#☄️ A Nothingling with an Empty Heart ( about Nova. )
tweeds-rp-hub · 1 year
A Note About Nova (POST CANON)
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My Nova has absolutely ZERO ability to regulate his emotions once he develops them. If you meet him after Luluco's confession, he is an entirely and fundamentally different person- and a far cry from the "cool" boy who stole the heart of so many. His laughter is extremely loud and ear-grating. His screams are painful to hear, both emotionally and physically. Oh and his tears--- He doesn't just cry, he aggressively sobs. And he sob very, very often. He doesn't just feel emotions. He feels them to their absolute highest degree possible. When he's happy- he's utterly euphoric and weeping tears of joy. When he's sad, he's filled with intense despair. On the off-chance something frightens him (which is still rare because of how he's conditioned to process danger and the horrific)- he's absolutely terrified for his life.
He also gets in the habit of stimming to ease him in these states- especially rocking and fidgeting and flailing his hands. He's aware how different he is from who he was, and wonders if Luluco will still love him even if he's a completely different person than the even-tempered, "perfect" little boy she fell in love with, but he's grateful every day that she gave him the chance to truly be a real person.... ...Even if suddenly having to grow up with emotions is terrifying for a child who's never felt them before!
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tweeds-rp-hub · 2 years
Nothinglings and Planet Naught 🌠 [Worldbuilding Headcanons]
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Basic Info: Naught is a planet that has no nature to speak of, having been mined and colonized to the point of nature's destruction many generations ago. The only beings that are able to survive in such harsh conditions are the Nothinglings, the dominant intelligent life of Naught. The Nothinglings have bended and contorted Naught's environment to their will, and though no animal or plant life manages to thrive on Naught, Nothinglings make do with manmade architecture, hydroponic gardens and synthetic food.
About Naught: Naught is a small planet in an unnamed solar system within the Milky Way. As stated, it's nature is baren and barely survivable without the intellect of the Nothinglings. From a far off view, Naught comes up as completely concrete gray and white due to almost the entirety of Naught being covered in pavement. Buildings tend to be large, white and futuristic. The closest to nature one can find on Naught is manmade patches of Astroturf. Oxygen levels are rather low, and air-conditioner like vents pump out breathable oxygen to the point it is able to be lived on. Naught has a dreary, almost oppressive atmosphere that seems to suck the soul out of anyone who lives on it, leading to the Nothinglings uniquely emotionless nature. Naught has two moons, in a position that often blocks out the sun. Lunar eclipses are very common on Naught. However industrial it may be, it's not heavily polluted, so stars are very visible on even the busiest of nights. Nothinglings are known to often stare at stars blankly.
About Nothinglings: Nothinglings are virtually identical to Earth humans, and many theorize that Nothinglings are descended from human space colonizers many generations ago. However, Naught's oppressive aura and dreary atmosphere creates a somewhat soul-sucking blankness in those who spend long periods of time on it, resulting in the Nothinglings having lost the ability to properly feel emotion. It's also noticeable that most Nothinglings are very beautiful by human standards, creating an entire race of people who are easy on the eyes but lack substance or personality. As you can put it, the average Nothingling is nothing more than a pretty face.
Unlike most intelligent lifeforms of other planets, Nothinglings rarely mate for life and if they do it's a union of convenience. Every Nothingling woman is expected to at least attempt to conceive once in her life to further the species longevity, but intimate endeavors are meaningless to Nothinglings. On the topic of child-rearing, Nothingling fathers rarely contribute to the raising of children and Nothingling mothers tend to kick their children out during the preteen years, or in other ways expect their children to start to contribute to the household. For that reason, Nothinglings are considered "adults" at exceptionally young ages, despite clearly still being children.
Nothinglings are very wishy-washy, and will do whatever is told of them without question or complaint. Due to this fact, and their beauty, Nothinglingsare often abducted and brought into intergalactic human trafficking rings. The sad thing is that though this is such a common occurrence on Naught, even with Nothingling children, rarely do the other Nothinglings do anything about it or really care if their own go missing. ΑΩ Nova's mother, for example, was absolutely unphased when he never returned home.
Nothinglings tend to name themselves with a series of characters from the greek alphabet as their "family/house name", followed by their given name afterwards. Nothinglings have a weird interest in names that are celestial or astronomy themed. Popular Nothingling names include Cosmo, Orion, Nova and Nebula. It might come from their fascination with the galaxy, and dreams of a world better than their own.
Naught Culture: No need to bring money of any kind as Naught has no currency to speak of. Instead, all Nothinglings above the age of 10 are expected to contribute in some way shape or form, often being assigned their "true purpose" by the Nothingling Elders, who are chosen based on their level of intellect. Nothinglings tend to speak Earth English, further cementing that they might be descended from humankind. Though Nothinglings find it very easy to learn new languages, due to being logic-driven, so expect to hear some speak other human languages and alien tongs. It took ΑΩ Nova, for example, a matter of weeks to learn Japanese for his assignment in Ogikubo. Nothingling governments are ran by Elders, who are usually treated as the most intelligent Nothinglings you can find. Nothinglings tend to be agnostic when it comes to religion, being indifferent to the idea of a higher power, not being able to strongly feel one way or the other about the idea of God. Nothingling children go to school year round starting at age 4 with absolutely no days off, until they turn 11 and start being expected to contribute to their planet's overall wellbeing. Nothingling food is tasteless, odorless, synthesized slop that is very unappealing to the eye. Nothinglings have no hobbies or leisure activities, though without emotions they don't get stressed from being overworked. Even Nothingling children spend all their time either at school or resting, without any breaks to play and this workaholism carries on to adulthood. Nothinglings are known for being well-spoken due to all this work and tend to at least bilingual and multitalented. This all might sound very miserable, but truly residents of Naught don't mind either way.
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tweeds-rp-hub · 2 years
Tag Drop Part I. 
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