#▞▚▞▚.  ───  BE CAREFUL‚ HE'S A PLAYBOY // [BG]
xe-company · 1 year
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(  !  ) ... ❝ FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT! HELLO, WE’RE RUSH HOUR! ❞ ... (  !  )
RUSH HOUR is 10-member boy group under XECOMPANY. The group have gone through countless lineup changes with their initial debut as POINT OF VIEW with 8 members under CASSIOPEIA MEDIA on JANUARY 8TH, 2008. The group disbanded in 2015 with the original 8 members having quite a public fall-out between some members after sexual harassment accusations came out against original ex-member CHANHEE. When they first redebuted on MARCH 12TH, 2019 they had 9 members but after their second comeback HANEUL left due to mental health concerns and MINSEOK left the group as he wanted to leave the idol industry and move to focusing on acting. During their third comeback, ROAD TO: OVERTIME, three new members were added to the lineup. 
title song — JUMP START
how many songs — 5
number of members — 9 [originally] ; 10 [currently]
age range of members — 1996 - 2004
concept — boys in the city, carefree, youth
fandom name — RODS [RIDE OR DIES]
official colors — #000000 (Black), #880000 (Dark Red), #48AEA4 (Verdigris), #043927 (Sacramento)
They’re one of few groups who don’t have a set lore or concept with their music. 
Twitter: @/RushHourOfficial
Reality show/idol webseries: PIT STOP  
Spotify: RUSH HOUR
Monthly followers: TBD  Monthly song streamed: TBD  Top 5 streamed songs:  JUMP START JIKJIN BREAKING DAWN BACK DOWN DOOM DU DOOM Where they’re most listening in:  Phoenix, Arizona  Sydney, Australia Seoul, South Korea Los Angeles, California Bangkok, Thailand
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
Can he get sent nudes on a basic Nokia though?! Surely even BA Si is still going to use his phone for non PG purposes? Don’t get me started on Soaps browser history.
I had one back in the day and I still miss playing snake on it (a Nokia brick)
ok cuz we don't even want his nudes. shit angles, cock practically covering the entirety of the camera, can't even see his face. dude ok because he'd be the type to be like nude? ok. and sends one exactly where he's at.
sitting on johnnys couch with his jeans by his ankles you can even see a cat eating in the bg.
ba!ghost to be like an unplugged sort of man. doesn't need pictures or vids to help him wank. maybe has like a 90s playboy magazine somewhere and it's almost methodical how masturbates. a means to an end, he'll scratch his itch once he's home.
johnny doesn't even care if you see his browser history. guaranteed that he has some cringe stepmom bj vid in there and one of those where the girl gets stuck in a dryer loooool
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disownedbytiime · 3 years
Bing/Jiu thoughts (with added Bing/Qiu)
We know how it went when LBG came to the non-pidw world, and I believe that when he left he realized he was missing so much. One of the differences between Bing-ge and Bing-mei is that Bing-mei is more anxious and scared, the betrayal he felt was different than the betrayal Bing-ge felt, which is why Xin Mo was able to control him and not Bing-ge, but this anxiety comes from the love SQQ poured into him; he felt loved and then betrayed, while Bing-ge never felt truly loved. Sure, he had thousands of wives, but isn’t it obvious he’s just trying to fill a hole in his heart?
So what I’m saying, is that after Bing-ge saw what he could’ve had, he probably became more unstable and now he can only imagine how everything could’ve been if he had a nicer Shizun. Or what if he had brought that other SQQ to his side?? Would this hole in his heart be filled?
So! Leaving Bing-ge aside, let’s focus on SJ. Wouldn’t it be nice if he were to come back and reappear at Bing-mei’s world?? Just like BG came, why can’t he see this different world?
Bing-ge realizes he wants a Shizun of his own, and with whatever magic plant or blood or whatever he manages to bring SJ back (limbs attached and everything.) SJ is definitely surprised and scared, he doesn’t understand why he was brought back (possibly to get killed again, he thinks), he doesn’t trust Bing-ge at all, and why would he? But he’s weak from having been revived recently, so he can’t fight him, he can only be at his mercy. And Bing-ge is confused. He looks at him and sees all the damage they both gave each other, but he wants to try? If he can make his Shizun into a better one, like the one he missed, then maybe things could be good again. He doesn’t want to treat him better though, no, he wants to force his Shizun to treat him like the other one, but it’s not easy when SJ resists so much.
So, during this time where they’re both untrusting and confused, still hating each other, SJ arrives to the other world because Xin Mo opens a portal thanks to Bing-ge’s new instability. Also let’s say that because SJ is still weak he can’t come back quickly, he has to stay in that world for a while.
It’s such a shock for him, to see a world so similar to his own but, at the same time, completely alien. And it’s not just because the SQQ of this world is married to that horrid beast, which is an issue of his own. He can’t believe how different everything is. YQY is alive. “He” didn’t kill LQG. The peak lords are all alive and have a family-like relation. MF and NYY are healthy and are still his lovely disciples. “His” reputation is mostly intact, but he married LBH. Was that the variable? Them falling in love is what made this world completely dissimilar?
On the other hand, this world SQQ –SY– would be livid. He’d be scared at first, the original goods, the scum villain, came back. And sure, he understands him better than when he was only a reader, but still, he’s the man who tortured LBH to the point of transforming him into Bing-ge. So, once he understands what happened, oh how he’d chastise him! Why are you like this?! Why did you have to hurt him so bad?! SJ would chastise him back though. How could you fall in love with such a beast?
But Bing-mei? I don’t think he’d be able to hate him. He doesn’t know what exactly happened over there, he only knows that because his Shizun wasn’t around, the “he” from that other world became a playboy tyrant. This may be a different SQQ, but he’s still Shizun, he can’t treat him badly. SY would tell him not to trust him, but he can’t really explain how he knows so much. If Bing-mei ever finds out the truth –that this Shizun treated “him” so badly that made him become “that” and that that world’s LBH ended up assassinating him in the most horrible way– I don’t think he’d be able to hate SJ anyway. Instead, he’d hate Bing-ge even more. So what if SQQ hurt him? How could he do something like that to him? So, he’d make sure this other Shizun would be comfortable. He can’t change what happened over there, but he can show him that, in this world, he doesn’t hate him and would never hurt him.
Of course, SJ would be even more untrusting. The LBH from his world revived him and cured his wounds, and this one is cooking and caring for him. What is wrong with them?
But time passes, and he can’t help but start to feel comfortable. Even though he’s in the demon realm, he’s not in danger (other than from SY’s glares) and there’s a roof over his head and warm food on his table. He also has access to a library and music instruments, so he’s not bored either. Still he doesn’t understand, he thinks this just means he’ll fall worse later.
SY would hate it so much. He’s the one who disgraced LBH in pidw, how can Bing-Mei treat him so well? His food is meant to be only for him, why is he cooking for that other person too? He’s not jealous of course, but he simply can’t stand that he’s there. Why do they have to watch him? He knows he can’t just throw him away (he has his face and he can’t let him roam around, tarnishing his reputation), but why do they have to keep him there? He tries to leave him with SQH (he’s his ‘father’ after all, isn’t him?) but Bing-mei insists that it’s safer if he stays with them. SY can definitely see that SJ is having fun though.
But then, they decided to let him go to Cang Qiong mountain instead of SY. SY can rest and SJ can go see how his old sect is doing, and somehow SY decides that maybe having him around isn’t that bad, he can now spend more free time with his husband (not like he’d ever admit out loud.)
(Around this time Bing-mei decides to feed SJ his blood –he’s surprised Bing-ge didn’t do it already– but he lets the other man know it’s just so he can track where he is, he won’t do anything bad to him. SJ wasn’t even aware this was a thing until it’s too late, but since Bing-mei really doesn’t do anything bad, he simply accepts it.)
SJ goes together with SQH, who gets somehow blamed and roped into helping him in case someone gets suspicious. And they do, especially Qi-ge. They ask him why he’s there alone, did he fight with LBH? He’s never separated from him. And SJ, who still can’t accept that “he” is meant to be together with him, tells them off. (So they all think he definitely had a fight with him), but little by little they realize he’s… different. He seems like he forgot some things, he is wary around them, he kind of resembles his old self? But when they ask neither him nor SQH confirm it, so they can only wonder silently. SJ is somewhat happy that in this world he still has disciples like MF or NYY, but he can’t help but want to know what really happened. How did this world’s SQQ fell for LBH and viseversa.
(As an added, SQH is amazed to see the original villain. He didn’t know before about Bing/qiu meeting BG, so when he finds out, he’s overjoyed that his original sons exists anyway. He’s quite interested in hearing SJ’s story from his own mouth (to see if it’s the same as his own work) and I feel like SJ would be, at first, weirded out but later he’d like the attention and thus, a nice friendship between the two would start –much to SQQ’s chagrin–)
The first thing SJ does is finding ‘Resentment of Chunshan’ –which definitely do not help the case nor ease his worries– he knew LBH was a beast, but for him to act so shameless towards his own Shizun ??? He wants to kill him again and even feels bad for this world’s SQQ; until SQH explains that the author took some artistic liberties and that in real life things didn’t happen that way. Here either SQH tells him what happened or they go with Meng Mo for help (he’d be interested in why there are two SQQs so he’d help him in exchange for info, which he doesn’t get since SJ isn’t even sure why this happened.)
After finding out the whole truth SJ is sort of speechless. It seems like at the beginning everything was the same until suddenly SQQ started treating LBH better out of nowhere, and that simple action was what changed everything. Really? Only by showing some compassion it made the world so different? He realizes it was all SQQ. He doesn’t fail when helping LQG, he doesn’t go to sleep at the burdel, his relationship with YQY is pleasant. And so he realizes, he is the problem. And also the answer.
It truly shakes his world, but what can he do? He’s not SY, even if he tried, there’s no way he could’ve done the same, right? There’s simply no way he could fall for someone like LBH for starters, even if the beast had fallen for him first.
Still, he can’t help but want to see more into their relationship. SY still pushed Bing-mei into the endless abyss (just like he did), but it didn’t feel the same. Bing-mei still brought a lot of problems for SY, he preyed on him, he imprisoned him, but how come SY still died for LBH? What was his problem? Dying for an unfilial disciple. (It’s here where he sees the real power of the demonic blood). But the more he remembers what he saw in the dreamscape and compares it to the couple that live with him, he starts to understand. He doesn’t like it, he can’t feel like this world’s SQQ made a mistake, but seeing that his life wasn’t any better he realizes that maybe this is how things were supposed to be.
Then why does his world exist? Just to be proof that the worst could happen? Is his world simply a bad example? He decides that it’s no use to ponder about this. Even if things were meant to be like in this world, there’s no way he can change the past, nor does he wants to, he thinks. He can only accept his reality, enjoy this ephemeral opportunity he was given and maybe think how things could’ve been. If he has to be honest, this isn’t such a bad life.
Then at some point, months in maybe, when he’s already accepted his life there, Bing-ge finds a way to return to this world. Unknown to everybody, he freaked out when he saw with his own eyes how his Shizun was pulled into a different world. He spent months trying to find a way to get him back, only to find him in the same world he had visited some time before, the word that caused his instability, his need for a Shizun of his own and what brought him to get him back.
As soon as Bing-mei sees him he goes for the kill. Not only he played with SY last time, but he also hurt SJ so much. He can’t forgive him, so they fight again, and once again they are properly matched. SJ is in awe at their fight, and the fact they’re fighting over him, but once he sees how worried and terrified SY is when he sees Bing-ge attack Bing-mei, he finally understand completely. Whatever happened in the past it’s forgiven and forgotten, SY and Bing-mei are fated and in love, and he… he feels jealous. He’s not new to this feeling. He definitely understands it well, that’s what he originally felt towards Bing-ge. But where did that brought him? So he makes a choice.
He knows the match won’t stop until one dies or leaves, so he takes the decision to go back with Bing-ge. Both LBHs are surprised (while SY is silently overjoyed) by such choice. And this is kind of self indulgent, but before he leaves, I want SJ to kiss Bing-mei. He goes to say goodbye and just presses his lips over his. It’s so sudden that Bing-mei doesn’t have time to react, but SJ doesn’t want him to because he knows he’s not the one he wants. He just wanted to feel once how it was to be so close to the man who treated him so well. And then, he leaves. He and Bing-ge simply vanish.
After the initial shock, Bing-mei would be slightly sad. Was he not enough for SJ? How come he had to go back to the man who once killed him? Sure, he didn’t love him like he loves SY, but he cared for him, so it’s painful to have him leave. SY on the other hand is both grateful that the scum villain finally left, but also angry that he kissed his husband. It’s his husband, why did he have to do that? But once he sees Bing-mei sad, he can’t help but feel tender. He tells him that he doesn’t need to worry, even if Bing-ge is powerful, SJ is no longer weak and he probably can defend himself, I mean, is him right? Does LBH thinks so poor of this teacher? (SY knows SJ has no opportunity against Bing-ge but he can’t tell him that.) Bing-Mei feels better, but he feels even better when he finally realizes that SY had been jealous all this time. And so, he soon puts SJ in the back of his mind (but not totally forgotten!) to enjoy this new development of his husband.
Back to Bing/Jiu. When Bing-ge found out SJ was in that world he was surprised, but when he saw SJ kissing Bing-Mei he got mad, even if he accepted to go back with him, how come that other LBH got to have both Shizun for himself? Not only he’s sleeping with one, but he also stole SJ? He hadn’t even touched him yet, less alone kiss him. What right did he have? And he lets SJ know. He asks him if he enjoyed it? Screwing around with a taken man. Did that loser even learn already how to fuck? SJ is not having it though. Because of what he saw in the dreamscape he knows that Bing-ge had been there already, he saw him fool around with SY and knew the reason why he was brought back. So he fights back. Does you harem not satisfy you anymore? He was so jealous of the couple over there that had to bring him back and hope they could be the same. It’s obvious they won’t though, and this is something they both know well.
But what else is there then? SJ is already recovered and could try to fight his way out and leave; but he doesn’t. He demands Bing-ge to bring him dinner and goes to the place he was allowed to sleep. Of course Bing-ge can’t believe his audacity, but when he finds out that he’s got demonic blood inside him –and that SJ is well aware of its abilities– but still chooses to stay, he takes a step back. They’re unsure what to do, but maybe it wouldn’t be bad to cook for him once? He definitely can do it better than that loser over there. (Before this he hadn’t cook for him, he had some of the girls do it instead.)
And so, they continue a weird dynamic for several days: Bing-ge cooks for him and SJ doesn’t leave. Until one day when BG brings him dinner, and just before he leaves, SJ asks him to stay for a minute. And then, SJ he kisses him. He doesn’t know exactly why. He doesn’t like this Bing-ge, other than his physique and cooking abilities, there’s nothing good about him; but it’s a thought he’s had for a while, so he goes ahead. Bing-ge is as surprised as Bing-mei was back then, but that doesn’t stay like that for long because moments later he’s slamming him into the table, kissing him deeply and already fumbling with their clothes to get rid of them. SJ complains about his roughness and about the wasted food, but he doesn’t stop him.
And so, just like that their relationship becomes physical. Neither of them is in love, they don’t yearn or pin for the other, but it’s enough to fill the hole in their hearts for now.
And they both become bolder. Bing-ge conditions SJ that if he’s good and behaves, he’ll maybe be able to bring back some of the peak lords, but he has to stay with him or he’ll kill them again. SJ doesn’t mind if he does or doesn’t (though he does yearn a bit for YQY). Bing-ge also starts seeing his harem less and less, until he spends almost all his time with SJ. SJ complains that he’s too clingy and can’t have time alone, but he’s secretly overjoyed. He even goes and flaunts it in the harem’s faces. And though he wants them to leave them alone (he’s now okay with being with the beast, but having to share him with thousand of women is… not his thing), he also remembers how good NYY was over there, how LMY was a respected cultivator, how all these girls were not useless, so he pushes them into leaving and doing something for themselves. What a bunch of trophy wives! Over there the girls actually had a spine! They fought and had their own ambitions. You, though? You can only follow a beast. He definitely sees the irony in his words, but this is a life he decided for himself, so it’s okay.
And then it’s only them. Are they in love just like the Bing/qiu from that other world? Of course not, that’s impossible. Can everything be deleted and can they change? Most likely not, but they can pretend it’s forgiven and forgotten. And are they happy? Who knows. They feel their hearts filling those holes, but it’s most likely out of necessity and not actually something they wanted. But, so what? It’s enough for them. They finally have something to hold to, so they’ll take it.
(Btw! They definitely use the demonic blood when they have sex! Bing-ge is experienced and he’ll use all his knowledge and SJ won’t be able to reject him.)
Also, side note that would kind of make another huge post, but at some point they find a way to go back to that world and have a foursome with Bing/qiu. How? 🤷🏻‍♀️ who cares, it just happens.
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kokorobloom · 6 years
GOT7 Fan-fic. Rec.
 So, since I’ve read like 80% of fics in the Got7 fandom, I though I’d do a fic rec, to help you (potential reader) and so that I finally can have a list of my favorite fics. These are not all the fics I’ve read, just the first ones that came to my mind. Also most of it consist of JJP, but I will add more pairings as I go! This list is not yet complete, I’m working on completing it, it just takes a lot of time to search for these fics. None of these fics are mine, all credits go to the amazing authors! The only things that are mine, are the little reviews after each fic! Good read! :)
M = Mature / Explicit W = Trigger Warning ♡ = fave
                                           !still under editing!
Jaebum / Jinyoung
* M - Anteroom by minhyukie
Summary: How do you act around your ex with your child in the other room? It’s been almost a year and a half, and Jinyoung has yet to figure it out.
Review: soooo goood!! It’s extremely angsty but its so worth it! The growth of the character is portrayed really well, the side characters are awesome and such an important part of everything, I loved it so much! Also kid!yugyeom is always a plus! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - Jaebum’s Color Theory by pepijr
Summary: Jinyoung is a film studies professor trying to get promoted and Jaebum does his best to help.
Review: Alright, in this one Jaebum is the cutest but dumbest human being. Like he’s really dense but it’s so on point and it’s so lovable it’s unreal. Everything is perfect about this one.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
*M - Meet The Parents by pepijr
Summary: Jinyoung loves Jaebum, and Jaebum loves him back, but a single note makes him question everything.
Review: It’s a continuation of Jaebum’s Color Theory, thank god the author has decided to bless us with more of this universe! It’s still ongoing but it’s just as good as the first one if not better! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - The Park Family Recipe by pepijr
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung meet after six years with a lot more baggage than they remember.
Review: Another single dad!Jinyoung au (well kinda, Hyunjin is his little brother but he takes care of him). Jinyoung has a lot of problems but orphan!Jaebum is ready to fight for the family he choose. 
*M - bdsm quiz by okjb
Summary: jjp take a bdsm quiz and come to some interesting self-discoveries
Review: this one is pure smut lol
*M - Nora’s Dairies by pepijr
Summary: In which Nora makes sure that Jinyoung and Jaebum meet in every life.
Review: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - Take All Of Me by fishcake
Summary: It has bothered Jaebum since the day he could comprehend it.
Review: We need more omega!Jaebum in our life. ♡♡
* M - bloom by subsequence
Summary: Jaebum may have learned to accept his role as future king, but accepting this new role — the thought makes him sick to his stomach.If he could have, Jaebum would have chosen any other way to present as an omega.(Or: Omegaverse Arranged Marriage AU featuring Princes!JJP and a cast of loudmouth extras.)
Review: So good???? Like this one is right up my ally, I just fucking love everything about this one. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read it. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* M - Playboy by comingbacktoyou
Summary: Jaebum's intentions are obvious. Jinyoung doesn't get the hint.
Review: HOLY HOLY OH MY. Jaebum is a producer who's desperate for dick, Jinyoung is a new artist acting all prude bUT JUST WAIT FOR IT. Cute Markson in the bg. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* M - The Tiger and the Duke by foxxing
Summary: Im Jaebum is the richest man in the country under forty, content to mess around and skirt the headlines as a cutthroat businessman and casual playboy. Park Jinyoung is a graduated English Literature major, content with (in Jackson's words) his boring life working at a restaurant and writing poetry. When their worlds collide over a spilled cup of coffee, Jinyoung learns there's a lot more to life than the secrets of his past and the safety of library books.
Review: This one is literally a JJP classic. Long af but sooo worth the read. The characters really just grow on you, even if they are dumb af sometimes :( also GREAT SMUT
* M - Wilder by Sugarbowl
Summary: Newly graduated, Jinyoung is determined to try new things. New parties, new boys, and when Mark asks for a favor, even volunteering as a counselor at summer camp. But new experiences can get complicated, and he quickly finds himself a little out of his depth.
Review: Another classic. I live for the sex scene in at the end. Jaebum is confused and doesn't know how to stand up for himself and Jinyoung is jealous af but also kind of insecure. But they make a great pair together :'). ALSO great smut (!), awesome Markson and cute af Yugbam plus a bunch of great Kpop cross overs (!!).
* M - Charade by Sugarbowl
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung walk parallel paths in many ways, but Jaebum isn't interested in their intersection. Jaebum struggles to support his young son on his own, while everything seems to come easy for wealthy, charming Jinyoung. But when they're forced to partner for a project, Jaebum finds himself a bit more willing, and much more in need.
Review: Another great fic by Sugarbowl. It's still ongoing but this fic is so beautiful. Both Jaebum's and Jinyoung's feelings are portrayed extremely well and the way they come together is beautiful. Plus kid!Yugyeom is adorable. ♡♡
* M - Citation by KingJackson
Summary: When the one book he needs for an important term paper has to remain in the campus library, Jinyoung catches the eye of Jaebum, a library assistant.
Review: Another classic. Jinyoung is dumb af in this fic, I literally was on the verge of screaming while reading this. But luckily Jaebum is soft af, so everything works out in the end :DD Great smut is always a plus! ♡
* M - Flux by foxxing
Summary: Jinyoung doesn't love him back.
an AU where jaebum and jinyoung have been best friends for their entire lives, and where jaebum has always been irrevocably in love with him but somehow, jinyoung just doesn't seem to get it.
Review: Another fic that makes me scream. LIKE SERIOUSlY WTF. My heart ached so much during this fic :( But as always everything works out but man, this was an emotional ride for me. ♡
* M - Compas Calling by Sugarbowl
Summary: Prince Jinyoung is destined for a lifetime of luxury, until he's shoved in a trunk and accidentally abducted. Im Jaebum clawed his way out of poverty to captain a pirate ship and... not much else, actually. Jinyoung could be his first real treasure, if Jaebum could just figure out how holding someone for ransom actually works.
* M - A certain Romance by foxxing
Summary: By day, he's a top-rated babysitter. By weekends he's an x-rated escort. These things are generally kept separate, until the day his weekend regular gets his phone number by recommendation and calls for an emergency babysitter. The problem is that Jaebum doesn't know that Junior the escort is also Jinyoung the babysitter.
In which Jaebum and Jinyoung know each other in the biblical sense but maybe want to get to know each other, too.
Review: okay this fic is like really hot and kid!yugyeom is back at it with being adorable :')♡♡
* Unless by gotchick
Summary: jaebum had always been mark's best friend, while jinyoung was mark's kid brother. (high school au)
Review: Really cute au, the progress of growing up is portrayed well and realistically. (Spoiler! Honestly I live for the scene where JB throws a pillow on Jinyoung's surprise boner to save him :'DD )
* M - Wildcat by foxxing
Summary: No one really talks about it, but it's a well known secret that Jaebum’s real vice is racing cars. Dangerous and incredibly illegal, street racing is the one thing Jaebum is good at (besides being the nation’s first pain in the ass) and has never been caught for. How he does it, nobody knows: Jaebum's been caught for drugs, for stealing, for fighting, but it seems like the one thing the police can never pin him down for is the one thing he loves the most.
He represents everything that Jinyoung can't stand, and Jinyoung hates him.
Review: this is some A+++++ smut right here. ♡
* W - the grandfather paradox by symmetrophobic
Summary: Jaebum locks himself in a cyclic normalcy of work, home, life, and the two people he now loves most in the world- his husband Jinyoung and six-year-old son Yugyeom. So when a mysterious teenager shows up in his life and messes all that up, to say that he's just a little displeased by the change would be an understatement. But Jaebum soon discovers there's more to this quiet, truthful boy than meets the eye, and knows that he has just about four days to find out why.
Review: Amazing fic, but my heart hurts so bad :(((((((((
* M - Prove it by Got7hearts
Summary: For as long as he can remember Jaebum has always been there, protecting him and taking care of him like the big brother he never had so what happens when Jaebum is pronounced an alpha and Jinyoung an omega and the air between the two suddenly shifts.
Review: Great A/B/O fic and hot af smut!
* Of duchebags and pretty boys by schoetheisrealaf
Summary:  "Dear Dog Biscuit, Since you seem unable to understand the sign that clearly indicates that this parking space is to be exclusively used by the staff of this facility, I’ll kindly explain it to you again: Until you’re an employee of the state who works his ass off for society only to get shit wages and the worst working hours you CAN’T USE THIS PARKING LOT, SO FUCK OFF! Apart from that, have a nice day. PS.: I hope you don’t have sex for a year. :)"
You steal my parking spot all the time and I was just heading out to leave a strongly worded note under your windshield wiper but oh no you're hot AU Starring Jinyoung the kindergarten teacher and Jaebum the (arrogant yet dorky) business man
* M - lagoon by gotchick
Summary: in elegant terms, jaebum is jinyoung's sponsor. in inelegant terms, he's jinyoung's sugar daddy.
* M - Walls of Glass by hakka is_shadow, katamari
Summary: The city's social structure is firm and unyielding--Alphas at the top, Betas in the middle, and Omegas as pliant, broken servants to the Alphas. When Im Jaebum, the heir of an old Alpha family suddenly finds his social position flipped, he's thrown into a world of intrigue, deceit, and as the very unwilling servant to an even more unwilling Park Jinyoung.
* Come Soflty (to Me)  by Sugarbowl
Summary: Jinyoung is new in town, and Jaebum is trouble. 50's AU
* M - Spoor by maledict
Summary: It wasn’t odd, to present so late, but that wasn’t the problem.
Review: I don't like to read canon fics, but this one was a great one.
* an apple a day by moonlikeyou
Summary: Doctor Park Jinyoung, star of Seoul Medical Centre's paediatric department, is used to being treated by nothing less than starry-eyed adoration and respect. So, its no surprise that when Im Jaebum, a surgeon with maddeningly pretty twin moles, kicks him out of "his" operating room, Jinyoung gets a little mad.
Okay, maybe more than a little mad. But it's all Im Jaebum's fault anyway.
* M - Taint Me by Got7hearts
Summary: Jinyoung is seventeen when he falls in love with Jaebum, who is eight years older than him.
Review: Jaebum with piercing. That's it. ♡♡
*M - This Christmas (I'll give you my heart) by schoetheisrealaf
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung have a fight at the supermarket in the morning. Jaebum and Jinyoung find out they're arranged to be married in the evening. Jaebum and Jinyoung fall in love, but only in time.
Shouting match over the last Christmas goose at the grocery store AU
Review: This is super cute. Best while listening to Confession. :'3
* M - Smoke and Mirrors by hakkais_shadow
Summary: This was not the birthday present that Im Jaebum was expecting...
Review: Mafia au and hot af smut... ♡♡
* M - I Don't Fucking Care (At All) by wonwoozi
Summary: “Your boyfriend’s hot when he plays.” Jackson mumbles to him as he slips an arm behind Jinyoung, hand finding purchase on the edge of the wooden bartop, his fingers gripping the ribbed edge.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” Jinyoung replies instinctively and gives Jackson a routine jab to the ribs. “And that’s my line, by the way.” He adds as his eyes trail over to Mark, sat behind the drumkit with his face trained into a concentrated smirk, smashing every beat perfectly, hair positively dripping with sweat.
“Not my boyfriend either.”
* M - keep me warm by subsequence
Summary: The problem is that Jaebum...isn't a cat. At least, not entirely. God, sometimes Jinyoung wishes it were that easy, wishes he could just leave out a bowl of food and water and maybe get his laptop keyboard used as a napping spot when he was supposed to be working and have a simple owner-pet relationship.Instead, Jinyoung has a romantic entanglement bordering on codependency and the worst case of blue balls he’s ever had.And Mark had said that getting a cat hybrid would be good for his blood pressure. What a joke.
Review: Another amazing work from subsequence. Every time I read the part where Jaebum swats at Jinyoung’s dick, I just can't stop laughing. :’DD♡♡♡♡
*M - Human Nature by cutiepiemarkeu
Summary: Jaebum accidentally summons an incubus and his boyfriend Jinyoung walks in on the two of them almost getting their freak on. Arguments ensue and JJProject are stuck with an incubus they can’t get rid of - but how do they deal with his attractiveness and the overwhelming urge to have sex with him?
Review: This is a 3-some featuring Mark. But the smut is so good, honestly. Really worth the read. ♡♡♡♡♡
Mark / Jackson
* The Prince Who Never Laughed by seitsemannen
Summary: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, lived a beautiful and kind prince named Mark, who after his mother's loss never laughed again. That was until he met the brightly smiling apprentice of a glassblower, Jackson Wang.
Review: Such a great and quality fic! Honestly, this was such a good read I can only recommend it! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* Twist by KingJackson
Summary: Mark knows Jinyoung. Jinyoung knows Jackson. Jackson hooks up with Jinyoung who also hooks up with Mark. Mark goes to hook up with Jinyoung and ends up also sleeping with Jackson. Jackson sometimes hooks up with Jaebum, but that isn’t important right now.
And they say romance is dead.
Review: All right so this fic is one hell of a mess, but a mess sent straight from heaven! The main pairing is Markson and Markjin (it's complicated) but there's end game Markson and JJP, plus Jackson is an angel sent from heaven in this one! Don't let the pairing discourage from reading this gem! ♡
* Private Show by Got7hearts
Summary: Mark likes to put on a show and Jackson loves to watch until he's been caught.
Review: A+ smut.
* M - lapis lazuli by gotchick
Summary: in which mark is a businessman and jackson is a fencer.
Review: great fic with rich kinda arrogant but kinda insecure mark plus lots of smut!
* M - Playhouse by seitsemannen
Summary: All sorts of rumours surround the handsome Wang heir and the good-looking servants of his household, but no one seemed to know for sure, as no matter the price, the members were not willing to give the secrets of their Master up.
Mark doesn't care for celebrities or rumours, except the one that says the Wang household pays several times more than the usual servant's salary, so when there's a job opening at the House, he goes for it. In the days and weeks spent at the House, Mark gets to know the members and finds out what of the ludicrous rumours were true and what weren’t. What he did not know to expect, however, is how good friends he would become with the other members of the House, and what’s worse, that he would fall in love with Jackson Wang.
Review: THE BEST. Multiple pairing but mostly Markson. Still ongoing but sooooo worth the read. also, long af. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* never felt clean, your timing was perfect by jflawless
Summary: i. jackson is five years old when he’s convinced he’s discovered the secret to love. it’s not much of a secret, he thinks, watching his parents exchange blatant “i love you”s only to quietly prove it later in subtle actions.
you like someone. you’re nice to them. they like you too. it’s the simplest thing he’ll ever do, he thinks, falling in love. a lot easier than tying his shoes or adding double digits or reading without his mom there to pronounce the really long words.
Jaebum / Jackson
* Just Smile Again by riots
Summary: Jackson's been lowkey nursing this crush for years, but he never meant for Jaebum to ever find out. Mark and Jinyoung have other ideas. Also, they're terrible friends.
* Face by jibootyjimin
Summary: @defsoul has started following @jiaerwang
(or an Instagram au in which famous Chinese rapper Jackson Wang acts like a complete fanboy over idol singer Im Jaebum)
Review: ♡♡
*Secret Little Rendezvous by seikou
Summary: "It's all fun and games until your favorite idol notices you."
(or: Im Jaebum is an Idol and Jackson Wang is a Fanboy.)
Review: ♡♡
* Fluffy Tales by wildandsexy
Summary: Jackson Wang’s Definitive List of Things Im Jaebum, Roommate, Cat Hybrid and Grump Extraordinaire Does and Does Not Like:
DOES LIKE: • Hoodies • The one table on the library’s second floor by the big window (direct sunlight all morning) (it’s basically heaven on Earth) • Nap time (usually at 11am) (and 12pm) (and 1pm) (and 2pm) (and 3pm)…
DOES NOT LIKE: • Waking up • Being awake in general • Not being asleep • Jackson Wang
Jackson Wang's new roommate doesn't even hate him. He 'nothings' him. And that's just something that Jackson can't live with.
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claroquequiza · 7 years
if you were to write a story about gencio or genji/sombra, what would you think that story would entail? like what story elements would be present, if it would be a serious and long fic or a simple and short one? would they be front and center or in the bg? after catching up to Afterdrop, i've been so attached to your characterization of everyone in the story(especially hanzo and mercy!) that i'm curious as to what your approach would be on tackling those two genji ships!
As for Genji and Lúcio–I think any story of mine for them would be fairly sweet, no matter its length. They’d fall into a friendship fairly easily, I think, and any “drama” would be centered on Genji’s lingering doubts about his capacity to love. His days as a playboy make him think his sense of romance is either non-existent or buried under a shallow desire for physical pleasure that he may not be capable of unearthing. Plus, now that he’s mending, he finds himself craving some of the pleasures of his youth, but he mistrusts his ability to moderate himself.
Lúcio, on the other hand, tends to run himself ragged from trying to take care of too many people all at once by defeating Vishkar and helping the disenfranchised of Brazil. He finds solace in concentrating on the people around him every once in a while, including a certain cyborg who he just knows would kill it on the dance floor. 
Lúcio encourages Genji to go out for a night on the town, and Genji agrees by laughingly making Lúcio his chaperone or designated driver or sponsor or something. Lúcio takes his role seriously, picking the venue carefully and keeping track of Genji as he goes clubbing for the first time since…
And Genji enjoys it. A lot. But more surprisingly, the best part is the companionship…
(Genji asks Hanzo for relationship advice for the first time ever)
“…why me?!” asked Hanzo, baffled. “Surely Ms. Oxton or Ms. Song would be better able to assist you.”
Genji rubbed the back of his head, ruffling the hair and making it stick up in all directions. “Nobody knew McCree liked woodcarving. Nobody. Not Jack, not Fareeha, not even Ana. Nobody would have guessed he would cry over a chisel for his birthday. I need that power.”
“You wish to make Mr. dos Santos cry? A terrible gift will accomplish that just as well as a good one,” his brother deadpanned with a small smirk.
“You ass,” hissed Genji, punching Hanzo’s shoulder lightly. “I’m trying to be serious here.”
Hanzo fixed him with a severe look, which Genji was familiar enough with. He sighed. When would Hanzo learn to dial back the intensity a little? He had hoped that as their relationship improved and Hanzo settled in that he would learn to moderate himself a little, but Hanzo never did seem to do anything by halves.
Which made it a surprise when Hanzo’s face softened, his lips curving up into a small, almost secretive smile. “You are serious,” he murmured, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth.
“Uh,” was Genji’s intelligent reply.
Hanzo laughed, a short, huffed thing, but a laugh nonetheless. He gingerly clapped a hand on Genji’s shoulder, and his eyes almost seemed to shine.
Genji was increasingly terrified.
“Little brother–” and why was Hanzo’s voice so thick, like he was trying to hold back his emotions, but in a normal person kind of way?! “–you might not have my ‘power’, but I do not think you need it. Simply give it some thought, and the gift you think of will more than suffice. I found out about Jesse’s hobby by mere observation, and mere observation tells me this: he will love whatever you get him.” Another pat on the shoulder, and Hanzo was powerwalking away, disappearing out of the common room.
Genji stared after him. What the hell?!
(ask for Gencio, get a bonding moment between the brothers, what the hell indeed)
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xe-company · 2 years
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WELCOME TO THE CASE TOUR is the first and currently only tour done by the boy group GHOOSTS. The tour was a mix of a meet & greet and a tour put together. It was originally planned for the tour to have a few international dates; though it would stay a mainly Asia-heavy tour. But due to some issues with passports and other required documents it was kept in a few countries around Asia. The tour started in Seoul, South Korea on February 27th, 2023 and ended in Khabarovsk, Russia on May 15th, 2023. Two shows were cancelled due to severe weather and safety regulations respectively. 
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Setlist(s): [X]
Language versions vary depending on the place of the tour date
Sites to Buy Tickets: Ticketmaster + XECOMPANY website
Start Date: FEBRUARY 27TH, 2023
End Date: MAY 15TH, 2023
NO. of shows: 25 Planned/Scheduled
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0 notes
xe-company · 2 years
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - At NEEDLE&THRONE with Heeyoung.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - At NEEDLE&THRONE with Heeyoung.
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THE BABY // Yong Hee-Young [YUI]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - At NEEDLE&THRONE with Meeyon.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Working a shift at DEAD AIR.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Ran into Meeyon + Heeyoung at NEEDLE&THRONE.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Was having drinks with Charlie at SOJU’S.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Study session with Junghee at THE BOOK EXCHANGE.
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THE PRODIGY // Yoshikawa Miwa [MARGOT]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - At the music room at RED TEAR ACADEMY.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Playing games at ARCADE ESCAPE.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Watching a movie at THE MOVIE HOUSE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Met up with Hachiro at OPEN ROOM MOTEL.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 -Was having drinks with Tsuki at SOJU’S.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Was at a family dinner at YENSHUI APARTMENTS. 
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NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Playing games at ARCADE ESCAPE.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Showing a movie at THE MOVIE HOUSE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Watching movie marathon he rented from VHS with Hiro + Heeyoung.
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THE WRITER // Oshita Hiroki [HIRO]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Writing at CHERRY BLOSSOM.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Watching movie marathon he rented from VHS with Seokwoo + Heeyoung.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Went to the BLACK BOOK STUDIOS with Hachiro.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Working a shift at BLACK CANVAS.
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THE GOLDEN BOY // Min Jung-Hee [MJ]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Studying at THE BOOK EXCHANGE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Visiting extended family out of the city.
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THE RUNAWAY // Nakatani Hachiro [HACHIRO]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Went to the BLACK BOOK STUDIOS with Jihoon.
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NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Playing games at ARCADE ESCAPE.
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THE NEW KID // Kang Chanhee [CHANI]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Was with Junghee at THE BOOK EXCHANGE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Was at DEAD AIR.
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CREDIT NOTE: The divider was from a tumblr account I can’t find atm I’ll re-credit after I find them, so credit to them as I didn’t make it!
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0 notes
xe-company · 2 years
0 notes
xe-company · 2 years
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SUMMARY: THE NARCISSIST / YANG MEEYON is called into an interview about her whereabouts on the days of ‘THE INCIDENT’. 
MAIN CHARACTER(S): THE NARCISSIST [🦋] and a Lead Investigator [🔎]. 
WARNINGS: Just bad writing lmao None(?) [pls let me know if there are any you believe would be !!]
[The pressing of a tape recorder is the only sound in the room besides the beep indicating the session was being recorded.
[🔎]: “This conversation will be recorded, are you alright with that?”
[🦋]: “There’s not much of a choice, is there?”
[The detective made a small chuckle.]
[🔎]: “In some sense, you do. You have some rights that I’m sure you’re aware of. But I just want to ask you some questions, alright?.”
[The girl lightly nods her head. The detective sits across from her.]
[🔎]: “Where were you on NOVEMBER 16TH and 17TH?”
[THE NARCISSIST hesitated for a few seconds as she looked away from him.]
[🦋]: “I was with HEEYOUNG at NEEDLE & THRONE.”
[🔎]: “For both days?”
[🦋]: “Yes, there was great sales that we couldn’t miss those days.”
[🔎]: “Would you say that you have a lot of friends around the city?”
[She tilts her head and gives a small chuckle.]
[🦋]: “Sure, they’re more like my followers though. But everyone wants to be my friend. That’s what comes with being popular.”
[🔎]: “Really? You and the rest of your group of friends seem close though, are you not?”
[🦋]: “Of course we are. We all went to school together somehow and share mutual friends.” [She smiles.]
[🔎]: “So, you would say that you all were friends with PARK HAEWON? She was apart of your friend group too right?”
[She looked at him as her smile slightly falters.]
[🔎]: In fact you all must have been so worried for her when she disappeared, right? 
[She opened her mouth—]
[🔎]: What do you think happened to her?
[🦋]: You could say she was, but we all had different opinions about her. As for what happened to her, we have no idea. [She leant back in her chair while maintaining eye contact.]
[He hummed and there was a moment of silence. After a few seconds, she spoke with in a tone of annoyance—]
[🦋]: Can I go now? I need to go home at some point to sleep. 
[🔎]: Thank you for your time Ms. Yang. If you remember anything or find something you know where to find me. 
[The last sound after the movement of the chair and the opening and closing of the door is the clicking of the recorder’s buttons.]
0 notes
xe-company · 2 years
0 notes