#⚜️ Hermione Granger [ silencedrage ]
vrake · 8 months
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❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜ - hermione/fleur
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Fleur can't help it, the way her body tenses and her posture changes just the slightest ( straighter, poised ). And her expression turns blank, bordering on cold. Almost on instinct, as if she's expecting the worst and is reading herself for the jab that she knows now won't come ( Nevermind that it was herself who tended so carefully to Hermione's wounds and body after that wretched day. Nevermind that they fought a war as allies and have been on a more amicable, maybe more than amicable, ground ever since ). Fleur sometimes can't seem to be able to shake the memories of the ill fated words she'd hear every now and then, from most everyone, sometimes, including the bright witch standing bedies her. But that's all behind now, and Fleur allows her body to relax ( not too much, almost never too much ), to lose some of the tension that had creeped up on her, before an embarrassingly defeated sigh leaves her lips and a frown graces her features delicately. It was never easy for her to admit to not knowing something but she shrugs, an elegant motion with one shoulder up and turns to Hermione with a small, almost teasing smile. " I'm ashamed to admit i was never too invested in muggle studies when I should had… but perhaps you could help me with it now, non ?."
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vrake · 6 months
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♞ — [sender] and [receiver] watch silly hallmark holiday movies - hermione & fleur | @silencedrage
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She hadn't understood, what was different about these holiday --whatever Hermione had called them-- movies from the ones they've been watching already. Hermione had taken her lack of knowledge on the subject with grace and Fleur had grown to love each moment they spent together watching whatever Hermione had picked for them (even if some were not to her taste). But as she snuggled in closer to the bright witch, basking in the warmth of the brunette sipping into her body, with the light sound of the movie in the background, Fleur thinks she might understand.
Even if she had no real idea of what was happening in screen, she found this movie, unlike some they have watched before, was not too heavy on the story, and she could let her mind wander to the wonder that was being so close to the other. Ice blue eyes fell momentarily on her fingers, tracing silly patterns where they rested on Hermione's arm, a feeling of contentment warming her insides. And she looked back up to the screen before letting her eyes drift to the brunette's face. "Are there many movies about Noël? ---" She moved her other hand up, poking the other in the nose lightly. "What was it you called this? ---Something about a mark... it is not a real mark, non?... are they all this happy? Can we have a grand christmas tree? J'en veux un."
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