#♡॰ॱ rosie's cicin mage reader
littlemisssatanist · 11 months
frolicking in the flowers
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ganyu x cicin mage reader
you get sent to liyue on indefinite leave. you meet a cocogoat.
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well hello there. i’ve come out of my hidey hole on account of ao3 being down and me being absolutely bored out of my mind. so i went searching through my notes app bc a lot of times i’m delirious and write stuff and then forget about it and found this hidden gem (?) details below split.
it’s not finished bc there’s like three sentences that were supposed to set up the anal… and uhm if y’all want that then just like. get this to 100 likes and i’ll consider it. (but probably not idk)
Sub! Ganyu, Dom! Reader / Dubious consent / Aphrodisiac / Hoohaw eating 🍽
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You knelt down, grabbing the flower by its stem and yanking. You brought up your arm with enough strength to take out the whole root of the flower. Dirt sprayed everywhere and you made a face.
Sighing in frustration, you sat down with a soft thump, kneading the flower stem in between your fingers. The sun was at its highest point in the sky, beating down on Liyue relentlessly.
Yes, you were in Liyue. After the fiasco in Mond, your superior had sent you to the next nation over. Except the Harbinger Childe had no need for you, and dismissed you almost immediately for a ‘break.’
So now you were stuck here for however long. It was awful.
You threw the flower away, spatting in distaste. Your neck was slick with sweat. Thank the Tsaritsa you weren’t wearing your work uniform, or else you would probably be melting in the heat.
“I want a popsicle.” You mutter.
The pink dress you were wearing had a dark green stain at the hem and you frowned, annoyance rising. What you wouldn’t do to be back in Snezhnaya.
But unless Harbinger Childe sent you away or your Lady back home asked for your presence, there was nothing to be done.
“I might as well do something fun.” You muse, squinting your eyes as you tried to block off the incoming headache. “Don’t want to waste away…”
The sound of hilichurls caught your attention. Your head snapped in their direction, ears listening intently.
They didn’t seem to be in your immediate vicinity, but you didn’t want to stay near a hilichurl camp at all, especially in your tired state (who knew that doing nothing at all could be so exhausting?)
You got to you feet, dusting off your dress. It did nothing to help.
You froze. Then you sighed again, stomping your foot on the ground. How annoying. You couldn’t just leave a defenseless civilian to die by hilichurl, could you? Even the Fatui had their limits (except for maybe the Harbingers. They had no limits, they were all crazy).
But you had limits. Especially if it was a civilian who did nothing wrong, or tried to interfere with your plans (you had none anyways).
So you turned around, racing to where you heard the hilichurls from. You got to the top of a hill, looking down. There were hilichurls there, all right. Except they were all dead and a woman with light blue hair was standing in the middle. She held a bow, and you could spot a Cryo vision dangling from her hip.
You made your way down the hill. The hilichurls were beginning to disintegrate now, floating away into ashes.
As you came closer, you realized to woman had horns. Perhaps she wasn’t a civilian. You crept forward cautiously.
“Hmm? Oh!” The horned woman noticed you.
She was very pretty, you thought. Curvy, too. Suddenly, you had an idea. Admittely, a very bad idea, but like implied earlier, you were very bored.
“Hi!” You said, adopting a cheerful persona. “What’s your name?”
“Oh!” The woman said again, feeling flustered. Her cheeks turned a light pink. Cute. “My name is Ganyu.”
“Well Gan-yu.” You roll her name over your tongue. “What happened here?”
“I was sleeping…” She said softly. “And then a bunch of hilichurls attacked me! But I killed them all before they got to me.” Ganyu smiled, looking proud of herself.
“Oh, are you a Vision user?” You ask, appearing interested.
“Yes, I have a Cryo one!” Ganyu brushed it with her hand, looking down. Her head snapped up suddenly. “Do you have one?”
You giggle, hiding your mouth behind a hand. “No, I don’t. It does sound interesting though, doesn’t it?”
Ganyu nodded, bringing her hands to her horns. “Oh… I think I’m late to something.” She looks at you. “Sorry, can we talk again later? It was nice to meet you.”
“Of course. This time again tomorrow?”
She nodded, turning around and disappearing over the hill.
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The next time you met up, you brought a few toys with you. Random objects you could buy separately without anyone suspecting a thing, but you had plans for all of them.
You laid out a picnic blanket, light pink with off-white dots. Then you set down your basket, waiting for Ganyu to arrive.
She appeared right on time, exclaiming softly when she saw your little display. “Oh! How wonderful!”
Ganyu sat down, tucking her legs under her thighs. She’s not wearing the same outfit as yesterday; instead she donned a soft blue dress that went down to her knees. She patted the space around her, looking eager for what would happen next.
“I brought some snacks for us!” You said brightly, bringing out a box of пирожки. They looked like normal pirozhki, if it weren’t for the little something you sprinkled in while making them.
Ganyu looked over them, fluttering her hands. “Which one should I choose?… They all look so delicious!”
“Here, take this one.” You pick one randomly and bring it to her lips. She paused for only a moment before opening her mouth and gently biting into the sweet pastry.
“Mm!” Ganyu moans, soft powder dusting her lips. “That’s so good!”
“Isn’t it? I made them myself.” A lie. You only… fixed them up.
“You’re really talented!” Ganyu says, clasping her hands together.
“Thank you.” You say, watching as a soft blush creeps up Ganyu’s cheeks. Good, it was working.
“Mmm…” Ganyu mutters. “It’s getting a little hot.”
She shifts in her seat, closing her eyes. Her mouth is open in a little ‘o’, and small puffs of breath comes out as her chest moves up and down.
“Are you alright?” You ask, faking concern. You lean over, bringing a hand over Ganyu’s forehead.
“I’m so sorry!” Ganyu says, flustered. “I feel weird all of a sudden… your hand is very cool…”
She leans into your palm, and you shuffle closer. Ganyu sighs, pressing into your figure. Her eyes are closed, and you take the initiative to trail your fingers down her thigh.
Slowly, carefully, you bring your hand to her crotch. Ganyu gasps, her eyes flying open. She tries to twist to look at you, but you grab hold of her shoulder and keep her in place.
“It’s ok… let me help you.” You purr next to her ear. You take the edge of the dress and flip it out of the way, revealing her wet panties.
Ganyu breaths heavily, watching your hand with attention. She sank into you as you touched her again, throwing her head back. “Look at you. How precious.”
You stroke her a few more times, enjoying how your fingers get wetter. Ganyu let’s out breathy moans, and your free hand travels to put a finger in her mouth. She closed it immediately, tongue swirling.
You slip your hand under the band of her panties, feeling her wet folds. Slowly you insert your middle finger into her, watching as she arches her back and whines. “Ah!”
You take your hand out of her mouth, carefully settling her body onto the ground. With your finger still inside of her pussy, the moving around makes Ganyu press her thighs against your arm. You smile.
Taking out the finger, you ignore Ganyu’s whimpers and string her soaking panties up and over her legs, one by one. You run your hand up and down her thighs, throwing her right leg over your shoulder. “You’re flexible.” You say. “Good.”
Lowering your head to be level with her pussy, you flick your tongue out to taste it. The juices start flowing harder as Ganyu cries out in pleasure. You press a chaste kiss to her inner thigh before slipping your tongue back into her folds.
Ganyu trembles as your tongue goes faster and faster, letting out noises that would embarrass anyone who came near them.
It wasn’t long until she climaxed. Her back arched incredibly, and her mouth fell open. She stayed that way for a few seconds before collapsing.
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littlemisssatanist · 2 years
returning home
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columbina x cicin mage reader
you return home to your lady.
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Takes place after Signora/Rosalyne’s death / Columbina might be OOC / Columbina has a pyro delusion (have no idea if this is cannon) / Soft sex / Implied Columbina/Arlecchino/Rosalyne / Columbina can kill me and I would thank her.
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Snezhnaya was cold, colder than you remembered. Perhaps that was because of all the time you had spent in the other regions. You had forgotten just how unforgiving your nation was. In a way, you welcomed it, if only because it offered you some semblance of comfort. Comfort from the familiar homes and houses, the familiar pink cheeks and noses on the little kids that ran around in the snow.
Familiarity from the Fatui guards stiffly walked up and down their restricted pathways, protecting Oслепленный Дом with their large weapons and bulky bodies. The Damselette was greatly loved by the Tsaritsa, it was no secret. There was no question as to why her mansion was heavily protected.
Your Lady was kind to her servants, you were quick to learn. You had been placed under her service as soon as you graduated the Fatui’s hard and grueling training, and she welcomed you with open arms. The two of you quickly became close, and you were one of her most trusted followers.
Still… there was something about her that ticked the alarm in your head, told you to never let down your guard around her. The Damselette was an enigma.
You nodded to the guards as you stepped inside the mansion, out of the freezing chill and into the warm air that flushed your body cold than hot when the doors shut behind you.
It was quiet, you noticed. The maids walked to their destinations quickly and quietly, heads facing the ground. Nobody looked you in the eye as you walked past.
You immediately turned towards where the Damselette’s office resided, desperate to turn in your report and take a nice hot bath.
Of course, the archons were not so merciful.
Someone grabbed your arm, and you spun around, electro power crackling in the air. It was Polina, a mousy haired girl that worked as a chef’s assistant. She looked up at you with large worried eyes, biting her lip.
“What is it?” You asked, releasing the electro as an attempt to calm Polina down.
“Our Lady is… unusually angered.” She said in a small voice. “It is not wise for you to visit her at this moment.”
You surveyed Polina, taking in the way she held her other arm by her side awkwardly, as if trying to keep it from moving and causing her pain. You tilted your head.
“Did she hurt you?”
Polina’s eyes widened even more. “She- she threw a plate at me when I went to deliver her lunch. It hit my arm.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, confused. “Is that not a job for one of the maids?”
“Nobody wanted to go near her. I volunteered.”
Part of you marveled at Polina’s courage, while the other cursed her for her stupidity. Polina had not a vision nor delusion, and had no training in combat before. She could have been seriously injured.
“It’s alright, Лина.” You said softly, letting go of her arm. “I’ll be fine.”
Polina looked at you nervously. “If you say so.”
You smiled at her, twirling around with a swirl of your coat. You had taken your heavy one, with wool ends that protected you from the harsh winds of Snezhnaya.
Carefully, you raised your fist and knocked on the large wooden doors of your Lady’s office. They were intricate, with roses and vines that spread up to the ceiling. Overall, it was a very beautiful door and you took a moment to admire it.
Then, you took a deep breath and the door creaked open, revealing the large dark room. Across the room were large windows that were currently covered with dark red curtains. Although you couldn’t really see the color at the moment, since all the lights were out and the Damselette was lying curled up in her chair, head in her knees.
You approach slowly, stepping softly. “My Lady?”
The Damselette grabs a nearby object and throws it in your direction. You dodge, and the object shatters on impact. “Go away!” She screams shrilly, slamming her fist onto the table. You jump slightly, freezing. What could have happened to make her like this?
“I have my report, my Lady.” You try again, inching closer.
She raises her head slowly, blind eyes not seeing anything as she looks your way. You carefully lay down the finished report on her desk and made your way back to the large doors, before her voice stopped you in your tracks once again.
“Stop.” The Damselette’s voice was cold, and it had lost most of its high, reedy elements from before. There was a dangerous note in it now, as if one wrong move could snap her patience in half and she would go ballistic. “Come here.”
You obeyed, too nervous to do anything else. The Damselette had uncurled from her fetal position, standing next to her chair. She grabbed your wrist and pushed you onto it, wrapping her arms around you as she sat on your lap. Her arms were strong despite their thin appearance and they squeezed you hard. You sat still with your back straight, not really knowing what to do.
Columbina starts humming under her breath. Her voice had turned mellow now, lilting and musical. It made you relax and you melted into her embrace. She started singing softly, a sad love song that told of lovers separated by their opposite personalities. They had always wanted to be together but nothing they ever tried worked out. It brought tears to your eyes.
Your Lady falls silent and you feel tears fall from her face and onto your chest. Your heart clenches, and you want to cry along with her.
“What’s wrong, my Lady?” You ask softly, bringing a hand to run through her silky hair. Normally, you would not dare to act so familiar with her, but you suspected circumstances had changed and this was an appropriate situation.
Columbina raised her head. Dry tears glimmered on her pale cheeks. She brought a hand to your cheek, cupping it. “She’s dead.”
For a wild moment, you thought that your Lady was talking about the Knave, Arlecchino. Then you laughed to yourself, there was no way.
“The Fair Lady?”
Columbina wails, and you wince. You had heard of the Eighth’s demise, and you knew that the Damselette would be absolutely destroyed. Columbina, Rosalyne, and Arlecchino were closely knotted with each other when they weren’t on missions, often seen around together.
“The Raiden Shogun will pay!” Columbina raged. Her pyro delusion burnt against your skin, and you breathed in heavily. The heat was starting to get too much. “I swear to наша Царица if I get the chance, I’ll kill her! Kill her for her evil deeds… for taking Rosalyne away from me!”
Your Lady fumbles with your coat and throws it to the floor, pressing her small hands onto your shoulders, heating them up immediately. She pressed her body against yours, warming you even more. You were starting to feel a little dizzy.
The Damselette starts whispering into your ears. “You’re very pretty, hm? Rosalyne liked you as well. She used to tell me all the time, when you would drop by at times she was here as well… and you’re so very loyal… one of my most trusted advisors.”
You blushed under the torrent of praises and compliments, thankful that she could not see. She’s suddenly too close to you, and you can feel every slight movement she makes. Your body feels feverish, and there’s a heat pooling in your stomach.
Columbina’s hand travels down your shoulder to your chest, then down your abdomen and rest on your hip. Her fingers leave trails of fire that ignite you, and you grip her closer to yourself.
She giggles, her cherry breath on your mouth clogging up your senses. Her lips were soft and sweet, and it was nothing like you’ve ever tasted before. It was addicting and dumbing, as if you were drinking alcohol straight from her mouth. The kiss satisfied a yearning in you that you didn’t know you had, filling you up like hot chocolate on a cold Snezhnayan day (which you supposed it was, since Snezhnaya was cold every day). And yet there was still an urge left inside of you, one that left you wanting for more.
The Damselette pulled away, pressing soft kisses to your jaw and neck. You gasped as she chewed at a sweet spot, and she smiled against your skin.
Columbina played with your body suit, unzipping it down the back and letting the top half fall down to reveal your chest. You were wearing a bra, and she cupped your breasts with her hands, holding them softly. “So soft.” She whispers, and you blush harder.
Your Lady squeezes one of your breasts, and you whimpered. Her lips curled upwards at the sound, and she continued fondling your breasts, enjoying the sounds that escaped your mouth.
“You’re so vocal.” Columbina sounded delighted, the sad notes in her voice hidden behind her excitement. “Like a little song bird. You’re my little song bird, yes?”
You nod, then realize she can’t see, so you say it out loud. “Yes, my Lady.”
Columbina rubs her hips against yours, and a shot of pleasure ran through your body, making your head feel light.
“Precious little song bird.” She breathes, snuggling her head into your neck. “Make me feel good, ok?”
You play with the Damselette’s hair, threading it through your fingers as you pick her up. She’s light, her lithe legs hooking around your waist. You carefully lower her onto the carpeted floor, spreading her out like she was a beautiful work of art. Columbina was, and your breath caught as she tried to find you under her partial blind fold. You brought a hand to her cheek, and she pressed another hand on top of yours.
Your Lady was wearing a short white dress, with thin white stockings leading up her legs and thighs. You hook the end of one of the stockings with a finger, snapping it against her thigh. You took your hand from Columbina’s and crept it down to her hips, slipping under her dress and taking hold of her panties.
You pulled them down; they were already wet. You smiled, leaning down to kiss the inside of her thighs. Columbina whimpered at the touch, bending one of her legs. You grasped it and swing it over your shoulder, allowing for more access to her pussy.
You lean closer, your tongue flicking out against her folds. The Damselette lets out breathy moans, legs shaking slightly against your head. She takes your hair into her hands, her hard grip slightly surprising you.
Then you delve in, your tongue slipping into Columbina’s pussy. You can hear her arch her back as she shuffles under you, head rubbing against the thick carpet.
You continued this routine, inserting and removing your tongue. By now, your Lady is dripping wet, and your mouth is soiled by various fluids. You enjoy the sounds she lets out, voice high and sweet.
She freezes, then throws her head back as she comes. You withdraw from between her thighs, letting her leg fall back to the floor. Columbina lays limply below you, breathing heavily. Her dress was thin, you noticed, and her nipples peeked through the white fabric.
You slip her boat neck top over her shoulders, revealing her breasts. They were small, perfectly fitting in your hands. Her skin was hot like lava, burning under your palms. It was like being close to fire, warm and comforting from the right distance, but overwhelming when you were too close. But it was obsessive, and you yearned for more.
With a slight pop, you took one of her nipples into your mouth, sucking on the pink skin. Columbina moaned as you swirling your tongue around, writhing under your touch. Your knee was pressed against her pussy, and you can feel her getting wet again. You nudged your leg, enjoying when Columbina squeezed her thighs together.
You let go of her nipple, watching as Columbina raises her arms to try to find you. You let her wrap them around you, bringing you down to lay next to her.
“Good little song bird.” She says, fingers tracing the outlines of your face. “Let me make it up to you, yeah?”
“Ok.” You whisper, leaning in to kiss her again.
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You wake up a few days later with a gift box sitting on your bedside table. There’s a large pink bow pasted on top, and you delicately place it to the side.
Inside is a wrapped something, and a note. You flip the note open, recognizing your Lady’s swoopy handwriting.
For my darling song bird,
Take this gift of mine as a sign of my love for you.
From your lovely Lady,
The Damselette
On the other side was another scribbled line, one that had a different feeling.
Never take it off.
Curious, you open the package and widen your eyes when you see the same partial blind fold your Lady wore. It’s made of soft white silk and you slip it on carefully.
Your heart races at the thought of wearing such a mark, and you find that you don’t really mind.
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Fun fact: my native language is Russian. So here are the translations for the random Russian words that appear in this fic:
Oслепленный Дом - Blinded House (I never said I was good at this).
Лина - Lina, short for Polina.
Наша Царица - Our Tsaritsa.
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419 notes · View notes
littlemisssatanist · 2 years
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( Mondstadt )
-> Punishment (NSFW) - 0.1
-> Let's Get Seducing (NSFW) - 0.2
-> coming soon
-> coming soon
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( Liyue )
-> Frolicking in the Flowers (NSFW) - 0.1
-> coming soon
-> coming soon
-> coming soon
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( Inazuma )
-> coming soon
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Columbina II The Damselette
-> Returning Home (NSFW) ~ SE 1 ~
Arlecchino II The Knave
-> coming soon
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14 notes · View notes
littlemisssatanist · 2 years
let's get seducing
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jean x cicin mage reader
after the fiasco of last time, you are arrested and visited by jean. you are able to prey on her meager sex life and seduce your way out of prison.
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Anal sex / AFAB reader / Highkey hated this at first and wanted to scrap it by my friend said it was good, so if they lied, just smile and scroll <3
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You really ought to stop getting yourself into these situations. After the fiasco with Rosaria at the top of one of the Church’s towers, you knew that going back to report to your boss about the failure of your mission was a terrible idea. 
But was this really any better? You tossed your coat on immediately, tying it in the front to conceal your revealing figure. Just in time, because a knight immediately appeared at the tower and arrested you. And now you were stuck in a room at the Knight’s Headquarters, waiting for your interrogator to come. 
You sighed, not knowing whether to cry or not. You decided to survey the room you were in instead. It was dark, so you could only see as far as your eyes could let you. The chair you were tied to was plush and rather comfortable, and you were almost able to ignore the rough rope that bound you by your wrists.
There was a table in the middle of the room, and a bookshelf on the far right. The shelf was rather empty, with only one suspicious looking box sitting at the top. You eyed it, wanting to see what was inside.
Then there were footsteps outside the door, and you immediately perked up to look at who’s coming in.
This was one of the people you knew by memory, having been taught about them in training. Jean Gunnhildr was the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, the very people who had arrested you.
However, she was very different from what your teachers had told you. The stories they told about the Acting Grand Master were ones from hero fairytales, the ones the old women told their grandchildren back in Snezhnaya. 
In reality, Jean had dark circles under her eyes, and even in the dark you could see her skin was pale. Her back was slouched as she walked closer to you, stumbling every now and then. 
You blink. Why is this woman, who is so obviously exhausted, the one that was sent to interrogate you? She could barely put one foot in front of the other.
Jean pulls a similar chair from the other side of the table to sit next to you, sighing as she leans forward to look you in the eyes. 
“Do you know why you’re here?” She asks. Her voice is hoarse and quiet, and she clears her throat before continuing. “I’ll be frank with you. We don’t have nearly enough evidence against you to arrest you publicly.”
Your heart started to race. Perhaps you could still get out of this situation?
“However, you weren’t arrested publicly, and the only people who know you’re missing are your colleagues and higher ups. Considering your illegal mission, they can’t submit a complaint without admitting the Fatui had tried to steal from the Church.” Jean picks at her nails. “So nobody is coming for you.”
Your heart dropped and you cursed to yourself. 
Jean rests her head in the palms of her hands, staring into your eyes. “We both know you did it. Why don’t you confess and perhaps we can work something out.”
You hiss, baring your teeth. “In your fucking dreams.”
Jean sighs, dropping her head to rub at her temples. When she stands up, her eyes dart to your chest and she frowns. You glance down and realize that in your frustration, your coat had loosened and your cleavage was showing.
Oh right. Your bodysuit was still ripped. Jean looks at you, looking concerned now. “Are you ok?”
You examine Jean carefully, squinting as you meet her eyes. There’s a slight blush on her face, and she’s fidgeting around…
You smile, an idea forming in your head. “I’m fine.” You say, leaning forward to show off more of your chest. Jean’s eyes follow your movement, resting on your barely-covered breasts for more than just a moment. “What about you?”
“Wh- what do you mean?” Jean stutters. Her face is red now, even in the dark. Her thighs are pressed together, and you make sure to gaze at the movement before looking into her eyes again.
“You’re so overworked.” You purr, using electro power to start working at your bonds. Jean, in her embarrassment, didn’t notice. “When was the last time you had time to yourself?”
Jean let’s out a breath, and the ropes binding your hands falls apart and to the ground. You stand up, slowly walking closer to Jean and pressing your body against hers, guiding her to sit down. She follows your movements, pupils dilating as she stares up at you.
“Let me help you feel good, yeah?” You whisper into her ear. 
By now, your breasts are fully out in the open, and Jean doesn’t try to hide her stare. You smile.
Your hands move to her hips, fingers quickly unbuckling her jeans and sliding them down. Jean wore white lace panties, and she blushes as you smirk.
You finger with the band of her panties, hooking it and snapping it against her hips. She whines under you and you huff.
“Patience, darling.” You pull away, and she watches you as you explore the room, coming to the bookshelf and looking through the box.
Ah. How convenient.
You grab the box and skip back to Jean, who had slipped off her panties and was touching herself fervently. You take her hands gently and hold them away from her crotch. “No touching yourself. It’ll ruin the experience.”
You guide her hands to sit on them, and she watches your next actions with rapt attention.
The box you found was full of toys, conveniently placed in this room far away from other people. Jean breathes in sharply when you pull out a small glass bottle filled with slime.
“I recognize that bottle.” She said. “Lisa uses the same lube.”
You raise your eyebrow. “How would you know that?”
Jean blushes, then says, “I’ve seen her use it before.”
You hum, opening the bottle and scooping some up with your fingers. You turn to face Jean. “Turn around.”
She follows your orders, sitting on the chair with her chest pressed flush against the seat back, her ass facing you. You wipe your fingers across her cheeks, and she shivers against the cool slime.
“Good girl.” You purred, rubbing her back. In your head, you were secretly wondering what the hell you were still doing here. You could have escaped long ago, the moment Jean’s attention had diverted.
Oh well. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t a little excited too.
You looked back to the box, taking out an impressive looking black strap-on. It was both long and thick, shaped like an eggplant. You smile as you put it on as you turn to Jean, lining it up with her hole.
There was a moment of silence, before you abruptly slid it in. The reaction was immediate; Jean threw her head back, mouth hanging open and her eyes rolled back from pleasure. Or was it pain? You couldn’t tell. The noises she let out could have been from both.
You continued to thrust against her, hands gripping the sides of her body. The sound of wet skin slapping against each other grew faster and faster, and you could tell Jean was close to her peak. One more thrust and she came loudly, shaking as she laid limply in your arms, breathing heavily. 
You made no move to remove yourself, instead reaching over to undo her blouse, popping open the last button. Her breasts burst from their constraints, plump and sensitive, judging from the mewls and whines she let out when you started kneading them.
Jean was a pile of putty in your arms, and you could feel the rising pleasure in your core. You exited her, grabbing her roughly and flipping her over, laying her flat on the table. You started pounding into her pussy, not allowing her to get used to the pain of the big strap-on. Her breasts bounced up and down erotically, her cries getting louder and louder before she came again, wet juices dripping down her thighs.
Shakily, you took of the strap-on and examined Jean. She lay motionless on the table, mouth still open. You touched her carefully, enjoying when she shifted under you or let out a muffled sound. The woman was extremely sensitive, more so than anyone you’ve ever met. 
“You’re such a good girl.” You whisper into her ear, pressing your body close to hers.
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89 notes · View notes
littlemisssatanist · 2 years
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rosaria x cicin mage reader
you were tasked with stealing a certain holy lyre, and get caught by one of the church's more... stranger sisters.
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Dom! Rosaria / Cicin Mage! Reader / Semi-public smut / Fingering / Orgasm denial / Rosaria has sharp fingernails / Non-con elements? / Reader is AFAB!!!
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It was late. The moon was high in the sky now, and the stars twinkled like flames. You remember seeing the fireworks in Inazuma (before you were re-stationed here in Mondstadt) and there was a difference between the white stars and the multicolored fireworks. Still, it was calming to gaze up at the sky.
You haven’t had a lot of calming moments lately. There was a purpose to you being in Mondstadt, but your higher-ups haven’t revealed any information that wasn’t necessary. Which is why you didn’t exactly understand why you were required to sneak into the Church and steal some kind of harp, but you sure as hell weren’t going to mess anything up.
Of course, there was an easy solution to this problem: use your delusion to pop in and out of the Church quickly, but for whatever reason, use of elemental magic were restricted for this mission. Something about a traveler and them being able to sense it. You didn’t really understand, and didn’t really care enough to find out. But this was getting ridiculous.
“Just how many soldiers are there?” You whispered to yourself, irritated. They were walking around like ants, holding spears in their hands as if those could protect them. You wanted to wipe these insects out all at once, but rules were rules.
You dropped into a roll and hid behind a table as a knight walked past you, oblivious. You snorted to yourself at their incompetence. Then you got to your knees and rushed to a pillar, peeking out to survey your surroundings.
There were around 10 soldiers to get past, because of course the harp (or whatever the damned object was) was located in the room farthest away from the entrance.
A knight walked your way, and you ducked, holding your breath as he turned around and went the other way.
You wanted to laugh at how poorly guarded this place was. There were many different blind spots where nobody checked; even treasure hunters could get inside and steal whatever they wanted.
Standing up, you ran along the wall, crouching slightly to remain in the shadows. The room was close now, and you slipped in quickly and quietly.
In the middle was a pillar, and resting on the pillar was not a harp, but a lyre. You approached it, squinting to make sure there weren’t any traps that could set off an alarm.
Noticing nothing, you grabbed the lyre gingerly and waited with bated breath.
That turned out to be a mistake. Apparently, the Knights had some kind of intelligence, because as soon as you lifted the lyre off its pedestal, a loud, obnoxious ding rang out loudly in your ears.
“Shit.” You hissed, holding the lyre close to your chest and spinning around to see knights running into the room. Where did they all come from? There were definitely more knights than before.
“Freeze!” One of them shouted as they pointed their weapons at you. You bared your teeth, electro filling the air as you started using your delusion.
Immediately you could feel the slow lull of power, but you were careful not to depend on the delusion too much. You knew what happened to those that did, and it didn’t end pretty for them.
“I said, freeze! Let go off the lyre and put your hands in the air!” The same knight shouted again, but you weren’t listening.
Gathering electro at your feet, you began to teleport away. It happened in a blink of an eye; with a loud pop, you were gone.
Given that you weren’t really concentrating on your destination, you landed on top of one of Mondstadt’s towers that overlooked the church.
You fell to the cement ground, landing on your arm and yelping out in pain.
Archons, that hurt.
You were quick to forget the pain, however, when you remembered how you fucked up the mission, wincing. Someone was getting yelled at later.
You glance at the lyre, still safe in your hands. It was still whole, thank the Archons, and you allowed yourself to feel some relief.
That relief vanished quickly when you realized a shadow had passed over you, and there was someone standing next to you.
You gasp, scurrying away from the person. It was a woman, a sister of the Church, by the looks of her clothing. It was unusual, not something a follower of the Church would usually wear, and she was holding a polearm, cryo vision dangling at her hip.
There was a momentary flash of jealousy at being chosen for a vision by the Tsaritsa, but it passed as you stared at her. She looked down at you with dark eyes, and you could feel your mouth dry.
“What do we have here?” She murmured, raising a hand to her chin in a questioning manner. Her voice was husky and full of promised punishment, and you could feel fear wash over you, settling deeply into your bones.
You gripped the lyre tightly, shifting towards the edge of the tower, not daring to peek over and take your eyes off of the woman.
She follows you, crouching in front of you to examine your face. She was very pretty, you realize, and hate when a blush spreads across your face. You could only hope the woman doesn’t see it in the dark.
“A little thief, sneaking around my Mondstadt?” She says, reaching out to grab hold of your face, forcing your mouth open. You whimper, and she chuckles at the sound. “Poor little cicin mage, caught and backed into the wall. Whatever shall she do?”
Against your better judgment, you could feel heat travel down to your core, and you knew that you were getting wet. To the sound of her voice. You wanted to hurry your face in your hands in embarrassment.
“My name is Rosaria, little cicin mage.” She says, coming closer. Her hands traveled down the frame of your body, coming to rest on your hips. “Let’s get better acquainted, shall we?”
Her lips fell onto yours, and in your shock, you dropped the lyre. Rosaria kicked it away, out of your reach. She pulled her mouth away, gripping your arms above your head and pulling you to the floor, knee in between your thighs.
You breathed in and out, arousal only growing. Rosaria seemed to notice this, because she chuckled and pressed her knee into your crotch, making you release an unholy sound of pleasure.
Rosaria pressed a hand against your mouth. “Careful now. You don’t want anyone to hear you, do you?”
You shake your head, and she laughs again. She takes off the coat you’re wearing, exposing your bare arms to the night cold. You shiver as goosebumps rise.
Her spare hand slowly moves up your body, your thin body suit being the only thing stopping the skin-on-skin contact. The bare part of your body, right beneath your chest was rubbed soothingly by Rosaria. She took your breast in her hand and started rubbing the nub, smiling as it got harder under your clothes and began to grow more distinct.
You whine under Rosaria’s hand, but minimal sound comes out. She hisses at you. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? Do as I say.”
You nod, head bobbing up and down, and Rosaria’s smile becomes approving. Her finger nails were sharp, and as she traced patterns on your body, your clothes ripped. She tore the top half of your bodysuit away, breasts bouncing slightly.
You shiver again, shifting under Rosaria, and her hand moves down to your thigh to stop you from moving. Her knee digs into your crotch more and you arch your back, desperate for more contact.
“Can I trust you to be quiet?” Rosaria asks you, before removing her other hand from your mouth without waiting for a response. She knew you would do as she said.
She backed away slightly, lowering her head to between your thighs and touching your crotch with her fingers. You were completely wet by now, juices dripping through your thin clothing. Rosaria rubs it slowly, enjoying as you writhe under her.
You have to bring your own hand to your mouth to keep any sounds from spilling out, but it gets faster as Rosaria takes on finger and starts tracing around your crotch. The fabric rips under her touch again, and she pushes your wet panties to the side as she inserts the finger into your throbbing pussy.
Rosaria curls her finger, reaching a spot you didn’t know you had. You bite into your hand, tears starting to spill from your eyes. Then she slips in another finger, and you start crying fully, partly from humiliation, partly from pleasure.
Rosaria slides in another finger, plowing into you relentlessly. Whines and whimpers start to come from you as you start to reach your high. Then, just as the feeling of pleasure becomes too much, Rosaria withdraws and sits up. You lay on the ground in shock as your almost-orgasm fades away from you, hands falling to your side. Your pussy is left hot and wanting.
“Look at you.” Rosaria says, bringing her wet fingers to your mouth and pushes them in. “Such a mess.”
You swirl your tongue around her fingers and she stares at you with a delighted expression on her face. “Good little cicin mage.”
Her free hand comes to rest on your left cheek, thumb wiping away the tears. You close your eyes at the feeling and lean into her palm. Rosaria takes her fingers out of your mouth, reaching down to cup your breast.
She stays in that position, hand warming one of your breasts without moving, and you realize just how tired you are.
“Don’t worry, little cicin mage.” Rosaria whispers against your ear. You feel the lull of sleep coming over to you as her thumb moves to your lips.
You give a small sigh of content, haven completely forgotten your mission and the lyre. Rosaria slips away, but you’re already too far gone to notice.
When you wake up, you blink once, twice, before sitting up immediately. The sun was rising now, the sky full of pinks and purples with the light blue slowly creeping in.
You look around fervently, but the lyre was nowhere to be found. Your only surroundings were the ripped pieces of clothing Rosaria had tore off, and you blushed as you looked down and saw your half-naked body.
Fuck. You were definitely screwed.
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