#⚜️ Fleur Delacour [ writings ]
vrake · 8 months
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❝ every time you go off, i worry you’re not coming back. ❞ | @cruelprincae
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She knows... she knows in the times they're living now, that it's something actually possible, that the war brewing around them was closer each day, that they were more in danger every minute ( magical creatures, muggles, they were all the same to those blood puritists ). Knows that her job isn't the safest either, but Fleur can't possibly stay put and do nothing ( in her personal life, nor in this war ) while the times darken. So she can't help rolling her eyes, turning to Cardan with her arms crossed, a huff leaving her lips. " You are terribly dramatic, cherié. I am just going to work, nothing is going to happen to me at Gringotts." she smiled teasingly at him, moving closer to place a gentle hand on his cheek. " You're gonna grow the lignes d'âge if you keep worrying this much, not even your heritage will help at this rate."
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vrake · 8 months
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❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜ - hermione/fleur
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Fleur can't help it, the way her body tenses and her posture changes just the slightest ( straighter, poised ). And her expression turns blank, bordering on cold. Almost on instinct, as if she's expecting the worst and is reading herself for the jab that she knows now won't come ( Nevermind that it was herself who tended so carefully to Hermione's wounds and body after that wretched day. Nevermind that they fought a war as allies and have been on a more amicable, maybe more than amicable, ground ever since ). Fleur sometimes can't seem to be able to shake the memories of the ill fated words she'd hear every now and then, from most everyone, sometimes, including the bright witch standing bedies her. But that's all behind now, and Fleur allows her body to relax ( not too much, almost never too much ), to lose some of the tension that had creeped up on her, before an embarrassingly defeated sigh leaves her lips and a frown graces her features delicately. It was never easy for her to admit to not knowing something but she shrugs, an elegant motion with one shoulder up and turns to Hermione with a small, almost teasing smile. " I'm ashamed to admit i was never too invested in muggle studies when I should had… but perhaps you could help me with it now, non ?."
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vrake · 6 months
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♞ — [sender] and [receiver] watch silly hallmark holiday movies - hermione & fleur | @silencedrage
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She hadn't understood, what was different about these holiday --whatever Hermione had called them-- movies from the ones they've been watching already. Hermione had taken her lack of knowledge on the subject with grace and Fleur had grown to love each moment they spent together watching whatever Hermione had picked for them (even if some were not to her taste). But as she snuggled in closer to the bright witch, basking in the warmth of the brunette sipping into her body, with the light sound of the movie in the background, Fleur thinks she might understand.
Even if she had no real idea of what was happening in screen, she found this movie, unlike some they have watched before, was not too heavy on the story, and she could let her mind wander to the wonder that was being so close to the other. Ice blue eyes fell momentarily on her fingers, tracing silly patterns where they rested on Hermione's arm, a feeling of contentment warming her insides. And she looked back up to the screen before letting her eyes drift to the brunette's face. "Are there many movies about Noël? ---" She moved her other hand up, poking the other in the nose lightly. "What was it you called this? ---Something about a mark... it is not a real mark, non?... are they all this happy? Can we have a grand christmas tree? J'en veux un."
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vrake · 7 months
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[ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need | @haloedcrown
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She shifts her stance slightly, before she gathers herself and stands with all the confidence she's grown to have. Chin held high as she looks down at the Slytherin student sitting before her. There's no one around in this side of the library, and Fleur can appreciate why the other chooses it to study. She, herself, often fancies a table around this section. But today, her curiosity got the best of her, and Fleur has never been able to stand the feeling of not knowing something. She ignores the little rush she's grown to associate with the lack of reaction the other has to her thrall, and fights back the smirk that wants to grow on her lips at the sharp eyes staring back at her. She hums, instead, a haughty sound vibrating from her throat, and ice blue eyes run across the books strewn on the table before focusing back on the redhead. "Why? ---" she pauses, almost as if she's searching the words for a question she's formulated in her mind many times already. Ever since she got word of it. "You defended me against those girls from that green and silver house of yours, why?."
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vrake · 7 months
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❛ i know you probably hate me right now, and i get it. ❜ @cruelprincae
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She can't help it, the way her jaw clenches and her muscles tense, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the other. She hates the way her heart still sped up at the sight of him, the way she ached to go to him and fall back into his easy embrace. But she can still taste the bitter taste of betrayal on her tongue and Fleur was all too proud to simply forgive. She doubts it was even something she could forgive at all. So she doesn't even try to school the emotions on her face, nor the ice cold of her glare. "Then I do not understand what it is you are doing 'ere, so I will just ask you to leave." her accent is heavier than it has been lately, her emotions making it harder to keep it in control. And she hopes he'll listen, and leave... hopes he doesn't.
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vrake · 8 months
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❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ | @cruelprincae
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"Je suis bien, Cardan… " The french words leave her lips instinctively, and as inevitable as the heavy sigh that follows. " I was not as severely injured as it seems, just some scratches." Most of which, she's sure, are well on the way of healing ( nevermind the fear still creeping up her spine and the way she can feel the awful creatures clinging to her skin ). The grindylows are menacing creatures, vicious with their teeth and claws, and Fleur had been surrounded by them faster than she'd care to admit. She can't help the shudder that runs through her body at the memory, the realization of how close she had come to not finishing, not getting to her sister ( and whose idea was it to put a child in the middle of a lake ?! How could Madame Maxime allow that ?! ). Fleur had never been so scared before in her life, and the moment they reached the surface, she had clung to her little sister with a vice grip. Even with Cardan fussing around her about the blood and cuts visible on her skin and suit. She's still shivering from the cold, and she curls around her sister tightly, but still reaches out a hand, searches for one of Cardan's almost blindly. " You worry too much."
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