent: ❛ why are you avoiding me? ❜
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IT WAS NO SECRET THAT NATALIE HAD BEEN DODGING just about everyone as much as possible since her forced arrival at Camp Green-whatever. But yeah, Mari especially was one of her top main avoidances, for several reasons. Part of her is surprised that the other brunette even cared or noticed, so when she's confronted by the obvious fact, Nat's a bit taken aback. Her spine straightens as feet slightly stumble in place before she finally scoffs and turns her attention away with arms stubbornly crossed over her chest.
❝ Seriously—? ❞ When she does meet Mari's gaze again, it's with a sterner expression, tongue licking across thinned lips in that brief moment of pause. They may have gone through some serious, fucked up shit together in the past, but that didn't make them friends, even now. Nor had they been friends, really, back then. ❝ Because the last thing I need right now after being ambushed and dragged into this fucked up place against my will is whatever slew of bullshit you've got ready to go at my expense, that's why. ❞
Bad enough that everyone around them knew about Nat's little attempt and she could feel the stares on her at every given moment, sometimes even when she was sitting alone in her room. Maybe that might have been a delusion, but it didn't make her feel any less uncomfortable overall. Arms finally uncross and she elevates them if only to slap both hands against the outside of her thighs as if in some defeat, ❝ but alright, let's have at it then. What'ya got for me, huh?
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Or are you just gonna try and convince me that Lottie's still the epitome of perfection; the perfect messiah you've always known her to be and all she wants is what's best for me and everyone here like some Goddess Saint with her woo-woo shenanigans, deserving of whatever pedestal you refuse to take her off of? Jesus, Mari… twenty-five years and you still have your head so far up her ass… it's fucking pathetic. ❞
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matriiiarch · 1 year
what made you decide to start shipping larissa and morticia? Also is that fandom super active here?
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PLEASE BE MINDFUL of the fact that my entire Wednesday verse is based as an AU. Even in that verse, my ship between Larissa and Tish stems prior to Gomez with an entire history that has been fully developed with @deviaticn and can be found here (this is a personal head canon on their back story that is strictly between myself and Char as her Larissa is the only one I actually ship with). In my canon verses, Morticia has never had eyes or felt love for anyone outside of her husband. What made me want to ship Tish with Larissa was by the obvious correlation their characters had on the show—— Larissa views herself as a constant shadow to Morticia (which is mirrored in the way Wednesday feels towards her mother) and displays a clear sense of jealousy over her. Although it can be argued that she is simply jealous of all of Morticia's many accomplishments as well as the subtle reference to a potential crush she may have had for Gomez, we do not actually see Larissa looking at or even talking about Gomez other than the one time she confesses it to Marilyn Thornhill at the Rave'n. Which could very easily be a front to mask her true emotions. What is made clear is the fact that she still holds resentment towards Morticia, which can be for many reasons outside of just jealousy alone. Fact of the matter is, we aren't given a lot of information about their overall relationship as a whole. There are a lot of speculations that can be made in many different directions with what's provided just within the first season. As for your inquiry regarding the fandom is concerned, it is an active fandom as far as I'm still aware though it has lessened since all the hype.
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bcdazzled · 1 year
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@antiiichristus sent: ❝ you can’t look out for yourself, how the hell are you gonna look out for me ? ❞ // teen anti-christ XD
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THE AUDACITY OF WORDS THAT SPILLED out of the mouth of her spawn caused a glaring gaze in his direction. Brows narrowing as expression remained stern, eventually her spine straightened. Single hand propped upon hip while the other leaned upon desk between them. ❝ I beg your pardon? ❞ Response hissed like a slithering snake upon her tongue. The Devil had been accused of being many things, but never as someone who was unable to 'look out for herself.' Had he not been her own child, she wouldn't have hesitated to smite him right then and there. Though that would have been far too easy. ❝ Listen here you ungrateful little maggot, I'll have no problem letting you experience every waking reign of fiendish torment Hell has to offer should you speak to me like that again. Keep trying my patience, love. I dare you. ❞
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sardonicbeauty · 1 year
🖤 + elle but she already knows the answer because she is a vain fuck and full of herself :)
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❝ Smash, baby. ❞
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seasonofprophecy · 2 months
The bundle has passed its deadline! They have raised over 578,000 USD! The bundle was a success!
Please! Direct your attention now to direct fundraisers for families to evacuate!
@/el-shab-hussein made a masterpost of vetted fundraisers you can donate to, which you can click to see here!
Extend the energy that you showed to the bundle to these families! Thank you!
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shining-sphinx · 3 months
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So I got into dungeon meshi and i’ve been telling everyone who I talk to. I love everything about the world, characters, the art, etc.
People are not kidding when they say that senshi will manifest in your head to tell you to eat better. Like I have a hard time remembering to eat but my brain would be like “you haven’t eaten in some hours, you need a meal” and I would be like you’re very right internal senshi I’m gonna see what I can make. Then I make food??? Honestly Gods sent senshi for helping so many people eat better
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molags-balls · 27 days
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big things happening in england
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maliignant · 6 months
Your Dru is absolute perfection. I am equal parts in awe of her and terrified of her as are my muses. Also your writing style is simply beautiful.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH, LOVELY! & i'm adoring whatever mess of a relationship this is between dru & amy, the toxicity of it all has been adoringly fun to play with. feel free to throw any of your muses at my baby girl, she'd love to torment all of them.
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scatcrccio · 5 months
Does Nat have a favorite movie or movie genre?
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Now accepting curious anons.
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PRE-CRASH, I'D SAY NAT'S FAVORITE GENRE of movies was old classic horror. Pretty much any type of cult classics, really and for the most part that's still true even in the modern setting. Though I wouldn't necessarily say that she has a favorite movie overall, she just tends to lean more towards that specific genre in general. Growing up, most of the films she was able to watch was always whatever was on tv and usually late at night when her mom fell asleep so a lot of that at the time was old campy horror films. Some did bother her post-crash, depending on certain triggers (i.e. anything involving cannibalism or young teen girls turning on each other) but overall, she liked the sillier things. Clue and anything Mel Brooks like, Young Frankenstein just to name a few examples. She also liked some old Westerns, mostly because those were movies her father watched but even those sometimes rubbed her the wrong way if only because again, they reminded her of him. But she does have some fond memories watching Western films with her dad, especially when she was much younger, before he got really bad.
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matriiiarch · 1 year
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@woednesdayaddams sent: ❛  this  is  my  halloween  costume.  i’m  dressed  like  a  teenage  disappointment  ready  for  a  sacrifice  ritual.  what  do  you  think?  ❜    she’s  dressed  like  this
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THERE WAS A MOMENT OF OBVIOUS DISGUST that lingered across Morticia's once eyes finally settled upon her daughter's choice of costume. It wasn't what she would've normally approved of, but it also wasn't the worst thing the young girl could've come up with. At least she wasn't dressed in some slutty pink Playboy bunny… thing. Though she knew even Wednesday would never be caught dead in something even remotely similar to that. She did have to admire her daughter's creativity none the less and so that enduring look of disgust that once grazed upon pale features soon shifted into a small but somewhat supportive smirk. ❝ Well, ❞ she finally sighed out, ❝ I'd say you look like a disappointment, but I wouldn't want to flatter you too much. ❞ She teased. ❝ Though personally, I would have preferred leather over denim. ❞ Even still, she understood the look Wednesday was going for, and it fit.
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bcdazzled · 1 year
does your new family make you happy?
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THE CONCEPT OF FAMILY HAD ONLY RECENTLY become appealing to her, once she found it. Larissa herself being a rather interesting surprise by the development of their relationship and even more so after Damien was born. Talitha too was both unexpected and perplexing but not disappointing. Together, they had all become quite the interesting pairing. But to answer the question simply, ❝ yes. ❞ They truly did, as ironic as that may have seemed. Surely, some would argue that the Devil did not deserve such conventional bliss and yet, she had it anyway. As if she had granted a wish she didn't realize she ever wanted with loopholes she had no intention of pursuing.
@deviaticn | @antiiichristus | @luxminus
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sardonicbeauty · 1 year
🖤 + maryanne
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❝ Smash. ❞
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ma-39 · 3 months
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cadmium-free · 8 months
terribly charmed by my sibling sending me a voice message that just said “i just always take ibuprofen at the wrong time. i had a headache all afternoon, from three to eight pm and then i took an ibuprofen half an hour before the headache went away! i could have just saved an ibuprofen!”
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acorviart · 27 days
not to sound like a boomer, but I need some people to learn how to write emails in a semi-professional (at the very least) format so you're not cold emailing a business/potential employer/any other stranger about formal matters in the exact same way you'd DM a close friend on instagram
the formality/language can loosen up in the email chain once you've established a rapport and you match the other person if they're being less formal, but please don't have the very first email you send a stranger be written in all lowercase ultra-casual sms slang with no greeting or signature and a billion emojis
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