#♧ don’t stand so close to me 》 thread ♧
lilxmcrtes · 2 years
Random Starter ❤️ | @harttoheart​
Julia brings her fist up to the door and knocks - hard and fast - her other hand occupies the space over her stomach.
She feels sick, hot and sweaty like a fever but Julia knows better. When nothing sounds on the other side of the door, Julia knocks rapidly again, knees weak just trying to support herself. "Oh, come on." Julia groans softly, worried that the house may be empty, that she had picked the wrong time to keel over on her friend's doorstep.
Moving to turn away, the rising heat in her body surges up and Julia hits her knees faster than she can remember just as she watches the door open...or is it just her fucked imagination? The blonde groans as she doubles over, small frame becoming even smaller as she curls in on herself. Should she have stayed in bed? Yes, but she had no way of knowing what would happen. It was the company she so desired more than anything else.
The insistent knocking had Oliver freezing up in fear. Aeron had left on some errands and Eira was asleep upstairs with Percy. That left him all alone to ponder whether he would answer the door himself. Should he? After all, this wasn’t his house, and the idea of needing to answer for something he didn’t know about...
Again, the harsh knocking echoed.
It dawned on him that Aeron might be the one on the other side, hands full of groceries and things, in need of some help. Perhaps he had forgotten his keys and was in need of the restroom. Regardless, it would be rude to keep him waiting. Jumping up, the man scurried for the door.
Yet it wasn’t Aeron he found on the ground waiting for him.
“J-Julia?” Oh dear. He should bring her inside. But he hesitated. Could he be strong enough to bring her in? Well he had to try... “Let’s get you o-on the couch.”
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years
Open Starter Reply | @harttoheart​
She hates seeing anyone like this, so scared and so upset. Seeing Oliver like this? It was worse. Julia can only allow him to reach out, she closes the gap and tries to match his height. Her brows furrow when he speaks, further giving guidance for a frown to tug at her lips.
“You won’t forget.” She speaks softly, curling fingers around the nearest limb - his arm - and tugs softly to grab his attention. “I promise you, you won’t forget. I’ll be here, okay?” Mismatched eyes are wide and desperate to meet his. “Even if you do, I’ll be here to remind you.”
But what if I do? She’d answered his question before he could ask it. Oliver liked that about her. That she could calm his worries with ease. He was grateful for it.
Their eyes met and he had to smile a bit at her attempts to match his height. He was quite taller than her so it did look a bit silly.
A memory came in a feeling of familiarity, something that made him think of Eira, something that made him a bit sad. His gaze lowered as did the corners of his mouth. Whatever he was meant to remember was overwritten with his guilt for being a burden.
“And when reminders become annoying, will you let me forget you then?”
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
Tag Dump 》 Oliver ♧
♧ musing through memories 》 save ♧
♧ my mind is a prison 》 aesthetic ♧
♧ part of me is still lost out there 》 headcanon ♧
♧ weep little lion man 》 visage ♧
♧ sadness of a long lost feeling 》 musing ♧
♧ promise not to fade away 》 likes ♧
♧ don’t stand so close to me 》 thread ♧
♧ just want to hold you in my arms 》 desire ♧
♧ can’t shake these midnight thoughts 》 wishlist ♧
♧ taking all the courage i have left 》 starter ♧
v: can’t remember to forget ( main )
v: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
v: ignorance is heavenly bliss
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