#「 ☕️✧༄ —   ❝ Pikaqueue use Thunderbolt! ❞ (queue)
tanteichi · 2 years
[ 📧 ⇒ total tsundere ] [ Kokichi sent an image: a picture of him lying back on his bed, entirely undressed. Only a part of the bed sheets prevents him from being fully exposed. ]
[ 📧 ⇒ total tsundere ] you want me to confess to my crimes, right?
[ 📧 ⇒ total tsundere ] I bet you could pound the confession out of me
Unprompted Sinday Asks
His phone buzzed several times at once, signalling to him that he had not just one, but a few messages to give his attention to. Which left him sighing, clearly displeased. What was so important that he was messaged while he was working? He was sure that it was nothing serious, possibly something unworthy of his time. The thoughts dryly filled his head as eventually, the curiosity got the better of him and he pulls his phone out. 
Shinichi checks his messaging app, surprised to see something from Kokichi of all people. He runs through the possible reasons the other COULD have for messaging him. Leaving a heist notice, some clue related to the aforementioned heist. . .
As he opens their messages, Shinichi almost dropped his phone, eyes widened and cheeks absolutely flushed. Out of everything he expected, it certainly wasn’t that. His throat suddenly felt like it was closing up, his mouth dry. 
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t. . .personally ‘bothered’ by the messages. Especially the photo, which he definitely did not save to his gallery. Certainly not. A series of texts would be sent in rapid pace, typos left unchecked.
📱: You’re extremely daring, you know that right?
📱: Especially when im ajt woek right now you, idiot.
📱: but trust me, confession isn’t the only thign you’re gonna end up doing, thief.
📱: you’ll be apologising to me personally when im done with you. trying to seek forgiveness from me. see you soon.
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shinidogawa · 3 years
🦹 - for my muse to show off their costume to yours. ( he's either in a Cheshire cat or a jester costume hfdksajfa )
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𝑹𝑷 𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑬 :   the  path  from  emojis  to  starters.   SPOOKY  SEASON  EDITION.    [ MINE / YOURS ] depends on the receiver. | Accepting!
🦹 - for my muse to show off their costume to yours.
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Shinichi couldn’t help it. As soon as he saw what Kokichi had chosen as his costume, bright, bubbly laughter left the detective’s lips and he forced himself to turn away to cover his mouth. “S—Seriously. . .out of all the costumes you could have chosen, you chose the Cheshire cat? I didn’t take you to be a fan of Alice in Wonderland.” 
His tone brimming with amusement as he teased the other, he shook his head. He himself was, of course, dressed as Sherlock Holmes. Even down to the pipe in his mouth and the skull in one of his hands. He made sure his outfit was a perfect representation of the detective he oh-so-admired.
“Really, knowing you, I thought you would’ve dressed as some sort of emperor or dictator, or hell, even a flashy phantom thief. Basically go as yourself. But hey, at least you tried. Can I take photos?”
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tanteichi · 2 years
Without an ounce of shame, Kokichi trotted right over to Shinichi and sat himself in his lap. "You spend all this time chasing me, but it's actually pretty easy if you let me come to you." He leaned in closer to whisper in his ear, "But I bet you're just worried you can't control yourself when I'm this close. You like me way more than a detective should like a thief. I bet I could have you wrapped around my finger with just one night together."
He leaned back just enough to look Shinichi in the eye. Then he was leaning forward, closing the distance between them. Their lips brushed just faintly and—
Kokichi jolted back, suddenly producing and shaking a bagful of what sounded like jewelry. "You've been looking for these, riiiiight? Did you forget already? Or am I too distracting?"
( fhdksfhjdalhaj )
Unprompted Sinday Asks
 He was almost convinced that the thief had some sort of. . .power. Powers that, when used, would captivate and manipulate anyone Kokichi so chose. And that unfortunate, manipulated person just so happened to be Shinichi.
It was during one of Kokichi’s heists, with Shinichi of course trying to chase him down with several high-speed soccer balls being launched in his direction with his nasty kicks to try and slow the other down.
Though, somehow, Shinichi didn’t know how it happened, everything was almost a blur, they ended up here. With Kokichi seating himself on his lap, teasing and taunting him with his words, that were oh-so-quietly whispered into his ear, sending shivers up his spine and raising the hairs on his neck.
Shinichi’s inhale was sharp, his blue eyes staring defiantly into purple. He has to keep his breath steady, his gaze firm, though he was only human. One could notice the slight waver of his resolve, the hands which tempted themselves to grab hold of Kokichi, to pull him closer and keep him rooted to his lap. “I think you’re making huge assumptions that thrive on boosting your ego, thief. I feel like I can handle you just fine. Which is exactly what I’m doing. Your tactics won’t work.” 
Despite the firm tone he had taken, his voice was almost hushed, as if he didn’t want to break out of the trance he was currently in. There was one thing he couldn’t deny, and it was the fact that Kokichi’s eyes were distracting. He almost didn’t want to look away. He lost himself in the moment, hand eventually moving, sliding up to rest against the small of his back. He could feel Kokichi’s breath tickling his lips. They were so close and yet he didn’t want to pull away. . .
“W-What?” Voice cracked, Shinichi was rudely jolted back to reality by the phantom thief’s sudden departure from his lap and quite cheeky tone. He blinks several times, as if that would help him process what happened, and he blushed almost shamefully. They were so close to kissing, and Shinichi had almost let it happen. What was wrong with him? “Somehow you manage to give me even more so of a headache every minute I’m around you.” He growls.
As Shinichi eases himself out of his seat, he was already beginning to mess with the dispenser on his belt, ready to inflate yet another soccer ball to kick at Kokichi. Most likely at his face for being a goddamn tease. “Of course I didn’t forget about those jewels, baaro. I’m going to get them back and you’re going to be going home with a splitting headache after the stunt you pulled tonight.”
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tanteichi · 2 years
" I guess sending you to grave with poison wasn't enough to get rid of you, great detective. " Gun placed right against back of Shinichi's head as Gin let out a chuckle. " Should we see if same things happens with bullet through the head? Or care to explain how you survived? " [ i'm sorry- ]
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Unprompted asks | Always accepting!
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Shinichi felt his blood run cold. No, no no no everything was going WRONG. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to run into. . .into GIN yet. Not yet. Not with hakase and the detective boys so close and ―― and Ran. He couldn’t let her get hurt. Not because of him. Not because of his stupid mistakes. 
His mind was racing, hardly able to hear Gin’s words against the drumming of his heart in his ribcage and the quivering breaths he took ―― attempting to calm himself down. Not that it was easy with a cocked gun pointed right at his head. 
His hands were raised in faux submission and he forces a weak chuckle. “Is the idea of the police officers still lingering around after the murder case on that rollercoaster ride such an unlikely thought, Gin?” He wouldn’t mention the fact that the ‘drug’ Gin had administered to him had turned him into a child. Not only would that resurface the idea of ‘Sherry’ still being alive, but he needed Conan’s identity to fall back on should he survive this encounter. 
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tanteichi · 2 years
"Merry christmas, detective." An elegant decorated box appears out of nowhere on the thief's hands. If Shinichi opens it, it could be the latest Sherlock Holmes book series he wanted since Kaito carefully plans it to surprise it. "Won't I get a kiss under the mistletoe as a thank you?" He teases him.
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Unprompted Asks | Always accepting! 
Shinichi carefully takes the box from the thief ―― who seemingly manifested it out of NO WHERE. He frowns a moment, wary hues flickering from the grinning, cheeky magician, down to the present in hand. “Uh, thanks KID. I don’t have a present for you though.” An obvious lie ―― it just wouldn’t be given to him NOW. After all, he didn’t want to deal with the teasing and the EMBARRASSMENT coming from KID, making a big deal of the gift Shinichi would have gotten him.
He eventually opens the decorated box, careful to preserve the wrapping paper  ―― and his eyes visibly widen at the sight of the book. He lifts it, looking it over as if he couldn’t believe it was real. “. . .I was expecting some sort of PRANK or something.” Shinichi murmured, looking over at the white-clad thief. “. . .Thanks KID ――” But of course, right before he could get genuinely sentimental, KID just had to ruin it with his excessive teasing. 
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His cheeks blossomed into a bright pink, clearly stunned for the moment to even speak, and he quickly shook his head, giving him a dangerous glare. “ABSOLUTELY not. You pervert. I should’ve known your little gift came with a price! P-Put your mind on something else!”
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tanteichi · 2 years
A lot of time and preparation and work went into the presents she prepared for her boyfriends, but Ran believed every second she spent sewing was worth it. Because they made her the happiest she’d been in a while, and there wasn’t much she could do to show them just how precious the bond they shared was. Especially with Shinichi who had been by her side for as long as she could think, she thought. “Merry Christmas, Shinichi.” Adoration seeped into her voice when she handed him the present she had lovingly wrapped up in pretty Christmas paper. It was a matching scarf with hers and Kaito’s, except that Shinichi’s own had a little soccer ball stitched to one of the ends and Kaito’s a pretty little dove.
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Unprompted Christmas asks | Not accepting!
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Shinichi gently takes the present from his girlfriend’s hands. He says nothing at first, taking the careful time to unwrap the present, before he opens it up to reveal the gift that was inside. And his eyes widen ―― because he hadn’t expected to receive something so. . .sentimental?
The scarf was pulled out, each stitch carefully examined, and when he sees the little soccer ball design etched onto one of the ends, he couldn’t help but laugh because that was SO Ran. “I love it. I love it a lot.” Shinichi quietly says, taking the scarf and he wraps it around his neck. His gaze softens ―― with absolute love as he snuggles into the comforting, soft fabric. It’s warm. . .
It reminds him of the first Christmas he had when he turned to Conan ―― the first Christmas Shinichi and Ran had to spend apart. She had knitted him something then too, a blue sweater he still finds himself wearing occasionally. Does she remember the sweater? It would go well with this scarf, he thinks as he lifts the to cover his mouth and nose. He felt even more warm inside.
“Considering the fact that we’re BOTH matching now, I’m guessing Kuroba-kun got one too? We’re like a matching trio.” He joked lightly, carefully stepping closer to Ran so he could cup the back of her head, kissing the top of it tenderly. “. . .Merry Christmas. I love you.”
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